Gypsy Wolf Ch. 01


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Leaving the compound we followed a dirt road for about an hour, before pulling out onto the highway. As we turned onto the highway, I realized I knew exactly where this road was. I'd driven right by this road more times than I could remember and had never given it a second glance. "Can I ask you something?" Mike asked.

"Sure go ahead," I said.

"You've been dealing with this amazingly well," he said, "I'm curious as to why you're so accepting."

"It's because of my great grandmother," I said, "I grew up listening to her stories of fae folk, werewolves, vampires, and magic. She believed so strongly, and made it sound so real, I found I couldn't help but believe the same thing. I'm pretty sure if she could see me now, she wouldn't be surprised. My family has always had gypsy blood in it, so we tend to accept the fantastic."

"Gypsy blood?"

"Yeah," I said. For some reason, the surprised tone in his voice had me not wanting to talk. Turning on the radio, I turned it to my favorite station before kicking back my seat. The drive into town was at least another thirty minutes, so I might as well take the time to digest how my life was now standing on its head.


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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Great Start!

I can’t wait to read more about Beth and her wolf. I love it! Please keep writing and I’ll keep reading!! ❤️🌹

LiterKnightLiterKnightover 3 years ago

I guess Beth must have loved Lilo & Stitch. Naming her snake Bubbles, even if it's probably not a cobra

sweetone66sweetone66over 3 years ago

Really like the idea of a werewolf "Stephany Plum"... she even has the same wise-cracking humor. Just hope her luck with cars and lovers is much better! Five stars!

SensitiveHandsSensitiveHandsover 4 years ago

Glad your back! I am always disappointed in authors who dont finish the story and then dont at least let readers know why. I am re-reading from the beginning and hope to see more from you soon! Thank you for taking the time to share your stories.


txcrackertxcrackerover 9 years ago
Excellent Start !

Just found this series <while looking for Ch.15 of another or yours> . I like series and this one starts off well . Am moving on to Ch.2 and looking forward to this series .

Thanks for the read .

tx cracker

ChelseaTayChelseaTayalmost 10 years ago
Refreshing Story!

As much as us women like to have our man in charge, I was so happy (and slightly surprised) when Rasp kissed Natalie and revealed they were mates. A delightful change from the typical status quo! Looking forward to reading the rest of Beth's story! Great start :)

cliuincliuinabout 10 years ago
A bounty hunter werewolf

That is definetly a new and original ideea . I love this story .

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Very good few errors, but so far i find it to be original

gnome_mangnome_manabout 10 years ago
Can't Fight The Feeling!

Beth the Bitch makes my knees weak and my cock hard.

Teerriffiiccc. Yeah, some technical stuff needs correcting, but the story is great. Well defined characters and good hooks. I reeeeaalllly like it.

In 12 stories, you've become one of Literotica's standard bearers, one of the best of them.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

I am confused about the werewolf concept you are writing. Are your characters actual wolves or they bipedal lycans? Stories are more enjoyable to read when four-pawed wolf traits are described. Anything bipedal only, ruins it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
great start, more please

thank you. interesting chacters. love bubbles. easy reading. and bless you no trite girl porn code words, ie, shattered, pop, etc. searching the web for anything else you have written. good stuff.

chromexchromexabout 10 years agoAuthor
Thank you for the feedback.

Thanks everyone for for the feedback. Positive and constructive negative feedback will definitely help to motivate me to continue.

To answer your question Cantfightfate, I've never submitted a story with this kind of start, but with the thousands of stories on Literotica similarities are bound to crop up.

I have someone proofreading for me now and hopefully my comma deficiency will decrease.

Thanks again for the feedback and I'm glad you are enjoying the story.

cantfightfatecantfightfateabout 10 years ago
Excellent start!!

Did you begin this story before, under a different title? The circumstances leading to her turning seemed familiar.

Regardless, I'm hooked and can't wait for more!

werewolfsmatewerewolfsmateabout 10 years ago
Love it!!!

Please please please continue the story, I'm looking forward to the next chapters!

Patrolin_AusPatrolin_Ausabout 10 years ago

This story is AWESOME! Please continue. :)

Phil_PatsfanPhil_Patsfanabout 10 years ago
Different .... and really good - so far

I really like what I read in chapter 1. This is not your typical "Hot alpha wolf meets human girl and realizes that she is his mate" story. It's different. So far its a little gritty, and I like that the female in the story is strong and a fighter. Please write more!

firerose78firerose78about 10 years ago
great start

Really enjoyed reading this chapter. Looking forward to the next one.

TardisRedTardisRedabout 10 years ago

Amazing as always Chromex... ;)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Wow keep writing

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Keep going

I'm hooked

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