Happy New Tears

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A party could mark the end of a husband's anticipation.
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New Year's parties were going on all over the city, most of them at a constant volume worthy of a noise complaint to the police. It was no different at the party Mari and Will attended, at an acquaintance of an acquaintance's Manhattan penthouse. But comparatively, their party of two was the loudest in the city, permeated by screams silenced by suggestion. Will would have screamed if he could, many choice words born of frustration and begging, but it pleased Mari too much to watch her husband suppress himself.


On his knees, he stared up as she sat on the penthouse owner's guestroom.

"It pleases me when you ask, when you beg. And all you seem to know is pleasing me," Mari purred at him. Foot slipped out of the ankle boot, Mari's toes ran up and down his naked thigh, while the heat of her words traveling across the rest of him.

"Hurts...so bad...." he complained, eyes watering.

"Hurts so good..." she wheedled, enjoyed his capitulation to enjoying the suffering.

Married for two-and-a-half years, both were career execs who'd met on a business trip to her native Fiji. Will being a refreshingly-polite and courteous American outside of business meetings, they hit it off fairly quickly, and mutually decided not to wait too long to get married once things became serious. Both being busy and professionally-minded, both thought of ways to keep their marriage fresh and spontaneous; Will didn't know what to think when Mari not only suggested one kinky thing, but several of them, with hypnosis being the strangest of them all. That night, Will just knew to think very little, outside of what Mari told him.

"But how can you know so little? An educated, open-minded man like yourself should be filled with intelligent thoughts. But what happens when you're so open-minded, so absorbent that you let that one thought in that affects every other thought? Like an uninvited guest that everyone else has their eye on?"

Glassy green eyes looked up at her brown ones, loving how the outside light made her dark, perspiring skin almost glow. She looked as ethereal outside of his mind as he believed Mari was inside of it. It should've made more sense at the start how an ad exec could come across "hypnosis as a kink," from the woman whose livelihood involved selling things to people who didn't know they wanted them.

"What if this guest spread a rumor about the host of the party, something to do with sleep? What if that rumor spread from thought to thought? What if each rumor became more wild, as each teller became more sedated?"

The energetic, insistent arousal in Will became less pronounced the more detailed her description became. His mind found a way to liken it to the party below them, though their noise was filtered out in favor of his wife's hypnotic tone, and the party-going thoughts whispering "sleep."

"The quieter the party grew, the louder the chorus of sleep became. No matter what the embellished rumors became, all could be summarized with sleep, until every rumor devolved into just that simple word...sleep...sleep...sleep."

Breathing slowing as his lips began forming the word every other thought echoed back to him.

"And by the time the echoes drowned into the host's mind...sleep...sleep...sleep, the sweet rumor maker, a sweetie named Mari was there at his side, personally delivering her message to her intended target...sleep...sleep...sleep..."

Will lulled on the floor, body sagging having no stability. His torso was allowed to sway with what little consciousness was left, looking for any surface to welcome his mindless body. He found it with Mari's hand catching him. Palm against his forehead, fingers clasping over the front of his scalp, he sighed thankfully, before a rush of arousal brought him back, a gasp of excitement telling his dominant his needy state had returned.

"Mmmmmmmm..f-f-ckk....ohhh fuckkkk......Mari," the pleasure crossed a threshold that produced a single tear, running down his cheek, joining the beads of sweat traveling down his body. "Please, Mari....pleasssseeee...."

"Yes, baby. Mari is pleased," she giggled wickedly.

In her grasp, Will felt the cage he'd been kept in for a month, her finger like bars of a prison of pleasure, pleading with his warden. Just like being under hypnosis, or as a result of it, time warped to where one month long could've been three months long to his libido, or six months if she was particularly cruel in her teasing, like she was displaying at that moment.

"You please me soooo much, William. It makes me soooo fucking hotttt. And me being sooo hottt makes your want even hottter, increasing your needy self, increasing your need to please me," she informed him, tilting his head back for an unimpeded view of his indulged obsession.

The one hand not holding ran itself over the body he yearned for. He was always attracted to the curvy islander, but she easily sold him on the connection to her flesh, tethering a desire to worship every inch. With all the comments Mari endured about plus-sized figure, turning someone into a slave with it, and for it, helped to pave over all the negativity she was used to. Where her hand roamed is where his lips burned to be. It'd been less than a full day since she last let him indulge in her body, putting her on a pedestal of kisses and licks, but Will's eyes communicated how it was much longer to him.

"How long have you been so needy, baby? How long has thoughts of me set you aflame on cold nights? Will there be a moment when you get what you want? Will all those moments become intolerable if you don't get it," she gripped his head, making him feel the confines of what caused and prevented arousal.

Remembering the plethora of anorexic models still making noise beneath them, and all the men clamoring for them set her off a little bit, recalling what she set in-motion. They both took cabs to the party, and she made sure she arrived first. Mari knew when Will arrived, but made herself hard to find in the crowd, loving how he waded through that sea of slender to stare almost inappropriately, lewdly when he spotted his hypnotist. She loved the gentleman that would occasionally give a glance at her body in public, but got dripping wet at the man who would've slipped under her dress in the middle of the party if not chained to specific suggestions.

"That intolerance would be so devastating, like a man in the desert, parched, always with the taste of nourishment on the tip of his tongue. Walking through life without it is his walk through the desert, dreaming of dessert. He could be left hot all the time with the sweltering sun hanging above, like thoughts of Mari hanging above, making you hot under all those societal collars, only thinking about mine."

Her grip on his forehead loosened until only her index finger stayed attached to his body, trailing down to the bridge of his nose.

"That state would just become a devastating normal, walking around, living out your daily life, knowing patience was your only means of earning your reward, until you'd forgotten about even the reward itself. That is, until something triggered it. Maybe that crazy rumor from that party made its way to your office."

Will's eyes honed in on the bright red of Mari's fingernail, following the tingling she left on his skin until she booped the end of his nose, and started fluttering her fingers before his eyes, assaulting his concentration with a multitude of red nails.

"Whispers among the corridors and cubicles all saying the same thing...sleep...sleep...sleep. The daily monotony turning workers into zombies would become the strange, colorful fixation turning zombies into blissful sleepwalkers, letting that gentle hand guide them into...sleep...sleep...sleep?"

Outside neon lighting flashed against her nails, as Will's eyes instinctively followed the different colors amongst the eye-catching red, dragging him in every direction, bringing the inner white how pleasure down a few shades.

"But whose hand is doing the guiding at your job? Has the sweet Mari come to pay her party host a visit, delivering a long message to the receptionist, but all she hears is...sleep...sleep...sleep. And then someone within earshot hears...sleep...sleep...sleep. The rumor from that party spreads like wildfire across your floor, all the way to your office. Productivity going down. Eyelids going down. Nothing rising above the feelings of sleep...sleep...sleep. "

Waves of her hands caused waves of pleasure and drowsiness, trying to force his eyes open to stay with the colors as her words pulled his lids down. Once white hot was now very grey, and turning even darker.

"It's like a wave that follows as the receptionist personally escorts Mari to will, a flood of sleep...sleep...sleep following the woman whose come to bring you a message you might need in distressing times...sleep...sleep...sleep."

Blackness followed as her fingers kept gesturing downwards more and more, until Will finally took the hint and sunk down.

"But that's no way to pay attention to your loving wife," Mari chided, raising his head up with her grip to his forehead again, the white hot burning him back awake, moaning into almost a scream. "Now is it?"

Eyes forced open from the unrelenting pleasure that spiked harder as a naked Mari filled his eyesight.

"F-f-uck it hurts..so gooooddddd..."

"Hurts so good?" Mari asked mockingly.

"Soooooo fuccckkkingggg goooodddd..."

It was monumental effort to keep his eyes from rolling up into the back of his sockets, highly motivated to watch the undulations and caresses of Mari's free hand touching herself, and then touch him. Still seated on the bed, spreading her legs, he watched her flick at her nipples and squeeze at hers, before reaching down to tug at his.

"Oh gooddddammitt," he cried, torrents of tears joining beads of sweat down his face. "PLEASE MARI, FUCKING PLEASE, LET ME!!"

"Let you what, baby?" she cheekily asked while using her index finger to run vertically down his lips, suggesting silence lest another partygoer hear someone dying.

"PLEASE LET ME ORGASM YOU FUCKING WIFE LET ME LICK YOU LET ME FUCK YOU TO ORGASM SOMETHING I NEED YOU LET ME DO SOMETHING TO ANYTHING FOR YOU!!!" His screams coming out as sharp, harsh whispers caused Mari to reach her own edge.

"Are you sure y-you can," Mari began struggling with her words, gripping his forehead harder. "Cause all that talk of sleep...sleep...sleep, must be getting you down a bit. Your sweet Mari just has that effect on you."

As his eyelids fluttered closed while his eye rolled back, the orgasmic heed made Will double-down on focus.


"MMMmmmmmm, that's not really that convincing, Will. I made you sleep...sleep...sleep at your own party. I made you sleep...sleep...sleep at your own office."

The heated war going on inside Will made him softly scream and loudly mewl.


"Even at the height of your highest pleasure, the same repeated word...sleep...sleep...sleep...just steals it away. You say you want orgasm...orgasm...orgasm...but your body just can't resist...sleep...sleep...sleep..."

"OH FUCKING GOD WHY DO YOU TORMENT ME!" He yawned in anger, nearly making her babble and gush close to his face.

"Because isn't it so fucking hot?" The half-rhetorical question followed his head being pulled forward to answer at her slick cavern. He answered the only way he knew how for a whole month, for months on end, giving her pleasure when it was the only pleasure to be had. Mari didn't last twenty seconds before erupting all over his face.

"YOU WILL ORGASM!" she finally released the floodgates, making them cum at the same time. Will's charged mind fell over the precipice and came like it wanted to, pleasure exploding like fireworks in every part of his brain, screaming in her slit until the height of it finally began to subside.

The married couple both breathed heavily, staring at each other for long seconds, accusations and wicked gleams interwoven with looks of love.

"We're you trying to kill me or what?" Will laughed, leaning against the bed, holding and kissing her legs.

"To die is to have a sexual orgasm, if you buy into some Shakespearean theories," she stroked his hair, checking her phone.

"I bought nothing, and still paid for it." Mari let out an unconstrained laugh.

"I'm going to start begging early, starting now really. Please, my loving dear, sexy, incredibly-powerful wife, don't make me wait a month long again to orgasm," he started to kiss his way up to her pussy again, but Mari stopped her. Hidden mirth slipped from her face as she stared at his face, her phone again, and down at his still, painfully-looking engorged cock.

"Please remember how you just described me, okay?"


A chime on her phone answered, sounding off a notification, a message in her cheery voice.

"On the twelfth month of chastity, your true love gave to you: one hidden memory......."

The trigger was set off in his mind, and rushed so fast into the rest of his body that he leapt off his kneels to his feet, eyes ready to bulge out of his sockets.


Fortunately for both of them, very loud laughter from below muffled Will's uproar.

Mari watched Will carefully as he paced back and forth in-front of her, asking himself over and over how he could forget such a primal fact of being a man, a male, glaring at his wife hilariously-failing to keep keep from laughing. He wanted to use antonyms for how he described his wife; those were only kept at bay from the genuine love he held, and the fear of what else she could make capable with her hypnotic proficiency and twisted sense of satisfaction.

"How could you do that to me," Will cried with more tears down his cheek. "I could've died!"

"...not according to Shakespeare?"

They both failed at laughing, but Will's was mixed with moans as a calendar year's worth of pleasure recognition slowly seeped back into his cock.

"A whole year of...not...but we fuck all the time."

"We do, and we both get pleasure from it."

"But we're both supposed to climax."

"Not everyone runs a race for the same reason. It's like that journey/destination thing, some do it to cross the finish line-"

"Most, including me" he corrected.

"While other just enjoy the friction they've made along the way."

He wanted to cry solely at her bad joke. "This shouldn't even be possible," Will said, lowering himself back at her legs before he'd collapse.

"Your own mind has proved you wrong there, baby. You've impressed me beyond what I thought, and continue to do so. You please me every single day..."

Conscious Will knew her manipulative words were triggering something; he didn't care as it was feeding more recognition back to his cock.

"If you're doing all this to make me remember my cock's basic function now....does..does that...mean...."

Mari bit her lip at the hope he was on the verge of begging for, telling her that even his conscious mind had finally accept her absolute control. Glancing at the clock on her phone, she pulled him up into a hot kiss, and inserted him deftly into her, enjoying even the full body shiver vibrating from his cock inside of her. She didn't waste time setting a frantic pace, using his hands to caress her huge breasts. As the crowd started to countdown beneath them, so did he feel his scheduled orgasm to come.

With every second, he wondered if it would really happen, asking with his eyes if he'd actually come, if she'd make him edge one last time that year, or something even more nefarious she could think of.

She only smiled evilly, timing his cock actually coming with a hard kiss on his lips to muffle the screams.

Stuck on the epicenter of the pleasure center of existence for a while, he remained a mindless mess in Mari's arms for a long while.


It was maybe an hour later before Mari used suggestive surges of energy to wake him up, making them get dressed to slip back into the party unnoticed. Will got them both bottled waters, foregoing champagne because "you've intoxicated quite enough tonight," he laughed.

"Who says I'm done," she laughed back.

After letting both of them take a long sip of water, Will pulled Mari to another kiss.

"Please baby, not another full year like that. Okay?"

For some reason, her hand raised her keys, jingling them before his eyes like she did everyday with an impish grin on her face. Once he caught sight of one of them, a golden chastity key she loved but never used, "forget" emblazoned on it, he was suddenly confused about what he'd just said. Having his wife's face in his hands, it just felt right to kiss her again and forget about whatever else he said before.

"Happy New Years," he crooned at her.

"Happy new tears to you too, baby," she purred back.

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Satyam4005Satyam400521 days ago

"Technically, yes. Advertisers like Mari often try to sell people on things, as hypnotists also often do."

Oh , in that way , i got it, this cleared somethings and some suspicions , so it also means she didn't know hypnosis before marriage and learned it afterwards, right?

"For this one, all Will wanted to do was be allowed to maximize his pleasure, which Mari loves toying with. She does love him and would never bring serious harm to her husband, but she also loves being a little sadistic with denying pleasure at her whim."

"The love between them was meant to be implied there, but that last scene was trying to illustrate how she triggers and hypnotically controls his idea of an orgasm for long-stretches of time."

Actually that was the problem, i mean i did get the illustration of how she had complete control over the orgasm of her husband (that actually was the best part for me) but the problem was the love between them always felt like one sided , like in both the parts i quoted, it was shown her husband so in love with her and her , controlling his ideas , expectations or rather say his whole subconscious , but it didn't felt her having genuine feelings for him . Maybe , i like the love a little bit more explicitly shown in the story or maybe you focused on the hypnotic orgasm part more and thought that the love shown indirectly is enough for people to understand but it wasn't as the ratings is pretty low when compared to your standards , and since you wrote it pretty well (as usual) , i think the only thing people wouldn't have liked would be this one , in any case the fact is I wasn't able to get the characters in the way you wanted me as a reader to, so if possible please write even just a little bit of something which'll be explicitly showing the affection 🥺.

Despite chastity not being a really big thing for you (honestly, I'm not big into it either), I'm glad you enjoyed what was there. "

Yeah, i don't like chastity that much , especially for longer periods but i sure enjoyed what you wrote as usual

mechan11mechan1123 days agoAuthor

Thank you for all your comments Satyam4005, I'm glad you enjoyed the story for the most part. I'll try to answer all your questions now:

"1st of all what did this mean “It should’ve made more sense at the start how an ad exec could come across “hypnosis as a kink,” from the woman whose livelihood involved selling things to people who didn’t know they wanted them.”

Like did it mean she use hypnosis outside too ?"

---Technically, yes. Advertisers like Mari often try to sell people on things, as hypnotists also often do.

"“If you’re doing all this to make me remember my cock’s basic function now….does..does that…mean….”

Does this mean she made him forgot how to cum?

Or she was just making him feel like he's Cumming but he was actually not

I'm pretty confused about this part"

---Yes, she made him forget how to cum. For almost a year, Mari made Will believe orgasming only happened in his head like a mental orgasm instead of a physical one with his cock.

"And i didn't understand anything about this -

“We do, and we both get pleasure from it.”

“But we’re both supposed to climax.”

“Not everyone runs a race for the same reason. It’s like that journey/destination thing, some do it to cross the finish line-“

“Most, including me” he corrected.

“While other just enjoy the friction they’ve made along the way.”

What did she and him both meant ?

Like who enjoys what ?"

---She enjoys torturing him with pleasure, and having the power through hypnosis to subvert his idea of the pleasure he's naturally supposed to get. He enjoys cumming naturally with his cock, or being allowed to when his wife permits. Guys expect to come from passionate sexual encounters like that, but she changed his expectations altogether, until she reminded him of the natural occurrence of cocks being able to cum.

"In this story however ,ah let me quote the lines “Those were only kept at bay from the genuine love he held, and the fear of what else she could make capable with her hypnotic proficiency and twisted sense of satisfaction.”

This actually felt like a bit of betrayal thing like he loves him but she doesn't , she doesn't care about him and only wants pleasure for him that's why he's afraid of what she'll do with her hypnotic powers,"

For this one, all Will wanted to do was be allowed to maximize his pleasure, which Mari loves toying with. She does love him and would never bring serious harm to her husband, but she also loves being a little sadistic with denying pleasure at her whim.

"This one as well -

"After letting both of them take a long sip of water, Will pulled Mari to another kiss.

"Please baby, not another full year like that. Okay?"

For some reason, her hand raised her keys, jingling them before his eyes like she did everyday with an impish grin on her face. Once he caught sight of one of them, a golden chastity key she loved but never used, "forget" emblazoned on it, he was suddenly confused about what he'd just said. Having his wife's face in his hands, it just felt right to kiss her again and forget about whatever else he said before.

"Happy New Years," he crooned at her.

"Happy new tears to you too, baby," she purred back.""

---The love between them was meant to be implied there, but that last scene was trying to illustrate how she triggers and hypnotically controls his idea of an orgasm for long-stretches of time.

Despite chastity not being a really big thing for you (honestly, I'm not big into it either), I'm glad you enjoyed what was there. And I hope my explanations cleared some things up.

Satyam4005Satyam400524 days ago

One more thing, this part is one of my most fav as well, just saying 😁

"He wanted to cry solely at her bad joke. “This shouldn’t even be possible,” Will said, lowering himself back at her legs before he’d collapse.

“Your own mind has proved you wrong there, baby. You’ve impressed me beyond what I thought, and continue to do so. You please me every single day…”

Conscious Will knew her manipulative words were triggering something; he didn’t care as it was feeding more recognition back to his cock.


Another one of my fav fantasy , getting appreciations for being a good boy/pet/slave

Even though the last part makes it feel like a lie which she's just using for manipulation

Satyam4005Satyam400524 days ago

Anyways the writing was really good as usual, and the lusty parts for example this one -

“Mari bit her lip at the hope he was on the verge of begging for, telling her that even his conscious mind had finally accept her absolute control. Glancing at the clock on her phone, she pulled him up into a hot kiss, and inserted him deftly into her, enjoying even the full body shiver vibrating from his cock inside of her. She didn’t waste time setting a frantic pace, using his hands to caress her huge breasts. As the crowd started to countdown beneath them, so did he feel his scheduled orgasm to come.

With every second, he wondered if it would really happen, asking with his eyes if he’d actually come, if she’d make him edge one last time that year, or something even more nefarious she could think of.

She only smiled evilly, timing his cock actually coming with a hard kiss on his lips to muffle the screams.

Stuck on the epicenter of the pleasure center of existence for a while, he remained a mindless mess in Mari’s arms for a long while.”

This is actually my most favourite fantasy, i mean i don't like chastity for long periods but i love edge play , i love being a mindless mess in my partners loving arms , ah i love it so much and mechan has really wrote it in the best way 😍.

Didn't like some parts of the concept that much but still 5/5 for this one as it doesn't deserve anything less .

Satyam4005Satyam400524 days ago

Ah I don’t know what to say , feeling a little bit confused with what i felt after this story 😕

1st of all what did this mean “It should’ve made more sense at the start how an ad exec could come across “hypnosis as a kink,” from the woman whose livelihood involved selling things to people who didn’t know they wanted them.”

Like did it mean she use hypnosis outside too ?

Hmm, nice.

And also what did this meant –

“If you’re doing all this to make me remember my cock’s basic function now….does..does that…mean….”

Does this mean she made him forgot how to cum?

Or she was just making him feel like he's Cumming but he was actually not

I'm pretty confused about this part

And i didn't understand anything about this -

“We do, and we both get pleasure from it.”

“But we’re both supposed to climax.”

“Not everyone runs a race for the same reason. It’s like that journey/destination thing, some do it to cross the finish line-“

“Most, including me” he corrected.

“While other just enjoy the friction they’ve made along the way.”

What did she and him both meant ?

Like who enjoys what ?

This story was a little bit confusing in some places especially at the starting but i got it completely in the last


Now ,talking about the story then till now , I’ve read a lot of the stories of mechan and I’ve commented on everyone of then as well, showing how much I liked them , in each of those stories what I loved the most was the femdom love, like there was femdom but both the partners showed love , care and a little bit of respect for each other, the hypnosis was loving that's why imagining being a slave was more blissful than heavens which I'd do anything to be. In this story however ,ah let me quote the lines “Those were only kept at bay from the genuine love he held, and the fear of what else she could make capable with her hypnotic proficiency and twisted sense of satisfaction.”

This actually felt like a bit of betrayal thing like he loves him but she doesn't , she doesn't care about him and only wants pleasure for him that's why he's afraid of what she'll do with her hypnotic powers,

This one as well -

"After letting both of them take a long sip of water, Will pulled Mari to another kiss.

"Please baby, not another full year like that. Okay?"

For some reason, her hand raised her keys, jingling them before his eyes like she did everyday with an impish grin on her face. Once he caught sight of one of them, a golden chastity key she loved but never used, "forget" emblazoned on it, he was suddenly confused about what he'd just said. Having his wife's face in his hands, it just felt right to kiss her again and forget about whatever else he said before.

"Happy New Years," he crooned at her.

"Happy new tears to you too, baby," she purred back."

there was no mention of any loving feeling which could reassure me that it's not the case , it's not just for pleasure and she does care about him or love him , also it was developed more because of the initial part where she was shown to use hypnosis in her work , which also made me a bit of suspicion that whether he actually loved him or she hypnotised him to fall for her which was never the case in the other stories of Mechan. And chastity isn't my kink as well so i did a felt a little bit uncomfortable in it too but it wasn't anything to consider .

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