Her Last Bow Ch. 02


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"Sir, isn't it supposed to be classified?" Teresa asked.

I chuckled. "Teresa, I had a Top Secret clearance when I was in the Army. Didn't really need it, only knew some things that were Secret. I don't talk about what I learned that was classified, but I can get copies of Jane's Defence Weekly that gives that same information in every detail. So yes, your father's mission that earned him the Medal is still classified, but that's the Army for you... putting the fact he earned the Medal on his tombstone."

Teresa nodded. "Our Federal Government at work. I have to wonder at times..." I nodded vigorously in agreement.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The family's party for Laura's retirement was underway at the Mountain Nest that same Wednesday evening. I'd secured one of those large tents with rollup (or down) sidewalls and erected it in the backyard, with an industrial air-blow heater inside to make it comfortable.

Present were: Laura (of course), myself, Carole, Jim my mom Phyllis, Cindy, Todd, Teresa, Molly, Ian, Ross, Chief Griswold and his wife, Jack Muscone, Tanya Perlman, Sandra Speer, Martin Nash, Gayle Roberts, and the Deputy Director of the FBI. A few others had been invited, including Dr. P Harvey Eckhart, Melina Allgood and her husband Daniel, and Paulina Patterson, but they had all made regrets.

"No leads at all on any of them." said Jack Muscone, as we discussed the arrests of those maintaining surveillance over my homes and Todd's home. "Then my boss called, and said he'd been instructed to stand down on the investigation and let the bastards go. I don't need to be you to know that means these guys are Government agents in some way."

"Yep." I said. "Or were Government agents. Their usefulness is ended. Their fingerprints and booking photos are on digital record with the TCPD, and have also been sent to the FBI, which never destroys anything."

"Think they were CIA?" asked Jack.

"Maybe." I said. "I'm thinking more that someone has set up a rogue cell, and maybe not just in the CIA. Someone who is a real 'power behind the throne' type."

"I think you're right." said the DepDirector, who had come up to us. "The CIA Director took some serious heat for sending your wife on that suicide mission, even though he said it had to be done. The DDI and DIA people said the same thing. Do you think they were just sending her off to die?"

"If I did," I said, "there would be some dead people in Washington right now, and crowbars sticking out of their dead asses. No, Laura says it was a legit mission, and I believe her. She'd been training for the possibility of it for months, I could see that myself... trained... for months..." No doubt about it, I was off to reverie land.

When I came out of it, I peered at the FBI Agents, who had been peering at me. "Guys, I need a favor." I said. "See if you can find out where the planning for this mission began... in exactly whose office. One of the points for sending Laura is because she alone knew about the old computer systems... but if she had months to train, then someone else could've used those months to train on the old computer systems."

"Oh wow, that's a point." said Muscone. "I'm not even going to start on the '400 years ago' thing on that one..."

"Yes, it's an excellent point." said the DepDirector, who was now frowning and thoughtful. "Yes, Commander, I will definitely be making inquiries..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Finally!" I said as Laura and I got ready for bed. "You are no longer part of that organization!" I lay down on the bed and Laura lay down next to me and snuggled up to me, as she often liked to do.

"Well," she said, "I'm not completely out. The Director asked me to stay on as a Consultant. But I can do that from here, either from my office or the Federal Building here, and I don't have to go to Langley for meetings."

"After that last mission they sent you on," I said, "they had the nerve to ask you to stay on?"

Laura said "Yes. And darling, this really isn't out of the realm of the ordinary for the Company. They have arranged accidents for some who left the CIA but knew too much... car accidents, and such."

"Motorcycle accidents, too." I said. "That motorcyclist who died, whose heart unfortunately found itself inside Robert Brownlee's corruption-eaten body... that was the Consultant of Crime at work, but the motorcyclist had ties to the Company."

"I am not going to ask how you found that out." Laura said. "And I fully understand why you refused to become part of the Company... you're too good. They never would've let you leave."

"I'm glad we never found out." I said. "And I'm more glad you made it out alive and you're back home with your family." I kissed my wife, and began feeling her up in a prelude to sex.

"So before you easily seduce me," Laura said, "do you think someone wanted me to not come back alive? One or more of the top brass?"

"Honey," I said, "As I said before, I gathered information that suggested someone at a very high level wanted me out of the way, and that was so that you could be removed with terminal prejudice, or whatever the phrase is. No, I don't think most of them wanted that... but there is someone, and in a very high place, that did."

"One of those whose name cannot be mentioned, like my old mother." Laura said. "And we may never be able to find out who it is. He's wrapped himself in too many hoops of Top Secret steel."

"Oh, I dunno." I said. "I think we'll have our shot at him. At least I'm going to try." As Laura snuggled into me some more, I whispered "It's personal..."

Part 13 - Epilogue

In the wee hours of the morning I woke up. Laura was not in bed with me, and she was not in the restroom. Idly curious, I got up and checked around the house. The door to Carole's room was cracked open, and I stuck my head inside. My daughter was in her bed, fast asleep.

But I could see by the light coming in through the window that Laura was sitting at the foot of the bed, her legs crossed 'lotus-style' in front of her, and Bowser was sitting between her legs, almost lying on her belly. She was petting his head and skritching his cheeks and under his jaw as he looked up at her with pure love in his canine eyes. That went on for some time, so I went back to bed.

My wife never again failed to pet the dogs and give them love, especially in cooperation with our daughter. And Laura never again, ever, made a joke again about me loving the dog more than her. Why she had the change of heart, I did not know.

And I never asked.


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chytownchytown10 months ago

*****I love adventure stories and you write some great ones to me. Thanks for sharing.

WhitewaterbumWhitewaterbum11 months ago

Reading my previous commentaries, I found several points that made this story special. First that Laura got to see her “ mother” one last time as the mother died. I don’t know the range of “Mr C” operation but the arrests of several double agents some must have been connected to him. Also Melina may have a change of heart when she realized that she was set up to be captured and killed. Nothing like a woman scorned! Being a dog lover, the final scene with Laura and Bowser touch my heart🥲🥲

Ravey19Ravey19over 2 years ago

Lovely ending. Excellent story. You're losing your touch, nothing in the epilogue to force me to start reading the next story immediately. 😁😁😁.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This was an excellent story !! Would give it 10 stars. Great job.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

You hit the bullseye with the comment about the inconsistency of treatment of information for classification purposes. I had a colleague doing some civil defense project for a federal agency who had trouble getting access to information - he had the clearance for the reports, but not for the TITLES of the reports, which were classified at a higher level and thus he had trouble searching the databases. I laughed and told him I had the data he needed from an open source - a book published by an academic press in 1960. He had his own copy ordered off of Amazon in minutes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Did guess right about Misaki-sama

Since there was a big clue about how he would return the favor (capture of the Jackal) to Don in the very near future. And as others have said, the crowbar katana did need to make an appearance. (Side note: I'm not really into weapons and all, but IMHO, the katana is one of the most effective weapons created - the sharpness, the hardness, yet not brittle so it typically won't break - really speaks of the craftsmanship of the sword makers. And as a personal expensive indulgence, I got kitchen knives that were made using a similar technique to the sword craftsmen. And out of the box, they're the sharpest, best cutting knives I've ever used.)

I did fear a death in this one - had thought it might be Melina, but unlike some, I'm not convinced she's gone over to the Dark Side - after all, she did save the IC's life several stories ago with her sharpshooting skills. But she would be a most formidable opponent. Future stories will explain her involvement with the white supremacist groups - for better or worse.

Glad Laura is done with the CIA - and I'm looking forward to read about how the IC finds the CIA "consultant".


LostingorgiaLostingorgiaover 7 years ago
Correction Sorry Vincent! I Correct My Self.

After writing my comment I started thinking about what I read also. And had to go back and read it myself, Yes Sergei was Beheaded Don's first cut was the wrist, his second cut was to behead the Bastard and in the process removing his arm at the shoulder. The others of his team did blood there swards on the corpse as they left. I did get that right! I can not imaging why I thought I remembered a third cut to the body maybe to many Kung Fu movies on the EL RAY Network, or wishful thinking??? LOL

LostingorgiaLostingorgiaover 7 years ago
To Vincent_D_Lee You need to reread Sergei Exit.

Sorry Vincent Sergei Will not be back unless they can find a good seamstress that can put that mess back together again. To start with Don's stroke Beheaded Sergei leaving the Blade wedged into his collarbone, Don's second swing cut the body in half to boot, Then the other 8 team members took a slice out of it as they departed the scene.

There Hass to be a Melina story coming where She Thanks Mr. C for all his great work for the CIA by arranging a private meeting with the Troy Family if you can catch my Jest. or maybe Melina will just cap him herself for his part in this mission. Hummm???? Just a thought.

Great Stories Like always 5++++++ *'s

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

You have trained us too well not to see that the 8 men included Crowbar, Todd, Teddy and Misaki and not Molotovs men. What was unexpected was Teresa being brought along as well as the use of the crowbar katana which I know I forgot about.

As for Melina, I think she is dealing with a few things like she was sent to be raped and killed along with her sister, possibly by Mr. C who was willing to sacrifice her as he questioned her eventual loyalty. I expect she will be keeping her distance from Crowbar acting as a double agent working for Laura to take down Mr. C. You know the old saying blood is thicker than water? I think it applies here, otherwise Melina would have died and not been given a warning from IC and a talking to by her sister.

I think Laura and her came to an understanding and her allegiances have been shifted back to her sister.

Look forward to how this all works out in coming series.

Thank you for setting up a wickedly twisted Town & County that is fueled with sex, incest and intrigue.

Many_MemoriesMany_Memoriesover 7 years ago
The Crowbar Katana came out -

and it is a "tradition" that once a Katana is out of its sheathe, it cannot be returned without being blooded. The Crowbar Katana drank twice - even if it was of the same source. D'om Arrigato!

WifeWatchmanWifeWatchmanover 7 years agoAuthor
Comments on the comments

Anon - I can assure you I've never killed anyone with a katana. :o)

I'd already posted Ch. 2 when I read the comments to Ch. 1, and I was saying "wait until y'all see what really happens!" Yep, Don is 'just business", but the katana part was hinted at but still unexpected.

Yes, this story (or its framework) and its title was on my mind for some time. Some stories (like 'Silverfish') literally came to mind while I was sitting in traffic, and some have been thought out for years. As always, the twists and turns wind around in ways even I don't expect, which is part of the fun.

Yeah, the Town is weird... and this is Literotica, so whaddya expect, eh? As to the milk drinking scene, Nick was sucking on Laura's teats during their mating, so work with it. I'm sure we'll have more of that stuff later on... and other "weird" stuff :o)

Last but not least: I'd gotten ahead a little bit on the stories, but Literotica has caught up to me. I'm working on the next story now (I changed the order of a few things, as well), so the next batch should be coming out pretty soon.

Vincent_D_LeeVincent_D_Leeover 7 years ago
Ok I see what you did there? Cue the meme picture

Haha, you gut us good WifeWatchman, still was hoping you write what was on Sergei Molotov's last piece of mind before dying like he can't believe the Iron Crowbar bastard has got him and that will be the last thing he remembers. Or he could survive the cut to the neck and we will see him again. He's a Russian after all, in Russia, you don't die from a neck cut, the neck cut dies from you. I hope you understand the joke :).

And I've to say, your town's pretty weird man, trying to get over a rape by having more sex? I just don't know what to say man. People having sex with each other and also with their family members is one thing. All I know is the Town's not for me. But I'm sure the stories we could get there are definitely not gonna be ordinary ones. Say what's the name of the county again because I've never recalled you naming it yet. Oh and also to my previous question, why wasn't there a milk drinking scene from the previous chapter and in this one, that would've been hot.

Well onto the next phase of the Watchman, fellow readers.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Like the "Saturday matinee cliffhanger serials" of old, one KNOWS the good guys will win out, the suspense lies in "HOW THIS TIME" the "Calvary" will ride-in for the rescue.

That this story has "languished" in your grey matter for YEARS is a mystery to this old man BUT delighted it has now seen the light of day.

Your capable writing skills to stir deep emotions are evident by those felt during the honoring of Teresa Croyle's father, as am sure that most long time readers and many newer readers also experienced.

Well done WW and now, onwards and upwards to the next tale.

One Day at a Time,

The Ol' Man

GrandPaMGrandPaMover 7 years ago

yeah - that's kinda what I was thinking about. :-)

5* - and a bloodied Katana t'boot.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

a really great piece of writing. keep up the good work. i think a lot of this writing may come from personal experience?

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