Helga's romance


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Suddenly she felt her buttocks being lifted, opening her more fully to the man that knelt between her legs. Her waiting cave was open and ready for the oncoming invasion. She knew that her penetration was at hand. She felt the enormous cock head slither in between her wet lips. They spread apart, uncovering the cave that had never before been breached. In spite of her state of arousal, she was fearful.

Suddenly, the weapon thrust inward, driven by the hard, manly buttocks. Her cave flared open, the hard rounded tip of the cylinder of flesh stretching her, as her body opened more fully to accommodate the invasion. She felt a slight jar of resistance as his cock encountered the membrane of her maidenhead. And then she was breached. She felt a little pain but then that instrument was fully inside her. She felt an incredible oneness with the man that had just filled her cave with warm, stiff flesh. He gave her a moment, allowing her innocent pussy to stretch and settle to the fullness of his hard member. Then he started to move. Slowly he withdrew, until the cock head was just at the portal, then his action reverses and he started to thrust again into her slick depths. His movements were measured, slow and sedate as he milked her of divine sensation. She trembled with the feelings he was inducing in her depths. Sensations new, yet forever old, surged through her insides radiating outwards to her nipples, then back to the warmth of her dark, wet, slippery cave.

Suddenly, she was spiralling upward. The sensations were exquisite. She felt her cunt begin to squeeze his rod, trying to coax his seed into her craving depths. Her breath was ragged, coming in harsh pants as his cock slid in and out of her welcoming pussy. He felt her need and began to hasten his movements. Soon, he was hammering his stiff rod in and out of her like a frantic trip hammer. All the while, the slaves continued to caress and suckle her nipples, causing sensations to surge around in her being like a vast Catherine wheel. Sparks ignited more sparks and her body reeled under the erotic surges of her onrushing orgasm. She heard the man grunt as if in pain, and she felt the jerking of his cock as his hot seed hit the back of her tunnel. She screamed and succumbed to the orgasm that lifted her high into the heavens. She was flying. She was a goddess.

Helga’s eyes opened slowly. Her breathing was still rapid. The sensations started to lessen and she felt the tightening of her clutching cunt walls reduce around the stiffened fingers that were still plunged deep into her cavity. That was wonderful, she thought. I really had a good one that time. She stood, and moved to the bank of the stream. She lowered herself into the water, her mind filled with her seduction and loss of virginity whilst she had been at college. She had been so fearful, that she hadn’t really enjoyed it that much. Only later had her one English tutor become her lover. He had shown her that she was multi-orgasmic, and perfectly suited to erotic encounters of every sort.

Helga bathed in the stream, relishing the softness of the water as it cooled her heated skin. Suddenly, she realised that she was feeling cold. She looked up and saw grey clouds scudding across the heavens. She clambered out of the stream, pulled on the terry-cloth robe, picked up the bikini and started rushing towards the cottage. A storm was coming.

She had barely reached the porch when the heavens opened and the rain came teeming down. She felt cold and moved into the warmth of the lounge area. The telephone pealed. She lifted the receiver.

“Hello, Helga. This is Bert Philpott. Has it started raining up there yet?”

“Yes! It has just started.”

“Rob has left already. He has a 4x4 so he should reach you in about an hour. If he is a few minutes late, don’t worry. He’s got your TWO WAY with him.”

“Where does he live? Isn’t it out of his way?“

“Oh! He lives higher up the pass. It’s just a short detour for him. He doesn’t mind.”

“Shouldn’t I go down to the junction and meet him there? It will save him some time.”

“I wouldn’t! Your vehicle isn’t made for our roads, when the bad weather hits. Just give him a cup of coffee and make him happy. He likes it black.”

“Okay. I’ll give him some coffee. Can I call his wife to tell her he is on his way?”

“He lives alone. Don’t worry. He’ll be there soon and he won’t bother you for long. He loves being in his lair when the storms come. It brings out the primitive in him.” Mr Philpott laughed as he spoke. “I must go,” he continued, “Ask Rob to demonstrate the two way radio whilst he is there. He can call us to tell us he arrived safely.”

“Thanks for your trouble, Mr Philpott,” said Helga. “Everyone is so kind and helpful. Nothing like this would happen in the city.”

“Yes! Well… Okay. Keep warm. I don’t think you will be snowed in, but if you do, keep in contact by radio.”

“I will. Thanks. Goodbye.”

Helga went into the bedroom and took off the terry-cloth robe. She quickly stepped into a soft blue panty and pulled on a matching bra. Then she pulled a thick sweater over her head and pulled on some sensible twill trousers. She thrust her feet into a pair of strong hiking boots. She’d show the rugged outdoor man that was on his way to her cottage that he didn’t need to worry about her. She was not a fluffy minded city girl. She took her brush and brushed her hair until it shone with health and vigour. Then she tied it up in a simple ponytail. She was ready to meet ‘Rob,’ whoever he was.

She went into the kitchen and switched on the gas stove. She put the kettle on, after filling it with water. Then she spooned some decaf into two coffee mugs. Too bad if he doesn’t like decaf, she thought. The wind gusted around the shutters. It had warmed up a bit since she came into the hut, but the wind was still blowing. She glanced out. It had stopped raining but sleet scudded across the open area. She pulled on her parka, and slipped out of the kitchen door. She went around to the windows and closed the shutters. On the way back, she grabbed a full gas cylinder from the rack outside and rolled it up the ramp and onto the back porch. She pushed it into another rack next to the back door and fastened the chain. At least I won’t have to go out into the cold later, if the gas runs out, she thought.

She looked at the clock on the mantelpiece. He should be here in fifteen minutes. I think I’ll make a fire in the fireplace, so that he can get warm whilst he drinks his coffee. The kettle started singing. She turned off the flame. It will be quick to reheat it now that the water is hot, she thought.

She knelt in front of the fireplace and placed kindling in the grate. A single match was all she needed to set the kindling aflame. My daddy taught me well, she thought. She built the fire, stacking the dry wood into position over the blazing kindling. Once she was happy, she closed the flue slightly and pulled the fire screen across the hearth.

He should be here already. I wonder what is keeping him. The wind howled around the cottage, She stood at the front door, gazing down the roadway. It was snowing now. The snow driven almost horizontally across the open space by the strong wind. She picked up the phone and dialled the shop in the village.

“Mrs Philpott, I’m worried. The ranger hasn’t arrived yet. I hope nothing has happened to him.”

“Don’t worry, Helga. He called us on the radio about five minutes ago. He stopped to help someone put some chains on their wheels. He will be there soon.”

“Oh! Well that’s okay then. I was getting worried for him.”

“He’s strong, and tough. Don’t worry. He’ll get through, even if hell freezes over. Is it snowing yet?”

“Yes. It started about five minutes ago. But we had some sleet before that. The roads will be icy.”

“Get the coffee on. He’ll be there soon.”

“Okay. I’m worried that he has to come off the road for me. I’m sure he would rather get home.”

“Rob doesn’t mind. Stop worrying. He’ll be there soon.

“Okay. Goodbye.”


Helga went back to the front door. Not a thing moved, except for the softly falling snow. The wind had died down, whilst she was on the phone. The flakes floated down covering the roadway. I’m surprised how quickly it has covered everything. Although at seems so quiet and still, it must be snowing hard. I wonder where he is? She had a feeling that something was not quite right.

Another ten minutes passed. Still no ranger. Then another ten minutes, and a further ten. She picked up the phone and called the shop again.

“He isn’t here yet. Have you heard from him.”

“Hold on, I’ll check with Bert.”

Helga heard the phone being placed on the counter and then soft voices in the background. She waited.

“Helga. I spoke to Rob about thirty minutes ago. He was on your road. I suppose a tree has come down or something. He’ll just winch it out the way. And then come up to you.”

“Can’t you call him on the two way thingy and see if everything is okay?”

“Okay. Hold on…”

The phone was put down again. Helga heard Bert trying to make contact on the radio. A few minutes passed.

“Helga. I can’t reach him. He must be out of the cab. I’ll try again in a couple of minutes and then call you.”

She hung up the telephone and waited. The stillness was getting to her. She opened the front door and gazed down towards the trees. Nothing. It was starting to get dark. Where could he be?

Another ten minutes passed. Although she didn’t know the man, she was awfully concerned. He was trying to help her. What had happened? The telephone rang, breaking her anxious wait. She rushed to the instrument and lifted the receiver.


“Yes. Have you got hold of him?”

“Yes, Helga. Your bridge is out. He was crossing it on foot when it collapsed under him. He fell into the stream and was washed about three hundred metres downstream. He’s got your radio and we are it touch with him, but he seems to have twisted his ankle. Do you think you could go and help him?”

“I’ll go now. Downstream you said?”


“Oh I’m dumb. How could he be washed upstream. I’ll call you back once we get back to the house.”

“Okay! Wrap warmly and be careful.”

Okay! Thanks.”

Helga pulled on her parka again. She grabbed a flashlight and ran out of the warm house. It was difficult to see where the road was under the thick snow. It slowed her progress and she waded through the whiteness. She reached the crest of the hill and could see down to where the bridge had stood. It was gone and she was completely isolated. She slipped and slithered down the slope until she reached the bridge abutment. Turning right, she gingerly worked her way down the bank. It took her some time. Eventually, she reached the man. He was almost frozen with the cold.

She helped him onto his feet and carefully retraced her steps along the bank of the stream that had turned into a river. The man dragged himself slowly forward, each step agony. His body was blue from the cold. Helga kept up a stream of words, trying to distract the man from the cold wet clothing that was crackling with ice that froze on his body. The climb up the steep part of the roadway was unending. He weakened with every step he was forced to take. Halfway across the flat section, he collapsed. Helga tried to revive him but he was unconscious. She was not going to be beaten. She dragged him across the area and up onto the porch.

He lay inert on the timber floor as she opened the front door. She dragged him inside, and across the lounge. I’ve got to get these clothes off him and put him into the bed, she thought, She was exhausted, but somehow she managed to get him into the bedroom. He was a dead weight and it took all of her remaining strength to get him onto the bed.

Once he was on the bed, she quickly removed his boots and socks. His feet were blue from the cold. She pulled off his parka, and threw it onto the floor. Then she undid the buttons of his shirt and dragged his limp arm out of one sleeve. She managed to get the shirt out from under him. Even his vest was icy. She struggled for some time to remove the garment from his inert body.

“Sorry, Buddy, she thought. I’m going to have to get your pants off as well. She loosened the buckle and with a Herculean effort managed to drag the pants off his limp legs. All that remained was his jockey shorts. She reached out and felt them.

“Perhaps I could give him some dignity and leave them on,” she murmured.

But they were also damp and icy cold.

“Sorry, Pal. They will have to come off.” She dragged them down his legs and over his feet. As she lifted the blanket and comforter to cover him, she couldn’t help glancing at his equipment. Even though he was frozen, his penis was thick. It was all shrunken with the cold, but he was definitely well hung.” She covered him, and sat waiting for him to start warming up. But he didn’t. He remained cold and unconscious.

Helga remembered a book she had read, years before. It related how the Germans had conducted tests to see how to revive frozen airmen that had been pulled from the sea in winter. Their tests, conducted with prisoners of war, had used young men and women from the camps. They had tied young men on stretchers in the sub-zero weather and then sprayed icy water on them until they were frozen. Then they had taken them inside, placed them on a bed and forced one of the young girls to lie next to him and caress him. Her body heat had slowly revived the frozen men. The men had gradually awoken. Often, they had become aroused and would fuck the young women. The act of copulation quickly brought the body temperature to normal.

I wonder if I should try it, thought Helga. When he starts to awake, I can quickly get out of the bed and dress. I won’t have to stay until he is ready to fuck, like those girls in the book were forced to do. She decided that she would try it. She quickly stripped and clambered into the bed next to the man. He was icy. It took all her will to push her body against his cold limp form. But gradually, she was aware that her body heat was warming him. Her hands ran gently over his chest as she lay, spoon like, against his back. Her hands moved downward, without volition, until she felt his penis. It was cold. She held it gently, willing her heat to warm him. It wasn’t sex. It was a genuine concern for this kind young man. But he lay inert in the bed.

Helga felt that his back had warmed up, so she clambered over him and snuggled up to his chest. Her breasts felt cool against his cold chest and even her fur, which nestled against his, felt icy. She lay, quietly beside him, willing him to warm up. Her warmth warmed him slowly. She felt exhausted from the effort of getting the man up to the cottage and into the bed. Her eyes closed. She dozed.

It seemed like only moments had passed. She awoke. She felt a rampant hardness pressed against her pelvis. He was erect. She struggled to extract herself from the arms that held her close to the manly breast. Her breasts were pushed up, tight against his. Her eyes opened and gazed into eyes of deepest blue.

“Hi!” he said. “You must be Helga. Thanks. I know what you did. I read the book too.”

“I didn’t mean to fall asleep. Close your eyes and let me get up. I’ll go and get you something to drink.”

“In the book I read, the girl and the boy made love. Surely you don’t want to only complete half the treatment? I know I don’t want to stop.”

“You must be kidding! I don’t even know you.” Helga closed her eyes, trying to shut out her embarrassment.

“I don’t know you either, but you cared enough to get me out of the snow, into your home, into your bed and even stripped me naked, and tried to save my life with your body heat. That must mean something. I’m willing to bet I’ll be much better if you complete the treatment. You don’t want me to relapse, do you?”

“Don’t play the fool. I feel stupid enough for falling asleep. Don’t pretend that you have to go all the way.”

She opened her eyes, to see if he had accepted what she said.

His eyes were placid, but his face was wrinkled as he tried to keep his humour in check.

“You are teasing me,” she said.

“Yes, and No!” he replied.

“I know I’m taking advantage of the fact that you fell asleep and have woken up in my arms, only to find that I’m fully awake. But, let me tell you, you feel awfully good in my arms, and Peter, down there agrees.”

She felt his full hard erectness, pushing against her pelvis.

“Did I dream that you held me tenderly, as I lay with you behind me. Or did you feel me up, as I seem to think you did?”

“You felt so awfully cold. I wondered if my lying with you were helping. I thought that maybe touching you there would show if my body heat was working… Oh! I feel so embarrassed.”

“I don’t! I feel a lovely, caring woman, who is beautifully constructed, keeping the cold away. You are beautiful, you know.” He paused.

“Thank you” He moved his head and settled his lips on hers. It was a soft, slow kiss, without any sexual overtones. A kiss of genuine gratitude.

Her insides melted. His kiss ignited fires within her. She became aroused in an instant. Her lips softened and parted, allowing his tongue to plunder her mouth. Her hand snaked down between him and grasped his fullness. He was big and hard. Just like her fantasy earlier in the day. She realised that she was immediately wet. Her juices lubricated her pussy, certain in the knowledge that she was going to let him fill her. She pushed him down and then rose above him. Straddling him, she settled down over his hips. As she settled, his cock slid up her crack and over her already tumescent clit. It was ecstatic.

She reached between them and guided his maleness to the entrance to her wet cave. Slowly, she settled, clenching her vagina muscles as she lowered herself over him. She was in charge. He lay back, watching as his prick slid in and out of her slippery slit. His engorged cock filled her completely, causing her to spasm with ecstasy. Her first orgasm suddenly hit, and she moved her hips frantically, thrusting his hardened maleness deep inside her. Somehow, he held off.

Her rhythm slowed and she moved with purpose again. He flexed his pelvic muscled, causing his cock to pulsate within her. His hands reached up at grasped her engorged nipples. Her eyes glazed with another oncoming orgasm. He thrust upward, deep into her. She felt his rigid cock hit the back of her tunnel and she spasmed again. Her head was thrown back her breasts bouncing with her efforts to fly into space. She cried out in ecstasy.

She sat on him, his hard cock still encased in her slippery cunt. Her juices ran unchecked into his pubic hair. As she sat, still. His cock moved within her. He wasn’t pushing in and out. He was flexing it, within her. She was out of control, she spasmed again, and fell forward, her length covering him.

Suddenly, he moved and flipped her over. She lay supine, her legs splayed in a wanton demonstration of her surrender. He moved between her legs. His cock found the mouth of her cave and he slid deeply into her wetness. He started to move in the age-old rhythm, the friction of his plundering cock igniting new fires in her pelvis. Her legs closed over his hips, ankles locking behind him, entrapping him in her hot wet cave. She spasmed again. But he didn’t stop. Over and over again, she spasmed, her juices running down between her buttocks. His cock continued to plunge into her, taking possession of her soul. Suddenly, he was there. His cock seemed to swell to double its size and she felt his hot cum spurt into her depths. She threw her arms around him, as he bucked and plunged inside her. She was his, forever. And, he was going to be hers.

They lay together, kissing softly. Their hand caressed each other’s skin, getting to know the planes and curves of the other’s body. It was bliss.