He Never Saw That Coming

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Another Honey we need to talk.
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He Never Saw That Coming

Another Honey We Need to Talk

My thanks to Bigjim48 and SaddleTramp for their inputs. Their inputs made this a so much better read.

Please remember I do have a physical handicap. I have Typo-Glaucoma. It is the inability to write proper grammar.


"Tom, I'm sorry," apologized Mr. Cooper, the CEO of Maverick Manufacturing. "I shouldn't even be telling you this information. It would violate the NDS I signed. But, I wanted to give you a heads up to get your resume out on the streets before everyone else."

Tom slumped back in his seat.

"You did a great job, and I feel you single-handedly saved my company and everyone's job. But your success was also your downfall after your company saving improvement. After that, I could afford to retire."

Mr. Cooper sat at his desk across from Tom and leaned back in his chair. He ran his hands up across his face and then through his hair. Sighing, I'm tired. After 30 years of running this operation, I'm wearing out. This buyout will allow me to retire and travel the world with Donna. I'm 75 now, and I don't have much time to enjoy myself. If I don't do it now, I never will."

Tom sat in shock. After all, he had done. So this was the thanks he got. Apparently, it's true that no good deed goes unpunished, he thought.

"I appreciate the heads up. How long do I have before you announce the buyout?"

"We are looking at Monday. They already have an entire team in operations. I imagine they will give you a severance package. They don't want to come in and look like monsters. It scares the hell out of the employees they keep.

"They're a pretty good company, and they treat their people fairly. I can't tell you who they are. I have told you more than I should, Tom, because I like you. And your saved my company with your revolutionary ideas. So please don't throw me under the bus."

Tom stood up, stuck out his hand, and thanked Mr. Cooper for everything. However, he cringed at the thought that he would face the "wifezilla" later.

Tom had met Ali, short for Alexandria when he pursued his master's in Industrial Engineering at Georgia Tech. He met Ali when she showed up with her girlfriends at his fraternity party one Saturday night. She was a cute 5-foot, 2-inch, 105 lb. brown-eyed, brunette fox with a smile to die for.

Tom is 6'1" and 195 lb. blond air blue-eyed with a wiry body. Tom and Ali fit perfectly together. He played intramural sports to keep in shape. But Tom didn't go to Tech to play sports. Instead, he went to get the best education money could buy.

Unfortunately, he was one of the millions of students whose parents made a good living but still couldn't afford to raise five kids and pay for college. So he was expected to pay for his own schooling from an early age.

Thanks to the state lottery and excellent grades, he qualified for the lottery scholarship program. He got most of it paid for by having good grades in high school by the lottery. However, he still had to pay for his books and living expenses. Even with all the scholarships, he was still thousands of dollars in debt.

Ali graduated from Georgia State with a degree in Business Administration and Marketing one semester before Tom did. She landed a job with Essex Manufacturing about two hours north of Atlanta off Interstate 575.

Ellijay was a small community that sat in a valley resounded by the Appalachian Mountains. The city had grown to approximately 75,000 residents because of the suburban sprawl from Atlanta. The only drawbacks to the city were that there were only two companies nearby where he could work without driving 2 hours each way to Atlanta. The only other option in the area is working as a fast-food manager.

Essex was an excellent opportunity for Ali's future. So he bit the bullet and managed to land a position at Superior Manufacturing. Unfortunately, it was a much smaller company with little chance for advancement for him. But Ali's future was seemingly unlimited.

When they first arrived five years ago, Ali and Tom had managed to christen every room in their modest split level that they bought after spending the first year in an apartment. They loved to camp and hike along with many trials of the local mountain parks. They took their small 18 ft Stingray tri-hull boat to Lake Hiawassee, which sat at Georgia's northeast corner during the summertime.

Ali would take off her top and lay on the boat's floor so none of the locals that fished in the area would see her deep brown, dime-size areolas topped with eraser-sized nipples.

Tom smiled at his fond memories of their lake outings. He just laid on top of Ali with his dick in her as the boat rocked back and forth from the wakes of the passing boats. Things had been going so well that they even discussed starting a family.

But all good things must come to an end. Ali wasn't happy with their lifestyle. She started wanting bigger, better, and more worldly things. She wasn't pleased with Tom's earning potential at Superior and was practically ordering him to find a new job.

Ali had become more irritable and bitchier over the last six months. Tom couldn't do anything to make her happy. The bedroom had gone dead. She bitched about him not pulling his fair share around the house and with the bills. That struck him funny since none of her paychecks went to pay the bills. So instead, it went to her own account. The thing she seemed to hate the most about him was his breathing.

He drove down the street to the split-level home they had bought four years earlier. As he moved closer to his house, he noticed Ali loading luggage into the trunk of her Honda Accord. Maybe she had decided they needed to get away for the weekend, go to Helena for Octoberfest, and reconnect. He thought perhaps he would wait till they get back to mention the buyout.

He walked into the house with a heavy heart and a forced smile. Tom turned around after shutting the door. He felt his wife's soft lips press hard against his, and his eyes got wide with her passion. She was smiling, the smile that made his heart flutter.

Ali moved in to hug him. She placed her mouth up to his ear. Then, whispering into his ear, "What I am about to tell you will not affect mine and your relationship. After this weekend, I will be yours and only yours forever.

It is a one-time event that will benefit us for the rest of our lives and for our future children. So, if you really love me, you will l smile and say, yes, dear. And wait for me to come back Sunday night, and I'll make it up to you.

"Please come into the living room and sit down across from Robert and me. And listen to me very carefully while I tell you what's going on. If you don't comply, I will cut you off and make your life miserable. And it will be months before you get a sniff of my cookie again. So you, WILL, go along with this, or I'll make your life a living hell. And besides, you might like being my cuck."

Tom stood in shock as his so-called loving wife pulled him into the living room. She sat him down across from Robert Bradshaw, the CEO of Essex Manufacturing, then plopped her ass next to Robert on the couch. Robert stared at Tom, not revealing anything of the nature of the upcoming conversation.

Until now, Ton had always admired the man. Mr. Bradshaw was fast becoming the most powerful man in the county and one of the most influential men in Georgia. Yet, he had an iron discipline with a strong desire to succeed. Tom had met him at Ali's company Christmas parties and summer picnics near Blue Ridge.

His wife's family owned a secluded estate about 19 miles up into the mountains from Blue Ridge. This estate included a 100-acre lake with docks and a 10,000 sq. ft., 10 room, ten-bedroom bath log cabin. Surrounded the primary resident were 10, 1000 sq. foot mini cottages--an Olympic-sized swimming pool in the back of the house with a fully functional outdoor bar and kitchen.

Robert's wife, Rebeca, was a lovely attractive woman. Not a beauty, but oozed class and confidence. She worked beside Robert building his company from scratch. They have four children, two girls and two strapping boys. Although her parents had money and a lot of it, she didn't.

The family had been in Georgia since the early 1700. After the military forced the Indians out, they moved to the local area. The family moved onto the empty land and mined the gold in the area. For years the clan ruled the area keeping the wealth within a few families.

Then, during the Civil war, they hid their gold from the Confederacy, so when the war was over, they bought large tracts of land in the Appalachian area of Lumpkin and Dahlonega counties. Over the years, they gentrified themselves from backwoodsmen to pillars of the community. Salacious rumors floated around about the family for years, as is sometimes the norm, but none could ever be verified.

Tom had met the eldest daughter at all the company's events. However, the first time he met her was five years earlier at the annual company Christmas party. His first opportunity to speak to her was when Ali danced with Robert. Unfortunately, Rebeca was sick that evening, and Constance stepped in as hostess.

Rebecca graduated from the University of Georgia. So much for taste. Tom likes to rib her by asking her, "What do most Georgia graduates call Georgia Tech graduates? BOSS." That got him a slap on the arm. But she was pleasant and easy to talk to. They discussed the upcoming Georgia-Alabama National Championship football game, and it was only October. Over the following eight times they met, they seemed to migrate together.

Ali let Tom know she thought Constance was developing a crush on him. She chuckled and warned him to watch himself. He chuckled back and told his wife that she was the only woman for him.

Robert always dressed impeccably to go along with his good looks. He noticed Mr. Bradshaw holding large vanilla envelopes with both hands staring intently at Tom.

Ali smiled, took a deep breath, and spoke, "Tom. Robert," Tom noticed with that statement, Robert's eyes shifted to Ali with a discerning look.

"And I will be spending the weekend together at his family's estate. We will be discussing my future. No, I mean our future with the company.

"Yes, we will have sex and enjoy each other's company. I will be giving Robert my virgin ass as a bonus to show him my total commitment to Essex Manufacturing. This will allow me to take over the new position as vice-president of Essex. It will give us double the money. In addition, the promotion will allow us to move into a larger house. With the raise, I can work full time, and you can stay home and be a house-husband and raise our kids.

"I will be back Sunday night. Robert and I will never sleep together again. I'll need a week to recover from what I hear is his huge cock. After that, I will let you reclaim my body. I will then let you have the anal sex you have been begging for since we met."

Tom slowly stood up from his chair and, without a word, headed toward the back of the house.

"You get back here right now, Tom. I'm not through with you yet. Stop being a child about this, or you want to get any for a year."

Tom yelled, "I'll be right back."

Tom walked into the room a minute later.

Ali looked at him and said, "Sit your ass down."

Tom pulled his hand from behind his back, pointed his Glock 45 at Robert's head, and said, "This talk is over." He pulled the trigger. Robert's brains blew out the back of his head.

Ali screamed as Tom aimed between her eyes and pulled the trigger with the same devastating results. Tom felt a slight smile come to his lips as a small trickle of blood ran down Ali's forehead to her right eye.

His smile disappeared as he saw Ali's lips start to move.

"Tom, Tom, snap out of it, Honey. I know this is a big shock for you, but I will be back in 48 hours. Heck, who knows. Maybe Robert will teach me some new trick that will benefit you."

Tom snapped back into reality and exploded. "Are you out over your mind? There is no way I will stay married to you. You are out of your God-damn mind," repeating himself.

Ali snarled. "Listen, Tom, your company is being bought out by us, and you are losing your job. I worked on the buyout. You are going to get laid off from your job. You are redundant. If you don't suck it up and help me with this, I'll take you to the cleaners.

"Believe it or not, I love you, and there isn't a damn thing you can stop me. And don't even think of coming after Robert. He has you by 3 inches and 30 lbs. Look at him; he's an Adonis. You, you are average, Tom. You're not a fighter," she smirked.

Tom looked at Mr. Bradshaw, "Why do you want my wife? You have a wonderful wife and a great family. I bet she doesn't know." Tom smirked, "I'll call her and see her about your weekend getaway."

Robert took out his phone, smiled, and dialed, placing the phone on speaker so they all could hear. "Let me," he said with a sneer. A woman answered after the second ring.

"Hello," she said.

Robert smiled into the phone. "Hey, Honey, I'm at Ali's and Tom's house. Will you tell Tom you know about Ali and me, and you have no problem with my plans?"

"Hey, Tom, Rebecca here. Robert has my blessing. He'll help her get what she has coming to her. Have fun, Robert. Talk to you later. Love you."

"Love you too, Honey." Robert hung up, stuffed the phone back into his pocket, and smirked at Tom.

Ali smiled and softened her voice, "See, Tom, If Rebecca doesn't feel threatened in their relationship, you shouldn't."

Tom stood up and stared at the lover. "Fuck you two. I'm not going to stand here and be your cuckold. One of us is going to the hospital tonight. And if I survive him, I'm coming for you, Ali. You fucking dolly mop."

Ali stood back up and screamed back. "I am no cheap whore."

Tom smirked and replied, "You're right. You're not cheap. The operative word is whore."

Finally, Robert had had enough and stood, "You two sit down and shut up."

Tom clenched his face and faced up to Robert.

Robert smiled and informed Tom, "I want to hire you. You're the type of man I want."

"You're offering me a job to fuck my wife to ease your conscious?" he snarled.

"I'm not going to have sex with your wife. I never was," Robert replied with a chuckle.

"What in the hell are you saying? Robert. We had a deal," whined Ali.

"You had a deal, my darling," replied Robert. "If you remember, you did the talking. I listened and said, "Let's see what your husband would say. I don't think he appreciated your plan very much."

Turning back to face Tom, "Sit down, please. I'm offering you a job because you just showed what kind of man you are."

Ali was highly agitated, "That was my job; we had a deal."

Robert raised his voice to let her know he was not happy anymore. "Let me set you straight, young lady. When I first started this company, I was the only employee. Every job was mine. I was an engineer, janitor, production, shipping, receiving, QC, billing, receivable, and sales.

"Every job in that place is mine. It doesn't matter if it was one job or all 10,000. They are all my jobs. I rent them out and pay people to perform them for me. I can take them back at any time I wish. You are an at-will employee.

"Tom, I'm really pissed at you, son. You cost me an extra fifteen million for Superior. After purchasing it, I talked to Ray about what improvements Superior made to become so profitable. I was astonished at the improvements. They mirrored ours, Ali." Ali started tensing up.

"That's right, Tom. We made the same changes to improve efficiencies. Except you didn't get the credit, Ali took the credit. She did make the necessary adjustments to make it work for us."

"Ali," Robert meshed his lips. "One thing engineers can't tolerate is other people taking credit for their work. That's why we have patents to protect our ideas. We wouldn't have had a problem if you had told us that they were his ideas. But, no, you didn't do that. Instead, you took the credit."

Tom slumped and looked at Ali, "I didn't care if you used my ideas. I would have helped you. All you had to do was talk to me."

Robert went on, "Ali, that man loves you. I offered him the Vice-President position last year at the Christmas party because of Ben's. I had a search performed by a recruiting firm, and they kept coming up with his name. Finally, he turned down because he knew you wanted it. And besides, why would I want or need you when I can get the master himself? The real brains behind the genius.

"Tom, my daughter thinks the world of you. She views you as her mentor, and I appreciate that. And not one time did I hear you ever made a sexual innuendo to her. On the contrary, you were always the consummate gentlemen. So if I can trust you with my daughter, I can trust you with the company," Robert added.

Ali stood up, bowed her head, and apologized, "Please, Tom, I screwed up. Can I try to fix us?"

Robert wasn't stopping, "Well, that's generous of you. I don't know about him, but your time with Essex ends because you violated Essex's morality codes. So I guess with that, our affair is over."

Ali sat up and looked at Tom, "Please forgive me. I was so driven I forgot who I was. I'll go to counseling and fix this with you."

Robert, still cutting in again, "First thing, you are a lucky woman. When I told Rebecca about your plan for a weekend foray with me, she wanted to come here and wipe your floor with your ass. And she can do it. But I have something else in mind.

"Tom, before I give you these, I will be glad to set you up with a marriage counselor if you wish to go." He passed out two envelopes--one to each of them. Robert stood facing Amy. "About six months ago, Constance came to me and told me she had seen you coming out of the Omni Hotel in Atlanta.

"I didn't think about it because you entertain clients and probably buy them lunch. However, Constance later informed me it was 3 in the afternoon. So I registered it mentally for the future.

"About four months ago, I got a call from one of our long-time customers informing me they wouldn't be doing business again. He found out that his buyer was paying an extra 20% because he was sleeping with a female salesperson.

"I had an outside accounting firm come in for an audit and found out that four other companies were paying over 20% more than our other customers. So I hired a PI firm to investigate that salesperson. You can only imagine what I found, Ali."

Ali was tensing up now; the guillotine's blade was being slowly pulled up to the release position.

"Both of you open your envelopes and look at the pictures." Ali gasped, and Tom turned red with anger.

Robert continued, "I have more explicit pictures, Tom. I haven't given them to you just in case you want to try to save your marriage. You don't want those images burned into your mind."

Ali looked at Robert, "Of course, he doesn't want a divorce. This was just a silly mistake on my part. Remember, Honey. It was for us."

In a calm voice, Tom replied, "Us, huh. No, for you. It's always been about you, Ali."

"Well, I won't give you a divorce. I'll bankrupt you," Ali yelled back.

Robert stepped in, handing both another envelope. "Let me tell you both what's in them. I went to the law firm I have on retainer. They have people that deal in family law.

"These envelopes contain two sets of divorce papers--one for irreconcilable differences and one for adultery. Ali, the pictures are very vivid and clearly show your infidelity.

If Tom goes through with it and you don't fight it, I will keep you employed until the divorce is final in three months. That is to protect Tom. After that, I will be hiring him as my new vice-president of our new division, including Superior and Essex, and others.