Hatchette Ch. 03

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Lady Aru finds Roku in a compromising position.
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Part 3 of the 12 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 05/16/2010
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3. Kissing the Lily

"Are you heading back to the dorm?" Pelli asked later, back in the locker room, as she dried her hair. Life was back to normal. Outside the shower, no one discussed what happened in The Mosh. You could cum as many times as you wanted, with as many girls as you wanted, but once you left the showers – it was like it had never happened. Pelli and Roku were friends again, not lovers.

It was the end of the day. Calisthenics was Roku's last class. All the other girls would be heading back to the dormitories for dinner, and to watch the vidcasts. But not Roku.

"No, I have to work." Roku said, despondently. She was pulling on her panties.

"Quit." Pelli said without hesitation. "What do you want to clean someone else's toilets for?" She made a good point.

"I can't." Roku said, pulling on her shirt. "I need the money." She lied.

Pelli shrugged. She was standing naked in front of Roku. She turned to pick up her clothes, and Roku looked longingly at her tiny, cream colored bottom. She wondered if Pelli could still taste the cum on her lips – she wanted to taste Pelli's. Roku shook herself and reached for her skirt. That was The Mosh, this is the real world... She told herself to get a grip.

"I'll see you at lights-out." Roku said after slipping into her skirt and putting on her heels. Pelli didn't answer, she was adjusting the padded bra she always wore. You don't need to wear that, Roku almost said out loud, your tits are just perfect, she thought. But that was The Mosh talking again, not reality. Pelli didn't want Roku's opinion about her breasts.

Roku did stopped off at the dormitory just long enough to change her clothes. She took off her preposterous school uniform and slipped into her only slightly less preposterous maid's uniform, the dress of which – at least – complete covered Roku's ass. It was a simple black outfit, with lace at the cuffs of the short sleeves and around the neckline; a lace petticoat and black stockings were worn underneath; and a simple, practical white cotton apron on the outside. Otherwise relatively normal – no, it was the neckline of the costume that was ridiculous. It plunged so low as to expose a great expanse of cleavage. If Roku leaned far enough forward you could easy see her bellybutton. Again – like the school uniform – the wardrobe was a mark of sexual submission – impractical except to humiliate the wearer. Separate and above their menial duties, the maids of Ober Manor were there to be ogled. Roku had to squash down the anger that built up inside her just putting on the uniform. She had to remember her mission – it was always about the mission.

Fearing she might miss the trolley, Roku bolted out of the dormitory as soon as she was dressed. Out through the cloister, across the Grand Hall, and out the main doors, she was soon crunching across the gravel of the school's long driveway. Where the driveway met the main road was the trolley stop, and Roku wasn't a moment too early. If she missed this one, it'd be an hour 'til the next. It was pulling away as Roku cleared the driveway, and she had to sprint to catch up and leap onto the open back. She must have been quiet the sight: Sprinting in high heels and shear black stockinged legs, her full bosom almost bouncing free of her cleavage. But she caught the trolley and found a free seat, to the admiring, lusty glances of the old ladies already aboard.

Oh shit, Roku needed to pee.

She hadn't thought to do it after The Mosh, and cumming always made her need to pee. There hadn't been time in the dormitory, and it was a twenty minute ride to the gates of the Ober Manor. Oh well, she'd just have to hold it... She crossed her legs as best she could in the uniform. She had brought her folio. She wouldn't need her tablet, but she was always supposed to remained armed. There hadn't been time to transfer her burner to a concealed holster – not that there was really anywhere under her uniform to conceal a gun. Just like there had been no time to pee... Roku was beginning to regret bother decisions: Not going to the bathroom, and not hiding her gun away under her skirt. The folio looked out of place with the maid's costume. Roku really needed to think about these things. It was the little things that made a cover, Lt. Zee always said – forgetting the little details was how you got yourself killed. Roku might be a highly trained, genetically engineered, elite Hatchette, but she was supposed to be an average, everyday eighteen year old girl. She had to think like an eighteen year old girl, not like a secret agent.

Now she really had to pee...

Think of something else, Roku told herself. The Tolley was stopping at its next stop, letting off an old lady. She was taking her own sweet time getting down their stairs. Come on, you old bitch! Roku gritted her teeth. She uncrossed her legs and crossed them the other way. It would be fifteen more minutes before she arrived at the Ober Mansion. Maybe she should just get off the trolley here and pee behind a bush? But then she'd have to wait an hour for the next trolley. She could just run cross the open country. Fuck, she could run faster than this damn trolley. No, that was the Hatchette training thinking again, Roku told herself. Normal girls don't just run five kilometers in heels dress as a maid. She'd just have to sit there and grin and bear the pressure. That's what a normal eighteen year old girl would do.

Eighteen year old girls were fucking idiots...

The Ober Wives were the oldest line marriage on the planet – that's right, think about your mission, that'll take your mind off your bladder – the first line marriage, it is said, the trail blazers. There were currently sixteen wives, ranging in age from twenty five to fifty nine, all residing at the Ober Manor. The Ober Wives were a political dynasty. All the wives held high positions within the Commissariat. Lady Erel – former First Commissar – was the oldest, but Lady Aru was universally regarded as the senior wife. She was forty one, politically ambitious, with designs on becoming the second Ober Wife to serve as First Commissar.

The mission made no sense to Roku – the Ober Wives were squeaky clean, beyond reproach. The first Ober Wives had been instrumental in the banishment of the male sex from the planet, to suggest that they were somehow involved in Dick Terrorism... Well, it was just plain insane. But it wasn't Roku's place to question her orders. Lt. Zee had assigned her to take a servant's position in the Ober household, to keep her eyes open, and – should the opportunity present itself – ingratiate herself sexually with one of the Ober wives. Did the Hatchette Command expect her to check each Ober Wife for a penis? It made no sense, no sense at all.

When the trolley finally rolled to a halt in front the in imposing steel gates of the Ober Estate, Roku wasn't worried. It was just be a quick check at security, and she could hurry up the drive, in through the servant's entrance, and she'd be in the Scullery where there was a bathroom. But the guard at the gate – clad head-to-toe in black leather, eyes hidden behind dark glasses – took her sweet time looking over Roku's identification. She looked down at the card, up at Roku, and down at the identification again. Roku was practically dancing in pain – keeping her thighs pinned tightly together. It was a old ID, from before Roku had undergone her genetic treatments, so the picture didn't look much like her. The guard was right to give it a second look, but today of all days... Roku just couldn't catch a break. Late for class and now late for work. But the Housekeeper wouldn't paddle Roku's behind... No, she'd just fire Roku, and then Roku would have failed in her mission. The guard finally handed back Roku's ID and triggered the lock on the small pedestrian gate. Roku didn't waste a second. She yelled an abrupt 'thank you' and scuttled off toward the Scullery. She had to run now, even in her heels, or she'd wet herself right there on the Ober's driveway.

Roku made into the Scullery without any accidents. She pushed her Folio up onto a shelf where the maids stored their personal belongings, and turned toward the small water closet beside the doorway.

"Roku!" The Housekeeper yelled across the room. Roku's hand was reaching out for the bathroom door, she contemplated pretending she hadn't heard the Housekeeper, but before she could stop herself, she had turned. "Come with me." The Housekeeper ordered. The Housekeeper was a gray haired, gray faced lady. She stood bolt upright like her spine was fused at the joints, in what Roku could only assume passed for dignity in her particular profession. Roku opened her mouth to protest, but the Housekeeper thrust up a stern finger. "You're late." She scolded. "Come with me." The Housekeeper repeated, and spun on her heels.

Fuck her, Roku said to herself, but instantly knew she was going to follow. She didn't have to remind herself about her cover. Lt. Zee had told Roku not to make any mistakes within the Ober household. That if a government agent was discovered spying on them, they would react aggressively – violently. It was doubly important that Roku do everything she was told. Roku might have been thinking: Fuck her, but the cover demanded that Roku falling in lockstep behind the Housekeeper. Full bladder or no.

Perhaps the scalding would be quick, but the Housekeeper didn't lead Roku to her office. They left the Scullery, took the servant's stairs, and emerged on the third floor. Roku had never been on the third floor before. The Ober Estate was the home of the Ober Wives, but in the month that Roku had worked there, she had never actually set eyes on any of them. The Manor was always abuzz with guests and hangers-on. It was more hotel than family home. The maid staff was kept busy tending to the needs of the politically connected guests. Only a small number of senior maids actually waited on the Ober Wives. The third floor, Roku assumed, was the private suites of the many wives. The upper floors were for the guests, with seniority and political clout diminishing the higher you climbed, so Roku assumed the third floor was ground zero. And here she was, for the first time on the third floor. Roku followed the Housekeeper down the immaculately decorated neoclassical corridors until they came to a group of maids lined up along one wall. There were perhaps half a dozen maids already waiting there. The Housekeeper shot her stern finger to an empty place at the end of the line where Roku was meant to take up her position. She'd be the farthest maid away from the large, ornate double doors that sat at the end of the corridor. We all must be waiting to be called inside, Roku assumed as she took her space in line.

"Ma'am-" Roku began to speak as the Housekeeper turned to leave. Surely it'd be okay if Roku went to the bathroom.

"No talking!" The Housekeeper barked at Roku. "No talking in line!" She yelled more generally to the whole group. "When Lady Aru rings, you will enter. Until then, be still!" The Housekeeper said again directly at Roku. Roku was dancing a little, trying to take the pressure off her bladder. "Be quiet and be still! You are not paid to make noise!" The Housekeeper finish, and stormed off down the hall. They all stood there in silence, listening to the Housekeeper's footsteps receded. Ten seconds of silence turned into thirty. Thirty turned into a whole minute, and that minute turned into two. Oh, Roku began to double over in pain... Stupid fucking Housekeeper – fucking Ober Wives, Roku cursed under her breath. Oh, Roku was going to pee all over the five hundred year old Persian rug that covered the oak floor of the halfway. She really was! She just couldn't hold it anymore! Damn standing in line! Damn her cover! She had to pee. Roku looked around for relief. There was a door just a few feet away. Roku stepped out of line and tried the handle.

"Hay, where are you going?" One of the other maids whispered after Roku. Roku didn't answer The door was mercifully open, and – Oh, thank the Holy Matrons! – was a bathroom. A big bathroom... A large sunken tub – more like a swimming pool – sat in the center of the room, and a shower as big as The Mosh showers back at school took up one wall. But Roku was paying no attention to such details. There was a toilet just off another door in the far right wall. Roku moved urgently over to it. She hitched up her skirt and her petticoat, and pulled down her panties. This upset the whole length of her dress, and her boobs came loose from the neckline as she squatted down. But Roku didn't care. She let loose with a long warm stream of pee before she was even seated. The pressure on her bladder gave way, and she relaxed her whole body down onto the cold seat. She let her head bob down between her knees with relief – all the better to squeeze out every last bit inside her. She audibly groaned with pleasure as the last of the urine left her body. She left her head hanging there, hands on the floor, enjoying the peace like a calm after a storm.

Someone cleared her throat.

Roku shot up in complete horror. In the doorway – the other doorway, right beside where Roku was sitting – a woman was standing looking down at Roku. She was incredibly tall, or seemed so, standing there looking down at Roku. Roku's mouth opened and closed in terror. The woman was completely nude except for the six inch stiletto heels on her feet.

Oh God, what had Roku done?

The woman had wide, curvy hips and improbably large breasts for her tiny wasp-like waste. Every inch of her was muscle, like a professional athlete. Only her face betrayed any signs of age. She had a stunning, patrician beauty about her, with a distinct, glorious look of perfection about her features. But her eyes were not young. No, you could see they had seen many things. But the slight smirk on her wide, full lips told Roku that the woman had never quite seen anything like Roku before. There Roku sat, her panties around her knees, her legs wide open for all the world to see, her Jane still wet from urination and the shoulders of her dress down so her breasts fell free from the neckline of her ridiculous uniform. It was absolutely and complete the most embarrassing thing Roku could have imagined, but as she sat there looking up at the naked woman in horror, there was only one things running though Roku's head:

Who puts on their heels before their underwear?

It must have been the Hatchette training again – that total and complete lack of ability to be humiliated – the attention to the smallest detail even when everything else was going crazy around you. But intellectually, Roku knew things couldn't be worse. To be caught in this position...

"If you're quite finished." The nude woman said. Roku couldn't look away from her tremendous, luscious breasts. The woman didn't seem at all embarrassed – either for herself being found naked, or sympathetically for Roku. She made no motion of hide her body. Her hands remained slightly crossed across the tight expanse of her stomach. There were a few bracelets around her wrists, and her fingernails were long and painted. Oh God... A sinking feeling began to come over Roku. She scrambled frantically to pull up her underwear and climb off the toilet. She managed both and the automatic flush engaged.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry-" Roku began, but the nude woman didn't wait for Roku to stammer out an apology. She simple turned and walked back through the doorway, giving Roku a view of her perfect, upturned heart-shaped ass.

"Follow me." She commanded, and all of Roku's fears were confirmed. The noble air, the casual authority – there was only one woman the nude could be... Suddenly Roku's brain was able to reconcile the face she had seen so many times on the vidcast and the face that looked back over her shoulder now at Roku.

It was none other than Lady Aru Ober herself.

Roku, of all places, had taken a giant wizz in the bathroom of the future – perhaps present, Roku didn't keep up with politics – Commissar of the Planet Earth. Lt. Zee had suggested that Roku insinuate herself into the Ober family somehow, but Roku doubted she had meant exactly like this. But Lady Aru didn't seem upset. She seemed amused, if anything. Though the door, following Lady Aru, Roku stepped in the Lady's bedroom – a vast room with vaulted ceilings, all rococo columns and gold gilt. Lady Aru walked over to a full length mirror that was standing in the center of the room and looked at her figure in it. There was a large collection of clothes tossed absently around on the furniture. Lady Aru was obviously in the midsts of wardrobe difficulties. She raised her arms to adjust her hair, looking in the mirror, and Roku got to take in the full extent of the Lady's stunning figure.

She was tall, over two meters in the heels, with curves and definition no forty one year old woman could rightfully expect. In an instant, Roku knew the body was the product of genetic conditioning, just like Roku's. But not for combat like Roku's. No, Lady Aru was a sculpture in flesh. Her body was her instrument of command – of authority. Why the members of the Commissariat maintained such a high standard of beauty, Roku had never understood. But staring now at the immaculate perfection that was Lady's Aru's figure – undressed, as no one else ever saw it – Roku began to comprehend. That body was power. It spoke of absolute perfection. The voice that emerged from that body could no more speak a falsehood, than the hips could allow a gram of fat. You instantly fell in love with Lady Aru, the second you say her, and that – Roku understood – was power.

"The camisole, I think." Lady Aru said, snapping Roku back to reality. She gestured towards the bed. There was a light, white lace camisole among the other underwear laying in a pile. It took a moment for Roku to realize she was supposed to fetch it. Roku adjusted her cleavage in her uniform, making sure nothing untoward was hanging out, and jogged over to the side of the bed.

She picked up the fragile garment and held it out to Lady Aru, but the Lady had her arms held straight up. Roku was looking directly at the Lady's large, firm breasts. She had small nipples, centered in seas of large areolas, but the shape and cup of the breasts was perfect. They were shaped like smaller breasts, perhaps the size and shape of Roku's, but many, many cup sizes larger. They defied gravity, pointing out toward Roku. After taking in the remarkable sight, Roku began to understand that she was supposed to dress Lady Aru... But there was no way Roku could even reach the top of Lady Aru's head, no less slip the camisole over. But there was stool beside the bed, Lady Aru – not moving her arms – kicked out with a foot and deftly pulled the stool over. Roku climbed up, and slid the delicate garment down over Lady Aru's arms, over her head, and down around her breasts.

"No..." Lady Aru said, looking at herself in the mirror. She looked at her profile from the left and the right, Roku watching every movement. Lady Aru. disliking what she saw, pulled the camisole off with a single movement and tossed it back onto the bed. "A corset, perhaps." The Lady pointed at a rigid contraption of black lace and strings. Roku picked it up and examined it. It was very similar to what the Matrons at school wore outside their black robes. Roku opened up the circle of the device, and Lady Aru's legs, one at a time, stepped into it. It was a tight fit around the hips, and Roku couldn't avoid running her hands along the lengths of Lady's Aru's curves trying to get the corset into place. Her skin was milky soft, but firm to the touch. There was no reason for the corset – there wasn't an millimeter of Lady Aru's shape that could be distorted. But Roku maneuvered the garment into place and stood behind the Lady to pulled the laces tight. The corset made the Lady's tiny waist seen even smaller and the sweep of her breast even higher.