Hanna Ch. 06-09


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'She likes having men look at her, the same way you do?'

'Oh no, I'm nothing like her, please don't get the wrong idea about what I told you Mac. I may have got excited by the idea of it when still going through puberty, but as I grew older I found the man has to be special to me, it can't just be any man.

But with Louise it's a power trip. To her it's like catching fish, she casts her net and sees how many she can snare. For example, she'll sit in a bar in a semi-transparent dress, with nothing on underneath. And that's one of the reasons why she shaves herself. She knows that when she does that, as there is no hint of pubic shadow, men don't know if she's really naked, or just wearing a flesh-coloured body stocking.

Anyway, she'll see men watching her, catch the eye of one of them, knowing that sooner or later, usually sooner, he'll make some approach. She might accept a drink or she may well rebuff him straight away, but even if she does accept, as she's doing that she'll be eyeing another, giving him the idea he was the one that she really found interesting.

She might do that several times during the course of the evening, even if she accepts a drink or a meal she'll continue making eye contact with other likely targets around the room.'

'Does she end up in bed with any of them?'

'Oh yes, and quite often more than one of them. As I said, she has a voracious appetite. And she'll do just about anything with them. Although she tells me she won't get into serious S&M, she won't risk herself getting marked in some way.'

'I don't blame her, she certainly has a beautiful body.' I said as the image of her slim, milky-white curves flashed before my eyes.

'Aha, she got to you a little bit!'

'Not in the sense you mean Hanna, no. Admiring and appreciating beauty doesn't mean you want to own it. There are hundreds of works of art I love to look at, but there are few I would want actually hanging on my wall at home. Similarly I can admire, and even get physically aroused by female beauty, without wanting to go to bed with every good-looking woman I see.'

'I understand that Mac.'

'But that does lead to something I have often thought about, something that links back to what you were saying about the strength of men's primal drive.

Let's agree that, barring deformities and physical accidents, all men have a penis and all women a vagina. And we have to agree that the only way a man has even a chance of spreading his genes, is by ejaculating into a vagina. That means that a man, who is being driven by these primal urges should be driven to find as many vaginas as possible to ejaculate into.

So, two questions. One, why does any man fall in love, or even, to use your word, become besotted by a single woman? Two, why would men like, no stronger than that, become obsessed by the idea of climaxing in other ways, oral, anal, and all the other variations? And for the moment let's agree not to worry about the causes of homosexuality, or even some of the odder heterosexual activities, like S&M, etc.

We agree that those primal urges are there, and that they are powerful, so why all the variations?'

'I personally think it's the result of those social pressures we talked about. Society pressures people to couple, it would all get just too messy otherwise. So, given those pressures exist, and the primal drive is still there, something has to give, and the drive just has to find other outlets. I think variety of activities takes the place of a variety of women.'

'That makes sense, and the way you put it makes it all seem perfectly obvious. I don't know why it never occurred to me that way.'

'But you have to remember I have spent several years delving into what makes men tick, purely professionally of course.' she added with a grin, then pushed the sheet down and slipped out of bed again. 'It looks as though you are ready for a top up.' she said, glancing at my nearly empty glass.

Again I watched her jiggling buttocks as she crossed the room, and that time felt a distinct stirring happening somewhere between the base of my spine and my groin. A stirring that sharpened noticeably when she returned a minute or so later carrying the rest of the bottle of wine. The stronger lighting streaming from the other room back-lit her, silhouetting her body, making the sensuous shape of her slender waist and gently swelling hips even more enticing. At the same time the smaller bed-side lamp cast just enough to highlight the equally tempting up-swelling curves of her breasts that swayed to and fro as she moved.

When she was still a few steps away from the bed she stopped, looking down at me, a half-smile turning up the corners of her mouth. 'You do like looking at me, don't you Mac.' she said, spreading her arms and turning slowly around.

'Of course I do, you are a stunningly beautiful woman Hanna.' I answered throatily, feeling that stirring growing stronger as my eyes moved up and down over her body.

'Before I refill your glass I just need to know something.' she said, putting the bottle of wine down beside the lamp then moving back a little.

'What's that?'

'Which part do you like best? Is it these?' she asked, lifting her hands to cup her breasts. 'Or this?' she said, turning to do the same with her buttocks. 'Perhaps these?' As she slid both hands slowly up and down the length of her thighs. 'Or is it in fact my friend you actually like best of all?' she added, moving her legs apart and slipping her fingers down to her pussy.

'Just tell me which Mac.'

'You forgot to include your face, and especially those beautiful eyes.' I replied as the feelings inside myself grew steadily stronger.

'My eyes?'

'Oh yes, they're like a pair of exquisite jewels. Quite unique, totally unlike any others I have ever seen. Poets have written of eyes a man would happily drown in, your eyes are like that Hanna, deep sparkling, drowning pools.'

Her face lit up with pleasure. 'That's a beautiful compliment Mac.' she said softly as she moved to stand beside me.

'And I meant every word.'

She bent low. 'We both forgot my mouth.' she whispered as her lips pressed down against mine.

Chapter 9

Mutual Pleasures

As we kissed I reached up, slipping one hand around behind her head and running my fingers through her hair, while the other moved caressingly up and down her back and over her bottom.

Although she needed one hand to support herself I felt the other pushing down the covering sheet, then running up my leg until it found the already partially swollen length of my cock. Her fingers tightened around it, gently squeezing it, then as she felt it's virtually instantaneous response, starting to slowly stroke back and forth. And as it began to stiffen her tongue pushed into my mouth, probing deep, as though emulating what she wanted my cock to soon be doing.

It took her hardly any time at all to bring my cock up to full size and hardness, and when she had she got up on to the bed, spreading my legs apart so she could kneel between them. 'Your turn for a little selfish pleasure Mac.' she said, pushing one hand under my balls while the other steadied the shaft as she bent forward.

Perhaps the anticipation of what she was going to do was so strong it did something to my brain, but everything suddenly seemed to happening in slow motion. The increasing pressure of her fingers around my cock, her body bending down, her mouth moving towards it. All seemed to be taking minutes, not seconds, giving me that much extra time to anticipate what was to come.

What Gerry had done for me a couple of hours earlier had been thrilling, her expert mouth totally draining me in a most excitingly proficient way. But her performance had really only provided the culmination for a fantasy re-creation, both my highly charged arousal and the climax itself were actually the result of the release of stuff from deep within my subconscious. But Hanna was real, herself, not some beautiful woman playing a role for my enjoyment, and she was with me and doing what she was about to do because she wanted to be there, wanted to do it.

So just the anticipation of her performing what must be one of the most intimate of acts sent my blood pressure soaring, and I saw my cock quivering as her succulent lips slowly moved down towards it.

But even so the reality was still far, far stronger than anything I could have anticipated. I watched as she re-moistened her lips just before they brushed lightly against the tip of my cock-head, then felt a rippling bolt of excitement shoot up through my body as they slipped down over it. Then, when she reached the deep groove below it she paused, her eyes sparkling as she looked up and stared deep into mine, and if I read the expression in them correctly they seemed to be saying that she intended to do her best to give me the thrill of a life-time.

Then, having adjusted her position a little, and while continuing to closely watch my reactions, she pushed her mouth slowly down, engulfing the entire length in one steady movement. The unexpectedness of that just added to the already powerful thrills it gave me, my cock feeling as though it was being enfolded by some moistly clinging, velvet sheath. Again she paused, and it took all my will-power to stop my body's natural reaction to heave upwards, but of course I couldn't stop the strongly throbbing beat that had started deep inside me.

When she finally pulled her head back up I noticed the shaft had become thoroughly coated with her saliva, and soon realised that had been intentional. Having reached the groove she again tightened her lips, more firmly that time, then as she began sucking, her curling fingers started stroking up and down the slickly slippery shaft.

It was immediately obvious that, just as I had been when I was down between her legs, Hanna was in no hurry, that she was concentrating on the strength of the sensations she was giving me. And the effect of what she was doing was unbelievable, the jolting thrills so strong that it soon became quite impossible to prevent my responses, each time her gripping fingers pushed down, my hips jerked upwards. But Hanna had anticipated my reactions, her lips clamping tighter and her mouth still sucking hard as her head rode my upthrusting cock.

And of course watching what she was doing for me was dramatically increasing the level of the physical sensations I was getting. Her beautiful face; the perfect skin, the uptilting sparkling eyes, the high cheek-bones, the generously full mouth. Yet right then even all that beauty was somehow eclipsed by the sight of her cherry-red lips. Seeing them wrapped around my cock, being stretched wide by the massively swollen shaft, that and the way her cheeks hollowed each time she sucked hard were all heightening my excitement.

But, even if only subconsciously, adding to all that was the fact that she continued closely watching me. Unlike most women who had previously given me blow-jobs, who had nearly always kept their eyes closed, whenever my eyes flickered up from what her lips and mouth were doing to me I found hers staring deep into mine.

'Your turn for a little selfish pleasure' she had said, and I could see from the expression in her eyes that not only was that exactly what she was determined to give me. But also, and in some ways even more importantly, it was clear she was enjoying giving it to me. And as I was more than happy to accept that extraordinarily marvellous gift I completely lost track of just how long I lay there wallowing in it, my entire body tingling, muscles quivering and spasmodically jerking from the torturing rapture.

But of course Hanna had a deep understanding of the male physiology and knew that no matter how slowly, or how carefully she stimulated me, nor how much I was enjoying it, sooner or later my system would automatically react in the inevitable way.

And clearly she had no intention of having that happen just then. She was more than happy to give me as much 'selfish pleasure' as she thought my body could take, but she also wanted to share in the eventual outcome.

So, just when I was beginning to think I wouldn't be able to take much more of what she was doing, she stopped. 'I think that's enough entrées for both of us, time for the main course.' she said as she lifted herself and straddled me.

Having settled herself she reached down with one hand, steadied my cock and lowered herself towards it, pausing for a moment when her pussy was just a little above the head. 'Just one other thing first though. Would you like me to do what Louise does, remove all my pubic hair?'

'To be honest I much prefer what you do.'

'You like my little bush?'

'Very, very much.'

'But like my friend to be clean-shaven?'

'Hanna there isn't a single part of you I don't like, but as well as your eyes, your breasts, your hair, your hands, your two ears and ten toes, I especially like your little friend. and the way she is, is just perfect.'

She giggled happily, then said in a lower, more serious tone. 'Last time, as wonderful as it was, was much too quick, for both of us I think, so let's make up for that this time Mac.' she said quietly as she tightened her grip, used the other hand to spread her pussy-lips apart, and pushed herself lower.

As I felt the tip of my cock slip between the moistly clinging outer folds I held my breath in anticipation of what was to come, my cock tingling as she began to move slowly down. I could tell from how wet her pussy was that what she had been doing for me had got her as sexually aroused as I was, and although the idea of more prolonged sex sounded marvellous I wondered if we would either be able to hold on for as long as she wanted us to.

'I'll do my best, but I can't make any promises Hanna, the things you make me feel are beyond anything I've experienced before.' I said as she continued pushing steadily down, gradually taking more and more of the throbbing length.

'That's nice to know Mac, for me too.' she replied throatily, pausing for a few moments as I took advantage of that position and lifted my hands to her breasts.

Their silky skin and the firm flesh beneath it felt wonderful, and as I took their weight, then gently squeezed as I lightly grazed their stiffening nipples with my thumbs, she gave a deep sigh of pleasure. The thrills I felt were just as strong but faded into the background when she suddenly pushed herself hard down against me.

'Mon Dieu!' she gasped. 'That's too much! But I love it!' she added as she ground herself even more tightly down against my pelvis. 'Yours is a truly magnificent weapon.' she said in low, rasping voice, letting my cock bathe in the warm, velvet moistness for a little longer before starting to rise and fall.

Each time she pushed down I could feel her tightly clinging pussy stimulating each and every nerve ending as she slowly forced the throbbing length of it deep inside. Then, having taken it all, she paused momentarily before she began to rise again. Then, once she had just the tip between the soft, moist folds of her pussy-lips, she paused again. I knew what she was doing, not merely delaying the process but also wanting us to enjoy both the actual physical sensations, and the anticipation of those that were yet to come.

Again and again and again, apparently untiringly, she rode me, until the thrills coursing through my body sent me into a delirium of pleasure. What she was doing and the way she was doing it made my cock feel bigger and harder than ever before, and at the same time I could also feel my balls beginning to ache from the pressure of the build-up of semen.

But adding to the effectiveness of what I was feeling were the intermittent variations she made in what she was doing. From time to time, when poised at the end of an uplift, she'd pause, then instead of pushing herself down again she would begin making tiny bouncing movements. Doing that made just her pussy-lips rub up and down over the super-sensitive rim of my cock and the stimulation was so localised, so incredibly intense, that the first time she did it my automatic response was to thrust upwards.

'No Mac.' she said quietly as she firmly pushed me down again. 'For now be still, quite still. Just let me do it.'

The thrills those movements gave me were so strong it wasn't easy to control myself, but I did my best to do as she asked. And so she continued, every now and then changing what she was doing. Most of the time using those long, slow rises and falls, occasionally pushing herself right down until she had driven my entire cock deep into the very heart of herself, then grinding her pelvis against mine. And sometimes driving me even more mad with pleasure when she concentrated on just my cock-head, using those short, faster bounces.

All that time I had been continuing to fondle and squeeze her breasts, becoming almost addicted to the feel of those firm, luscious globes, and the combination of that plus what her pussy was doing to my cock made me feel quite sure that even heaven could have nothing better to offer me. And although I wasn't conscious of making any of them, I was vaguely aware of sounds in the background, gasping breaths, groans, and mumbled exclamations of rapturous delight.

But I have no idea how long I drifted in that surreal paradise, no idea why my cock didn't gush fountain-like long before it finally did. 'You really like it this way, don't you?' I heard a voice asking from some far off place, the sound snapping me back to reality.

'It's, no, you, you are absolutely unbelievable Hanna.' I managed to croak, bringing my eyes back into focus as she continued to ride me.

I saw how flushed her face and neck had become by then, and felt how sharply her nipples were spiking from her tautly swollen breasts. And as I began rolling and squeezing them between my finger-tips she gave a low moan and I realised that she was reacting just as strongly as I was. Remembering what she had said before we started, and wanting desperately to please and satisfy her by holding back for as long as possible, I wondered what I could do to make that possible.

But I could think of nothing, so was relieved when Hanna began making low whimpering sounds and I felt her movements quickening, her steady rise and fall giving way to harder, sharper actions. I realised that she was finally being driven by her own quickly growing urgency and with that began to thrust upwards, forcing a series of explosive grunts from her each time my cock drove deep inside her.

I heard myself grunting too as the pressure inside me mounted higher, but luckily, just when it had built to an almost unbearable level, she began literally pounding herself up and down.

Our orgasms were in complete synchrony. I felt her pussy tightening as her contractions began, and then my own dizzying rush as the first surge boiled up through me. 'Yes Mac! Yeeesss! Yeeesss!' Hanna cried loudly as she rammed herself faster and faster up and down my towering cock.

I felt the semen scalding its way up through the straining shaft, then heard myself grunting as loudly as she had when I felt it pumping out in a series of excruciating jolts.

'Again, again!' she cried as it jetted deep into her spasming body, both of us gasping and heaving together as her orgasm continued and my cock spat load after explosive load up into her.

Again, and again, and again I thrust upwards. Each time ramming it deeper. Each massive burst accompanied by a deep grunt of satisfaction from me and a shrill cry of pleasure from Hanna.

But eventually of course our sweat-coated bodies slowed, our gasping breaths only just drowning out the sound of our wildly beating hearts and, having pulled her down on top of me, we lay there, locked together.


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