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"Thank you, Paul," I try to smile but I think it comes out more a blush. Fuck this shit! Why am I suddenly like a blushing school girl? Is this how I'm going to spend the entire week? Fawning over him like a lovesick puppy?

"So V," Paul begins, chewing on a piece of something that looks like an Italian pastry. "Tone and I were talking and we think that today would be a good day to set some ground rules."


Tony nods and pushes a porcelain cup towards me. "That's hot chocolate, V."


"Rule number one," Paul coughs then recovers his collected, authoritative tone. "We alternate days."

"Alternate days?" I question. The truth is, I know what he means and yet I don't have a clue what he's saying. All at once. Like that. But fuck, this hot cocoa is good.

Tony nods in agreement and clarifies. "You fucked Paul yesterday, so I get you today."

Paul nods. "And I'll get you tomorrow."

"Rule number two," Tony smirks. "Whatever we say goes. So if we randomly decide to swap days, then that's how it is. And if we decide to share, then that's how it is."

My eyes must be bugging out of my head right about now. "Share?"

Paul ignores my obvious ignorance. "Rule number three, you are not allowed to wear underwear."

"Why not?"

"Because that's Rule Three," Tony laughs. "And so it shall be."

Paul nods. "And it shall be delicious."

Finally, I find my voice. "And what if I disagree with your rules?"

Paul shrugs. "You could do that, but why would you want to?"

He's right. I don't want to. Maybe I'm a whore, maybe I'm a slut; maybe they're basically the same thing. But I'm in paradise with two gorgeous, single musicians that I am sexually attracted to and I, myself, am perfectly single. Why fight it? If they want to fuck me until I'm raw, then so be it. Bring it on, I say.

I'm faintly aware of a large hand massaging my thigh as Paul inquires, "So?"

"Okay," I nod. "But I have my own set of rules." This gets both men's attention. "You both use condoms," I state firmly. "Always. And you are not allowed to stick it wherever you want it."

Tony snorts. "You've got a great ass, V."

"And it's Exit Only, Tee!"

"That's a shame," Paul smirks lewdly. His lips are only inches from my left ear as he whispers, "Because I was really hoping to explore your body tomorrow. Every inch of it."

Well, now I need new panties. Fuck.

"Go get dressed," Tony interrupts. Damn him! "Put on a hot bikini."


"We're going to the beach, bitch," Tony laughs. "Go on, V. Go get dressed. We've been waiting for you."

And just like that, I become their prostitute for the week.

* * *

He looks almost ridiculous as he lays on the multi-colored towel and stares up at the sun. I can't say I ever thought I would see him laying on a beach, in Hawaii no less, tanning. Or trying to tan. Instead of receiving that beautiful bronze hue that is so coveted, all he's done is burn. And at this point, after five hours, he looks somewhat like a lobster. My little Italian lobster.

"Fuck, I think I'm peeling!" he groans.

"You can't be peeling already," I laugh.

Tony shrugs. "Well, I'm red."

"Like a tomato."

"Shut up, V!" he laughs and lowers his sunglasses to glare at me. "You know what's hot?"

"The sun?"

Tony rolls his eyes at this. He never did truly appreciate my witty sense of humor. Or maybe just I find myself witty. Either way, he continues. "Sitting here watching you tan."

"Tanning is not exciting, Tony."

"But topless tanning is," he smirks. Of course he's enthralled. He was the one that took my top off and tossed it aside two hours ago. He said he didn't want me to have tan lines, but the truth was blatantly obvious: he wanted to see me lying here topless. End of story. Tony was all about tits. "You know what I want to do right now?" he questions, almost childlike. He must be up to something. It's that scheming Tony Lovato voice.



"On the beach?"

"Why not?" he questions, as though he can't fathom why I'm not riding his cock already. "It's the perfect location, don't you think?"

I shake my head in the negative. "No. There are people everywhere."

"That's the fun of it," Tony winks. "Being watched."

I attempt to change the subject. "Where is Paul, by the way? I haven't seen him in-"

"I sent him back to the room."

"An hour…..Wait, why?"

Tony has tossed his sunglasses aside and he's ogling my breasts now. I know my nipples are erect, they have been ever since he took my top off. "Because I wanted to fuck you."


"And I didn't want Paul around," he shrugged. "I wanted you to myself for now."

I nodded.



"Can I ask you something?" he questions and his tone is suddenly serious. As serious as Tony gets. He's propped on his elbows and staring down at me, and I know already what he's going to ask me. But his mouth emits the sounds anyhow. "Do you love Paul?"

I try to keep the answer simple. "As a friend, yes."

"As more?"


"Was he a better fuck than me?"


Tony shrugs and now he's sitting up, staring out at the beautiful blue waves. "I just wonder if now that you've been with him, if you'd rather it be Paul here with you right now than me."

I sit up and place a hand onto Tony's soft shoulder. He's always had unusually soft skin. I smile assuringly. "If I didn't want to be here, I wouldn't be here."

Tony grins. "You know what I mean, V."


"Yeah, V?"

"Why are you asking me this?"

He shrugs. "Just curious, that's all. I'd still want to fuck you, either way."

We both laugh at this.

"And I really want to fuck you right now," Tony repeats. There's a pout to his lower lip, his lipring is jutting out obscenely. I can't help but smile at this. Afterall, yes, I do want Paul as something more than a fuck; but Tony is still beautiful. I don't think there's an individual with a vagina in this world that doesn't appreciate the splendor of Anthony Lovato.


"Yeah, V?"

"Not here, okay?"

"No, here," he pleads. The sun in his eyes reminds me of the beautiful water just feet away from us. He grins. "We can sneak off into one of the little cabanas."

That sounds good enough for me. "Okay," I grin. As Tony takes my hand and leads me down the beach, I realize what I've just agreed to do. Nervousness sets in, only for me to question why I am feeling nervous. This is Tony, afterall. I've fucked Tony many times before, and I'm sure I'll fuck Tony many times again. Why is my stomach suddenly doing summersaults?

"You're beautiful, V," are the words that snap me back to reality. Tony is staring at me. Just staring. He grins. "I don't see any empty cabanas down there, so...."

It's not even seconds and he's on top of me. I'm aware of the grains of sand stuck to my back. The heat of it. The texture. The taste of Tony's lips pressed on my own, and his tongue searching, searching. His hands have my wrists pinned. Something about this simple gesture adds eroticism to the moment. Along with the sound of the waves crashing into the shore. The sun will set soon. This is paradise. This is such a beautifully perfect place to be....fucking Tony.

"Fuck, V," he hisses and I come back into my body and realize that he's struggling to tug his surf shorts off while he remains on top of me. He grins. "You said you didn't want anybody to see you."

"So?" I laugh as he continues to struggle.

"So they'll just see my white ass," Tony grins and I realize that he's just kicked the shorts into the air and over our heads. He smirks. "Success! Can you feel it, V?"

And the truth is, how could I not? The head of his erection is pressed so close to my body that I can feel a poke every time he breathes. I could say no at this point, it's not too late. Spare myself the embarassment of being found having sex on the beach. With Tony. Tony Lovato. But I'm really not sure that I don't want this, and he feels so good. So warm. So soft and yet hard and-


Tony's voice snaps me back to attention. "Yeah?"

"Tell me you want this," he pleads with his gorgeous eyes. They're shining with mirth, and I know that this is his way of begging. He doesn't ask often. I should appreciate this. I should almost feel honored. Strangely, I feel....moist. And ready. And desperate for Tony's caresses.

"Yes," I breathe. "Please Tony, fuck me!" How's that for an attitude change?

* * *

"So what did you two crazy kids do at the beach after I left?" Paul wiggled his thick eyebrows and smirked. I felt self-conscious under his stare, but he didn't relent. "Obviously you didn't get arrested or I would have gotten a call." He exhaled a large plume of smoke and I immediately realized he wasn't smoking cigarettes. No. The scent was blatantly not nicotine. And clearly Tony recognized this too, because he slammed the door shut behind us and raced past me. Two seconds later, he had thrown himself down on the sofa across from Paul and was rolling himself a joint. His own. Because Tony Lovato doesn't share weed. "Dude, don't bogart!" Paul mused, shaking his head as Tony tried to pack his rolling paper full.

I too shook my head and took a seat beside Tony. Instead of Paul. I wanted to sit beside Paul, but it felt desperate. I felt like I was a lovesick puppy dog around him. I felt like-

"You want?" Tony was questioning me.

I shrugged. "Sure, why the fuck not?"

"That's the spirit, V!" Paul smiled. It seemed sincere and yet, I thought I saw a trace of something else behind that smile. An unspoken communication. But I wasn't translating his message. We were having a communcation breakdown minus the communication. "So," he repeated. "What did you two kids do?"

Tony shrugged and inhaled. He exhaled as he grinned, "We fucked on the beach."

"That's rad," Paul grinned cheekily. It was his naughty grin. The deviant side of Paul coming out to play. It was probably the joint he was smoking.

Tony handed me his joint. "Here."

I inhaled.

Paul watched me with hawk eyes before relenting. "So, any more details?"

"She's still tight," Tony added and reached for the joint. "And I think I have sand on my fucking balls."

"I have it in my cunt," I added. A moment later I realized what I'd said. Two pairs of wide eyes were staring at me. Two joints were paused before lips. Fuck. Why do I always seem to put my foot in my mouth? Or, well, the joint in my mouth. Fuck. This is going to be a long week.

Paul coughed and broke the silence. "Are you sore, V?"

It seemed like such a normal question the way he inquired. As if he were asking my favorite color, or if I'd like a lump of sugar in my tea. It was odd. Very odd. I would have felt uncomfortable, but the truth was, at this point, there was no escaping these sorts of interrogations from the guys. So I shrugged. "I'm fine."

"Good," Paul smirked. "Good."

"You got something in mind, douchebag?" Tony questioned, intrigue spreading over his brows.

Paul rolled his eyes and blew out smoke. "Perhaps."

"She's mine," Tony added quickly. "Today is my turn."

They seemed to discuss me as though I were not in the room, so I simply sat back and listened. Their banter went on like this for easily another ten minutes. Paul inquiring about Tony's "plans" for tonight, Tony accusing Paul of trying to hone in on "his time" with me. Back and forth, back and forth. Like hens. Of course, any smart woman knows that men are more catty than women sometimes. Often times. This was a clear example. Two twenty-somethings arguing over spending time with someone while she was seated beside them. As if I were a favorite toy. Perhaps their favorite Playstation or Xbox game. And for my part, I just listened. Because the simple truth was, I was already too stoned to think straight. Pathetic, right? And I have no excuse. I smoke often. Well, fairly often. Always with Tony. I shouldn't be such a lightweight. There's no excuse for-

"V?" Paul called, snapping a finger. "V, you still with us?"

I shook my head to try and clear the word "hens" from my brain. "Yeah?"

"I was asking you what you think."

"About what?"

Tony tossed his arms up in the air. "I have to piss. You explain it to her while I piss." He disappeared after that. Though, I must admit that, in true Tony Lovato form, he had his dick out of his shorts before he ever exited the den area. That was Tony: always with his dick in hand. That thought made me smirk.

"V?" Paul repeated with another finger snap.

I snapped to attention.

"I was asking you what you thought of the situation?"

"What situation?"

Paul rolled his eyes and passed the remainder of his joint to me. Tony had, of course, bogarted the one he was sharing. Typical Tony. Always worried about his dick and his drugs. "I asked you if you would be willing to go to a club tonight."

My mouth formed the "oh" that was in my mind, but I know that the word never left my tongue. Strange how that works. The mind-body connection had failed me.

"I thought that might be fun," he continued. "It'll get us out of the room, you know?"

I nodded.

"I heard it's a really great place, and the cab ride isn't far. We could probably even walk it."

I nodded again.


"Yeah, Paul?"

"Are you listening to me?" he question, a silly grin across his stubbled cheeks. It showed off his dimples. They were small and only seemed to appear for specific expressions. This happened to be one of them.

I shook my gaze from his cheeks and smiled. "That sounds really good."

"It's a sex club," Paul added and stood out of his seat. "Wear something....little."

With that, he disappeared down the hall. I noticed, for the first time, that he was wearing shorts and flip flops. It was the first time I had ever seen Paul in sandals. Ever. In the past however many years. Not that there was a lot of opportunity for a male to wear sandals around a city, but hey. You never do know. And Paul has the best legs I have ever seen on a male. So the combination was just....it was.....it was.....

"I pissed," Tony grinned as he threw himself back onto the couch beside me. "Where's Shitfuck?"

I shrugged. "He went to his room."

"Did he discuss the plan with you?" Tony smiled and it was sincere. It was honest. It was a smile that said, yes V, I honestly want to go to this club and I hope that you'll agree. His smiles often times said a lot. But I doubt that's a specific to Tony Lovato trait.



"I'll go."

"Perfect," Tony clapped his hands together. "What are you going to wear?"

"What should I wear?"

Tony seemed to ponder this before hunching his shoulders. "Whatever you want?"

"Paul said something small."

"Tight," Tony smirked.

I nodded. I had just the thing.

* * *

Given, I don't normally bring my leather pants on vacation to tropical locales. Yes. However, when a girl takes a week long trip with two musicians, she has to be prepared for anything. Anything often times involves, well, musicians. And leather and musicians go hand in hand. So here I am. Blue leather pants and a black corset. Cliche, perhaps. Tony had eyed me curiously, before deeming the pants "not easy access". I had rolled my eyes at this. That was right about the time Paul appeared in the doorway and ogled me as if I were Thanksgiving dinner. The boner in his shorts told me that he approved. At least one of them is easy to please.

"V?" Tony questioned as we entered the dimly lit building. It was, from what I could surmise, an old wherehouse. Converted into a club, the building house two floors: one complete with black walls, strobe lights, DJ and dance floor; the second floor comprised of all locked doors. You need a room key to enter one of the enclosures, and guess where you got that? Yes, from a ticket office at the far end of the dancefloor downstairs. Tony spoke to inform me of such items, adding that there were also specific items of etiquette that I would have to abide. Paul seemed to listen in closely as well, and I was left to assume I was not the only amateur.

Tony continued talking. "Both of you will put these in your pockets, in full view." He handed us both white handkerchiefs. Paul's expression spoke what my words had failed to say. Tony understood. "It means you're new to S&M and you're with me. People will leave you alone."

I nodded but focused my attention on Tony's black handkerchief. "What does that mean?"

"Anything goes," Tony winked.

Go figure! I should have guessed that. The look on my face must have showed that I was humored by this, cause Paul grinned. "He's such an unabashed slut, isn't he?"

"Yes, he is."

"Talk about me like I'm not here," Tony quipped. He began leading us further into the club and across the dance floor. "I'm leaving you two. If you decide to become adventurous, go for it."

Paul stared at him, expression blank. "Adventurous, how?"

"Sex," Tony smirked as he began to saunter toward a doorway. "Fuck each other."

"Here? In the club?" I gasped.

Tony rolled his eyes and disappeared.

I watched him disappear, sighing mentally. Kind of nice that I won't have to watch some random whore suck Tony's cock; kind of bothersome that some random whore will suck Tony's cock. Either way, I think it was good that he was gone. Now I'm stuck with Paul, and hopefully, I'll literally get stuck by Paul.

Paul was calling my name from several steps ahead.


"Where you at?" he smirked. I stared at him, allowed myself to disappear into his eyes for a few moments. I wanted to be able to gaze into those eyes fifty years from now. But that's not the thing you should consider when you're wearing leather pants and standing in the middle of a sex club.

I shook the thoughts away and laughed. "I'm right here."

Paul nodded. "I know that. But you're not right here, mentally. You were staring at me like I was alien. What's wrong?" He fidgeted with the white handkerchief in his back pocket, but kept his chocolate gaze on me. "You've been sort of out of it since we got here, V."

I shrugged my shoulder. My arms were crossed defensively over my chest, my breasts jutting out of the black tube top. This was probably not the best outfit to wear to a club when you were hoping NOT to be bothered by people. Probably a bad decision. But what can I say: I enjoy torturing Tony…and Paul. Especially Paul.

He was grinning. "Are you nervous?"

"Why would I be nervous?" I retorted casually.

That was right about the time that I heard a moan. It was a delicate, pleasure-filled sound from somewhere behind us. Probably against the back wall. The black wall. Actually, all the walls were black. And what with the dim lighting, I felt like I was standing in the middle of a black hole.

"What are you thinking?"

"That I'd like to sing ‘Black Hole Sun'?" I quipped. Yes, it sounded most fitting to break into a random Soundgarden tune right about now. I mean, what else was there to do? We could investigate the moaning. Although, that sounded almost too…I don't know. That's not tempting. Singing is tempting. Alright, I'm fooling myself. Nothing is tempting right now except-

Paul laughed at that and placed an arm around my waist. He pulled me closer to his body and grinned. "Don't worry, I won't let anyone hurt you."

"I'm not worried!"

"Yes, you are!"

"No, I am not!"

He shook his head and I could see the light- well, what light there was- glint off his lips. They were moist. He grinned down at me as I stared. He smirked. "I love that."

"Love what?"

"The way you look at me like you want me for dessert," he smirked. "You don't even look at Tony like that."

I laughed at this, because, well, that was ludicrous. I would probably never eye Tony Lovato like he was a prized piece of beef. No. He might be my best friend, he might be a sex buddy, but he was certainly not someone I lusted over. And I never had lusted over him. Come to think of it, that probably makes me a loose slut. Huh. That sucks. That-