Heart of the Wolf Ch. 06


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"Is this what you wanted from me, baby?" he said with a low quiet voice. "I'd be much obliged to do this for you, but the last thing that I want to do is hurt you."

Catie's heart hammered against her chest. Was this something that she could do? Could she give herself to him willingly? She already had her answer. She wanted this. She wanted Kaine. He could help set free her fears and give her something more. She found the plug for the tub and pulled it out using her toes since she was trapped against Kaine's body. He took that as a signal and continued his slow trail of kisses from one side of her neck to the other. She felt empowered by him. This man wanted her in a way that she'd never been wanted by anyone. She felt safe and at home with him. It was unnerving and flattering all at the same time.

As the water finally drained out, Catie felt exposed and shivered as the cold air hit her heated skin. She felt Kaine shifting his weight underneath her until she was lifted out of the tub as Kaine stood up. She squealed some as more cold air hit even more exposed skin. He stepped up out of the tub and walked to the bed with both of them still dripping. He then gently laid her down onto the bed and stood over her taking in her body. She felt suddenly afraid and grabbed for the sheets that were next to her to cover herself. He playfully took ahold of them and slowly pulled them away. "Don't cover yourself from me. You're beautiful, Catie. I don't care about any of the marks or scars that you're worried about. I want to make you see that you're beautiful as well," he said as he positioned himself over top of her on his hands and knees. "Please, baby, tell me if I do something wrong or go too quickly. I want to do this at your pace."

She nodded her head yes, sighed, and then closed her eyes. When she reopened them, his face was inches from hers. She looked up into his eyes and had the overwhelming urge to kiss his inviting mouth. He smiled down at her and she took the opportunity to finally kiss him. She was very new to this, so she had no idea what she was supposed to be doing. He quickly took over and led her through the kiss. She moaned some and he took the invitation to delve his tongue into her mouth. She opened her eyes, shocked with what he was doing. Kaine just chuckled and continued tasting her mouth. She writhed underneath him and noticed that she was already wet from such little contact with him. He finally broke the kiss and looked at her face.

"Are you still doing ok, baby?" She nodded her head yes and he continued to explore her body with his mouth. "My wolf and I have been dying to taste you," he said in a low growl as he kissed his way down her neck towards her chest. When he reached her breasts, he cupped them both with one in each hand and went to work lightly licking and suckling on them while his other hand gently squeezed the other. Then he'd switch sides. Catie moaned as he worked magic on them and felt like she was going to cum. He must of sensed it as well because he kept at it until she came from him playing with them.

"Kaine... That was..."

"Unexpected," he said smiling at her chuckling some, "But I'll definitely take that." He continued his course of kissing down her body and made a point to lick her belly button as well. She squealed and he had to hold her hips down as she bucked them. She had a light smattering of pubic hair and when he reached it, instead of going straight to her vagina like she expected, he went and kissed down her legs. We he reached her feet, he kissed down the tops of them to her toes, kissed each one of her toes and then did the same to the other foot before kissing his way back up the opposite leg. When he reached the apex of her thighs, he inhaled her scent deeply. She smelled amazing to him.

"Kaine wait!" she yelled just before he spread her legs more. She had her hands over her face at this point. He went into panic mode and climbed up to where she was and wrapped his arms around her. "I'm sorry. I don't think I can do this yet."

"You don't have to apologize to me," he said as he laid himself down onto the bed. "Come here." She hesitated a second before rushing into his arms. She laid her head on his chest and felt herself being covered up by a sheet. He ran his free arm up and down her side and held her tightly with his other arm. She could feel concern pouring off of him.

Kaine felt her start to relax until he finally heard her softly breathing from falling asleep. He was afraid that he had caused a flashback to surface. Up to this point, she had done remarkable well with keeping them in check. Either way, they would work through this together. After he was convinced that she was sleeping well, he let himself drift off and rest.


'What is wrong with me?' Catie said while sitting face to face with her wolf in her mind.

'Nothing is wrong with you. You were traumatized. It will work out. Trust our mate.' The wolf butted her head up against Catie's as she spoke mentally to her.

She had fallen asleep in Kaine's arms after her flashback of what had happened to her. She had expected him to be mad or disappointed in her because she couldn't keep going on. He was neither of those. He had been very concerned and probably blamed himself for it as well. She hoped that he didn't blame himself for that. He didn't do anything wrong and Catie had enjoyed everything that he had been doing to her. They would get passed this. It would just take her some time to do so.


Kaine... Dammit Kaine. Wake up!

You better have a good fucking explanation for this, Jake. Kaine said groggily through the link.

I'm sorry to wake you, but the prisoner has escaped.

Kaine immediately shot up out of bed which caused Catie to startle and jump awake as well. She looked up and saw a very furious looking Kaine quickly dressing himself.

"Kaine, what's wrong?"

"It's not your concern. It's pack business."

"What is that supposed to mean? Am I not part of this pack now?"

"No! Dammit, that's not what I meant! I'll explain it to you later, but right now, I need to go take care of something. I'll send someone up to take care of getting you some food," he said as he quickly opened the door and slammed it shut.

'What the fuck is his problem?' The wolf seemed to shrug her shoulders some and went back to lying down. Catie remembered that she never finished washing her hair and decided to take a quick shower before throwing on some clothes and heading downstairs to see if she could figure out what was going on.


Kaine reached the storage section of the basement in no time. Once in the storage room, he went to the back wall, entered his code on the keypad, and entered the hidden door that opened up. Once inside, he saw Jake standing over someone. "What happened? Is Mitch reviewing the security footage?"

"Yes he is. I honestly don't know, but that bastard took out Russ."

"How in the fuck can an unarmed man take out a full-grown wolf?" Kaine yelled as he looked over Russ' body. He was dead and Kaine couldn't see any signs of trauma to him. "I want this fucker found! I should've killed him when I had the chance."

Mitch came through the door at that time carrying a laptop. He was small for a wolf about 5'5" and was the epitome of computer geeks. He walked over to the table in the center of the room, moved some of the equipment that was sitting on it, and set it down. "Kaine, I have something to show you." Kaine and Jake both walked over to the laptop and looked at the screen. It showed what had happened an hour before. Logan was sitting in the metal chair with his arms and legs bound to it. Russ was in the room as well and looked like he was getting ready to inject Logan with something. Just as he went to do so, Logan shifted.

"Son of a bitch!! You mean to tell me that this fucker is a wolf?" Kaine yelled as he picked up a metal chair and threw it against the far wall. It shattered and fell to the ground. Kaine continued watching as Russ was bested and finally killed by Logan. He then watched as Logan ran out of the room. Mitch had tracked the hallways that he had taken and continued the surveillance tapes showing how he had left through one of the unused hybrid tunnels.

"Fuck! It's a wonder that he didn't come upstairs and try to kill some of the others," Jake said as he watched horrified about what had transpired.

Kaine was stunned. Logan's wolf was big, almost alpha-like in size, so there would have been no way that Russ could have taken him on with being an omega. He couldn't believe that he had lost a pack member to this bastard. He would find him though. He would avenge Catie and Russ when he did.

"Jake, I want round-the-clock surveillance by the pack. We will work in shifts between running the forest and guarding the manor. Until this asshole is found, we keep an extra close watch on the females and the young ones. Make sure that every hybrid tunnel is locked and stays locked while he's out there. Start assigning watch shifts to everyone. I want everyone gathered in the main entrance in 30 minutes. They all need to know what is happening."

"Yes, sir."


Catie finished her shower and stepped out into the room wrapped in a towel. As she walked out, she shrieked when she notice Syd in the room with her. Syd startled and dropped the clothes that she had been carrying.

"I'm sorry, Madam Alpha. I didn't mean to scare you. Kaine asked me to bring all of your clothes up here."

"Oh... It's ok. Sorry that I scared you," Catie said as she went over to Syd and helped her to pick up the scattered clothes and put them in a nearby closet.

"I was actually going to see if you were hungry and wanted something to eat, but Jake just called to everyone and said that Kaine wants us all assembled in the main entrance in about 30 minutes. So, I grabbed you a banana and a granola bar really quickly before bringing the last load of your clothes," Syd pointed to the small end table as she spoke. Catie nodded her head and walked over and quickly ate both of them. She then went into the closet and grabbed a matching cotton set of black colored bra and panties, along with some jean shorts, and a green t-shirt. She then threw on some sandals and followed Syd out into the hallway towards the main entrance.

Catie looked around the room at everyone in the pack. She honestly had no idea that there were so many wolves staying here. She spotted Kaine on the second floor standing by the banister looking down at everyone. Jake was standing to the right of him. He noticed her and motioned for her to come and stand near him. She slowly walked up to him and took the position to his left. She heard lots of whispers and felt that all of the packs' eyes were now on her. She felt uncomfortable until Kaine wrapped his arm around her waist.

"Everyone, I have news that I need to share with all of you," Kaine started. Everyone grew completely silent and turned their full attention to him. "First off, I need to introduce someone to all of you. This is Cadence. She will be your next Madam Alpha. You will all respect her as you do to me. In the next coming weeks, she will awaken her wolf and will be learning all the ins and outs of wolf-life." Catie blushed as mixed reactions went throughout the crowd. Some people cheered for Kaine while Catie noticed that others seemed disgusted by his proclamation. "Although, I'm overjoyed to announce my mate to you, I also have some troubling news to share with you. One of our own was slain today," Kaine paused for a second as gasps ran throughout everyone. Catie also gasped and looked at Kaine, shocked by what he was saying. He squeezed her tighter to him and continued on, "Most of you know by know how Catie came to be with us and matter of her attack. We had been holding one of her attackers, Logan, prisoner here. He was to be dealt with at the next full moon as is customary. However, he has escaped, but not before killing Russ."

Catie was even more shocked. Why had Kaine kept this from her? She shuddered. Logan had been this close to her and she hadn't even known. She felt betrayed that Kaine hadn't told her this beforehand. She then looked through the crowd of wolves. A lot of them were upset to the point of almost shifting while some were crying. However, none of them took their eyes off of Kaine. He had their full attention.

"Unbeknownst to us, Logan was a wolf as well. He shifted and killed Russ before escaping through an unused hybrid tunnel. I know that Jake has briefed some of you, but until he is found, we will be running patrol shifts through the forest and here at the manor. I don't want anyone else killed and I want this fucker brought back here so we can get justice for Catie and Russ. Jake will now take over and go over the patrol details."

Kaine grabbed ahold of Catie's hand and took her back to his room. Once inside, she pushed herself away from him and went and sat down on the couch. "When exactly were you going to tell me that Logan was here?"

"Catie, I didn't keep this a secret to hurt you. I was afraid of how you would take this. I'm sorry."

She looked at him with daggers in her eyes. She was beyond pissed off at him and her eyes had the faint glow telling him that her wolf was very near the surface. "Baby..."

"Don't 'baby' me, Kaine. Fuck you! You don't know what that asshole did to me and now I find out that he was he being held captive. Now, he's fucking gone!"

"I know. I will find him. Until then, I want you with someone at all times. When I'm out on patrol, you will stay with Lia, Syd, or Jake. I don't want to risk anything happening to you."

She didn't say anything because she was too pissed off at him to do so. She chose to ignore him and turned on the TV instead. He kissed the top of her head and walked away. She heard the door shut and started crying. She was overwhelmed at everything that had just happened. Soon after, she heard the door open and close again and was soon joined on the couch by Syd. She had brought up ham and cheese sandwiches, apple slices with carmel, and pink wine. They sat together in silence, watched the latest episode of Maury, and dined on their lunch.

"Are the males here always asinine?" Catie asked as she munched on an apple.

Syd laughed a little bit before answering, "Yes. Especially, when it gets closer to the full moon or if they are just in a shitty mood. Marshall does it too." Catie and Syd laughed and talked together while drinking their wine and waiting on their men to get back from their patrol shift.


Logan ran through the forest. He felt the wind rushing past him as he ran reveling in his freedom. He'd find a way to get back at Kaine at to get Catie back, but for now, his wolf was dying to run. It had been so long since he had ran and now he wanted to enjoy it. He'd suppressed his wolf for such a long time and had been a loner forever. He wondered if Kaine would remember him. He surely remembered Kaine. His mother had been a wonderful piece of ass before he killed her all those years ago. Logan decided to push that thought down and focus on enjoying his run. He'd pay Kaine a visit again soon enough.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This twist doesn't make sense. Not plausible that weres would not scent each others even in human form. From a plot point of view, however, it is boringly stereotypical. Too annoying to continue, although I liked following how the relationship between Catie and Kaine progressed.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Such a change from what was expected. You seemed to carefully develop the characters (atleast he main five or six) then in this last page they completely change.

Why bother giving them personalities at all if you are just going to make them act in which ever why is best for a forced (and inappropriate) plot twist?

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I was enjoying you story until I came to this page here that pisses me, as a reader off.

a) if you had read about weres, Catie is not any "Madam Alpha" until she is properly mated to Kaine. As it is, her status in his pack is no status because there has been no formal announcement to his pack. For all they know, she is just another female satisfying his physical needs;

2) Then when Logan escaped (a good twist to your story), cursing words started coming out of Catie's mouth at Kaine. Come on. based on Catie's personality, it seemed so out of character....she would have been fearful instead of being aggressive...you also made her seemed like a real bitchy bitch here too...

3) As if that was not enough, you just had to add a sentence saying to herself "Are the males here always asinine?" Again, this is so out of character for Catie whom you have carefully build up her character. So Catie is not the perfect person but can be an ungrateful bitch? She has suffered physically didnt she. SO, her normal reaction would NOT be this reaction you have characterized....

So I'm not sure if I will continue reading chapters yet to come...it's as if you didn't write parts of these paragraphs but someone else who's not so in tune with your original direction.. :((((

chocolatesistachocolatesistaalmost 10 years ago

What a twist! Love, love, love:)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
I like this story a lot, but

I am a proofreader and the mistakes mar my enjoyment. There aren't very many, but there are a few. I wish I had seen it before you posted, so I could have suggested some 'fixes"

dairetodairetoalmost 10 years ago
I am really enjoying this story

Characters are great and the story development is also good.

Looking forward to seeing where this goes

firerose78firerose78almost 10 years ago
loving it

This is a great story. I have been enjoying reading it. Cant wakt untill the next chapter is posted

Iread2relaxIread2relaxalmost 10 years ago

Whoop! Whoop! Whoop! Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! 5 Stars

RustyKeysRustyKeysalmost 10 years ago

Loving the story so far. Can't wait for next chapter, keep up the good work.

ariesgirlariesgirlalmost 10 years ago

Catie should apologize for getting really angry with Kaine. Its understandable to be a little upset. He didn't set out to purposely hurt her or wasn't be an ass. Taking care of her was his first priority. He is new at the mate relationship just as she is so she should cut him some slack. Now he has to deal with the death of a pack member and catching crazy ass Logan.

Being that she is Madam Alpha she should be trying to find out what her role will be and how she will help the pack.

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