Gwendolyn's Story


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Ezra picked up a small bell from his desk and rang it. His manservant Manners quickly entered the room, and walked over to Ezra's desk. "A little job for you, Manners. Would you please remove the young lady's clothes?" Manners did not seem at all surprised by the request, and turned and came over to where Gwendolyn was standing. When he made a move to unbutton her clothes, she brushed his hand away.

"I am quite capable of undressing myself, thank you!" Manners turned and looked over at Ezra. He waved his hand, dismissing the manservant.

He looked at Gwendolyn and smiled. "Carry on then, my dear. Remove your own clothes, but I want you to remove everything."

Slowly, watched by five pairs of lustful eyes, she began to remove her clothes, folding each item as she removed it. At last she was down to her shift and pantaloons. This was the moment she was dreading, displaying her nakedness to these perverts. She gripped the shift by the waist and pulled it quickly over her head. She felt her breasts bounce slightly with the effort. There were murmurs and comments as her breasts were finally exposed. She didn't stop. She had no desire to tease them. She quickly pushed down her lacy pink fringed pantaloons and stepped out of them. Now she stood naked for their inspection in only her short silk stockings and shoes.

They let her stand there for a minute or so, then Ezra told her to move around. She began to walk over the wooden floor. She caught sight of herself in a mirror. Her nakedness contrasted sharply with the murkiness of the old library. At last it was over; well, for the moment at least. Ezra again used the bell to summon Manners, he told him to take her and lock her in the servant's room next to his. She went to pick up her clothes, but was told in no uncertain terms to leave them. "You will have no need for clothes during your stay with us," he said.

Manners took her arm and led her up the stairs.

He unlocked a door and held the door open for her to enter. The door shut behind her and she heard the key turn in the lock. At last her emotions that she had held in check flooded out, and she sat on the small bed and wept. Where was Eric? Why had he left her to the mercy of theses people who she had thought were her friends? Would he ever return? She wished she knew the answers. She shivered slightly. After the library, the small bedroom was cold. She pulled a blanket from the bed and wrapped it around her naked body. She fell back onto the pillow and cried herself to sleep. She was woken by the key turning in the lock. Manners came into the room with a tray of food and a jug of water. He laid it on the bed beside her. "Eat, my dear. You are going to need your strength." Then he left.

She nibbled at the food at first. Then she realised how hungry she was. How long had it been since she last ate? She demolished the plate full of food and swilled it down with a glass of water. She felt a little better after that.

It seemed hours before he came again. This time he had a pitcher of steaming water and a towel. Gwendolyn watched him as he poured the water into a basin on a stand in the corner. Then he came over to the bed and gently shook her by the shoulder. She looked up at him. "Get up and wash yourself," he said. She sat up on the bed. The blanket slipped away from her, but he did not seem to notice her nakedness.

He handed her some soap and she washed her face in the warm water. Afterwards, he passed her a brush from a bag he had brought with him and indicated for her to do her hair that was mussed up and untidy from sleeping. He watched as she pulled the brush through her long red hair. When she had finished, she handed the brush back to him and he replaced it in the bag. He took a perfume bottle from the bag and passed it to her. She sprayed her body and wondered just what the preparations were for.

When she was finished, he looked at her and nodded, then told her to follow him. He led her out into the corridor and over to another room. It looked bright and warm with a fire burning in the grate. A large four poster bed dominated the room, and in the bed sat a smiling Ezra. Manners nodded as he left the room.

Ezra smiled as he looked at the beautiful naked woman. He felt himself rising to the occasion. He hoped she was not going to be difficult. He turned back the bed covers. "Would you like to join me?" he said.

Gwendolyn stood for a moment considering the alternative. She didn't want to go anywhere near this horrid man, but she realised that it was better than going to debtor's prison. She decided it was better not to put up resistance.

She needed time and at the moment it wasn't on her side.

She moved towards the bed and eased herself in. At least it felt comfortable and warm. She immediately felt Ezra's hand on her leg sliding up her thigh. She held her breath and cringed slightly. He felt the sudden tension in her body. "There's no need for that, my dear. I'm not going to harm you. You just be nice to Ezra and things will be much better for you." He smiled. "If you resist, I'm sure my coachman, Wentworth, would get great pleasure out of thrashing you."

Gwendolyn knew there was little point in offering any resistance to his advances. He would get what he wanted in one way or another. What was the point of putting herself through more anguish only for the result to be the same at the end of it? She lay back and steeled herself. Again, she felt his hands on her body, her breasts, her thighs. "Oh, Eric!" she prayed silently as his fingers urgently opened her up. "Please come back to me, please!"

She did not try to stop him entering her. She just laid there accepting it. He did not seem to mind as he huffed and puffed, thrusting himself into her unreceptive body. Thankfully it was quickly over, and he fell asleep, his arms around her, his hands still clutching her breasts.

Ezra kept Gwendolyn to himself for over a week. As she had shown no apparent resistance to his advances, he had instructed Manners to put her in another more comfortable room rather than the small one she had at first been placed in. She was still not allowed to dress and had to remain naked at all times, but at least her quarters were warm and comfortable. There were books to read to pass away the time until each evening when she was made to bathe and then escorted to Ezra's room.

After the initial excitement of the first time, now sex was more drawn out. Ezra wasn't a man in his prime and he labored thrusting and pushing himself into her; his breathing became labored and he sweated profusely. Maybe one night he might have a heart attack. She smiled at the thought as she endured his endless thrusting. Her legs ached and her pussy was now becoming quite tender. Even for a man of his age, he managed to take her every night and several times in the morning when they awoke.

Unknown to Gwendolyn, she was also being used for another of his perverted pleasures. Ezra was a real sexual pervert, and he also took his pleasures as a voyeur. He had gone to great expense and trouble to make viewing access possible in several rooms in his house that were used by his staff and guests. He took pleasure in watching particularly the young house maids bathing and undressing when they thought they were in the privacy of their rooms.

The room Gwendolyn was now spending most of her days in was also set up for viewing. A large decorated mirror over the fireplace was accessible from the rear via a small cubbyhole.

This room was often used as a guest room, and through the mirror, Ezra had a clear view of the room and everything that went off in it. Sitting in the darkness on a comfortable chair, he had hours of pleasure watching his guests doing what they do best in the privacy of their room. Some special friends and business acquaintances were invited to watch with him through the mirror, and with Gwendolyn being the present incumbent of the room and Ezra not allowing the poor woman to wear any clothes, she became a very popular attraction.

It was two weeks since Gwendolyn had been brought to Ezra's house and made to share his bed, and although she was not refusing his advances, she made little effort to make lovemaking enjoyable for him. She never refused to do his bidding, and would suck on his cock and even allow him to penetrate her delightful arse, but she made no signs of enjoying the experience.

Ezra was beginning to tire of her, and he was now getting questions from her other creditors regarding when they were going to have an opportunity of taking their pleasure with the delightful young Gwendolyn. He decided that as none of the other creditors knew anything about his voyeur fetish, it might make interesting viewing if he were to allow them to use the room. As it turned out, this idea suited them all because they were all married and it would have been a problem for them to find somewhere to entertain the lady. So the crafty old devil allocated them each a two hour period in the afternoon.

Gwendolyn felt none too pleased when he told her what would be happening to her. The thought of being used as a play thing by the other creditors turned her stomach, but she decided that it was again going to be much easier to comply with his wishes than to argue and maybe suffer the consequences. And each day she survived was hopefully a day nearer Eric returning.

So for the next few afternoons, Ezra seated himself comfortably in the darkness of his little viewing room with a bottle of wine by his side and enjoyed the scenes that unfolded before him. It pleased him to see that Gwendolyn showed no more interest in her new visitors than she had with him. She just lay there, legs apart, taking all that was offered to her, making no effort to do anything on her part to make the love making any more pleasurable for herself or her partners.

For their part, her partners did not seem to have a problem with this. The fact that Gwendolyn's exciting young body was being made available to them was more than most of them could dream of. Ezra smiled as he watched from the comfort of his cubby hole as one after another they strained and sweated, thrusting themselves urgently into Gwendolyn's exciting young body. Some were just happy to be able to taste the delights of pussy; others wanted more.

Gwendolyn knew from her days at sea and the way she had seen the whores on the ship treated that it was better not to offer any resistance; just lay back and accept it and do whatever was asked of her however distasteful it might be, for sooner or later it would be over.

The next few weeks were a nightmare for Gwendolyn as Ezra subjected her to further humiliation and degradation. When he entertained his friends--other bankers, and even local government officials--Gwendolyn was made to attend dressed in skimpy, revealing costumes. At one special evening when he entertained the Lord High Sheriff and members of a select group of wealthy businessmen, she was actually subjected to being displayed naked before the guests, presented as a dessert laid out on a platform, her beautiful naked body decorated with delightful items of exotic fruit and sweets. She had to endure the humiliation of the guests actually eating off her body.

Then Ezra began to tire of her. She had served her purpose. Making her available to his friends had put him in good stead with them all. He needed new attractions around his house. She was becoming an expensive luxury.

Gwendolyn was aroused from her sleep by Manners shaking her by the shoulder. He had a tray with some food on it, and he was carrying some clothes. When she was awake, he told her that when she had eaten the food, she must dress in the clothes he had brought. "I'm sorry to tell you, madam, that the master has decided to commit you to the debtor's court." Gwendolyn was shocked to hear this, but she knew there was nothing she could do to prevent whatever fate awaited her at the hands of the despicable Ezra.

Her fate was now in other people's hands, not her own, and she had to make the most of it and just try to survive.

After she had eaten the food, she washed herself and dressed in the clothes Manners had brought. The pantaloons and camisole were her own. They had been washed and smelt fresh. The shift was a little threadbare but serviceable. She was transported to the court house in a small coach provided by Ezra. He did not speak to her before she left, but he watched from a window as she was escorted to the coach.

The word of Gwendolyn's demise had gotten around quickly and the court room was crowded. The townspeople loved to see the mighty fallen on hard times, and the merchants and local shopkeepers were hopeful that they could get some retribution for some of the problems Eric and Gwendolyn had caused for them with unpaid bills and wages.

The court hearing did not last long before the judge committed her to be incarcerated in the debtor's prison for three years. All her property and land would be confiscated and sold and any of the money raised shared between the merchants, workers and trades people that were owed money by the unfortunate couple. Lastly, he said the she was to be placed on public view in the market square for twelve hours. She already knew what that meant: public humiliation and degradation at the hands of the townspeople. The judge looked at her sternly as he passed the sentence, and then instructed the bailiff to remove the prisoner into the hands of her jailors.

She was led outside, followed by the now jeering crowd. The small square in front of the courthouse was already crowded and the people who had been watching in court now jostled with the already waiting crowd to get into a good viewing position. At the doorway of the courthouse, a burly unshaven man in a long leather tunic smiled when he saw Gwendolyn. He was the chief jailor who had been sent to escort her to the town square, and now that he had seen her, he knew it was a job he was going to enjoy. The bailiff handed Gwendolyn over to him. "You know what you have to do," he said. The man nodded.

The jailor roughly grabbed Gwendolyn's arm and pushed her in the direction of a raised platform. This was often used for floggings by the court, but today it was going to be used for a far more enjoyable use; maybe not for Gwendolyn, but certainly for the crowd of spectators.

Gwendolyn stood beside the jailor as he read out the sentence prescribed by the judge. The crowd cheered each part of the sentence, and there was an especially loud cheer for the final part--the public viewing.

The jailor then turned to Gwendolyn. She could smell his bad breath. "Now my sweet little woman, are you going to be a good girl for us? The crowd's waiting to have a look at you. They want to see what a fine lady looks like without her fancy clothes. So are you going to be good and undress yourself for them, or are you going to give me the pleasure?"

Gwendolyn shrank away from him. It was going to be bad enough appearing naked before the crowd, but the thought of this brute stripping her was more than she could take. "I'll undress myself," she said in a quite voice.

The jailor sneered. "Do it slowly, my lovely, for it will probably be the last time you have an appreciative audience." He leaned back against the rail to enjoy the view.

Gwendolyn bent and drew the threadbare shift up her body and over her head. The crowd cheered and whistled as they now saw her in her long pantaloons and brief camisole. She stood for a moment looking at the leering faces of the crowd. She had seen the looks before on the Black Witch when they had captured the Ambassador's daughter and Gwendolyn had been given the job of stripping her before the entire crew. Now it was her turn to face such a crowd.

There was hushed expectancy as she untied the laces on the camisole before removing it and displaying her breasts to the crowd. Catcalls and whistles came up from the crowd. Others watched silently, some with hands wrapped tightly around growing erections. She untied her pantaloons and eased them over her hips. They fell to the floor and she stood naked before the crowd. Now again they were shouting and cat calling.

She turned as she felt the jailor come up beside her. "You are a little treasure," he said. "I hope they do not damage you too much before we get you back. I have a few friends who will be looking forward to you joining us tonight," and with that, he grabbed at one of her breasts and squeezed it cruelly before she could get out of his reach. The crowd laughed.

He pushed her down the steps of the platform. The crowd surged around her and she felt hands grab at her body before the guard used his stick to fend them off. Once in the street, he took a short piece of rope from his belt and secured her hands behind her back. He then led her down the hill from the court house towards the town square. The people lining the street shouted at her as she was led past them, and a group of children poked fun at her as they ran around her.

She wasn't too bothered about her nakedness as she had been kept in that state by Ezra for over a month. It was just the shame of being paraded in public and listening to the taunts of the crowd. At last they reached the town square. It was market day and the stalls and street vendors were busy, but everybody stopped and stared as the attractive naked woman was led past.

The jailor led her to a small raised platform. It was normally used as a stage or a platform for orators to speak, but its more formal use was to secure debtors like Gwendolyn, and display them in a shameful display. Two stout poles were situated at each side of the stage with iron rings attached to the tops of them. It was to these that Gwendolyn's arms were attached. The jailor pulled the ropes taught, spreading her arms wide. A crowd of young men and boys stood around watching the jailor secure her making lewd comments about her naked body. In their hands, Gwendolyn could see rotten fruit scavenged from the ground.

The guard then left her, but not before stroking his hands over her bottom and thrusting a thick finger up inside her. "We'll make good use of this tonight," he said with a smirk, and then he left her to the mercy of the crowd, making his way to the local inn for a drink, his prisoner now safely secured.

As soon as he had stepped down, the pelting started. The rotten fruit and even eggs splattered against her body. Some struck her painful blows, others just splashed against her body leaving streams of foul smelling juices running down her body. After a while, they tired of the sport and most of them drifted away. A group of men in field workers' clothes came over with jugs of ale in their hands and stood looking at her. She could only guess what they were saying to one another amid bouts of laughter.

It was almost noon. The sun was hot and the mess on her body was drying. Still people came around and gawked at her. One man actually came up on the stage carrying a bucket of water and a ladle. He filled the ladle and held it to her lips. She drank the cool water gratefully, but then to the amusement of the crowd, he poured the rest of the water over her head and left laughing. In a way she was thankful for his cruel action as it washed away some of the mess that was sticking to her body.

An hour or so later, Gwendolyn's arms and shoulders were on fire. The tension on her arms was becoming unbearable and there was still nine hours to go. Her head had dropped forward; she was beginning to suffer. She glanced up to see the jailor returning. He seemed a little unsteady on his feet, probably from too much drink. He stepped up onto the stage. "How's my pretty little woman?" he asked in a slurred voice.

Gwendolyn didn't reply. She stared at him defiantly. She wasn't going to let this brute intimidate her. She screamed out when he grabbed one of her nipples and twisted it cruelly. Then he did the same thing to the other. She saw a crowd begin to gather around to watch.