Hearts of Gold


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She shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know," she admitted. "I never told any one about us and I'm pretty sure Brian hasn't said anything either."

"Well I sure the hell can not continue our relationship, not now."

He heard her soft gasp. It tore at his heart. "I know," she whispered.

"Christi, I'll lose my job, my reputation and I don't know if this would affect your guardianship with Brian or not."

"Oh God. Kyle, I never thought of Brian and how this would effect him; I mean he loves having you here and he loves us seeing each other. He's been great and he understands how much you mean to me, and he has never said anything to anyone. I never thought I'd lose him."

Kyle reclaimed his seat. "I know Christi. I'm not sure what to do, except to end things now."

She shook her head; tears fell and splashed on her hands. He reached out and cupped her chin, moved his hand to her cheek and wiped at the salty drops. "Maybe after graduation?" she whispered; her voice was laced with hope.

He took a deep breath. "I don't know. I won't make you promise me and I won't promise you. You're mature for eighteen, I'll give you that, but you also have this last year of life to live as a kid."

"Kyle, I gave up being a kid when I signed those papers granting me custody of Brian. I don't need prom, dates with boys my own age, or parties on the weekends. I do need you though," she told him.

"I can't be with you. Not now and I don't know about after graduation either. I have to go Christi," he said, downing the rest of his beer and grabbing his keys. "I'll do my best to keep everything on the up-and-up from here on out. I know we'll run into each other at school; I'm working over at the high school for the next six weeks, so we'll most likely see each other."

She nodded her head, took a calming breath and said, "I don't have classes in your area, a friend of mine is in band, but other than that I'm rarely on that side of the school. So you won't have to work too hard to avoid me."

He noted the sting in her voice. "Okay, than."

"Goodbye Kyle."

His eyes held hers for a long time. They traveled to her lips; he took a step closer, stopped and turned away. "Night, Christi."

He left her, closing the door to her sobs. His own chest was tight as his heart seemed to slow. The conversation he had had earlier with the band director came back to haunt him. He had known where this relationship was heading. Kyle knew he was going to propose at some point -- the only question had been when. Now, his mind was reeling from the loss of the one girl he had hoped to spend his life with. The idea of being Brian's dad had filled him with a sense of peace. Brian was a great kid; he would have been a great son. Now, even that dream was over.

Kyle headed home and spent the rest of the weekend trying to come to terms with all that had transpired in such a short amount of time. He'd met a girl, gained a son, lost the girl, lost the son. He felt as heartbroken as he imagined any man would be after a divorce or death. Where were the men that had hearts of steel; he needed to meet one because right now he felt like a sniveling girl.

The next six weeks moved slowly for Kyle. Christi was true to her word and had avoided his part of the high school; he had in fact only seen her once outside of meeting her and Brian for a teacher's conference concerning Brian's behavior in class. He had been acting out and Kyle knew it was because of his and Christi's break-up, added with the loss of his parents, the poor kid was feeling as if he had been cast aside. It took a lot of explaining and tears shed by both himself and Christi before Kyle felt Brian understood more about why they had broken up. He hadn't missed Brian's question about Christi and him getting back together after graduation. This time when he had been asked the question Kyle had only smiled and said, "One day at a time."

Winter break had come and gone, with it came Christmas concerts and New Year parties. The calender in Kyle's kitchen still showed January, though it too had slipped into the past. Every time Kyle went to change the month, his gaze would fall on Christi's birthday. He had missed it. The urge to call her had been great. He had even gone out and bought her a gift, but before he had driven to her home, he had turned toward his house, tucked the gift in his dresser and had refused to act on impulse. Repeatedly he asked himself, was nineteen any better than eighteen?

Another weekend was approaching and Kyle sat alone in the teacher's lounge, once again filling in for the high school band teacher. The high school paper sat next to him; he picked it and perused its contents. One article, bordered by pink and red hearts, shared the highlights of the upcoming Valentine Day dance. Would Christi go to that? She should, he told himself. She would look beautiful in a red dress that hugged her trim body. Her smile would be warm; her eyes bright. Kyle imagined her on the dance floor; her hips gyrating to the music. He'd walk up behind her, take her in his arms and pull her close. Their bodies would mold together; their lips collide and their passion would be there for all to see. He sighed, closed his eyes and ran his hand over his crotch.

Christi was there with him. He could smell her, taste her, feel her fingers as they wrapped around his cock. Kyle slowly began to rub his engorged flesh through his slacks. His cock pulsated as he saw Christi on her knees. She looked up at him, opened her mouth and tasted the head of his shaft with her tongue. Her gaze was loving and sinful. Her hands moved up and down, pulling on his skin. It grew further and ached for more of her tender caresses.

Kyle sighed as her mouth moved to take in the head of his penis. One hand moved to stroke the back of her head, urging her down. He could feel her hesitation, but knew she would not quit. His fantasy moved onward. Her lips eased down the full length of him. Kyle's hips rose and fell as he steadily fucked her beautiful face. Christi's name fell from his lips. He pushed her deeper and she swallowed his girth. The muscles in his abdomen clenched; his breath caught in his throat and a hungry groan spilled out. A loud cough brought him out of his fantasy. His face grew bright red as he stared into the eyes of one of the male teachers. "You might want to take care of that at home."

Kyle shifted in his seat. "You think?" he muttered, "sorry man, just got carried away."

The man shrugged his shoulders. "Hell, I understand. Some of these girls -- well, let's just say with the right motivation -- I know a few that would be willing to take care of that problem."

Kyle stood up, taking the paper with him. "I'll pass; I value my job."

"I get it. You're the new guy. The young pup fresh out of school, trying to make a name for yourself within the community. The new teacher -- wanting to be everybody's friend. I'm just saying, after a few years being the sounding board for horny teenage girls, eventually you'll come across the one that will keep her mouth shut and her legs open," the man winked, "if you know what I mean."

Rage filled Kyle as he thought of the man taking advantage of the young women. His fingers curled into a tight fist around the paper. "Later," he said, before turning away.

"Hey you're filling in until Tim gets back right?" the other teacher asked.

"Yeah, he'll be out a while, seems his cough turned into pneumonia."

"That sucks."

"It does, why do you ask?" Kyle inquired, eager to leave and return to his boring existence.

"Tim and his wife always chaperone the Valentine Dance. I'm assuming you're taking the role, since no one has stepped up to the plate. You can bring a date. Tim always brought his wife."

Kyle turned around and faced the other man. "I'm chaperoning the dance?"

"You won't be alone; there are a few parents that will be there, but you're definitely expected if you're filling in for the old man."

"Great," Kyle muttered.

"Yeah, with what I just caught a glimpse of," he nodded toward Kyle's groin, "those firm little asses covered in sequins and tight, short dresses are going to make your balls blue."

Kyle rolled his eyes. "You're a real peace of work." He walked out. Thoughts of Christi being used by someone like the teacher he'd just met made his blood boil. The idea of chaperoning the dance was only a minor annoyance, the fact that he could run into Christi and her date concerned him even more. Would she even be there? What would he say to her? Could he avoid her? Should he? Kyle returned home, anxious to get himself back into his work and get Christi off his mind.

The following weekend arrived and that Saturday night Kyle stood talking to several staff members and teachers while music bounced off the walls. His eyes had caught sight of Christi as soon as she entered the gymnasium. She had a date, a young man -- he later learned -- was the school's resident nerd. Christi was smiling; her dress was white, not the red that Kyle had imagined her in. It was short, falling several inches above her knees. There were red ribbons piped through the bottom hem of the dress, as well as the bodice. Her hair was piled high, a gold chain with a ruby rested against her throat. Earrings dangled from her lobes, and her eyes were full of youthful happiness.

Kyle moved away from the group of adults, choosing instead to watch Christi and the boy move around the dance floor. Occasionally the couple would stop and she would laugh and converse with another couple. Her gaze had caught his off and on through the night, each time she had turned away seconds before he had. When he felt he had suffered enough Kyle excused himself and wandered the halls. It wasn't long before he ended up in the band room, sitting in front of a piano and playing a soft melody.

"I miss you."

He looked up and saw Christi leaning against the door frame. She stepped in, closed the band room door and turned the lock. Kyle's mouth watered as she moved toward him. "Christi, you shouldn't be here," he told her.

She moved her hands over the ivory keys; the notes struck made no sense as she licked her lips and studied his mouth. "I miss you, very much. I think about you all the time. I dream about you. I -- I want you so badly. It hurts."

Kyle watched her slide between him and the keys. He swallowed the lump in his throat as she straddled his lap. His hands fell to her hips, slid down to her ass and pushed her up higher onto his thighs and crotch. "I've missed you too," he told her, before capturing her lips with his.

He supped from her. Their tongues twisted, coaxed, and caressed the other. He tasted the punch from the dance, breathed in the fragrance of her perfume. Kyle nuzzled her neck, dipped his head and tasted the skin hiding her pulse. Christi moaned in desire as she scooted herself back and forth on his groin. "I want to be with you, Kyle. Please, please let me back in."

He pulled his mouth away and kissed her forehead. He forced her to still her movements as he caught his breath. "Christi, what if we get caught. I'll lose my job and you could lose Brian. Just wait baby, just wait till graduation."

A soft whimper fell from her parted lips as she stared back at him. "You mean that?" she asked.

"I mean it Christi, even if it means I look for another job. You're all I think about, all I want, all I crave. You and Brian, you both mean the world to me, and. . ."

She kissed him again. Kyle's mind reeled from the passion. He pushed her dress up higher, exposing her thighs. His hand moved against her ass, caressing the firm muscles. "What the fuck are you wearing?" he asked when he met skin and not silk panty.

Her giggle was soft, as she leaned back, purposely scooting her sex against his slacks. "I had no intention of letting you slip through my fingers again," she told him, as she lifted her dress off her body, exposing not only her breasts, but her white lace thong.

Kyle's jaw dropped. "Fuck," he hissed, before pushing the piano bench back, standing up and moving to the door of the band room. He pulled a flag from the color guard's pole, and hooked it over the door; the material tore on the nails, but it remained fixed and secure. Kyle double checked the lock, then triple checked it before turning back to face Christi.

She had lifted herself up onto the piano and stared back at him. Kyle's heart skipped a beat. "I can't fuck you right now Christi. I don't keep protection on me," he whispered as he moved closer to her, "but I can certainly find other ways to please you."

Her blush was sincere, but her inhibitions had been tossed aside. Kyle knew she was there for him, and he would do all he could to make sure she knew how special she was to him. He stood in front of her, cupped the back of her head and brought her lips to his. Again their tongues danced. Each one feasted off the other until they were breathless. His hand moved to cup one breasts, the other danced down her spine, leaving her sighing in pleasure. Kyle trailed kisses down her neck, across her collar bone and along one shoulder, while his thumb and finger teased her nipples.

The hard tips were tweaked, pulled and tormented. He licked a path to her cleavage. Familiarized himself with her breasts, recalling their taste, weight in his hands and the softness of her flesh. "I've missed you," he whispered.

She laughed softly. "My boobs? Or me?"

He looked up and grinned. "All four of you."

"Four?" she asked, confusion laced her words.

"Your mouth," he kissed her, "your tits," he kissed each one, "and though I've not officially made its acquaintance I've missed your pussy," he whispered before gently pushing at her shoulders. Christi gasped as the cold wood of the piano hit her fevered skin. She felt his hands on her hips as he dragged her slightly down the baby grand; the sound of the bench being pulled up reached into her subconscious. Kyle sat down. Her feet hit the keys as he lifted her legs, and spread her open.

"Kyle, I..."

Her words were lost as he pulled her thong to the side and exposed her sex to his hungry gaze. He lowered his mouth, swiped her lips with his tongue and breathed in her intoxicating scent. A warm blanket of hot air left his lungs, covering her in heat. He heard her moan in pleasure as he took another taste of her femininity. "God baby," he whispered, "You taste so good."

Christi's pussy was hot and slick. Kyle lapped at her mound. His tongue rubbed her clit. He nuzzled the bud with his nose as he dipped in with the wet muscle to sample the inner folds of her sex. Watchful eyes looked up to catch her teasing her nipples. He grinned against her opening, before closing his eyes and returning to his supper. He pushed a finger into her hole, swiped at the fleshy muscles. His cock twitched as her body tightened around the invading digit. "Oh god, that feels so good," she whispered.

Kyle smiled, licked heatedly and began to increase the tempo of his finger as he thrust it in and out of her. He had no doubt that when Christi had come to him, it was with the intention of her giving him pleasure or giving up her innocence. But he would not do that. He would take her in their bed. Another finger slipped in. Juice spilled over his hands. He drank at her pussy. The tip of his tongue stroked back and forth across her clit, her lips, and the edge of her channel. The rise and fall of her hips seemed wanton and frenzy-filled. Liquid silk exploded from her deepest recesses and Kyle reached up with one hand and squeezed her breast as another eruption flowed into his mouth and onto his fingers.

He heard her muffled curse and knew she had covered her mouth with her fist, stifling the second scream that had threatened to escape, just as the first had. A soft laugh rippled from his chest as he licked her clean. When he was satisfied, his belly full and little evidence of her juices remaining on her tender flesh, Kyle rose up and lifted her to him. He held her as he sat back on the bench. The soft bounce of her tits captured his gaze. Kisses were left on the top of each one before he turned his attentions back to the woman and her mouth. His cock ached as she bumped against it, grinding her hip into his erection. Kyle took a calming breath, kissed her hard and eased her off his lap.

"You better go," he told her, as he adjusted his aching erection.

Christi blinked several times, shook her head to clear her thoughts and smirked. "What about -- that?" she asked, nodding as this crotch.

Kyle grinned. "It'll keep till later."

She walked toward him. Her hands rested on his waist. "I could," she whispered.

A groan of desire poured from his throat. "I know you could and I'd let you -- if it weren't for the fact that you just screamed loud enough to being the walls down and with my luck we'd get caught. So for now," he took her wrists, kissed her fingers and spun her away. "Get dressed," he told her, than patted her ass with a soft slap.

She squealed, bent over, wiggled her rear like a pro and laughed when he cursed her. The dress was pulled back over her figure; he watched as she reached under and adjusted her thong. He smirked when she winked. Her hair was rumpled, her lipstick smudge, her cheeks flush. Any man or woman with experience would know that Christi had been thoroughly fucked in one fashion or another. Kyle licked his lips, knowing who had dined on her most treasured possession. "You really need to go," he told her.

"You meant what you said earlier, didn't you. About -- graduation?"

"Christi," he touched her cheek, "I meant it. Right after graduation. I'll be in your bed, or you'll be in mine, granted I think I should place a ring on your finger first and --." He stopped when her jaw fell open and her eyes grew wide. "What? You didn't think I was going to let you graduate, fuck you and walk away did you?"

He pulled her into his arms. "I want the whole package Christi. I want you. Brian. I want it all and after graduation -- if I lose my job, so be it. I think I'm a damn good teacher and I'm cheap too, the school will keep me around simply because of that reason alone. I'm going to take over the high school position for next to nothing and you'll be out of school, as long as this never comes to surface than you and I can be together."

"So you're asking me to marry you? The age thing isn't an issue?"

Kyle tucked several loose strands of red curls behind her ear. "No, it isn't an issue and yes, I'm asking you to marry me, but damn it, there is supposed to be a ring involved."

She hugged him tight. "We'll get to that later. I'll marry you Kyle. Graduation is the third of June, so I can be ready by the fourth."

He chuckled, winked and pulled away, slowly walking her to the band room door. "Than the fourth it is."

She squealed and quickly covered her mouth. Kyle shook his head, unlocked the band door and stepped into the hall. He motioned for Christi to follow. She did so, eventually slipping away from him and back into the gymnasium where she was ushered to a corner where her friends and her date were waiting. Kyle returned ten minutes later. In his hand he carried a file folder, and a pen. His disguise he hoped did not reflect the joy in his heart.

June fourth arrived. Kyle stood next to Christi. Her father and mother were there, as were Brian, and Tim the former band director and his wife Mary. Kyle had formed a friendship with the older man and his wife, eventually confessing all to the couple. They had happily agreed to stand up with Kyle once Christi had graduated. As he slipped the ring on her finger, whispered the words that would forever bind them together he found his future family staring back at him. It had been a good year.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Finally Kyle came to his senses!! Great Story. Wish there was more

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Kyle was such an ASSHOLE

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Mix up

Maddon or Marron?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Taste it.

While he was licking her pussy, he should have spread her ass cheeks and sniffed, licked, sucked and tongue fucked her asshole.

PapaKilo14PapaKilo14about 10 years ago
Loved the story

Great story.

Minor typo:

"Hello Brian," Klye said, extending his hand first to the boy, before offering it to the woman.

Should be:

"Hello Brian," Kyle said, extending his hand first to the boy, before offering it to the woman.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
ticked all the boxes.

A very good read, not the 'wham bam thank you m'am' that you normally get here. Not that it matters a jot, I enjoyed this story very much. Thank you.

OleguyOleguyabout 11 years ago

That was thoroughly beautiful.

Love your style.

goodgurlgetsbadgoodgurlgetsbadover 12 years ago
loved this

Brings back memories of my high school year romance, loved it- thanks RHF <3

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Very enjoyable read

Great story. Held my interest and kept me guessing almost to the end. Bookmarked your "STORY SUBMISSIONS" page and plan to read more of your work. Not sure why the emphasis on everyone being over 18 on this site (a little unrealistic from my experience, but then I was married and my wife & I already had our first son by that age and that was 40+ years ago) but it still attracts very high quality material.

Keep up the good work. I am sure there are a lot more than me enjoying it.

Stroker_347Stroker_347over 12 years ago
Definitely Taboo to Date a student

Thank you Red for placing this in the category that you did. With that said, I believe it would have been read by many more if it had been placed in Romance but then, I wouldn't had seen it most likely. As a Romance story goes, it was pretty good and as my Title line says: It is definitely Taboo for a teacher to date a High School student. My only real problem was with Christi's last name on page 1,: "Oh, sorry. I'm Christi, Brian's aunt. Christi Marron."

Then again, :He opened the door for a boy and woman, stepped back and came face to face with Christi Marron.

In the next paragraph, :"Miss Maddon -- or is it Missus? I'm sorry about earlier.

And it continues to be Maddon for the rest of the story.

I saw it as a minor glitch that can happen when you are first writing a story and make a change, but fail to go back and find all occurrences of the original name.

A very good story none the less.

judge1179judge1179over 12 years ago
Good Story....

but, I have a few problems. First, learn the difference between 'then' and 'than'. Then refers to time, than refers to a comparison. Second, this should be in a different category. There is nothing remotely taboo about this story. It could be filed under First Time or even Romance, but not Incest/Taboo.

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

has created a good tale of modern day problems. Lets hope for a sequel or epilog. TK U MLJ LV NV

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

and stony hearts cause pain. TK U MLJ LV NV

ansdguyansdguyover 12 years ago
Not incest or taboo..

I liked the story just fines, but as another person said, this should be filed under the "First time" category. There was nothing illegal or immoral here.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
I don't care how you choose to pronounce it..

But spell it right. It's 'then' not 'than'. ie. "Than the fourth it is." should be "Then the fourth it is."

Good story, but proof read your work before publication.

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