Her Thesis on Bigfoot

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Coed meets Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yeti, Abominable Snowman.
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As analytical as Lacey could be, it surprised some people that she had decided to write her thesis on the elusive Bigfoot. For months now, Lacey had been interviewing people claiming to have had encounters with the mysterious creature. She had logged hours of videotape and more hours transcribing. More recently she had moved to the next phase of her thesis, actually trying to photograph an encounter herself. At first she had taken some of her student loan money to buy scouts and guides to help her through the reclusive areas where creatures had been seen before. Quickly though, Lacey ran out of money for that kind of assistance and soon began going out on her own to photograph the creature.

Lacey believed with everything in her being that Bigfoot existed. He went by many names depending on the territory. Sometimes it was called Sasquatch, Yeti, or Abominable Snowman. The people she interviewed had been average people. Not crazies or attention seekers. Just everyday people who had been scared out of their minds. Their stories shared such similarities, that it was hard to discount them.

She had herself, she believed, heard the sounds of the creature in the night, when she camped out with the scouts, hoping for a sighting. It had been terrifying, but she had to finish her thesis and nothing would deter her now. Lacey would soon be out of funds and have to get a full-time job to pay her bills. There wouldn't be enough hours in the day to conduct her research at that point. She knew that she must get her evidence, and she must get it soon. Lacey planned to wait by a stream in hopes of seeing the mythical beast. She would head back with plenty of time to make it to her car before nightfall. Lacey was a brave woman, but she was not stupid.

As the warm sun hit her back, filtering through the leaves, she began to be drowsy. The woods were devoid of the usual noises right now, and that was the only thing that kept her from falling asleep. There was an unusual stillness at this moment. She held her breath, listening as well as her human ears would allow. After several minutes of listening to her own heart thump in her chest, Lacey relaxed. The process had left her even drowsier. Or perhaps it was her body's way of dealing with fear, to lull her to sleep. She had just begun to dream about doughnuts. She never knew why, of all things, she dreamed of doughnuts, but she supposed it was the carb and sugar craving drives in her that would have overtaken her, had she not always kept so busy.

Lacey awoke to a sound of twigs snapping. Uncertain that she had indeed heard that, she sat up quickly and looked around. She heard another crack and she saw a huge figure emerge through the brush and kneel near the stream just down the hill from her. Fumbling with her camera, she gasped to see the mass of tan and rust fur begin to drink from the flowing water, the soles of its hind feet on display to her. They were enormous, calloused, and stained the color of the local earth, but they were not unhumanlike, if you discounted the fact that they were surrounded by fur that hung maybe a foot in length from the appendage.

The creature must have heard her, because it looked up. Its eyes met hers. They were brown and intelligent, peering out from the enormous furry head. They too, were not inhuman looking. His face, in fact, looked quite human, if you could imagine a human covered in foot long shag. His hair looked very silky and almost floated when he had lifted his face.

Lacey began to justify her experience to herself by comparing it to the others she had recorded. She sniffed the air, but no smell that was noticeable to her was perceptible. The creature lifted an arm, revealing a humanlike palm as his coat shifted off of it. He raised it over his head, as if to wave a greeting.

"Shit!" Lacey said aloud to herself. Obviously this was someone in a costume set out to play a prank on her. She had been careful not to alert locals in the area as to her study near this particular site. Perhaps one of the guides from an earlier excursion, or even one of her college friends had decided to take it upon themselves to play a joke on her.

The creature now stood up. Just as Lacey was getting ready to throw a pine cone at her prankster, she gasped again in awe. The creature must be standing over 9 feet tall! If this was a costume, someone was mastering its enormity well. The creature was now walking up the embankment to her. She was both angry and frightened as she was still unsure if this "Bigfoot" was real or not.

Lacey stood up quickly as the creature took its last steps towards her. As it neared it was harder to believe that it was a costume. It was breathing and fully articulated and its face was surely no mask. Here she was, face to face . . . or rather face to abdomen, with Bigfoot!

"Hello." The creature said to her in a deep human voice.

"Hhhhhhuuuuhhhh Hi!" Lacey stuttered back, nearly tripping as she took a step backward.

The creature reached out as if to catch her fall, but then withdrew his arm when he saw she had steadied herself, as if not to frighten her. "I won't harm you," the creature stated "please do not faint and do not be afraid."

"I'm I uhhhmmmm am not ahhhh uhhhh afraid." The words were horribly hard to extract from her brain and form into sentences.

"You came looking for me?" the creature asked. Lacey swore his tone almost had a teasing quality, as it came down from his 9 foot frame.

"Yes." she said, trying to regain her composure and resume some kind of normal breathing. "Yes I did."

"Why are you so interested in finding me?" asked the creature with a tone of genuine interest.

"I'm I'm doing a errr ummmm, my thesis, it's about, ummmm . . ." she trailed off, not knowing what the politically correct term for a creature of his kind was.

"Your thesis is about Bigfoot?" the creature seemed to almost have a laughing quality in his question.

"Yes, sir." Lacey said, finally dropping her eyes, having no idea how to conduct herself in a situation such as this. "I am, rather, unprepared, after all, it seems. I had no idea you could talk." she mumbled quietly.

"I can even speak English!" the creature teased, placing one giant finger under her trembling chin to turn her gaze once again into his eyes. They were squinted at the corners because he was smiling. Now Lacey could see his set of perfect white teeth as they were surrounded by his generous lips in a grin. Once again, other than his size, he looked like a human covered in fur. She raised her gaze farther, noting a rather pronounced brow, not unlike that of Lou Ferrigno.

"Yes." Lacey said feeling rather foolish, "I can see that now."

"Well what can I do to help you with your thesis?" Bigfoot asked. "I am at your humble service." He now took a half step back and bowed to her. This made her giggle. Lacey didn't know if it was because she was in complete denial of what was going on, was relieved that he had not tried to kill her, or because he almost seemed charming.

"Well, I don't know." she said truthfully. "I was hoping to get pictures, maybe some film. I'm not prepared to interview you Barbara Walters style, although you will never know how much I am kicking myself right now for not being prepared to question my subject."

"Well perhaps that is best," Bigfoot grinned, "how would it look if in Bigfoot's first taped interview, you made me cry like Barbara WaWa does."

Now she was floored. Not only did the beast speak English, but he also had an understanding of popular culture. Lacey realized that she didn't even know where to begin at this point.

"There's a storm heading in." He noted, pointing upward at the gathering clouds, which she had not noticed due to her impromptu nap. "There are men with guns headed this way." He gestured behind him. "I doubt they set out to hunt Bigfoot, but I'd rather not have to do any introductions at gunpoint, all the same." He joked. "Perhaps you might wish to interview and photograph me in my home? It would give you an idea about my personality and be so much more original than a picture of an upright beast lumbering through the woods." He grinned again.

"O.K." Lacey said. She was quite fearful at this point, but she knew she would never have a second chance to interview Bigfoot in his home. She grabbed her camera, video recorder, and notebook.

"I know it seems cliché," He said, "but we can travel faster if I carry you." He jerked his head back in a motion to remind her of the approaching hunters.

"Ummmmm sure." Lacey said. No sooner had she agreed than he had scooped her up and was carrying her like a baby in his enormous arms, crashing with breakneck speed, through the forest. His fur tickled her. It was amazingly soft, silk-like, and rumpled gently as his body jogged along.

"It's going to storm very soon now." He whispered down to her as he ran. "I don't think we can make it to my place before the lightning starts. I'm going to stop at a cave I know so we can wait it out." Lacey nodded, not knowing if words would be intelligible as she jostled up and down.

Bigfoot ducked into the cave entrance, setting her down lightly on the stone floor. It was nearly dark inside, but Lacey could hear water trickling somewhere inside it. As she narrowed her eyes, she could see water running down a side wall and flowing deeper into the cave. He told her to drink if she was thirsty and that he would be right back. She walked over to the wall and stuck her tongue out as the water cascaded down onto it. It was very cold and tasted clean. The temperature was a little shocking and made her once again aware of her reality.

Bigfoot reappeared moments later with what looked like half of a bush. He joked that he hoped she liked berries, and Lacey nodded in approval as he handed her a branch full of them. He sat down cross legged on the cave floor, silhouetted in the light and gestured that she should sit too. He pushed some of his hair out of his eyes and asked her if she'd thought anymore about what she wanted to ask him. Lacey said she had, and that she hoped he was patient, because the list kept growing. He told her that it was appearing that the storm was turning into a blizzard, and she might have a few days to complete her interview. He suggested that Lacey just relax and get to know him and that the most important questions would form naturally. He smiled again, and this time Lacey had to look away, because she realized that his eyes and features were really quite attractive to her. She blushed. She was not sure if he saw her crimson cheeks or not.

He asked her name and introduced himself as "Fir." He said his mother named him after the tree, of course. They both chuckled at that.

They ate and Fir asked her about her life. Lacey explained that she was close to getting her master's degree and that she would have to find a job soon. He asked about her family, and she explained that her parents had died in a car accident. At this point she turned the questions towards him.

Lacey asked if there were other "beings" like Fir. He told her that he believed that there were, but that he had not encountered any of them. Fir explained that he had been left as a baby on a human woman's doorstep. She was a widow who lived partially secluded in the woods and had raised him. She had always sheltered him from the private eye, but had educated him to the best of her abilities. She had taught him everything that you teach a human baby, including the skills for speaking, reading, and writing. They had lived much like hermits, but kept in touch with the outside world through television and periodicals. His mother had kept a mail box, and would, at times, travel down through the mountains to get her mail.

After she had died, people had come to claim the land as government property. He had hid from them and eventually found a cave that was not far from electricity lines, cable, and internet connections. He had rerouted wires and "acquired" a few items to make his home civilized. Lacey was amazed by this. She told him she was looking forward to seeing his place.

They had been talking for several hours and the snow was already deep outside. Lacey began to get chilly and visibly shuddered. Fir apologized for not having the items he needed, such as matches or flint to build a fire. He said he rarely thought of these things because he was never cold in his fur. Fir told her that if she would allow him that he would keep her warm in his fur as she slept. Lacey accepted, being both excited and scared by the proposition.

Fir lay down on his side on the cave floor, motioning to her to come lay beside him. Lacey laid down with her head on his bicep and her back to him as he formed a giant spoon behind her, covering her with his upper arm which brought with it the drape of his luxurious fur. She snuggled back into him, and as she did, she felt what she realized must be his erection in her back. In fact, it ran half the length of her back. Lacey shuddered thinking what might happen if Fir tried to take advantage of her. She didn't believe that he would. He seemed so nice, so caring. Strangely enough, the feeling of the humongous penis in her back actually excited her a little. It had been over 4 years since she'd had the opportunity to have sexual relations. Lacey had been engrossed in school and her work. She had also been protecting herself from the likes of careless men her age such as her ex-boyfriend who seemed to take sex so lightly, cheating on her even though she had been faithful to him for 3 years. Lacey tried not to think what sex with this humongous creature would be like. Fir made her feel so little, so safe, even though she was no small woman, nor the kind that let her weaknesses show. Thoughts of his smoldering eyes, his deep but playful voice, his sensuous lips, and his hulking body kept creeping back into her mind.

The snow was half way up the entrance of the cave the next morning, but Lacey awoke feeling very warm wrapped in Fir's fur. He kept her huddled in his coat as they talked the day away. He told her that when he was young the lady who had raised him had often seen figures like him peering in the window or watching from a distance. They never approached her or tried to make contact, however. As he had gotten older and began to speak English, their visits became less frequent, and then they were never seen again. That's why, he believed, that there were other creatures like him, although he was not sure if they were still alive or where they might live. He had spent much of his own life studying the myths and making trips to known areas, but he had never seen another with his own eyes. She realized she was stroking the hair on his arms as he told his story, and she felt his erection in her back again. Lacey realized that Fir was sniffing her hair, but she tried not to notice.

Lacey was glad when Fir suggested they try to sleep out the storm again. Once again, she lay spooned by his large form. As she went to sleep she stroked his soft arm hair. It was comforting to be surrounded in it. His member became stiff during periods throughout the night. Lacey backed herself into it, hoping to make it seem accidental, and she took delight in his gentle and almost inaudible moan as she did.

The next day was very much the same as the previous. The two of them discussed different myths and sightings, trying to patch together what they knew to be true, and what they supposed to be false. It was intellectually stimulating. The two had developed an easy rapport, often finishing one another's sentences and lightly touching each other in play and teasing.

He suggested an early night as he could tell the cold was making her sleepy again. Smothering her in his fur, Lacey was less shy about running her fingers through it as she feigned falling asleep. Lacey was so utterly attracted to him, in a way that she had not been attracted to anyone before. He was strong, yet kind. He was intelligent and charming. His small touches left her burning. Lying next to his body left her with an ache that she hadn't realized in a while. She felt him stiffen again. This time she pretended to turn in her sleep towards him. Hugging into his chest, and in large part, his penis, greatly engulfed in armfuls of his fur. He began stroking her hair with his large hand. Lacey pulled herself up his body so that her breasts could rest against his chest. Her nipples were hard and she wondered if Fir could feel them through her clothing. His erection was now perfectly aligned with her sex, although hardly a perfect match for it. Lacey could feel it radiated slightly warmer than the rest of his body. She felt twinges in her lower body and herself getting a little wet. She whispered that she was a little warm and that she was going to remove some clothing. Lacey cast aside her t-shirt and then her jeans all while remaining under his fur. She began hugging him again, pretending not to notice his enormous engorgement. She could feel his large fingers tracing patterns down her back. She moved so that her crotch of her cotton panties fit right on top of his beasthood. Surely her nipples were penetrating her bra now so that Fir could feel them against his chest. He made a sound that was somewhat more growl than manlike. He strummed his fingers down onto her shoulder and soon they were stroking her face. The sweet sexiness of it made her moan gently. Lacey pressed her buttocks down so that her panties ground against his erection with more pressure. He toyed with her bra strap and then rolled up onto his side so that he could pull some of his fur off of her.

"I have no idea if it's possible for us to do this." Fir stated, as if he was forcing his tone to be flat. "The logistics alone . . ." he trailed off.

"I know, but I want to try" Lacey moaned. "Please, I want you so very much."

"Is it me or the myth?" he asked. It was a legitimate question.

"Please, I want you!" she pleaded. "I know that I have spent many years looking for your kind, but I was completely attracted to you from the moment I met you." Lacey confessed.

"I am afraid I will hurt you," Fir said trying to maintain his calm tone. He stroked her face as he spilled his fear.

"You would never hurt me!" she said grabbing the hand that was stroking her face.

"I would never WANT to." he stated quietly and with doubt.

"I want us to try." Lacey begged again. "Please, I think we need each other."

It was true. They were like two flailing pieces of a puzzle. Each was consumed with the same obsession. Each had a lonely soul. Each had a body crying out to be touched.

He sighed deeply and began to gently remove her bra. His large hands fumbled with the tiny stays, so Lacey quickly undid them and slid out of it, lying back in his fur. He pursed his lips and brought them down to meet hers. He was so tender and showed such control. She placed her hands on each side of his furred cheeks and raised her mouth hungrily to meet his soft lips. She rubbed them across her face and then brought them back to hers. Lacey began licking his lips. He let the tiniest bit of his tongue sneak from between his lips. She parted her lips and began to suck on his tongue, drawing a little of it in. She drew the growling sound from him again and as it escaped she felt his hot, sweet breath on her face.

He skimmed his fingers lightly down her neck to her breast. The tip of his index finger gently massaged her breast. As his hand tried lightly to rub her nipple it moved her whole breast. Jiggling her chest like that was quite pleasurable for her. She felt her pussy clench. Then he lowered his mouth and took her whole breast within it. He sucked lightly on it, pulling it all in. Lacey felt herself getting wetter. The sensation was so incredible; she thought that it alone might make her cum.