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"Or what?"

"Or think about taking a little walk on the wild side to see if it opens your mind to new ideas. It won't really change you deep down. I know you're always going to be the decent, caring person you are right now.

"When I moved from men to women, I was surprised that I was exactly the same person. Maybe you'd like to try some different flavors to see if there's anything you like besides vanilla. If you're ever curious about trying something unusual, I'm willing to help you."

"Thanks, Willow," he said while thinking that Gina would probably be even more willing. "I think you really do want to help me."

"Yes," she said, "as long as you realize that I have that ulterior motive I just told you about. You remember, don't you?"

He didn't say anything as he looked down at his hand in hers.

"Don't you?" she repeated. "You understand I'm talking about what I said before about Gina and you."

"Yes, of course," he said.

She got up.

"I've enjoyed getting to know you, Lawson," she said. "I think it would be best for both of us now if we stayed away from each other. I'm sure I'll see you around. Goodbye."

He looked down at the table and saw that she had left money to pay for both of them. He started to grab it and run after her, but then he sat down again and stared into his coffee cup.


He didn't see her around the office for a few weeks and only once at the club, when an appointment fouled up his schedule and made him go a different time than he usually did. He guessed they were avoiding him.

He dated a couple of new girls who were nice but didn't click with him, and he didn't think about Willow and Gina for a few months. Then he saw Willow again in the lobby, and as they got on the elevator, she said, "Hello, how have you been?"

"Fine," he said. "How about you?"

"Great," she said as she got off. "See you."

His eyes followed her as she walked out of the elevator. She was not wearing her usual baggy outfit but a clingy red dress of multiple sheer layers. He couldn't see a panty line, but he and everyone else in on the elevator did see every movement of Willow's amazing ass, because she was really swinging it as she walked slowly away. As the doors closed, he wondered if she was putting on a show for him.

He saw her again in the cafeteria two weeks later. She was across the room, and he was eating with friends when he spotted her. She was wearing another revealing dress, and he lost track of the conversation. Only a friend waving a hand in front of his face brought his mind back to where he was.

In the following two weeks, there were six more Willow sightings. By that time, he knew they weren't accidental. Only twice were they close enough to talk, and each time, all she said was a pleasant, generic greeting. But each time he saw her, he thought more about their last conversation.

One morning, he was in the middle of something important and found he couldn't concentrate. He picked up the phone, called her and asked her to dinner. She agreed without hesitation.

It was at the same Denny's as before. When he arrived, he saw her sitting at the same table as before. She greeted him and asked him why he wanted to see her. He knew she knew exactly why.

"I've been thinking about what you told me, and I might be ready to do something weird, like you suggested," he said, wondering if she would be offended by the word "weird." Instead, she picked up on a different word.

"Might?" she asked.

"I would need to know more about what you're talking about. Can you give me specifics?"

"This is not one of your work projects, Lawson. I'm not going to give you a timeline. But to give you an idea of how weird it will be, I'll tell you that Gina will be participating."

"What? No way."

"I won't do it unless she's there," said Willow. "She'll be filming the whole thing."

"No," he said. "I can't do that."

"Remember, that's the reason I'm doing this. It's not for you. It's for her. She's the one who's obsessed with your ass."

"So you don't have any interest at all in having sex with me? I was about to say making love, but this sounds about as far from making love as you can get."

"You're right about that, but you're wrong about my interest. The most important thing for me is Gina, because she's the woman I love. But I like you, and I promise I'll try to satisfy you.

"Tell me more."

"We'll do it at our apartment, and the room will be lit up for the video. Before we start, all three of us will get naked. We both like the natural look, but if you are one of those men who gets excited by girls who are hairless, I can shave for you."

"You don't need to do that," he said.

She was already assuming he would go along with her scene. He thought he should tell her he hadn't agreed yet, but instead, he said, "When?"

"Three weeks from this Friday night," she said, and he noticed that her voice had gone up in pitch and she was talking faster. Her excitement was obvious.

"It will be after work," she continued, "and we're going to treat you to dinner first. But not at Denny's. I'm going to select a really fancy restaurant, so you need to wear a coat to work that day."

"You don't need to do that," he said. "I'm not doing this for any kind of payment."

"I know that, Lawson," she said. "But this is going to be a special occasion, and we're going to celebrate first. Only one bottle of wine for the table, because we all want to be wide awake and have all our senses sharp for later."


Lawson started seeing them at the club again, and each time they were there, Gina approached him. She didn't insult him anymore, but she did talk about Willow. She didn't bring up her butt. Now it was all about Willow's arms and legs.

"Do you see how much she can squat?" she asked one time. "Her long legs are shapely, so it doesn't look like they're that strong. If she got them locked around your neck, she could snap it in two."

Another time, she told him, "Willow has strong arms and a big wingspan for her size. They're like boa constrictors. They could squeeze you so tight you'd pass out."

The remarks went on like this each time, always about how dangerous Willow's arms and legs were and always with violent images. He wondered if Willow knew what her friend was telling him.


The dinner was as strange as he thought it was going to be. He sat on one side of the table, and Gina and Willow sat facing him. None of them said much, but all three of them fidgeted a lot and looked at each other.

When Gina looked at him, he saw she could barely hide her contempt. Willow had warned him a few days ago that the expression was automatic when Gina was with a man, except when she was at work and putting on an act. She had said Gina didn't mean anything by it, but that didn't make him feel any more comfortable.

Willow was the most nervous of the three of them. She looked from him to Gina and smiled, but he saw the smile was forced. They mostly ate their food in silence, but the closer they came to the end of the meal, the more he was disturbed by looking at Willow. He could see her efforts to control her shaking. She seemed to be trying to keep herself from breaking down.

What was going on here? A couple of weeks ago, she was all enthusiastic about having sex in front of Gina, but tonight she was scared to death. Though they hadn't ordered dessert yet, the waiter brought a pastry to the table and set it in front of Gina. In the middle of the pastry was a lit candle.

"Happy birthday to you," began Willow in a quavering voice and waved to Lawson to sing with her. She sang loudly, but she couldn't hide the tear in her voice. He joined in and tried to be enthusiastic, but he was having a hard time. His mind was reeling.

Willow and Gina got up and embraced each other. Willow said, "Happy birthday, honey," and sat down.

The waiter asked if they wanted to share the dessert or order others. Willow said, "Yes, please bring us two more of the same. It looks delicious. And some coffee, too."

As soon as the waiter left, Lawson leaned over and hissed at Gina.

"Now, I understand what this is all about. Willow's performance with me is your birthday present. It's obvious that she hates doing it. She thinks you love her, but you're nothing but a selfish bull dyke who gets off on degrading her girlfriend. You make me sick."

"You don't know what you're talking about, you pig," Gina said in a loud whisper.

"You've got some kind of hypnotic hold on Willow, and I feel sorry for her. Anyone with an ounce of human decency wouldn't force her to do this."

"I'm not forcing her to do anything," Gina snarled, and her voice was loud enough that some heads turned.

While Lawson and Gina were going at it, they didn't notice that Willow was getting more and more agitated. She jumped up from the table.

"Stop it, both of you!" she screamed, and she ran to the ladies room.

Lawson and Gina didn't say a word to each other while she was gone. When she came back to the table, she didn't sit down. In a tight voice, she said that she had paid the bill and canceled the desserts and coffee and she'd like to leave now. While they were waiting for their cars at the valet stand, she motioned to Lawson to follow her a few steps down the sidewalk and then turned to face him.

"You had no right to speak to Gina like that. "I completely misjudged you. You deserve everything that any girlfriend has ever done to you and a lot worse. How dare you say that Gina is forcing me to do this? Yes, it's her birthday present from me. She had a fantasy when she saw you at the gym, and I was trying to make her fantasy come true.

"I admired your bravery in agreeing to let her watch us, and I was hoping to convince you to let yourself go and agree to do some really crazy things with us tonight. It was all my idea, not hers. I wanted to show her how much I love her.

"I thought you were wonderful for going along. Some of the things I had planned for tonight were going to be a challenge for you, but I was going to reward you later for all the discomfort you would have endured. It would have been just the two of us, without Gina watching.

"But you had to spoil everything. You hurt Gina with your false accusation and destroyed what could have been a special evening for her. I'm so angry that I want to hurt you, but I don't need to.

"You'll do it for me. You're going to go home and think it's not your fault. It's always somebody else's fault, and you can't understand why. The same as with your ex-girlfriends. Your clueless, pitiful life will punish you more than I ever could."

Lawson looked at her angry face, much different from the frightened face she had in the restaurant just a few minutes earlier. He was confused.

"I hear you, Willow, but I think you're hiding something," he said. "I could tell you were unhappy when I got here tonight, and you kept getting more unhappy. What's going on?"

"Whatever you're imagining, I don't care," she said, avoiding his gaze. "Just stay away from Gina and me from now on."

"Our car is here," Gina shouted.

Willow went back to Gina and got in the car. Before she went around to the driver's side, Gina walked up to him and snarled, "I don't suppose we'll ever see each other again. That would be the best birthday present you could give me."

She got in the car and drove off. Lawson saw that Willow was looking down at her lap.

His car arrived a few minutes later, and when he drove off, he headed for home. He was a few blocks from his apartment when he made a U-turn and drove to the address Willow had given him.

He parked the car in a guest space in their garage and came to the front door just as a couple was leaving. He walked in and took the elevator to the twelfth floor and stood outside their door listening. They were talking inside, but he couldn't make out what they were saying. He knocked on the door.

When Willow opened it, she first looked surprised and then scared.

"What are you doing here? You heard what I told you at the restaurant. I hate you. Get out of here1!"

"I came to apologize. I felt bad for you at dinner, so I made a stupid mistake."

He saw Gina come up behind her and addressed her.

"Gina, I didn't have any right to say those things to you, and I hope you forgive me. I know you don't like me, and you probably never will, but I don't hate you. I'm here like I promised, ready for you to film us.

"No," Willow said. "It's too late."

She was highly agitated.

"No it isn't," he said, pushing her back as he walked in. "I insist. And when I leave, I promise I will never bother you or Gina again."

He looked around and saw a bed had been brought into the living room and lights were set up all around it. Willow started to say something, but Gina put her fingers over Willow's mouth, took her arm and pulled her into the bedroom.

Lawson sat down on a chair and looked at the floor. A spirited discussion went on for five minutes in the bedroom before things got quiet. When they came back, Gina spoke.

"We're all going to take our clothes off now. Hand all your clothes to Willow. She'll fold them and put them here on the coffee table."

Gina began walking around and turning on lights. Many of them were on high stands. Soon the room was so bright, Lawson was squinting. He began to take off his clothes, and when he looked over at Willow, she was taking off her clothes while staring at him. He squinted to see her face. She didn't look angry anymore, but she wasn't happy.

Gina walked up to him totally naked. She was so close, they were practically touching, and she was smiling at him, but not a friendly smile. She took a couple of steps back and watched him undress. Then she began walking around him. He saw her looking up and down his body when she was in front of him.

The second time she circled him, she stopped behind him and didn't move. He turned his head and saw that she was squatting down behind him. Her head was close to his butt and it was nodding up and down as she smiled. She stood up and moved in front of him again.

"You've got quite a butt, Lawson," she said. "It's round and firm and smooth as a girl's. Do you want to check it out, Willow?"

"No," Willow said quietly.

"Lawson, you can check me out if you want," Gina said, "but you'd probably rather examine Willow."

"That won't be necessary," said Lawson. "Let's get this over with."

"Okay, if that's what you want," said Gina. "Willow, lie down on the bed on your back, and Lawson, you get on top of her."

Willow lay down, and for a moment, Lawson's eyes were shielded from the light and he saw her face. She was looking at him with frightened eyes and gritting her teeth. Then she screamed.

"What are you doing? I never said anything about that."

Lawson lifted his head from between her legs.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I warned you that what really turns me on is pleasuring a woman, and I'm here to give you as many orgasms as I can. Now let me get back to work."

The room was quiet for a while as his mouth and tongue worked on her. He didn't look up, but he felt Gina's breath. Her face was right next to his as she watched him silently.

Then the silence was broken, and Willow began coming apart.

"No, no, no," she said and kept repeating it like a mantra. Her body squirmed and shook. A minute later, it was lifting in the air and then slamming back down onto the bed violently as she alternately screamed and took quick breaths.

Gina tapped him on the shoulder and whispered into his ear.

"You've got to stop or she'll be exhausted," she said. "You must have been a lesbian in a previous life."

When he stopped, Willow's panting gradually slowed until she was breathing close to normally. She lay flat on the bed staring straight up with her arms and legs spread wide and her breasts rising and falling. She didn't say a word.

Gina spoke.

"I hope you didn't wear her out. Now you can get on top of her. I can see she doesn't need to arouse you."

As Lawson moved up her body, Willow brought her legs back until her knees were bent, and then she guided him slowly into her. It felt so good being inside her that he held his breath to try to prolong the feeling.

Her hands reached for his head, and she pulled his face to hers and thrust her tongue deep into his mouth. She put her arms around him and held him tightly for a while, and then she let him loose. Gina was right about those arms, he thought. She almost squeezed the breath out of him.

He felt her hands reach down and touch his buttocks. She began massaging them lightly. Then she pressed harder and began kneading them. Finally, she began grabbing pieces of him, gently at first, but then so hard he cried out. She grabbed and released and grabbed again and again. Then she stopped and gave him a stinging slap on each butt cheek.

"What are you waiting for," she said. "Come on and give it to me."

He lifted himself on his arms and began moving slowly in and out of her. His face was inches from hers, and he looked at her. Whatever hatred or any other emotion she had was now gone, replaced by a look of pure lust. She began to move with him, and she set the pace. She kept it slow for a long time, and he could tell by her moans that she was coming again.

Then her arms pulled him down to her so he collapsed onto her chest and her breasts were squeezed against him. His head was facing the pillow behind her left shoulder. It didn't affect the movement of his lower body, and now she took control with her legs.

She raised them and wrapped them around him, and each time he came down, her legs pulled hard against him and increased his speed. Soon he was slamming into her so hard that the bed was shaking, and she began moaning as another orgasm began.

Then he lost control, and his lower body began moving so fast it was a blur. When he came, he heard himself screaming out a strange, animal sound that he had never made before.

Once he had finished, she wrapped her legs around his waist. They held him as tightly as her long arms around his back held his chest against her breasts. His head was still facing the pillow behind her left shoulder.

She let go of him with her right arm and moved her right hand to the back of his head and pulled at it. Their cheeks were now touching, although he couldn't see her because his face was pressed into the pillow and she was facing up.

After he caught his breath, he said, "Willow, you can let me go now."

He waited, but she didn't move. For a second, he panicked. Was she breathing? Yes, she was.

Then he felt the wetness. It was trickling down his cheek. Someone was pouring something on him. Was it Gina? Ugh. What was happening? He tried to move his head, but Willow's hand was pressing it hard into the pillow and he didn't get far.

Some of the liquid went into his mouth. It was salty. He felt Willow's breasts rising and falling as they pressed his chest, and he heard something very faint. He strained his ears to hear better.

It was Willow crying. He realized the wetness was her tears running down her face and onto his.

"What's wrong, Willow?" he said as loud as he could talking into the pillow. "Why are you crying? Let go of me."

Through her tears, Willow began speaking haltingly.

"Please don't say anything, Lawson. This will be easier for you if you just concentrate on listening to me and trying to shut everything else out. You won't succeed completely, but try as hard as you can."

"What's happening?" he yelled, struggling in vain to get free. "What are you doing to me?"

"That's not me, Lawson," she said. "It's Gina. She's squirting a lot of lubricant into you with a big plastic syringe. Try to focus on my voice, not on what she's doing. I want to help you through this. Don't waste your energy trying to get free.