Heart of a Demon Ch. 01

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Horny witch summons an incubus to claim her.
3.2k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 01/27/2009
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Disclaimer: This work of erotic fiction depicts consensual sex acts involving witchcraft, demons, and light sadomasochism. If such things make you uncomfortable, I would advise you not to continue reading. This story is not intended as relationship advice. Do not act out anything you read here unless you and your partner are both comfortable doing so and you know it is safe.


Lara was lonely, bored and horny—a dangerous combination for a young, beautiful sorceress. After several unsuccessful nights of trying to meet men who were neither sleazy drunks nor boring dolts Lara decided to forego the local bar for a different approach. She lazily ran a finger over the titles on her bookshelf of witchcraft tomes.

"Levitation, Potions...ah, The Conjurer's Guide to Demons." Lara plucked out the aforementioned book and settled into her easy chair. Flicking her long, raven hair out of the way, Lara turned to the letter 'i'. Incubus. She began reading:

'An incubus is a male demon that gains its power from having sex with humans (usually women though there have been known homosexual and bisexual incubi.) The female equivalent is called a succubus. An incubus cannot actually rape a person; he must use his wicked charms to seduce the victim into submitting willingly'

Lara paused to examine the picture. The only thing that distinguished the incubus' looks from a normal man's (aside from his inhuman beauty) was a pair of crimson horns peaking through his tousled black hair. Even from the small drawing, Lara could read the dangerous glint in his eyes and his irresistibly sadistic grin. Lara let her eyes wander down his perfectly muscled body and breathed a silent 'thank you' to whichever illustrator had decided to paint the demon without any clothes on. She gazed dreamily at the being's long, thick cock.

"I'll bet that would hurt..." Lara smiled. She liked it when it hurt. The sorceress stifled an urge to cream herself right there, 'Wow... if a little drawing can make me this horny, imagine what the real one could do to me!' She kept reading:

'There are three types of incubi that vary according to their seductive powers. Incubus necarus is the most dangerous kind. During sex, this incubus drains the victim's life force entirely. Very few humans have survived such an encounter.'

Lara shuddered and not in a good way, "Well that's certainly a cold shower." She wanted nothing to do with anything that would actually kill her.

'Incubus minorus is relatively benign. The effects on the victim are temporary and include exhaustion and an increased sex drive. These incubi generally mate once or twice with a single human before moving on to the next.'

This reminded Lara of the 'love 'em and leave 'em' types that would try (and fail) to talk her into one night stands. Lara laughed to herself, "Heh, so I want an evil sex demon who'll still be there to hold me in the morning—I must be out of my head!"

'An incubus captorus may only mate with a single human, but once he does so, the victim is permanently held under his power. The incubus then takes his prey into his lair to spend eternity as a captive sex slave.'

Lara's submissive side found the idea incredibly hot. Of course, she could never actually summon such a thing... could she? No, definitely not; that would have to remain a fantasy. A very hot fantasy. Lara touched herself until she fell asleep in the chair—and dreamt of incubi ravishing her helpless but all too willing body.

However, by the next day, she had completely forgotten about sex demons and the like. She had a job to do. She met up with her work partner and best friend, Mellia, and scanned the job postings to see what horrific monstrosity the two powerful witches would save the town from today.

"Rats?!" Lara pouted.

"Yep, apparently farmer Luke is having a little rodent problem lately." Mellia sighed absently.

"Please tell me they at least breathe a little fire or something."

"It doesn't say, so I'm guessing they don't."

With that, the pair mounted their broomsticks and flew over to the infested farmland.

"So, where are the rats nesting?" Lara tried to hide the boredom from her voice; she was a professional after all.

"In the henhouse. They're stealing all my chicken feed!" the farmer answered.

"We're on it," Mellie responded with only slightly less hidden boredom than her partner.

As soon as they stepped into the henhouse a large black-furred rat scampered across the floor.

Mellia held up her palms and shouted a spell, "Stabitis!" The rat, along with all of the chickens, froze to the spot.

Lara picked up a wooden pail, "Here, we can collect them in this, and than unfreeze them in the woods."

They were searching behind nest boxes and under floorboards for frozen rodents, when Mel heard Lara sigh.

"What's with you, Lara? You haven't been yourself lately. And don't say it's just the boring missions we've been having. I know you better than that."

"Yeah, you're right. I've just been so... restless for the past while. I'm not sure why," Lara told her friend.

"Hmm, maybe you're just in a rut. You'll feel better soon."

"I sure hope so," Lara sighed, unfreezing the chickens as she bagged the last rat.

But weeks passed and Lara didn't feel any better. She wondered if this small town life of magical odd jobs just wasn't right for her. Yet, she couldn't think of anywhere else she wanted to be. Except... a dark corner of her subconscious recalled the readings of a certain lust demon. At first, she pushed the idea aside but over the next few days those thoughts became more persistent. Maybe she really would be happier as an incubus's sex-pet. Eventually, she decided to go for it. She would summon an incubus, if only just to talk with him.

She waited until Saturday night both because she wanted to give herself time to change her mind and because (as usual) she had no plans that weekend. Just in case Lara actually went through with it she wrote a letter to Mellia so that her friend wouldn't worry. Too embarrassed to say where she was really going, Lara wrote that she was chosen for an important, long-term mission out of town; she had to leave by morning so she couldn't tell her friend in person. Lara sighed. She hated to just disappear on Mellia. Their friendship was the only thing in this dreary little farm town that brought Lara any joy. But lately, she started to think that wasn't enough. By the night's end, she would have to make a decision.

Leaving the letter on her nightstand Lara retrieved her demon guidebook and shoved her doubts aside. After leafing through an inordinate amount of pages warning against the dangers of demon calling, Lara finally found the summoning spell. She followed the instructions to the letter, making a chalk circle on the floor lined with six black roses, six lit candles, and six cupid feathers, all evenly spaced. She cast a quick safety spell on the candles so they couldn't burn down the hut if they fell over. Finally, Lara placed the 'offering'—her naked body—in the center and slipped her hands between her legs. The book told her to touch herself but not to reach the point of orgasm, a difficult feat considering the wicked fantasies that played about her mind. As she circled that her little pink nub, Lara imagined an irresistibly cruel sex demon violating her flesh with his claws. She rubbed herself torturously slowly, straining against that blissful release. Excitement and need built within her like an inferno but still she resisted.

Eventually, even beneath the fog of agonizing self denial, Lara wondered where her incubus was. Her desire, over time, gave way to boredom and disappointment and, though her finger continued to twitch within her folds, Lara began to dose.

That night, Lara rolled over in bed, to look at the clock. Midnight exactly—the witching hour. The funny thing was Lara had no memory of going to bed last night. The last thing she remembered was...

"Hush now; don't be frightened," a shadowy figure loomed over her bed caressing her naked thigh.

"Did you... carry me here?" she stammered.

"Forgive me for being so forward, but such a beautiful creature as yourself shouldn't be sleeping on the cold, hard floor."

Lara blushed, "You really think I'm beautiful?"

"Why of course," the demon's smooth, melodic voice made Lara want to melt. He ever so gently ran his clawed fingertips down her body, "that smooth, silky hair; those tender breasts, the gentle curve of your hips," he paused for effect as he traced his fingers over her labia, "the delicate pink folds of your womanhood..."

It took a tremendous force of will for the young witch to pull away long enough to cast a truth spell, "veritas dices!" She flicked on the lamp, once again resisting the urge to swoon when she saw the demon's nude, perfect features. His cock was at least as large as depicted in the guidebook—only his was erect. Perfectly toned muscles rippled over his body. They made him look strong but it was his eyes that made him look powerful. Beneath his pointed horns and tousled black hair, those deep, dark eyes sparked with a hint of red hellfire. Lara wanted those eyes to burn into her soul forever; she stopped herself.

"Look, I may be a nympho but I'm not stupid. If I'm going to spend eternity with someone, I'd better know what I'm getting into. And that truth spell should take care of any demonic trickery."

The woman's judgment and strong spirit impressed the incubus, though he never had any intention of deceiving her. "You're a clever one, aren't you?" he grinned and purred in her ear, "I like that."

Lara shuddered slightly but regained her composure. "What's your name?" she asked.

"My name is Lord Devicarth but you, my dear, may call me Master."

"You're not my master yet, Devicarth."

"Fair enough, kitten, but I can see the lust in your eyes."

She blushed slightly and looked away. Once she had forced the redness from her cheeks, she turned back toward him, "Is there any risk of me getting pregnant? Because I am NOT going to spend eternity tending your demon-spawned rug-rats."

This time he laughed outright, "Pregnant? Goodness no! Incubi and succubae are born fully formed from the infernal flame. The very idea of a sex demon born as an innocent child—I thought you had done your research."

"I did," she defended herself, "It's not my fault this outdated textbook doesn't mention it."

"Now it's only fair that you answer my questions too," the demon asserted, "Why have you summoned me here?"

Her lips curled in a mischievous grin, "Isn't it obvious?"

"Not entirely. You could've just as easily called an angel. Instead you chose a demon. I figure that makes you either a fool..." he glided to her side and grasped her firmly in his lean, muscular arms "...or a masochist." Ever so slowly, Devicarth sank his claws into her shoulder and raked down her back.

The woman leaned backward into his touch, allowing the blades to sink even deeper into her soft flesh.

With a pleased chuckle, he slid his tongue suggestively over his finger, tasting her sweet, crimson blood.

Lara's resolve began to falter, "But if I...if I let you...won't you take me to hell?"

"Technically yes, but a little pain-slut like you might as well call it heaven," he caressed her cheek, smearing Lara's face with her own blood.

She closed her eyes and began to swoon. She was hoping he'd say something like that. Yet still, she wavered with indecision.

"My dear, you'll have the pain you so clearly crave, but I promise you: you'll never again know suffering."

At that moment, staring into the dark depths of his demon's eyes, Lara saw something. Affection?

"I...surrender," she whispered.

"What was that?"

"Please! Take me! I want to be your little slave for all eternity."

The demon swooped upon her, "You're so lovely when you beg," he licked his lips, "I'm going to enjoy this."

She barely had time to switch off the light before Devicarth threw her into the bed pinning her arms with his forceful clawed hands. Shock and desire made Lara squirm in his grasp.

The incubus chuckled, "Yes, struggle for me! Feel how helpless you are."

She obeyed. She writhed and twisted in his crushing grip, though escape was the last thing she wanted. The incubus stilled her struggles with a passionate kiss. Then, Devicarth grabbed her wrists in a single hand, leaving the other free to torment his blissful prey.

With a single claw, he traced little circles around one of her nipples, pressing firmly to cause just the right amount of pain. The little pink nub perked up as if begging to be sucked and licked and Devicarth released her arms in order to oblige. Lara let out a little moan as the demon swirled his talented tongue over her hard, sensitive nipple. Meanwhile his hand playfully tweaked the other one, lest it feel neglected.

Then, without warning, Devicarth flipped Lara onto her stomach. She gave a startled whimper but soon calmed as he rubbed his powerful hands over her back. When the demon reached the perky round muscles of her behind, he cooed, "Ooh, your ass is so pretty and firm...You were made to be spanked." She couldn't see his face from that position but, from the tone of his voice, she knew he was wearing a wicked grin.

With lightning's swiftness, he had Lara over his knee before she knew what hit her. With a loud 'thwap!', he inflicted his stinging wrath on her poor, helpless body. He slapped her over and over until she lost count, dazed in a trance-like limbo between pain and desire.

"Yes, take it!" he shouted as he beat her, "That's what you get for summoning a demon, you filthy little whore!" He paused only to probe a finger rudely into her depths. Smiling at the glistening wetness, he growled, "My, you are a little pain-slut, aren't you?"

When she didn't say anything, Devicarth yanked Lara by her hair, forcing her to look upward into those deep, powerful eyes. "Answer me!" he demanded, "Tell me what you are or I'll stop spanking you."

"It's true," she yelled as she found her voice again, "I'm a naughty little pain-slut who needs to beaten and fucked hard! Please! Hurt me!"

With a cruel chuckle he replied, "Whatever you like, my dear," and continued his thrashing. Thwap! Thwap! Thwap! Her sore little ass took on a lovely rosy glow. Her soul melted under his firm hand. Again he flipped her on her back, sinking a finger into the dripping folds of her sopping cunt. The finger wriggled inside her and slowly massaged the slippery walls. Lara mewed and purred like a good little pussy cat. Soon she was bucking against his hand desperate for him to touch that little pleasure button.

"What's a matter?" he teased, "Oh, do you want this?" As he continued rubbing with his index finger, the demon allowed his thumb to ever-so-lightly brush her clit.

Lara nodded frantically, "Please..."

He allowed his thumb to keep circling and sliding over that special spot, this time more firmly. He brought her to the very edge of orgasm... and then stopped. The look on her face was priceless as he again and again took her toward that apex of pleasure only to deny her.

"Please..." she whimpered breathlessly, "Lord Devicarth... make me cum."

He cupped her chin with his free hand, "You make such a lovely tease toy. So hungry, so desperate for my touch." Devicarth punctuated the remark with another stroke to her clit.

"Oh please! I need it; you have me so horny for you!" she begged.


Lara pleaded with her eyes.


"What!?" the poor woman yelped in frustration.

"Silence, whore!" he slapped her across the cheek, "I'll make you cum when I take you, and not before."

She could do nothing but resign herself to the slow torture. No matter how she writhed and squirmed, he showed no mercy. She thought she would die from frustration by the time he removed his hand.

"Now, my dear," the incubus paused to lick her love nectar from his claws, "I will enslave you for eternity." He positioned his cock at her entrance, pinning her shoulders by his demonic strength. He sank into her slowly, so she could feel every millimeter as it parted her folds. For a moment he just held her there, impaled on a cock so long and thick that it stretched her even when he was still.

"Ooh, you're so tight," he purred, "Do you like the way my cock feels inside you?"

"Oh, yes! Fuck me! Fuck me like the demon you are!"

Devicarth grinned at her exclamation of raw lust and began to pump. And he wasn't gentle. The size of his dick and the force of his pounding drew the sexiest pain from her body. All the while, his cock slid back and forth over her slick clit. Forward and back, in and out. His otherworldly dark eyes fixed on her soft, beautiful features. It wasn't long before they had both reached the edge of overwhelming pleasure. He came first soaking her insides with his unholy seed. The feeling was so sexy that she was sent reeling into an orgasm of her own.

At that moment, she knew she was his. The pleasure was unimaginable, an intensity Lara never thought her body was capable of. It wracked her body and branded her soul. Every second felt like a blissful, earth shattering eternity. Meanwhile, the incubus fed on the energy she so willingly gave. He used his powers to make sure the crushing orgasm held her for minutes on end until he had wrung every drop of pleasure from her sexy little body.

When she finally came down, the exhausted woman collapsed into a heap at her new master's side.

"Oh, wow..." she gasped, "that was...amazing."

He smirked proudly, "You should've seen the look on your face. I can't wait to do that again."

Even through the haze of weariness, a spark of lust shuddered within her as she imagined her new future with this man. And there was another feeling; something beyond her normal post orgasmic coziness. It was impossible. She barely knew him—and he was a demon! And yet...

"I...I love you," she whispered.

With no hesitation Devicarth responded, "I love you, too," and caressed her soft, black hair.

"Can you possibly mean that? Can a demon love?"

"You cast a truth spell on me, remember? (And you're going pay for that when I get you home.)" he added mischievously. "But, seriously, I'm not just any incubus; I'm your soul mate. I knew it before you ever summoned me...and so did you."

Upon reflection, it was obvious. Masochist or not, Lara wouldn't just give herself to some demon. She had always wanted love. She had always wanted HIM.

"Come on baby, let's go home," Devicarth smiled warmly as he cradled her in his arms.

"Wait," remembering the letter to Mellia, Lara cast the spell to mail it, "Te mitte." All the doubts had left her mind now. She knew she would be happy with Devicarth and their new life of adventure and wild sex.

The incubus conjured a portal of black fire. "Are you ready?" he asked.

She smiled, "Yes, Master."

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

Nice first chapter :P

FaithWhiteFaithWhiteabout 14 years ago
Loved it!

I didn't mind the speed of this chapter. But i'm glad there are others to read because it did end quickly and i did want more. So that's no help. lol.

I enjoyed your story very much. Love the idea of mating for life. A witch and incubus is interesting. Read on i shall.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Great Plot...

I loved it! Was a little fast, but it was very entertaining. You should consider writing for an erotica publishing line. Will definitely keep reading this. ;-]

TwistedPassionTwistedPassionover 14 years agoAuthor
Thanks for the feedback, Nightstar

I see what you mean about this chapter moving too fast. I'll try and work on that for my next story.

Hope you keep reading,


Nightstar1Nightstar1over 14 years ago
Very interesting

I like the idea of a witch and an incubus, especially the concept of one who mates for life. However I think this chapter progressed too quickly, more conflict would be interesting and I think he could've stayed for a day. She seemed to decide too quickly. Also I recommend reading this manga which has a similiar story. http://www.mangafox.com/manga/akuma_na_eros/ Maybe it can give you some inspiration. Please keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago


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