Harry Styles - Instant Attraction Ch. 09


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Quickly showering and getting dressed, they made it to the designated meeting place just in time, and hopped on the coach that had been rented for the shoot.

Falling into the two seats Caroline had saved in front of her and Zayn, they all exchanged greetings. Zayn had his eyes shut with a frown and looked like he was trying to sleep. Caroline of course, having remained sober, looked like she was glowing from the inside out.

"You look stunning Caro, you're going to smash it today," Charley smiled at her gorgeous friend.

"You guys look pretty good yourselves for how drunk you got last night," Caroline said, wiggling her eyebrows at them. Both Harry and Charley exchanged looks at that, Charley blushing and Harry grinning.

"I think Charley and I just had a good sleep," Harry said and Caroline laughed outright at that, eliciting a groan from Zayn.

"Keep it down guys, I just need half hour for the aspirin to kick in," Zayn mumbled with his eyes still shut.

Charley and Caroline smirked at each other as Harry leaned over the seats and poked Zayn up a nostril with his finger.

"Gerroff you dick," Zayn barked out without opening his eyes, and slapped Harry's hand away, making them all laugh.

"How did you know it was Harry?" Charley asked, amused.

"Because that's what the cheeky prick always did in the tour bus if someone fell asleep when he was wide awake," Zayn muttered with a scowl, opening his eyes the tiniest fraction to glare out at his ex-bandmate.

Harry laughed and Charley grinned at him. She loved hearing Harry laugh. She reached over and put her hand on his thigh.

He smiled back at her and covered her hand with his as the bus started to move off. "All right, babe?"

Charley's heart fluttered at the pet name and she nodded at him a little shyly.

Harry could never resist that look, so he leaned forward and pressed his lips to her warm, soft ones for a few seconds. He pulled back a little to smile at her, noting how her hazel eyes were more green than gold today. She was so beautiful, it took his breath away. Her fingers squeezed his thigh before she turned her face forward and shut her eyes. He smiled and copied her, keeping ahold of her hand.

The drive to the private beach was just under an hour away, and most of the bus was quiet in the early morning hour, but some chatter carried down from the directors at the front of the bus who were already planning the day.

When they arrived, Charley, Harry and Zayn helped unpack, Zayn's headache finally gone thanks to the aspirin.

Already hot despite it being 7am, Caroline had a tent set up for her to change into swimsuits and Charley liaised with the directors to find out the order in which the suits would be shot. Lining them up carefully, she looked over to where Harry and Zayn were helping to set up a couple other shade tents for refreshments and the photographers. They were laughing and bantering, no sign of the weird vibe she sometimes got between them. It made her smile to see.

The day went by quickly, Caroline looking absolutely exquisite in every single shot. The girl knew exactly how to work her body and show off the bikinis and swimsuits to their best advantage.

Everyone was thrilled with the way the day had gone, and a tired yet happy team loaded back onto the bus in the evening.

Harry looked down at the sleeping girl in his arms. Charley had fallen asleep within minutes of leaving the beach shoot site. He'd been so impressed with his she'd worked all day. The way she worked with the rest of the team, predicting both Caroline's, the director's and the photographer's needs before they even asked, was amazing. No wonder she was often flown out to shoots. She was focused solely on the task at hand, her mind seemingly able to split off into a thousand different directions at once. She'd barely even glanced in his direction, though he hadn't minded, happy to watch her.

And while he'd watched Charley all day, Zayn had jealously watched Caroline and all the men on set like a hawk. He hovered behind the photographer early on, sending him dark looks at every direction he gave Caroline, until Charley had gently encouraged him to sit back with Harry. Even how she'd handled Zayn had been impressive, Harry thought. His ex-band mate was notoriously difficult and stubborn to deal with, and Harry had tried to do his part to keep Zayn from brooding over the shoot. It had been more difficult as they'd watched Caroline roll in the sand at times, the stunning model being asked to lay on her back and arch her head backwards to the camera as soft waves washed over her -- Harry had had to put a hand on Zayn's chest to stop him from leaping up.

While Harry had no interest in the blonde model, he had the utmost respect for Caroline and what she did, often holding her body in the most uncomfortable and cramping positions for long times as the photographer got his shot. He'd seen her grimace and shake sore body parts more than a few times throughout the day before fixing her carefree smile back on her face.

He mentioned that to Zayn to distract him and he seemed to consider Harry's words, though he didn't reply. But later on he heard Zayn echo some of his words to Caroline on one of her small breaks, expressing his appreciation for how she was working so hard. She'd thrown her arms around him and declared she loved him loudly, saying how glad she was he wasn't a jealous and clingy boyfriend like she'd had in the past. Harry had had to stifle a laugh and look away as Zayn went red and tucked his face into her shoulder, avoiding Harry's eyes.

When the coach finally pulled back up at their resort, Harry woke up a sleepy Charley and dragged her back to their room where they both fell into an exhausted asleep.


"Could you rub some sunscreen on my back please babe?"

Harry looked over at Charley who was lying on her tummy on the lounger next to him by the pool. She was in a black string bikini and was untying her top. He looked around to see if anyone was watching his girlfriend and narrowed his eyes at a couple guys across the pool who hastily looked away.

"Sure," he said and put down his notebook and pencil. He'd been writing new lyrics down while they relaxed. They'd gotten up late this morning and had eaten a light breakfast before coming straight down to the pool.

He grabbed the sun lotion from the ground between them and then straddled her thighs on the lounger, making Charley giggle.

"Is that necessary?" She laughed as he surreptitiously ground his groin down into her backside.

Harry grinned. "About as necessary as you undoing that string around your back." He started stroking on the lotion with long, smooth motions.

"Mm," she groaned happily. "That feels good."

Harry smiled. "If you don't stop moaning I'm not going to be able to get up without embarrassing myself," he said, making Charley laugh. She lifted her head and turned as far as she could to peer at him from beneath her sunglasses. He knew what she was going to say before she said it, but he let her say it anyway.

"Behave," she said primly, then smirked and rested her face back down again on her arms.

Harry smacked her backside with a grin and shifted down the lounger so he could rub sunscreen down her legs. He had a fun time trying to rub the sunscreen up between her legs and under the bathing suit's seams, while Charley clenched her thighs together and tried to tell him off without anyone else hearing.

Harry finally got off her, biting his lip to stop from laughing as she gave him a murderous look. He looked at her helplessly and flashed a dimpled grin her way as she rolled her eyes. He settled back into his lounger, face down now too.

Charley sent him a broad grin when she realised why. "Serves you right," she said and shut her eyes to enjoy sunbathing.

Harry just chuckled. Worth it, he thought as he pulled his notepad towards him, waiting for his body to calm back down.

In the afternoon, after a languid swim together, Harry convinced Charley to go with him for an 'easy hike' to a secluded beach, despite her protests that she just wanted to relax by the pool. She relented when he mentioned the possibility of seeing turtles.

Harry organised a guide to take them out to a private location and drop them off where they waited for their return. The hike was an hour in and an hour out.

"Easy hike?" Charley grumbled as she slogged behind Harry uphill through rainforest, the heat almost unbearable. The only good thing was Harry was now shirtless, his black tank top stuffed in his short's back pocket. His muscles shifted and rippled under his skin; it was like having a carrot dangling in front of her. I guess that makes me the donkey, she thought wryly.

Harry chuckled in front of her and didn't turn. "Tired already?"

Charley rolled her eyes. She wasn't in the least and he knew it. They were moving quickly. She was probably fitter than him cardio-wise, but looking at his muscled torso and arms, he was certainly stronger. "You promised me turtles," she countered. "They don't live in trees."

Harry grinned to himself, hearing her muttering behind him. He loved this. He loved being with a woman as fit as him, able to do things like this on a whim. He'd already admired her calves as she'd climbed on ahead of him a couple times. She was muscled and toned in all the right places, and soft and curvy in all the rest. She was perfect.

"I'm pretty sure we're nearly at the top, then it's downhill to the beach," he promised. And sure enough, his prediction was correct and they reached a spectacular viewpoint.

Both sweating freely, but not breathing too hard, Charley and Harry looked around them in awe. Harry threw an arm around Charley's shoulders happily, glad they were here together.

"I've learned you have a thing for views," she remarked as she looked around. Harry glanced at her questioningly.

"Your house in LA, the suite in London, now this," She elaborated and gestured around her at the tropical vista, white sand and clear aqua water below them. "Views."

Harry raised his eyebrows and smiled at the comment. He got it. "Well, I guess so," he said slowly as he stared at her. Here was another stunning view he couldn't get tired of.

She looked at him, a blush crossing her already rosy cheeks when she got his double meaning as he gazed at her. He kissed her, unable to help himself as usual.

Locked together in the sweet embrace, Charley felt her heart squeeze at his words and his kiss. He sure knew how to make a girl feel special.

Ending the kiss, Harry smiled and led her down the steep path to the beach, picking their way down carefully. It didn't take long.

When they reached the white sand, Harry pulled his shirt from his pocket and threw it onto the ground, then started jogging towards the surf. Charley giggled as she saw Harry make it to the water and dive in head first.

"Come on," he called as he resurfaced and slicked his hair back with both hands. "It's amazing!"

Charley grinned and pulled her shorts and tank top off, and ran to join him.

Harry stood in awe as he watched Charley run towards him in her bikini. Her face was illuminated by a stunning smile, her loose raven hair trailing behind her while her firm breasts bounced delightfully. He was reminded strongly of Baywatch, and he grinned at the thought. And then she was diving into the water beside him.

When she popped back above the water, slicking her own hair back, Harry smiled and pulled her body tight against his and kissed her again.

Pulling back he looked into her eyes with a smile and cupped her face with his hand. "Being here with you is the happiest I think I've ever been," he told her earnestly, rubbing a thumb over her wet cheek.

"Me too," Charley smiled back, her hazel eyes suddenly turning gold again. "You're unlike anyone I've ever met, Harry."

He kissed her roughly again, his chest welling with an emotion he couldn't explain. "Ditto," he murmured against her mouth.

They swam for a while out in the crystal clear water, Charley absolutely delighted when they discovered a huge sea turtle swimming near them. They swam beside it for a while, not interfering and grinned at each other happily.

Eventually they walked back up the beach to their clothes and shoes, and started the hike back. When they finally made it in sight of their guide's vehicle, Charley sighed and smiled as Harry turned to take her hand to help her step down a rock step. He didn't need to, but it was a cute gesture and completely summed Harry up.

"Thanks for convincing me to come out here," she smiled ruefully, thinking about her earlier disdain at the thought of a hike on her holiday.

Harry smirked. "You're welcome, I'll make sure to convince you to come all sorts of places with me."

"Yes please," she grinned and squeezed his hand. He smiled and squeezed it back.

The rest of the time at the resort together flew by, and before Charley knew it, they were back on a plane to LA together. Harry's private jet had been chartered for the trip and Charley felt utterly spoilt as she happily gave up her economy ticket. The flight back had been much more chilled out than her first flight with him. They just watched movies and slept, utterly relaxed.

Eventually, Charley found them pulling into her apartment's garage, driven by Harry's private security team again. She thanked them for driving her home and got out.

"You need to get a car," Harry remarked as he also got out of the car to see her to the garage's elevator, picking up her bag.

Charley smiled at the gesture. "I'm saving for a house, Harry. And it's LA -- it's easy to get around. I don't need a car." She took her bag from him as the elevator doors pinged open.

Harry frowned and out his hand out to keep the doors open as he looked at her. "It would be easier for you to come see me," he tried and raised an eyebrow hopefully.

Charley laughed. "I Uber over just fine." She leant forward and pressed her free hand to his chest as she kissed him. Their eyelids fluttered closed as both their heartbeats jumped at the touch.

Reluctantly Charley pulled back. She noticed how Harry's eyes stayed shut a moment longer before he opened them slowly to look at her in a slightly drugged way. The corners of her mouth curled shyly. He'd been looking at her more and more seriously all week. It made her feel confused but always sent a thrill through her.

"Thanks for coming," she whispered and took a step back into the elevator. Harry released his grip on the doors and they started to close.

"Thanks for being mine," he murmured back with a small smile, and the doors shut.

He felt a lump in his throat for some reason and he swallowed hard, taking a moment to stand and gather himself together before heading back to the car. He didn't know what was wrong with him, but he already felt strangely empty without her.



A/N: Got to get some celebrity globe-trotting in in this story, I hope you liked that! There will be plenty more travel in store, there has to be, with Harry putting a new album out soon. Stay tuned, it won't always be sunshine and daisies as their relationship develops! ;) -- Kristin x

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