Growth Spurt Pt. 12


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And without much hesitation, she almost ran to me and knelt before me. I placed the collar on her and gifted her with the same necklace the other ladies had. I had her stand and I kissed her deeply. When I broke the kiss, I looked down and I saw Alyssa smiling and crying. I then noticed all the ladies acting the same way. I then told them that they could all stand and Laura and I were engulfed by everyone in one huge hug.

We all headed into the kitchen then, where a veritable feat awaited us. (I always wanted to say that.) Alyssa had informed us of all her mother's favorites and took it from there. I watched as she took a bit of control and all the ladies followed her without question.

Laura said, "Oh wow! I thought tonight was just going to be our usual Friday night dinner! Alyssa being he, the collar and now this! I'm going to be an emotional wreck!"

Alyssa kissed her mom on the cheek and said, "Mom this was all James, but he had me do the menu. We all pitched in and did the cooking. The two things I knew we had to have was the sweet potato gratin that you love and cheesecake for dessert. Keegan made the cheesecake and it looks delicious!"

Keegan beamed and said, "Thank you! It's my first one, so remember this when you have a slice!"

We all sat down, Alyssa on my left and Laura on my right. Before we started to eat, I wanted to propose a toast.

"Ladies, please raise your glasses to our newest household member and your new sister in love, Laura. You all make me incredibly happy and Laura is definitely no exception. Plus she also created the most wonderful, most perfect woman in the world in my precious Alyssa."

I paused a moment and dug into my pocket for the small box and then dropped to one knee. Everyone around the table gasped and Alyssa whispered, "Oh my God..."

"Alyssa, while I am surrounded by many women who love me deeply, women I love just as deeply, you are the one who makes my heart soar. I knew the moment I saw you that we were meant to be. When you accepted how we all live our lives here in this house, I knew then you would be my wife. And with tonight, knowing your own mother is now bound to me with her collaring, you were by my side willing and eager to have it done. You are my soul mate. I love you from the stars and back. Would you marry me?

"YES!!!!! Oh God, YES!!!"

I placed the ring on her finger, got up, and she flung herself at me so hard I nearly tumbled back. The table erupted in cheers. Alyssa kissed me deeper than she ever has and I returned it.

Best. Night. Ever.

At that point, dinner was more of an afterthought. In between stuffing our faces, all the ladies started planning our wedding for us. I finally had to put a stop to it. It was important for me that Alyssa finished college, so any wedding date was least 2 years away. That slowed some of the talk down, but not all of it.

The rest of the weekend went as planned. The playroom and dungeon were used extensively the entire time and there wasn't much sleep. One of the best moments was watching Laura and Alyssa 69ing. We all paused a moment to watch. Seeing Alyssa grabbing her mom's ass to pull her closer to her mouth, while her engagement ring sparkled made me smile broadly.

After that weekend, Laura made plans to move in with us. It made the most sense, but she was keeping her house. She couldn't decide if she wanted to use it as rental property or listing it as a vacation rental on a popular site. So by March, Laura had officially moved in and things were awesome.

When Alyssa came home from college in the summer, I decided that she and I would sleep alone most nights. We decided to use the Murphy bed in the playroom as ours. The ladies were disappointed, of course, but understood. Everyone knew changes were coming. We all needed to figure out how things would work once Alyssa and I were married, but we had a couple of years to do that.

As the summer wore on, we got it all worked out. Alyssa and I agreed that we couldn't just break it all apart, so we started splitting the beds, but she I would always be together no matter what. Some evenings one or two of the ladies would join us for the evening, other times we'd join everyone in the big bed in the master bedroom, and on a couple of nights it was just us. It really worked out well and everyone was incredibly happy. Even Terri joined us, but she only slept with mom alone.

And then it happened. The event that forever changed us as a family.

It was a typical Saturday in August. Bright sunshine, hot as fuck, just a gorgeous day basically. It was Keegan and Delia's turn to do the grocery shopping, but Alyssa joined them as well. One the way home it happened. The light turned green and the car ahead of them proceeded through the intersection and they followed, but they didn't make. A drunk driver ran the stop light and T-boned them on the driver's side. They were hit so hard that the car spun around twice and ended up on the other side of the street. Thankfully traffic had stopped, so no more damage was done.

All three of them were taken to the hospital, Delia being the worse off since she was the driver. Once we arrived at the hospital, it was hell trying to find out any information since we were not "officially" family. Laura was on duty when she found out about the accident and she lead the charge then. From that point on we had no problems.

Terri arrived in a blaze of sirens and lights and ran into the waiting room. We told her what happened and she left to make some phone calls. The a doctor came into the waiting room.

He said, "Are all of you here for the accident victims?"

I stood up and said, "Yes we are, what's happening? Are they ok??? No one will tell us anything!"

"Ok, first of all Ms. Keegan O'Malley sustained a severe concussion, a broken leg, and a broken nose from when the airbag deployed. She's going to be laid up for awhile, but she should recover over time. She may require some physical therapy. Ms. Alyssa Denton..."

Laura rushed forward, in tears, and asked, "How's my baby, Dr. Burton?"

"OH! Laura, I didn't realize that she was your daughter. Well, she's fine for the part. Being in the back seat and wearing a seat belt probably saved her life and any severe injuries. She, too, has a concussion, as well as a broken arm. She'll spend the night for observation, but she'll probably be discharged in the morning."

Laura exhaled deeply, very relieved.

I asked, "And Delia, Doctor?"

"Ms. Johnson is in quite a bit of trouble. Multiple fractures, especially in her left leg, a punctured lung, a lacerated spleen, and we suspect there might be a brain bleed. She's in surgery right now, but I must warn you that it doesn't look good. We're doing everything we can. If anything changes, I or one of the staff will let you know."

And with that he walked away. I turned back to the ladies and they were all in tears, as was I. How the fuck can this happen?? Terri rejoined us and we told her what we knew so far. She was just as broken up as the rest of us and mom was holding on to her to keep herself steady.

Terri then said, "Ok, I know the people who will be involved in the investigation. The driver who hit our girls is on the way to this hospital as we speak. Minor scrapes and scratches, but extremely drunk or high on drugs, they're not sure. A breathalyzer and drug test has been ordered once she arrives. She's so out of it, she can barely talk."

Through gritted teeth I said, "I want to see her."

"James, believe me, I understand that, but I cannot allow it. Right now, in your condition and emotional state, you can make matters far worse. Let my people do what they need to do. I'll be there to make sure there absolutely no fuck ups. I want this bitch to pay, too, you know. Just trust me."

"All right, but at some point, I want to be alone with her. I want her to suffer."

"I make no promises, but I'll see what I can do. Just not here and not today."

I reluctantly agreed and we all sat down for what was going to be a long wait. Laura wrapped her arms around me and started to cry softly. Andrea leaned in and held me as well. Mom and Terri comforted each other.

For the next 2 arduous hours, we heard nothing, finally a nurse came out to us and said that we could see both Keegan and Alyssa. And we all walked very quickly to their room. Laura had made sure that they'd be together in one room.

When we got there, Keegan was so drugged up on painkillers, she barely recognized us. I rushed over the Alyssa and pulled her into my arms, crying.

"Ouch! James, careful, I'm one big bruise. How's Delia? They won't tell me anything!"

I kissed her first and then told her everything we knew.

I said, "The cops have the bitch who hit you. She was either drunk or high, they don't know which one, but she completely out of it."

"Good. Ow. My arm. Man, this fucking sucks. I'm glad it's my left arm though, I can still write and use a mouse then."

Despite everything, I laughed at her attempt at a joke.

I said, "I love you so much, I would be devastated if anything happened to you. HEY! Where's your ring???"

"Oh my God, I never realized.... I hope someone in the ER has it with all my stuff!"

Laura came over, after hearing the conversation, and said, "I'll check with Amy, she's charge of the nurses in the ER. I'll make sure you get it back, baby. How are you??"

"I'm fine, mom. Just sore. Got a bit of a headache and I'm kinda sleepy, too."

"Well, we'll let you sleep then. Come on, Master. She needs her rest. I'm working until 8:00 tonight, so I'll visit you when I can."

I kissed Alyssa one more time and said I loved her again, then turned to leave. We checked on Keegan who was out like a light. The ladies tried to hold a conversation with her, but got nothing but gibberish out of her. I said that it might be a good idea to grab something to eat since we were still waiting on news about Delia.

An hour later, after having the worst food in the world, we were back in the waiting room. I couldn't sit still, so I kept pacing like a caged animal. My emotions fluctuated between anxiety and anger. I was going to make that bitch pay for what she did, she was going to wish she had never met me.

Finally, after another 2 hours of waiting, Dr. Burton re-appeared, but you could tell it wasn't good news.

He said, "All right, she's out of surgery. The damage was far more extensive than they initially thought. They removed her spleen, but she also had a some additional internal bleeding, which caused further issues during the surgery. They were able to repair the damage, but she lost a lot of blood in the process. They were able to relieve the pressure from her brain bleed with little difficulty, thankfully, and her lung has been repaired and reinflated. Finally, they've stabilized her leg for now, but she'll need to have a separate surgery to repair it. She'll probably walk with a limp for the rest of her life. The most troublesome part is that she's in a coma. It's not entirely unexpected, her body went through a very traumatic experience. The next few hours are crucial. She's in the ICU currently."

I asked, "When can we see her?"

"Usually I'd say tomorrow, but, under the circumstances and because I know Laura, ONE of you may go see her briefly."

I said, "I'll go. I'll be back shortly, everyone."

Laura said, "I'm coming with. I work here, so I won't be stopped."

Dr. Burton said, "Fine. Just do not stay for long. No more than 5 minutes."

He turned and walked away. Laura grabbed my hand and showed me the way to the ICU.

When we got there, my heart stopped.

The woman who laid in that hospital bed, the woman who I lost my virginity to, looked incredibly fragile. Tubes everywhere, it looked like she was covered head to toe in bandages, and she was on a ventilator. Never before had I felt so helpless. Laura grabbed me to lend support as I burst into tears.

All I could say was, "Oh Delia..."

One of the nurses came up to us to let us know that our time was up. I was too upset to even argue and I let Laura guide me out.

When we got back to the waiting room, I filled everyone in with what I saw. I could barely keep it together as I told them.

Laura said, "There's nothing any of you can do by staying here tonight. As I said, I'm here until 8:00, but I'll stick around for a couple of extra hours. You know I will call you immediately if there are any changes. Please, head on home, all of you. You all need your rest, too."

As much as it pained me, I agreed. We said our good-byes to Laura and went home. How we got there, how long it took, I couldn't tell you. I was in a daze as I drove. We arrived safely and that's what mattered. Mom and Terri followed us in Terri's car. That night we all cuddled up together in one bed, including Terri. There was no sex, this was all about emotional need and support.

At 3:14 am, my phone rang. It was the hospital. Delia had passed away. The official cause was heart failure. I let out a primal scream and threw my pillow across the room. I broke down further and I was grateful that I was surrounded by the women I loved. We all remained huddled together for an unknown amount of time. The grief was overwhelming.

At some point I wiped away my tears and said, "Terri, I don't give a fuck what you need to do, who you need to pay off, what laws you need to break, I want that fucking bitch. Just give me 5 minutes. I'm not requesting, I'm fucking DEMANDING it! I promise you she'll regret doing what she did."

All Terri could do was nod her head and whisper a promise that she'd do it.

The funeral was 3 days later. It was a beautiful day. Not a cloud in the sky. It was a beautiful service. Susie was even able to fly in for it. The entire day was a blur. All I could remember thinking was how beautiful the flowers looked on her casket. They were white roses, her favorite. When we returned home, I just wanted to be left alone. I went downstairs to the playroom and cried some more. I ended up falling asleep at some point. When I woke up the next morning, Alyssa was by my side. I pulled her close to me and stayed in bed with her for the next few hours.

The next day Terri called, she had set it up for me to see the bitch, but I needed to get there ASAP.

I grabbed the car keys and ran out of the house. Terri's station was normally a 10 minute drive away, it took me less than 5 to get there. I screeched to a halt in the parking lot and ran into the police station. Terri was waiting for me at the desk.

Grabbing me by the arm, she said, "Ok, look. This is how it goes. You go in, you talk to her, you leave. No fucking around. You do NOT touch her in any way! You have your 5 minutes. Cameras are off, but I'll be watching."

She led me to the interrogation room and opened the door.

"5 minutes. Period."

She closed the door behind me.

I turned and faced the woman who took a precious life. Before me was a worn down woman who looked like she hadn't slept in days. Dark circles under her eyes, her hair a mess. I couldn't tell if she was 20 or 60.

I pulled the chair out and sat down. All I did was look at her. My eyes ablaze with pure hatred and anger.

She cocked her head and looked at me and said, "Ok, so who the fuck are you? What the fuck more do you fucking assholes want from me? You know I did it. You got me. Hoo-fucking-ray for you. So tell me what the fuck do you want???"

I said, "I want you to suffer."

I then pelted her with as much of my pheromones as I could release at once. I opened myself up entirely. I held nothing back. Within seconds her eyes glazed and she started to feel complete and total lust. Under normal circumstances, during sex I'd dose the ladies with about 10% of what I was giving her. When I took Andrea for the first time, it was about 20% of what I knew I could do. This bitch was getting it all. 100% and I was going to do it for 5 minutes. She was going to be drenched in them. I don't know what the long terms affects would be, but I knew short term she'd be driven crazy with lust and with no hope of release. I hoped that this would be something she felt forever. I thought I was being generous.

As I pelted the bitch, I yelled out to Terri to knock on the window when my time was up and to not enter the room. I had to yell because the bitch was starting to scream and writhe in her chair. When I heard the knock on the glass, I stopped, got up, and walked out. I left behind a woman in sexual agony.

"Enjoy your fucking life, you cunt."

I closed the door, Terri came up to me and hugged me. She said, "Remind me to never piss you off."

She walked me out of the police station and to my car.

I said, "Thank you. I have no idea what's going to happen to her physically, but for now you better make sure on men go into that room to collect her."

Terri said, "Yeah, I kinda figured that out already. Officially, I should probably be upset. But as your mother's girlfriend, as well as someone who cares about you, I'm damn proud of you."

She kissed me lightly on the cheek and went back inside. I drove back home, a weight lifted from my shoulders. That was the last time I'd ever see the bitch. The entire family refused to go to court, except for Alyssa. She had no choice but to testify. She let me know afterwards that the bitch seemed really twitchy, like she was high or something. She smiled and said, "Good job."

Delia's death was a life altering event for us all. I made the decision a couple of months after the trial to allow the ladies to be released if they wished it. None of them wanted to be released. However, some of them asked to be allowed to live their own lives. I agreed to it.

In the years that followed....

Andrea moved out soon after my decision and went to live with Dot. As much as she loved being in the household, she realized she really wanted to get back to research and couldn't focus on it while living with us. So she and Dot are working together on a new project currently. I see them on occasion and Andrea has gotten past being embarrassed by Dot's antics. Dot's free spirit have definitely rubbed off on Andrea.

Mia did come back to the US, but only for a brief visit. She did request to be released. She met a man that she fell deeply in love with in her home town and knew she needed my permission and release. I gladly gave it to her. We all still FaceTime with her, mainly on holidays. She has a 3 year old son and is expecting her second child any day now.

Aunt Susie still lives in the house with us. She still sleeps in the same bed. Unfortunately she travels quite a bit, but she's happier than I've ever seen her. Every time she comes home it's a total fuckfest. She and Laura really have hit it off.

Keegan took Delia's death the hardest. She blamed herself because she asked Delia to drive. She had "survivor's guilt" and it took over a year of therapy for her to get past it for the most part. She still sees a psychologist weekly. She's also still in the house with us. She tends to sleep alone most nights though. She battles her depression every day, but we're all there for her. Her physical injuries healed quickly, her mental injuries not so much. Regardless, I'll never give up on her.

Laura moved into the house and opted to rent her house to a lovely family. Having her in the house was a Godsend in so many ways. She helps Keegan quite a bit when she starts to sink into her deep depression. Laura has this knack of getting anyone to smile. Plus she's genuinely in love with everyone here.

Mom moved in with Terri. They got married a year ago and they're extremely happy together. Terri is now a lieutenant and there's been talk that she could eventually make it to Chief of Police. Mom still teaches and she's still my collared slave, even though I rarely make any demands of her nowadays. Every so often, however, she needs to be strung up and used. Terri has no problem with it, because she cannot go as far as I can with what mom needs. In the end, it's Terri who comforts and loves on her though.