Happy Anniversary, Baby Ch. 06


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I stood up. "Yes. I know. I will. Thank you again, Gabrielle."

"Congratulations, Lauren. I'll see you this evening."

As I walked out of the office, my legs were just a bit shaky.

* * * * * * *

As I came home from work, it felt like the day had lasted a whole week. When I left for work this morning, it felt like a century ago.

What I wanted to do was strip off these clothes, take a long hot shower or soak in the tub, get a glass of wine, and just chill.

But instead, I had dinner to look forward to.

I had to admit, getting dressed up again was a small price to pay for not having to make my own dinner. But before I could do all that, I had business to attend to. I took my phone out of my purse, and sent two text messages.

The first was to my husband. "Have a safe flight. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

And the second was to Staci. "I'm sorry I snapped at you. Thanks for the leg up. Love, L."

And then I locked the front door, and headed to the bedroom. As I went down the hall, I thought about how it would be interesting to see who replied first.

Even as I entered the master bedroom, my phone rang. I took it out. Staci.

"Hi, sweetheart."

"Hey. Gabrielle told me what happened. I'm so sorry, I was so insensitive. Please forgive me."

"Nothing to forgive, Staci. You couldn't have known what happened."

"Still though, I could have handled that a little better."

"You also could have been a little more honest with me about your new boyfriend."

"You're right. I should have been more honest with you. But I didn't want to hurt your feelings, and I couldn't think of a way to tell you, except, just to tell you."

"Okay. I suppose I'll accept that. Thanks for putting in a good word for me, by the way."

"It was the least I could do, after what you did for me."

"Thanks. Now I just wish there was a way to speed up Human Resources. They take forever."

Staci laughed, "I know, huh. But don't let me keep you. Gabrielle says she's invited you out for dinner."

"Yes. She has."


"Yes, sweetheart?"

"I really hope...we can...still be friends. I'm sorry I can't be more than that, especially with all we've been through. But I would love it if we can at least remain friends."

I sighed. "You're a young woman, Staci. Don't be sorry for falling in love. It happens."

"Still though, I feel guilty."

"It's not your fault how my marriage is going. Or not going."

"Well, it sounds like you might be getting a lot of flowers in the future."

"Why do you say that?"

"There's this lady in my office, her husband got totally drunk at his office party and did something totally inappropriate and embarrassed her. She's been getting flowers every day this week."

We shared a good long laugh. It felt good to laugh.

I finally said, "So, tell me. Is he at least better than your last boyfriend?"

"Yes. Much better. Like I said, we were friends in school."

"I'm glad you're happy. Go kiss your boyfriend. I gotta go."

"See you at the office, Lauren."

"See you later, Staci."

We hung up and I went straight to the master bedroom.

I dropped my purse on the dresser and started to strip out of my work clothes, starting with my high heels. I kicked them off and sighed as I flexed and stretched my calf muscles.

Then I reached for the zipper to my skirt.

Just as I was doing that, my phone rang, again. Who is it now?


"Hi, Lauren."

"Hi, Jack. Are you at the airport?" There was a lot of background noise.

"Yeah. I'm just waiting for my flight to be called."

"Oh. Okay."

"Hey, listen. I'm sorry about what happened. And I'm also bummed you didn't get to do that dance for me."

Despite myself, I giggled. But then I said, "Who was that woman, Jack?"

"She was a colleague."

"A colleague? She seemed like a lot more than that."

"That's because we often travel together on these trips of mine. But you can be sure she knows to stop at Terri's desk first from now on."

I chuckled. "I certainly hope so."

"Which reminds me..."


"When I get back, I'm going to speak to my boss, about designating someone to travel in my place. Half of these trips I've taken, I could have just as easily phoned it in, or done it by video conference. I've sure as hell earned that much consideration, if nothing else."

I was about to melt. "I won't lie. It would be nice to see you more often. I've been missing you."

"Believe it or not, but I've been missing you, too. I would like to be able to have dinner at home, just you and me, a little more often."

"Well, when you get home from this trip, we can have that dinner, because we're celebrating."

"Celebrating? What?"

"That executive assistant opening I applied for? I got it. I start just as soon as the paperwork gets done."

"Wow, Lauren, congratulations, babe. That's awesome."

I beamed. "Thank you, honey!"

"Soon as I get back, I'm taking a sick day, we'll have something delivered, and you and I will catch up over dinner. I promise."

Softly I said, "It's a date, honey..."

Then suddenly I heard an announcement through the phone.

Jack quietly said, "Damn."

"Was that your flight they just announced?"

"Yeah. That's my flight. I gotta go, babe."

"I love you, honey. Be careful."

"Love you, too, Lauren. I'll call you tomorrow sometime."

"Okay, honey. Bye."

"Bye, babe."

I hung up, smiling for the first time today.

I won't lie, that all sounded good. But I'll believe it when Jack doesn't have to go on quite so many "business trips."

In the meantime, I was still lonely. Still frustrated. Still horny. But also just a tiny bit hopeful as well.

I took a deep breath, and let it out in a long sigh. Then I resumed getting undressed.

* * * * * * *

It wasn't until after nine-thirty that evening, quite late for me, that the car that Gabrielle had hired, was taking me home.

The driver held the door open, and I got out.

To my surprise, Gabrielle also got out and said, "Wait for me. I'll be right back. I'm just going to escort Lauren to the door."

"Yes, ma'am."

I said, "You don't need to do that..."

"Please, Lauren, I insist."

"Okay, then..."

Gabrielle tucked her clutch purse under her arm, and then took my hand, and walked with me up the drive way, all the way up to the front door.

It had taken me a while to decide on a tight-fitting knee-length gold foil bandage dress, with matching open-toed pumps, hair still down. Gabrielle wore a vivid blue, equally tight-fitting dress of her own, with a daring mid-thigh hemline, and matching sky-high stiletto heels.

As we arrived at my front door, I softly said, "Thank you for dinner. It was wonderful."

"Lauren, thank you for joining me this evening. You are right, it was a wonderful evening. I think we talked as much as we ate."

I laughed. "Yes, not to mention I think we kept the restaurant open a little later than they normally were."

Gabrielle laughed out loud. "I know! We certainly kept the wait staff on their toes."

I said, "Well, I guess this is good night. I would invite you in, but we both know it wouldn't be for just a few minutes."

Gabrielle smiled. "No, it wouldn't! Because you are such a beautiful woman and an excellent dinner date."

I blushed heavily. "Too bad there's not a way to get HR to move a little faster on the paperwork, huh?"

"Yes, I agree. I'll have to speak to Cheryl Montgomery on Monday and see if there's not a way to speed things up."

I fished my keys out of my purse and said, "Well, I guess this is good bye, for now, at least until the transfer goes through."

"Yes. Unless next time is a bit sooner..."

I said, "What do you mean?"

"We both go to the same health club, for their yoga class. How would you like to go with me to the health club? Make a day out of it?"

"Yeah...I would like that. As much fun as dinner was, yeah, I would like that a lot."

"Good! I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Cool. Can't wait..."

Gabrielle smiled sheepishly. "Speaking of which, I'm keeping the driver waiting. I'll see you tomorrow. Eleven thirty okay?"

I smiled, spontaneously. "Yes, that's fine. I'll see you then."

Quite suddenly, she said, "Staci told me you two had a ... thing going for a while. True?"

"Yes. Did. As in, once did, but not any longer."

"Well. No offense, but Staci is still a child, just in a woman's body."

Dryly, I said, "Trust me, I know."

"How would you like to be with a real woman, someone more your age?"

"Well, to be honest, it would be nice just to be with someone who has the same generational things in common."

"I know what you mean. That's why I hired you for the assistant position. Let the kids handle the internet. You have the real job."

I smiled. "Thank you, Gabrielle."

"Can I...kiss you good night?"

I licked my lips nervously. "Yes...I suppose so..."

Gabrielle slipped her arms around my waist and pulled me in close. Once again I felt protected and cared for.

I slowly wound my arms around her neck, just as she leaned in and kissed me, a romantic and passionate kiss. She didn't use her tongue, but that open mouth kiss made me moan.

We kissed without hurry, one kiss blending into the next. I could feel my pussy getting wet, my breasts swollen and sensitive.

Gabrielle gently pulled back. "Thank you again for dining with me. Goodnight, Lauren."

I stood there, swaying slightly, lips tingling. "Goodnight, Gabrielle."

Gabrielle lightly brushed the back of her hand across my cheek.

I smiled at her.

Smiling over her shoulder at me, Gabrielle walked back over to the car and got in, her hips swaying seductively to the beat of her high heels.

I stood and watched as the car drove away down the street. Then I slid the key into the lock and got inside.

I quickly went inside. As I locked the door and armed the alarm, I leaned against the door, trying to calm my pounding heart, not to mention my wet pussy.

Then I smiled to myself.

* * * * * * *

The next day, I was prepared for whatever yoga class we were going to draw. Because during the weekends, the health club had what they called "random yoga."

If you were going to take a weekend yoga class, because maybe you missed your regular class during the week, then more than likely you were going to get a class that was maybe a completely different sort of yoga, or maybe with outrageously difficult poses. You just never knew.

I was completely prepared to get one hell of a work out.

So you can imagine my disappointment when we drew a basic beginner's yoga class, with really basic, easy poses.

Now, I'm hardly an expert in yoga. But, sometimes it was good to go back to basics.

I patted my face with a towel, as I followed Gabrielle to the door, carrying my mat, wearing my pink t-shirt and grey shorts, my hair slicked back in a customary bun.

Gabrielle was wiping her face, saying, "Some class, huh?"

"Yeah, that was fun, actually!"

"It was more fun with you."

I blushed and beamed as we went down the hall. "Really?"

"Yes, really. Come on, let's go get changed."

"Where to next?"

"I thought we could go to the book store, the one with the coffee shop."

"Oooohh, sounds good! But we can't stay very long, because I need to be home when my husband calls."

Gabrielle rolled her eyes as she looked at the clock on the wall. "Yes, so do I, in fact."

"I didn't know you were married."

"Yes, I've been married about sixteen years."

"Any children?"

"No, no children. What about you?"

"No, me neither. We've frankly been too busy to maintain much of a sex life."

"Tell it, girl..."

We laughed.

We finally made it into the privacy of the women's locker room.

That's where I said, "Speaking of which...thank you for the good night kiss. That was nice."

"My pleasure, Lauren. I suspected you needed that."

"Hmm. You 'suspected' correctly. And you're right, it was good to get a kiss from a grown woman."

"If you like, I can give you more than that. Much more."

I didn't respond, at first.

It wasn't until we got to our lockers, than I finally said, "Gabrielle?"


"I hope you didn't pick me to be your assistant, just to get a new lover."

Gabrielle didn't reply.

"Because having an affair is already complicated enough, without that affair being with a co-worker. Even worse, with a boss."

Finally she said, "Have a seat."

We sat down on the bench, facing each other.

"Listen, Lauren, I chose you to be my assistant because Staci put in a good word for you. Your boss put in a good word for you. Cheryl in HR told me all your performance reviews were good. And you have been with the company for quite some time. So you seemed like the natural pick. Seeing how beautiful you are...well, I'll admit, that is a bonus."

"I just don't want to be put in a situation where sleeping with the boss is part of my job description. You hear me?"

"I hear you," she said softly. "I still want you to be my assistant. As for the sex part, well, I don't want you to feel like you to have to have sex with me, because you don't. I would be disappointed, I'll admit. But not so disappointed that I wouldn't choose you. Because another bonus is getting you away from that terrible boss you have."

I finally cracked. A laugh started, then broke out of me. Pretty soon we were both laughing hearty belly laughs.

After a little bit, our laughter subsided.

Then she said, "So. I'd love to have you work for me."

I reached over and squeezed her brown hand. "I'd love to work with you."

Gabrielle leaned across and swiftly planted a single kiss on my lips. "Good."

I giggled self-consciously. Then I kissed her back.

I asked her, "If you don't mind me asking, how is your marriage going? You already know about mine."

"That's a fair question. We sleep in separate beds, Lauren. Separate. Beds."

I clapped my hands over my mouth. "Oh, no... are you serious?"

"Very serious. We have not had anything approaching sex in so long, I'm practically a virgin. Much like your marriage."

"I have a hard time believing that, Gabrielle. I mean look at you, you're a beautiful woman."

Gabrielle smiled. "Thank you. I have a hard time believing it, as well."

Then I said, "Come on. Let's shower and change so we can get out of here."

Quickly we stripped down to our birthday suits. I soon found out that Gabrielle White was indeed a beautiful woman, in fact, even more beautiful naked than with clothes on.

Except for the fudge colored nipples and silver-dollar sized areola on her beautifully perky breasts, her body was the same chocolate color all over, even down to the cove between her legs. She had no pubic hair, and I could see it all, from her hooded clit, to the chocolate labia.

My mouth started to water.

I was glad that I had my own pussy waxed, just a couple of weeks ago.

She gave me a once-over as well, then handed me a towel with a wink.

Then we both put on bath towels, and headed over to the showers, which were quite busy, which I expected, because the yoga class had been quite a large one, with more than 30 people there, mostly female.

We stood there, waiting, trading shy looks.

Finally a shower stall opened up. We waited for another one, but just that one.

Gabrielle nudged me. "Go ahead, take it. I'll wait."

"No, you take it."

She slipped off her towel, and took my hand. "Come on."

"What do you mean?"

"Let's shower together. Come on..."

Not really believing this was happening, I slipped off my towel as well, and followed her.

* * * * * * *

A couple of hours later, Gabrielle pulled her white Mercedes up to the curb at my house, and twisted the key in the ignition.

The music went off. Silence fell.

I turned to Gabrielle and said, "Well. Thanks again. I've had a wonderful time today. Plus, I don't think I've bought this many books in one day."

Gabrielle smiled. "You're welcome, Lauren. I've also had a wonderful time."

"Would you like to come in? No driver to keep waiting this time..."

"Are you sure that would be a good idea?"

"Not really. But, until my husband gets back from this work trip he is away on, things are still the same."


Minutes later, I was closing the door behind Gabrielle, and locking the lock.

I dropped my book bag on the ottoman near the couch with my yoga bag, next to Gabrielle's book bag.

Then I turned to her, gently took her by the hand, and said, "Come with me."

We no more crossed the threshold into the master bedroom, than she took me in her arms and kissed me full on the lips.

This time, I relaxed into the kiss.

We kissed, over and over and over...

This time I could feel the passion in her kisses, as well as the feeling of being protected in the way she held me.

Five minutes later we were naked as the day we were born, as Gabrielle gently lowered me on to the bed, and moved on top of me.

"Lauren. You are so fucking beautiful."

"Thank you, so are you."

"I can't believe your husband isn't at home every chance he gets, making babies with you."

"Neither can I..."

"Well, your husband's loss is my gain..."


Gabrielle started back in with the kisses. Soft. Gentle. Never probing. Always patient. Protective.

Only after it felt like we had been kissing for some time, did she finally start with her tongue.

I moaned around her kisses.

As she ran her nails through my hair, I ran my nails all up and down her back, giving her booty a playful squeeze.

Gabrielle giggled. "Mmmmm, you like that chocolate booty, huh?"

"Who doesn't?"

"You'd be surprised..."

Gabrielle began to kiss along the nape of my neck, her lips coming in gentle contact with the sensitive skin.

I exhaled in a soft moan.

After a few minutes of this sensuous torture, she finally arrived at my heaving breasts, kissing all over them, and finally licking and sucking on my nipples.

Gabrielle's soft silky hair trailed down my tummy as she kissed her way down in between my legs.

I stared up at the ceiling, thinking how I was being permanently spoiled. This was truly what making love meant.

Gabrielle began to probe the delicate skin around my vagina, kissing delicately and softly. Only when I felt like my pussy was about to explode from how wet it was, did she spread apart the hood covering my clit.

She started lightly flicking her tongue over it. With each flick and lick I squirmed in pleasure.

Gabrielle didn't speak as she serviced my pussy. And I didn't spare any breath either, except to moan or squeal or shout.

I couldn't tell you how long she was down there, except that if my husband had come in the room and asked me any questions, my only answer would have been, "Yes, baby, yes!"

But after a body-shaking, mind-blowing multiple orgasm, Gabrielle moved back up and kissed me.

"Oh my god..."

She grinned. "Did you like that, Lauren?"

"Mmmmm yes... oh my God, yes!"

"Think you can do that to me?"

I rolled over on top of her. "Was that a dare?"

"Yeah," she grinned. "I'm daring you to eat my chocolate pussy!"

I giggled, as I kissed her. I did my best to do everything to her that she did to me.

I gently nuzzled and kissed the nape of her neck, moving slowly down to her shoulder blade, and finally down to her chocolate-covered breasts, which I couldn't get enough of.

I kissed them, licked the nipples, sucked on them.

Gabrielle gasped out loud. Her chest heaved.

Finally I made my way down her equally flat, equally chocolate tummy, down to her chocolate pussy.

Here I put my time with Staci to good use. I, uh, applied all the lessons I learned, lessons of how to eat pussy.

Grinning up at Gabrielle, I plunged my tongue deep inside the moist pink folds of her pussy, moving up slightly to suck her clit.

Pretty soon, I had her speaking in tongues, bucking her hips like a bronco, and calling my name in high pitched ecstasy.