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'Again!' she said breathlessly. 'Don't stop! Please don't stop!'

The next minutes were a blur. My pace wasn't fast, but I put every ounce of power I could muster into my thrusts. Paula whimpered every time my hips crashed into her. When my scrotum began sending signals of my imminent release, I pulled out of her.

Paula voiced disapproval with a sharp cry. But I cut it off when I flipped her onto her belly. I pulled her hips up, slid her legs into position to hold butt up and pushed into her slowly to make sure I didn't hurt her. She sighed softly as I filled her again.

I grasped her waist, just below her ribs and put the weight of my upper body on my arms, pushing her torso into the mattress. In this position I could not only drive into her hard, I could increase the pace of my thrusts. The brief respite from our coupling had pushed off my orgasm. I took a deep breath and began again. 'Ja-a-a-a.' Was all she got out when I began again.

Paula whimpered with each impact of my hips against her buttocks. To my amazement, her hips began to move in coordination with mine. As I powered into her hot wet depths, her hips rotated and undulated, changing the angle of her vaginal passage in a way that made me want to go harder and faster. I put every ounce of energy I had into the force and pace of my thrusts.

By now, I was sweating profusely from my efforts. Paula was in a similar state. My hands kept slipping along her torso. I couldn't hold her in place without squeezing so hard I'd hurt her. I kept repositioning my hands after each forward thrust. After one powerful drive, my hands slipped halfway up her ribcage. Paula amazed me again. She somehow threw her legs up and locked her heels against my back. I was on edge again when she did it. The move distracted me enough that my release backed off once more.

I moved my hands to her hips and held them in place. I was struggling for oxygen but getting close to the inevitable. Paula's legs began flailing wildly. Her shoulders and torso shook almost violently. A vibration in her chest accompanied each breath she let out. Her body suddenly stiffened. Her heels slammed into my back and her upper body lifted off the mattress as her back arched. She let out a cry and shook uncontrollably. There was no way I could hold her body off the bed. But she went limp and fell forward after the spasm. I pushed into her again and again, her whole body shook each time my hips collided with her buttocks.

'Oh, god, Josh! Don't stop! Don't stop!' she pleaded.

My finish was inevitable. It was almost felt like a bomb detonated when I ejaculated. My orgasm overwhelmed me. My only focus was on the incredible sensations wracking my body, my vision and the rest of my senses. Paula cried out loudly, but to me it was just a soft higher-pitched sound accompanying the roar that swamped my senses. I collapsed forward, unable to stay upright any longer.

It felt like I was somewhere else for hours but I'm sure it was just moments. Paula was still on her belly, under me. Her hand gently stroking the hair above my ear is what returned me to reality. I was still inside her, but I could tell my erection was rapidly flagging. Paula sighed softly when I inevitably slipped out of her. I rolled off her onto my back, still breathing hard.

Paula turned toward me, put her head on my shoulder and rested her leg on mine. She caught the nipple closest to her and pursed her lips around it while she played with the hair on my chest. While I tried to catch my breath, I felt our warm fluids drip out of her and slide down the outside of my thigh.

'That was wonderful. Just what I needed,' Paula whispered in my ear after she slid her body up mine, until her lips were next to my ear. Her breath was warm. It excited me to know I was once again holding her close. There was an intimacy that was nearly as overwhelming as the sex had been. I'm not sure I was happier any time in my life.

I turned to look at her. Her face had a blissful, sleepy look. And a soft smile. 'So,' I began with a grin, 'it was what you had in mind?'

'Uh-huh,' she smiled back at me. 'I'd say you definitely have potential,' she whispered.

I knew a relationship with this woman was going to be work. Her almost neurotic behavior during our last phone call still concerned me. I knew she was smart. Much smarter than me. She would challenge me in more ways than I could imagine. And if I was up to it, my life was going to be an incredible thrill ride. I decided then and there, to take up the challenge. And I promised myself it wouldn't be me that fucked this relationship up. We fell asleep in each other's arms.

I was alone in bed when I woke in the morning. I could smell coffee, French toast and the unmistakable aroma of bacon. Hungry, but a little disappointed I might have to eat my breakfast before I got dessert, I pulled myself out of bed, stretched, and went into the bathroom. I washed quickly and pulled on my shorts and tee shirt from the previous night before going out to the kitchen.

Paula was in front of the stove wearing one of my old sweatshirts. It ended at mid-thigh. My imagination told me that was probably all she was wearing. I stood and watched her for a minute before going up behind her and hugging her from behind. I kissed the nape of her neck.

'Mmmmmm, that feels nice,' she whispered. 'But don't start anything now or you won't get breakfast,' she added with a giggle. 'Breakfast is ready,' she said as she piled the last two slices from the pan onto the stack she took out of the oven.

We were both starving. We both wolfed down our first helping and quickly refilled our plates. By the time we finished, all that remained was a few bacon crumbs. Paula seemed a little distant over breakfast. Pensive and lost in thought. Something was on her mind, but I wasn't sure what it could be. I hoped she wasn't having second thoughts. She seemed perfectly content when we fell asleep.

We cleaned up the kitchen after we finished. Bantering lightly and bumping into each other as we worked. She was less distant but still a little off. Once the dishes were put away, I embraced her from behind and kissed the back of her head. She cooed softly and caressed the side of my face.

'You're amazingly flexible. And your back muscles and abs are incredibly strong. Were you a gymnast? Or maybe a contortionist in a former life?' I asked teasing her. I knew immediately something about what I said upset her. She stiffened and twisted a little. Not enough that I thought she wanted to escape my embrace. But enough that I knew something was wrong.

'Josh let's talk for a minute. I need to tell you about something.' She took my hand and led me into the living room.

I tried to take her hand when we sat, but she pulled it away. Like she wanted to avoid intimacy while we talked. That hurt. It felt like she was rejecting me.

'What's wrong, Paula?' I asked. Truthfully, I was terrified.

'I was a gymnast. Competitive. All through grammar school and high school. I still am but now only to stay in shape.' She hesitated. 'I was a stripper, too.'

I can't say I wasn't surprised. Maybe even a little shocked. I would never have pictured the woman I knew as a stripper. I started to speak but she put a finger on my lips to silence me.

'I belonged to a sorority in college. Senior year, a girl at another sorority was diagnosed with ALS, Lou Gehrig's Disease. She was nice. Friendly. Someone everyone liked. The frats and the sororities banded together to raise money for her. Some of the girls were dance students. One of them suggested a pole dancing show might be a good way to raise money. Terry knew what I could do in the gym and thought I could turn it into a good routine. I was aghast at first. But she kept after me and I finally agreed to participate.

The university administration pitched a hissy fit when they heard about it. Threatened to suspend any sorority and student that participated. But we had several meetings with the administration. After guaranteeing there would be no nudity, no lap dances, and absolutely no sex, they reluctantly backed down but insisted on security precautions and a university security presence.

This girl I knew, a sophomore named Becky, got it all organized. She got a local men's club to donate use of their facility on a Saturday afternoon. The owner had a family member with ALS. The sororities sold tickets. Every ticket was sold on campus. We raised over twenty thousand dollars just selling tickets.

We all practiced our routines at Becky's sorority. They installed a pole temporarily in their ballroom. There was a bit of competition among some of the type 'A' personalities to be the featured dancer. I didn't care. I was nervous as hell and despite committing, still wasn't sure I could do it. I thought Becky was the best dancer and should go last. But she pushed me as the best. I said no but she insisted and browbeat everyone else into letting me go last.

I was scared to death the day of the show. The place was packed. There were almost as many girls as guys in the audience, but I think that just made me more frightened. Becky told me to relax. I'd be a big hit. I was skeptical. The other girls were dancers. Most of them had more assets to show off than me. We were each scheduled to do two dances. About five minutes each. Becky went first and got the crowd fired up. When it was my turn, the crowd got almost quiet when I went on stage. That made things worse, yet. But once I started using the pole as part of a gymnastics routine and the crowd saw what I could do, the place went nuts.

We collected another thirteen thousand three hundred dollars in tips that we gave our sick sister, too.'

I asked a question when Paula took a breath. 'How did you come to work as a stripper?' Paula shot me a withering look. I resolved to keep my mouth shut.

'Becky called me the following week and asked me to meet her at a coffee shop off campus. She was with a guy when I got there. I got a coffee and joined them. His name was Brad and he was president of an entertainment company. I knew immediately where the conversation was going. Becky admitted she was a stripper and worked for Brad so she could pay for school. He offered me a job working at his high-end men's clubs. I said no. Becky asked me to hear Brad out. I listened to his whole presentation. It sounded like a great job. If you were a stripper. I still turned it down.

I was home for Christmas break and was supposed to go Christmas shopping with my sister, but I was sick. She went anyway and I fell asleep on the living room couch. My parents came home from their own shopping and didn't know I was on the couch. They were talking about me. Trying to figure out how to pay for law school for me. They were already tapped out from med school and vet school tuition.

I couldn't let them go broke. I didn't want to go into hock for law school either. So, when I got back to school, I called Becky and arranged to meet with Brad by myself. I told him I was reconsidering working for him. I asked a ton of questions and felt okay with what I heard. I told him if I went to work at his clubs, I wouldn't do lap dances. I wouldn't turn tricks. And I kept my pants on. School was my priority. If I said I couldn't work, I couldn't work. He agreed to my terms. I talked to Becky again. She assured me Brad had no mob connections. I decided to try it one weekend. I took home almost four thousand dollars for the two nights I worked. That's how I paid for law school. Terry knows. My sister knows. My ex-husband found out. And now you know.'

I didn't know what to say. She was crying. I reached out to touch her face, but she flinched. I withdrew my hand.

'Why did you tell me this?' I asked, hesitantly.

Paula was looking at her lap, crying, when she answered. 'I didn't want you to find out about it from someone else. When my ex-husband found out from a client that saw me in his office, he became abusive. He called me a slut and a whore. Asked me how much I'd charge him for a lap dance. Wanted to know how many cocks I sucked between sets on the average night. When I tried to explain I didn't do any of those things, he slapped me so hard it put me in the hospital.'

'I'm not going to do any of those things, Paula. That's in your past and not who you are now. It doesn't sound like you were morally bankrupt then. You maintained your dignity in a difficult situation.'

Paula was still blinking through her tears when she looked up again. 'You aren't worried I sucked a bunch of cocks while I was stripper? Or that I fucked club customers between sets?' The pain in her voice when she asked those questions was heart-rending.

'You said you didn't do those things. You wouldn't even do lap dances. I believe you. Is there any reason I shouldn't?'

'No! Of course not.' Her voice was strong, confident, assertive. Almost hurt, though she didn't sound defensive. 'I never took my pants off on stage. I didn't date the whole time I worked at Brad's clubs. The worst thing I did while working was let customers put bills inside my bra or the waistband of my panties. It always gave me the creeps, but I had to live with it. I made the decision to let my folks off the hook for law school and I didn't want to go into debt up to my ears. I got pinched or groped a few times. I didn't like it and made it clear I wouldn't tolerate it. I kicked one guy in the face so hard it split his lips wide open and broke his nose. And Brad's rules were firm. You touched one of the girls inappropriately you were out and banned. First time you did it. Brad's security guys were all over anyone that tried to take liberties.'

Paula was quiet. The tears had stopped but her eyes were bloodshot. When I reached out and caressed her cheek, she looked up at me. She somehow managed a smile. 'Josh, I told you because I think I'm in love with you. I didn't want you to find out about my past some day in the future. When it might be too late to undo the damage. My ex-husband could be a jerk sometimes. But he was always good to me until that night.'

I slid closer to Paula. I pulled her to me and held her gently. I kissed her on the nose and smiled at her. 'I may be in love with you, too,' I told her. 'I don't care what you did to get through law school. I believe what you've told me.'

Paula was obviously emotionally worn out by telling her story. She curled up into a fetal position with her head in my lap. I stroked her hair gently while she lay there. She fell asleep. I briefly wondered why she told me to use her for my own pleasure. If it was a way to punish herself for perceived wrongdoing in her past. I was exhausted, too. I nodded off with her head on my lap.

'Are you okay?' I asked when she woke again

'I'm fine,' she told me. 'What are you thinking? You're the one that has something to work through.'

I didn't hesitate. 'I don't have anything to work out. I spent the night with a sexy woman that told me she might be in love with me. I'm looking forward to spending as much time with her as she's willing to allow.'

Paula looked at me like I had two heads as she piled the last of the French toast onto a plate she took out of the oven. 'Are you thinking clearly? You don't have concerns about my past as a stripper?'

I answered as succinctly as I could. 'No.'

She still looked skeptical. 'Okay, which head are you thinking with?' she asked as her eyes traveled down my torso.

'I'm making my decisions based upon the time we've spent together. What I've learned about who you are now, not who you used to be. We've enjoyed each other's company. You're an intelligent, accomplished, sexy, and beautiful woman, Paula. I can't imagine anyone not wanting someone like you to love them. You intrigued me when I first saw you at Davis Elementary School. I'm still intrigued. Do I want to sleep with you again? You bet. Has your history as a stripper fueled a little fantasy? You better believe it. But I don't think it makes you a slut. You told me you didn't do lap dances or turn tricks. Why shouldn't I believe you? I haven't seen anything to suggest you were of questionable character or lied to me. You're concerned about what I might ask of you in the future? Rest assured I won't pressure you to do anything you don't want to do.'

I decided I'd said enough. Paula had to decide if she could believe in herself. And believe in me.

'Josh, I want to take a shower. Will you wash my back?' The question wasn't suggestive. Her tone came across like she was asking me to pass the salt and pepper.

I followed her into the bathroom when she got up. We both brushed our teeth. She leaned against the counter to watch me shave. While I was rinsing out my sink, she stripped off my sweatshirt and stepped into the shower. She wasn't wearing anything under it. I stood motionless and admired her naked body. I felt a stirring.

'Are you going to join me or wait until I'm done?' she asked smiling.

'Give me a second,' I said as I stripped off my shirt and shorts.

I should have suspected she was up to something when I saw she was holding the shower wand pointed away from herself as I stepped in. Paula pointed the wand at me. The water was ice cold. I shrieked like a little girl and my budding erection shriveled and deserted me.

'That was for the caveman routine last night,' she laughed. The wand was pointing away from me again. Still giggling, she turned around to adjust the water temperature, then handed me a luffa. I didn't have one, so I knew she brought it. After I scrubbed her back and she rinsed, she stepped out of the shower, leaving me to wash myself. Not sure what Paula wanted to do, I went to my bedroom and dressed in clean shorts and tee shirt. I found her in the living room, curled up on the couch with her feet under her. Wearing my old sweatshirt again.

'Why are you wearing that ratty old sweatshirt?' I asked as I sat next to her. I didn't mind that she wore it. It looked good on her. Far better than it looked on me. I understood its appeal. I still wore it whenever I felt a little nostalgic or down-in-the-dumps. I didn't wear it in public. It was nearly twenty-years old. A veteran of four years of college, grad school, numerous softball, and touch football games. Four serious girlfriends and a marriage gone awry. Well broken-in, soft, and comfortable. It had holes in it. Putting it on was like being with an old friend. I understood the appeal. My ex-wife hated it. She had threatened to trash it on more than one occasion but never dared.

'It's comfy,' she told me. 'It smells like you. I kinda like it. I might make it a regular part of my wardrobe when I'm here,' she added with a soft smile.

A sudden change in her aura told me the tenor of the conversation was about to change. I hoped it was a good change.

'Josh,' she began, 'you might wonder why I dredged up all my demons after the first time we were together. I'm not sure I entirely understand myself. It was something I knew had to happen at some point. Probably sooner than later was best because it's out there now. I didn't fall asleep right away afterward. I needed to know how you might respond. When you let me rest my head on you lap and stroked my hair, it was the best thing that's happened to me in a long time. The best thing that's happened since I separated from my ex.'

I smiled over at Paula. Until this morning, I'd never imagined that the tough, confident woman I met during a contentious meeting and had been trying so hard to get to know was so vulnerable. There were two questions rattling around in my brain. One wasn't too worrisome. The second could blow up in my face.

'Paula, you'll be safe with me. I won't hurt you just to be cruel. I still want to move forward with exploring what might become of us. I do have two questions, though.'
