Guarding Gwen


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Guard went to her right leg next, then the left, and finally her left wrist, and Gwen drew her knees up to her chin, trembling as she held herself and wondered whether it was finally over.

But it wasn't. Guard climbed onto the bed again, his phallus still thick and erect and gleaming with the fluids of her body, and that of a stranger's.

'Guard, please,' Gwen whimpered as he took her bruised wrists in his hands again. This time he forced her onto her back, holding her wrists spread above her head.

'I want to feel you fight me as I breed you,' he told her. 'Struggle, struggle with all your might.'

She did. She battled with what strength remained to her, but could not budge the solid weight of him. His fingers pressed cruelly around her wrists, pressing her down hard, and she squeezed her legs together even as she felt him slide his knee between her own.

His strength overwhelmed her. Her legs parted and he shoved them apart, settling his weight between her thighs. Gwen looked into the red eyes, whispering pleas to whatever consciousness dwelled in that metal shell. But his grip on her wrists tightened, and made a hoarse, animalistic sound where his face hovered above her own, watching her every expression.

He pushed the head of phallus against her opening, slowly, gently, as though to lull her, and the lips parted with a small wet sound, and as soon as he saw the hope in Gwen's eyes that this time he might be gentler, he slammed into her as deeply as he could go, and she cried out, clenching and unclenching the fists that she could not move.

And he began to ride her again, hard and deep and brutal, slamming into her and groaning as he impaled her again and again. And around his length, Gwen's passage grew slicker, so that their bodies met over and over with sounds of wet, fervent coupling.

Guard released one of her wrists again to fondle her breasts, his fingers bruising the pale flesh as he pinched and kneaded, all the while hammering into her. And beneath him, Gwen gave small gasps, now recognizing a hint of pleasure intertwined with the pain of his animalistic fucking.

Guard recognized the change in her. He grasped her hands in his own, intertwining their fingers almost as lovers would, and he held her down as he rode her, looking into her eyes and drinking in her every expression, her every hitched breath.

Something began to feel different where her labia clung around the base of his member. Gwen looked down to where their bodies joined and felt herself grow cold with fear. At the base of his organ, something was beginning to form. A sphere of silver was slowly inflating there, a knot of artificial muscle. Some primal part of her mind understood the significance of that ball as it began to grow, understanding that some creatures have a mechanism of locking the male inside the female to hold them in place during mating, to keep sperm from going to waste. This then, was the creative feature some strange mind had added to those robots used for artificial insemination.

It grew to the size of a baseball, and Gwen whimpered in fear and pain as it pummeled her lower lips. It would never fit. But Guard was determined, and had measured her body for the correct size knot to provide an optimal pain and pleasure forced experience. And so he knew that eventually her tender, bruised body would accept his entry, it was only a matter of time.

Over and over he rammed himself into her, and though her breathing hinted at pleasure, she had yet to reach the peak that would allow him to press the knot into her. He watched her face carefully, monitored her every grunt as his weight slammed into her and he plunged as deeply as he could into her warm passage, the silver knot begging entrance with every thrust.

Seizing on an idea, Guard sent a small electrical current through the ridges along his member, and as he rode her harder the current touched her clit with small, unexpected shocks, so that Gwen gasped anew with every hard entrance. Before she even knew what was happening the robot was holding her in place while she cried out in pleasure, a shudder passing through every inch of her body as she quaked around the length of him, ecstasy rolling through her as her legs wrapped around him, her body desperate to hold him in as deeply as possible. She trembled at the force of her orgasm, eyes tightly shut as the waves rolled through her.

Moments passed. She drew a sobbing breath of disbelief as the pleasure left her, ashamed at her body's betrayal, at how desperately her legs still wrapped around the robot to pull him farther into her.

Still struggling with these emotions, Gwen did not immediately notice when Guard released one of her wrists to reach between their bodies as he withdrew his length from her. His long fingers spread her entrance obscenely wide, so that for a second she felt the touch of cool air brush her passage, and then suddenly he was ramming back into her, plunging deeper than before, and that strange knot finally forced its way into her body, swallowed by her grasping passage.

Gwen lunged forward, desperate to get away from that painful entrance as she screamed anew, but he was in her already, as deeply as anyone could ever be, and the knot had sunk into her body as he held her down with renewed force. He grunted low, pressed deeply into her, and with the knot fixed in place and his phallus touching her deepest part, his member began to spew thick white ropes of his release. Gwen fought bitterly against him, but his legs pressed heavily into her own, his torso immovable against her breasts as he held her down, and all the while inside her she felt the spurting of thick strings of semen. Her whole passage hurt from his brutal fucking, from the knot he'd forced into her, and yet that unexpected sensation of seed gushing into her made her body seize with instinctive need to pull it deeper within herself.

Guard released her wrists and grasped her ass, pulling her roughly against him as his member filled her with rhythmic spurts of semen. He remained completely still, drinking in her expressions; he read clearly the mixture of pain and revulsion, of arousal and need and shame.

Long seconds passed. Finally, spent, he straightened as if to withdraw from her, and the knot pulled painfully at her entrance so that Gwen whimpered and pulled him back to her. Instead, Guard sat down carefully and pulled Gwen into his lap, his member still buried deep within her. Her legs were wrapped around him, and she rested her breasts against his chest as she settled her head in the crook of his silver neck. She cried softly as he stroked her back, her bottom, her breasts.

After a while she felt a twitching within her depths, as though he were growing again, and Gwen looked into his face, her eyes filled with pleading. But he grasped her by the hips and lifted her effortlessly, and he began to force her body down on top of him, lifting her just to the point where the knot strained painfully within her, before impaling her again. After a while, it was Gwen who lifted herself up, Gwen who pressed down harder on his length, desperate to feel again that wave of pleasure. She found that at a certain angle the knot rubbed against a point of pleasure within her, and so it was with a delicious mix of agony and ecstasy that she strained and surged against the knot and the phallus, and suddenly found herself convulsing around the knot again, crying meaningless words as she spasmed around her attacker.

She fell asleep with him still locked inside her, and he stroked her again, and hours later she woke to find herself still in his lap with her legs wrapped around him. The knot had disappeared, but when she moved she felt his hard length still inside her.

Gwen lifted her head and found herself looking into the blue gaze of the old Guard, the Guard she had known and loved and trusted since was a child.

'Gwen?' he said, and it was his old voice, kind and concerned and uncertain.

'Guard,' she breathed, and her tears began to fall. 'You're back.'

'There was a virus in my system,' he said. 'It has been terminated.' It was as though he grew aware of his surroundings only then. He looked down at where their bodies met, his thick member clasped in her own. 'What are we doing?' he asked. 'Did I hurt you?'

And he had. He had hurt her in so many ways. But in her distraught state Gwen knew only that she didn't wish to alienate the one entity that who had always made her feel safe.

'It's okay,' she said. 'We're okay now.' Gingerly, she pushed herself off his lap, wincing as he slid free from her aching passage. For a moment Guard stared down at the organ, confused. He touched his hand carefully to the dried fluids, then his gaze went to Gwen, standing naked and bruised beside the bed. She looked at him with a mixture of emotions he could not read, but his gaze scanned her and read something of what she did not say.

'Gwen...' he began.

'I'm fine,' she said, though clearly she was not. She shrugged on an old robe and began to gather various belts strewn about the floor. He watched as she pulled her duvet from the bed, pausing for a moment to look at small red droplets on the fabric, red like blood. Her eyes filled with tears.

He did not understand.

'Gwen,' he said again, and she looked at him. Somewhere in his memory bank flashed an image of her, eyes wide with terror as he did something to her with his body, something that hurt her but made her feel good at the same time. The memory disappeared, erased. He scanned her body again, and she waited for his words. 'You have been fertilized. Pregnancy is likely.'

'I...' she began, tears falling freely now, 'I know.'

'You are upset.'

'Yes.' She dropped the duvet, holding her hands up to her face. 'How will I tell my parents?' she whispered.

'Do not be afraid,' he told her. 'I will guard you. You and your child.'

It was no easy thing, to mend what he had broken between them. And yet he kept his promise, and looked after her as she grew heavy with a child whose father she could not name. He stood with her against her parents' fury and confusion, and took to standing guard in her room at night, for she woke often from nightmares. But sometimes when she woke, crying, she would pull him down to her, and he could not stand to hear her anguished pleading, and so he ran again that other program, that someone had once activated within him. And on those nights he felt that he hurt her, but she begged him not to stop, and more often than not she fell asleep with him still knotted inside her.

He was there when the child was born, and as he watched the babe suckling at her breast she asked him what names would be best. And he thought of a night when she'd asked him what pizza they should order, a night that he couldn't quite remember.

But a name came to him.

'Call him Paul,' he said. 'Paul Maxwell.'

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AnonymousAnonymous26 days ago

Wow this was insanely cool to read? How technology can be weapon used against what it was supposed to protect. I've never quite read something like this before! Amazing!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Absolutely fantastic and so hot!

FlamethrowFlamethrow3 months ago

Amazing story of revenge and I would love to see her father's face when he learns of the name of his grandchild.

DragonflyDaughterDragonflyDaughter3 months agoAuthor

Every time I see this story has a new comment, I tense up a little as one person wrote some pretty awful things that I had to delete. However, it's been lovely seeing that (the ending nonwithstanding) people are still enjoying it and taking the time to tell me so. I really appreciate it, thank you :).

anounandamouseanounandamouse4 months ago

I keep coming back to this one again and again so I just wanted to let you know - you did a phenomenal job. The scenario is so creative and hot and it hits every bit of my brain perfectly. Thank you for sharing it!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Found this yesterday and been obsessing about it since. Just... hit exactly what I wanted, thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I loved it.

BH54BH54about 2 years ago

This idiot never heard of the day after pill. Did they eliminate it in the future? And then this asshole Paul Maxwell. Even the Mafia knows you don't go after family. This got him nothing and shouldn't have gotten her pregnant.

DrmaxcDrmaxcabout 2 years ago

Yes. Good idea, good concepts. I liked it, but as several readers have said I'm not so sure about the ending. I rather thought Gwen's father should have known what was happening and been powerless to stop it.

The eyes changing colour were a very nice touch!

KodJak22KodJak22over 2 years ago

Nice little story.

DragonflyDaughterDragonflyDaughteralmost 3 years agoAuthor

Thanks to everyone who wrote words of appreciation and encouragement.

To those who didn't like the ending: I agree that it wasn't my finest work. I wrote, edited, and submitted this story in the space of a few hours, and was so tired by the end of it that I didn't conclude it as well as I would have liked. I appreciate everyone who read to the end of it, even if they didn't like it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

The end was stupid as hell

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

like shit from china far fetched

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
I have mixed feelings

I enjoyed it right? The ending was nice. But the “Paul Maxwell” at the very end had me like :/

Really good tho! Good job!

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