Her 30th Birthday was Very Special

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Her present - the best sex she had ever enjoyed.
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Peter had always known that he was not exactly his wife's perfect partner in bed. Her drive was greater than his and he wasn't the most adventurous lover. Sarah had known that Peter was not her perfect partner in bed. Early in the marriage the sex had been fine, no great fireworks but fine. After five years things had drifted due to tiredness, lack of time and the general stresses of life. They were still good friends and probably spent more time on other joint interests but not sex.

It was Sarah's 30th birthday coming up and as usual Peter had no idea what Sarah wanted as a present. His suggestion of having a new kitchen went down like a lead balloon. She wouldn't be drawn further after saying that she didn't want an object but an experience. Peter probed her for more guidance and even suggested a spa day or a balloon flight. He sensed he was not in the right area from her reaction. Finally after much pestering from Peter she said,

"I want a night of passion, a night of sexual adventure."

Her outburst took Peter by surprise and he felt a little hurt.

"Do you mean you want to do things like bondage, spanking, watersports or the like? We could try again with any of those if you want but you never seemed to get into any of those with me. I will do anything you want. Just tell me what it is that you want."

"You are right when we try and get adventurous or kinky it just doesn't seem to do anything for me, except sometimes make me laugh. I want something different. Maybe I need to do something way out with someone else, that would be different."

She had been trying to get round to introducing the possibility for many weeks but realized that she had failed to do it in the caring loving way she had intended. She could see he was hurt but he was not going to show it. She backed off saying it was just a stupid idea. Although she had backed off Peter was fascinated by the idea. Did his loving wife really want to sleep with another man? He loved her but wasn't sure whether the idea excited or frightened him more. He knew that there were two men at her gym that she had admitted to finding very attractive. They were part of their social circle and both Jed and Andy were friendly and personable. Andy was married but Jed, who openly admitted to fancying Sarah, was single. Peter managed to introduce Andy particularly into conversations and reflected on how she found both men attractive. Sarah stayed very cool when they were mentioned.

It was a Saturday night and after having had many drinks in the pub with a large group of friends, including both Jed and Andy, Peter decided to raise the subject of Sarah's birthday.

"So do you want a sexual adventure with Andy or Jed then. They were both very attentive to you tonight and I could see you were enjoying their attention."

The rather blunt question was partly due to the alcohol drunk and did momentarily surprise Sarah. She did try hard to gather her thoughts so that she would not sound too enthusiastic in giving her reply.

"Are you really suggesting that you might be happy with me sleeping with another man. Andy is married but I do find Jed quite irresistible. I am sure I would not be the first married woman at the gym he has slept with. How would we approach him if you were happy about the idea?"

"Why don't you just shut your eyes and dream about having a night of passion with the handsome Jed. No promises except that I will consider the possibility."

Sarah did exactly what her husband had suggested and drifted off to sleep imagining Jed making passionate love to her. She was sure nothing would come of it but even the fantasy was better than nothing. Peter however did not find sleep easy. He was planning how he would approach Jed with the proposal of offering him the chance to sleep with his wife. His conclusion in the end was very simple he would tell him the truth, well most of the truth.

When he sat in the pub with Jed he asked a simple question.

"I am right that you find my wife very attractive aren't I?"

"Oh I am really sorry I hope I have not offended either of you. Your wife is a very attractive woman but I have never and would never do anything to get between Sarah and you. Please consider me warned off if that is the purpose of meeting me."

"Oh no you have got completely the wrong end of the stick. As you may know my wife's birthday is coming up and she has asked me if I would allow her to spend a night with another man. Well actual spend a night with you. I love my wife and I know how much the idea excites her. I will do almost anything to make my wife happy and I think a night with you with no holds barred would really make a very special present. Please tell me I have not made a bad mistake, if I have I apologize."

"Well how does a man respond to such an exciting request? Does Sarah know we are meeting today?"

"No she doesn't know we are meeting but I know she would be very excited if she did. I think I need to tell you that she is looking for a sexual adventure, something a bit different. The two of you have carte blanche with my blessing."

"The answer could not be a stronger more enthusiastic yes. Yes, yes, yes I can't wait."

Jed insisted on buying the next round and the arrangement was sealed with a toast. Two days before her birthday Peter asked Sarah to sit down as he wanted to discuss her birthday present. She said she was sorry about asking to be allowed to have an evening with Jed and that she knew it was too late now. Peter said that he was delighted to tell her that the next evening Jed would be picking her up at 7.00pm. They had a reservation at a top hotel for dinner and breakfast. Sarah was stunned and asked did he mean that Jed had agreed to spend the whole night with her and that Peter was ok with that. She took a little convincing but when she realized that he was not teasing she became very excited as well as a little scared. She was concerned when he said there were conditions. Firstly it was to be a one off and secondly that Sarah must promise to tell him everything that went on. She must pull no punches when she shared with him all that happened. Sarah wasn't sure about the second condition but did not feel in any position to challenge it.

The next evening Peter helped Sarah prepare. They had agreed on the dress she would wear. It was the one she always said she felt incredibly sexy in. Peter insisted on her wearing suspenders and she was reluctant to agree to wear thongs but gave in to his wish as he said it was them or pantie-less. When eventually Sarah arrived downstairs Peter was delighted that she looked wonderful. In different circumstances he would have loved to take her straight back upstairs.

Jed was prompt and immediately said he thought Sarah looked just the prettiest picture. He asked them both if they were sure, pointing out that if they wanted they could go to the hotel themselves. There was no way either of the couple were going to back down, as they were both in their way extremely excited. There was a little bit of embarrassment until Jed said,

"I promise to have your wonderful wife back to you by 10.00 tomorrow morning."

Peter's reply was "give the lady everything that she wishes for. She is a very special person."

The kiss between the couple was like the kiss married couples exchange when one goes off to work but the cuddle was a little longer than usual and Peter squeezed her as if to give her reassurance.

Peter slept surprisingly well but did wake up with an erection as he lay there imagining the night Sarah had enjoyed. He couldn't wait to see her but was both terrified and excited about hearing about her adventure. He couldn't eat breakfast but was showered and shaved before 9.45 when the doorbell rang. Sarah had changed into casual clothes but her eyes were alive as she gave Jed a huge cuddle and simply said "thank you". The hug she gave her husband lasted until Jed had said his goodbyes and was starting his car.

"Do you still want to hear every last detail about last night or have you changed your mind?"

"I can't wait you look like you are bursting to tell me and you are looking radiant."

"Okay I will tell you everything in lurid detail. If it is too much at any time than please tell me to stop. Let's go upstairs and sit in bed and I hope I can really entertain you while I relive everything."

It seemed quite natural for them to be naked as they sat next to each other as she started from the beginning.

"The meal was excellent and Jed said that during each course he would describe something he was going to do to me when we went up to the room. It was so erotic as he described different things during the next hour or so. Although no one at the tables around us could hear what he was saying them being there made it even more erotic. It felt like we were doing what he was talking about with an audience. I cannot begin to tell you how erotic it was and how aroused I was. As the courses were delivered the fantasies he was describing became more extreme and I just hoped that we would enjoy at least some of them when we retired to our room. By the time we were offered coffee I couldn't wait another minute to get to the room. I tried to sound calm as I said that I didn't drink coffee so late in the day but didn't even convince myself that this was the reason for not having one.

The waiter had heard many snippets of what Jed had been saying during the dinner and with a lovely but rather wicked smile said 'have a lovely rest of your evening.' He then looked at me and said 'I am sure you will enjoy your stay with us young lady'.

As we walked to the elevator Jed said that when we got into it I was to do exactly what he said immediately. There was a small group of friends waiting as we got to the elevator and Jed said we would wait for the next one even though there was plenty of room. We were on the eighth floor but when he got in he pushed both the fifth floor as well as the eighth floor buttons. As the doors closed he said 'pull your dress up past you waist and do not let it down until the doors open on our floor.' I was shocked to the core but did exactly what he said as he stood behind me. As soon as my dress was past my bottom his hand found my pussy. I knew my pussy had been dripping wet since I had sat in the restaurant but my thongs had ridden up so that they were splitting my lips in two. I swore not at him but with surprise. In the seconds it took to reach the fifth floor I was fast approaching the quickest orgasm of my life. As the lift slowed I went to pull my dress down but a simple 'no' stopped me. I was facing the doors as they opened with Jed rubbing my excited clit that was being pinched by my thongs. I was petrified that someone would be waiting for the lift. I was delighted when there wasn't any one waiting for the lift but the man tying to open the door to his room twenty yards away did a double take. The door was open but he stayed where he was staring straight between my legs until the door took an eternity to close slower than any lift door I had ever seen.

I swore at Jed before laughing as it hit me that even though he was barely touching me my excitement level was frightening. 'Did you find that a thrill Sarah?' 'Yes you bastard yes' was all I could manage to say until his fingers went back to work. He teased me that it was a good job that we were not on the twentieth floor without actually saying anything about the fact that we both knew that I would struggle to get to the eighth floor without having an orgasm. He pulled my dress down just as the doors opened. There were a couple waiting to get in and I am sure that they noticed how flushed and agitated I was but at least I was fully dressed.

For all the beautiful descriptions of what he was going to do to me when we got into the room I would have welcomed it if he had thrown me on the bed pulled my dress up and fucked me senseless. He didn't, he undressed me kissing every part of me as he did so. My nipples were more sensitive than I can remember but he didn't linger for long. When I was completely naked he tied me to the bed with soft handcuffs on both wrists and ankles. I wasn't stretched out tightly but my movement was restricted. He then undressed himself a job that I was looking forward to doing myself. His time in the gym had not been wasted and I enjoyed what amounted to a striptease. As you can imagine I was very keen to see the cock that I would be soon enjoying. I was not disappointed when a very decent size very erect cock was revealed. It was no monster as I had wondered about over the last couple of days but the head was like a mushroom at the top of his substantial shaft."

At this point of her reminiscing Sarah paused and found Peter's erection with her hand. "Are you alright my love or do you want me to stop?" He smiled and gently added his hand to hers without removing it. "Please carry on it sounds absolutely what you were hoping for." Sarah left her hand where it was but made no attempt to arouse him further.

"He played with every part of my body until I was sure I would explode. Time became irrelevant, pleasure was everything. Not everything was super arousing but I was amazed at how sensitive my ears, my toes and my fingers were to his touch. His regular visits to my pussy with fingers and mouth brought me to the very edge of climaxing. He spent lots of time playing with my nipples with his fingers and mouth. My pussy was flooding as he did this and I was sure that a flick of my clit at this time would have brought me immediately. From his bag he produced two small floggers that he immediately started to apply to my painfully erect nipples. He rotated the floggers so they repeatedly caught the areola and nipples on both my boobs. It was an exquisite pain that in created. Finally he applied one of the floggers to my pussy before moving the point of contact to my clit. I begged him not to stop as the mixture of pain and sexual stimulation was going to bring me to orgasm. I pleaded to be allowed to cum just as he had told me in the restaurant I would.

He reminded me that he had not spanked my bottom as he had promised he would. He untied me and I fell to my knees desperate to take his cock in my mouth. He allowed me just a few seconds before he said it was time to get across his lap. I was in position with indecent haste as he sat with his back against the headboard of the bed. He slipped his left hand down my body between us until it settled cradling my pussy. The first half dozen or so spanks were almost gentle. He played with my pussy and particularly my clit gently throughout.

'I will spank you harder and harder while I play with your pussy. You are completely free to ask me to stop the spanking at any time.'

With this the spanking started again and his hand played havoc between my legs. The spanking did gradually become my firmer without being hard. I am not exactly sure which of his hands was arousing me most. The sound of the spanking was also a huge turn on. My bottom did start to feel very warm and very large. He did ask me once and my only reply was 'harder'. We both knew now that I would orgasm over his knee as the spanking became overwhelming and the stimulation too great. I am not sure which of us knew first but his quietly spoken words of 'be a good girl and cum hard' were timed to perfection as I wailed all the way through the orgasm as he spanked on and on. When everything stopped I was a wreck but a very happy wreck.

I had experienced a wonderful orgasm and I had hardly touched his beautiful cock. How could I possibly repay him the pleasure he had given me. As with the fantasies in the restaurant he had the answers. He now encouraged me to find his cock. I used my hands and my mouth to try and give him as much pleasure as possible. It was my turn to bring him to the very edge of cumming time and time again. I tasted his pre-cum that was copious but he never asked to be allowed to cum. He had mentioned in the restaurant that there was nothing better than watching a spanked bottom as you entered a beautiful woman from behind. I offered him the chance and he laughed and said there was nothing he would rather do. He positioned me on my knees on the bed so that I could see myself and him in the mirror as he knelt behind me. Even though he was a similar size to you he slipped deeply into my aroused pussy with the greatest of ease. He was firm in his thrusting and we maintained eye contact as very quickly his balls grazed my clit with every thrust. I had not expected to become fully aroused after my orgasm but as soon as we started fucking I was fully engaged. In fact as he talked to me telling me what he wanted to do to me the next time it was me who exploded in another powerful climax. He didn't miss a beat until I was completely finished. He announced his orgasm and I loved watching him cum strongly as he thrust deep and hard.

I slept until eight to be awoken with his mouth waking my clit beautifully. He turned himself round so that I could find his erection with my mouth. His mouth was skilled and when he tickled my ass with a single finger I had a lovely climax as he gentle fucked me with it. His ejaculation followed within seconds.

I cannot thank you enough for being such an amazing husband but right now I am riddled with guilt. I can feel that you are very aroused but please I really need you to spank me. It is the only way I might be able to forgive myself for being so selfish."

Peter had been very turned on throughout what his wife had said. He was also however agitated by what she had said. He had demanded that she told him the full story but now the idea of spanking her was exactly what he wanted. He had tried to spank her before but it had ended as neither of them had wished. Now he was not going to stop until she pleaded with him. He dragged her across his lap and started to spank her firmly before giving in to himself and increasing the force. He found her clit just as Jed had and he was delighted that she was very aroused.

Her ass was soon bright red and she was positively bouncing around on his lap. Her clit found the perfect contact with his hand and she demanded that he really punished her naughty ass. Peter was delighted to oblige particularly when he finally realized that she was trying to masturbate herself against his other hand. She exploded in orgasm within seconds of demanding to be hit harder still. He was sweating by the time her orgasm finally ebbed away.

Peter was not finished as with a dominance he had never achieved with Sarah he dragged her onto her knees and entered with great force. Far from protesting as he expected she urged him on telling him to give the punishment fucking she clearly deserved. It could never last long and it was her amazingly quick second orgasm that triggered his.

"I am so sorry that I hurt you but that was the best sex ever. You are amazing you have never had two orgasm with me and that must make five in less than a day."

"Now you might be cross with me but no that is two orgasms in less than a day."

"What do you mean you said you had three with Jed. I don't understand."

Before you talked to Jed about me sleeping with me I had told him you might approach him. We agreed that he would go along with your plan but we would not actually have sex. My plan worked perfectly and the resulting sex we just enjoyed proved what I always knew that I don't want anyone other than you."

"So if you didn't sleep with Jed what did happen? I am totally confused."

"Most of what I said about the restaurant was true except he was telling me what you and I should do sexually. I have to admit I did walk to the elevator in a state of total arousal. There was no masturbation in the elevator and when we got to our room that we had changed to a twin we didn't touch each other. We chatted for ages before having an early night. Since I got back here my birthday has been the best ever."