High School Again? Ugh! Ch. 04


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'Makes sense,' I sighed. 'That's what comes after bargaining.'

The whole idea of me mourning for my former life and myself was ridiculous on so many levels, but that didn't make it untrue. It also didn't help me get any sleep. I was up for another hour, thinking.

"At least this is the last stage before I get on with my life," I said out loud. "But get on with what?"

A picture of Tara popped into my head. She was smiling warmly. I shook my head. I knew what it meant, but at that moment I didn't want to think about it. It took me quite a while to fall asleep despite being exhausted.


"Room service!"

I groaned and opened my eyes. It was still dark out. I couldn't have slept more than an hour or two.

"I didn't order anything!" I cried at the door. The person just knocked louder. I fought the sheets to get out of bed. I threw open the door fully intending to rip into whoever was there, but my mind went blank when I saw Tara standing there with a huge smile.

"Johnny, don't you think you're a little old to be running away from home?" she joked.

"Tara!" I said in surprise. "What are you doing here?"

"What?" she teased. "Do you think you're the only one who can sneak off and come to Sin City?"

"That's not an answer," I said.

"True," she said. "But it's all you deserve for running out on your family and me last week. Besides, didn't I tell you I'd come and get you if you stayed too long?"

"How did you get here?" I asked, but from her grin I had a feeling I knew what she was going to say, so I quickly added, "I know you flew, but why? Where did you get the money?"

"Trust fund," she answered.

"You have a trust fund?" I asked.

"It's not something I like to talk about. My mother's father set it up for me when mom split," she sighed.

"And you wasted part of it on coming here?" I asked.

"I'll let you know before I leave if it was a waste or not," she said with a shrug. "Now let me borrow your phone. I need to call my father and let him know I'm okay."

"Your father knows you came here?" I asked.

"Of course not," she frowned. "He thinks I'm sleeping at a friends house this weekend. That's why I had to wait until now to come and get you. I couldn't leave in the middle of the week."

"Why..." I began, but she cut me off.

"Can you hold off on your questions until after I talk to my dad and freshen up?" she sighed. "It's been a long night. The redeye flight I took was surprisingly packed."

"It is Vegas. What did you expect?" I smiled. She looked at me with a raised eyebrow and I laughed and added, "Sorry, go ahead."

Tara's conversation with her father was quick. I felt bad making her lie to him, but it wasn't like I asked her to come out here. Of course, that didn't mean I wasn't happy to see her.

"Please order some food up to the room," she said before going into the bathroom. "I'm starving." Tara took her small suitcase with her. I was in the middle of ordering room service when I heard the shower turn on. I smiled and shook my head.

I cleared the table off to make room. I'd left a number of bags on it with my purchases. Frankly, I almost had another whole wardrobe worth of clothes. I put them away as best I could and did a quick cleaning of the rest of my clutter. I was just finishing up when Tara came out of the bathroom.

"That feels better," she smiled. I looked at her and raised my eyebrow. She was wearing pajamas. I mean the cute warm kind, not the sexy and fun ones. She saw my expression and grinned.

"You're just lucky it's so warm here or I would have brought my feet-in pjs," she said. Oddly, I could see her in them.

"I guess someone is tired," I joked.

"And you're not?" she asked. "You look like hell."

"Someone woke me from a dead sleep," I said pointedly.

"As soon as we're done eating you can go back to sleep," she said. "We'll talk later after we're both no longer exhausted."

"You know," I said, surprisingly myself. "I think that's a good idea." My brain wasn't really functioning on all cylinders after the week I had. Sleep would help and I wanted to be fully functioning for the conversation Tara and I were bound to have eventually.

"Why don't you take a quick shower before the food comes?" she asked.

"Okay," I smiled. "Just be sure to leave me some. I missed dinner last night."

"I make no promises," she grinned, causing me to laugh.

As I entered the bathroom I realized that I felt pretty good considering how tired I was. I caught myself humming as I showered. The fact that it was a song that was decades from being written didn't seem to bother me for a change. There was a knock on the door.

"Food's here!" Tara cried. "Better hurry. It looks good!"

I laughed once again and shut the water. Tara had waited for me and smiled when I exited wearing a pair of sweats and a tee-shirt.

"This isn't going to be the most romantic meal in the world," I joked. She burst out laughing. She was obviously thinking the same thing.

"That's probably a good thing," she said. "Because I'm not sure if you're boyfriend material anyway."

"What? Have you been talking to Tiffany?" I joked.

"Please!" Tara said, rolling her eyes. "Like her opinion would matter to me."

"True," I laughed. "Now move over. I'm hungry!"

We ate in a companionable silence. It was obvious that neither one of us wanted to talk about why I'd come out to Vegas and why she's followed me yet. We both knew that whatever we said would lead us there eventually, so we remained silent for the most part.

"Now that was good!" Tara sighed. "I thought the stewardess was trying to poison me with what she offered."

"The food on my trip out wasn't much better," I smiled. "I think it's time for bed."

"Not so fast buster," Tara said. "There are some ground rules we need to talk about first."

"Don't worry," I sighed. "I'll sleep on the pull out couch."

"Do you think I followed you all the way out here so that we could sleep on a couch?" she asked.

"I don't know why you followed me out here," I replied honestly.

"I'll explain after we wake up," she said. "And I fully expect a good night kiss and maybe even some cuddling while I drift off."

"Anything else?" I grinned.

"I'm too tired to do anything else tonight. We should probably wait until after we talk anyway," she said, but then she smiled and added, "Although, I do have some ideas if the conversation goes well tomorrow."

"You never cease to amazing me," I laughed. "Are you sure your only eighteen?" It was funny that I was asking the question this time instead of being asked it.

"That's just a number," she shrugged. "I know I don't get along with many people my own age. I've had an odd life."

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes," she replied, turning out the light and climbing into bed. "I'll tell you how odd when we wake up."

"That's sounds interesting," I said, climbing into the other side of the bed.

"It doesn't come free," she said pointedly. "You'll have to tell me about your life too, and what about Rodger's suicide letter freaked you out so much."

"I'm not sure I can," I sighed.

"We'll figure it out tomorrow," she said. I nodded in agreement.

"Goodnight," I said.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" she asked, moving toward me on the bed. It was dark out, but I could make her form out as she leaned over me and added, "My kiss?"

I reached up and pulled her to me. Our lips touched and I had to admit, it felt pretty amazing. I rolled us over so that I was leaning over her while we continued to kiss. I brushed my tongue against her lips and she opened her mouth willingly. It lasted only a few moments, but I couldn't remember a better kiss in either of my lives.

"Wow!" she said, pushing me away after a few moments. Tara was fighting for breath. Hell, so was I!

"So, you liked it?" I asked, trying to make the question sound like a joke.

"Of course I liked it," she replied. "You're a great kisser, but I knew that already from our first kiss."

"Thanks," I smiled, remembering our first kiss. "Is that why you came all the way here? Because I'm such a great kisser?"

"That's an awfully long distance to come just for a kiss," she laughed. "Now let me go to sleep. I'm exhausted. That was my first time on a plane in a long time and I guess it got to me more than I expected it would."

"Tara," I said once she settled in.

"Yes?" she asked. I moved close and cuddled her. She shifted until we were spooning.

"I don't know how this is going to end up after we talk," I answered. "But thanks for coming."

"You're welcome," she said, turning her head toward me. I kissed her again. This one lasted a long time. I pulled back slowly. Her lips were parted as she continued to look at me.

"You are so beautiful," I said, almost without thought. Tara smiled, before turning away. I was sure it wasn't comfortable to spoon and twist her torso like that.

I pulled her close and she pushing back into me. I began to play with her hair gently, figuring it would help her fall asleep. I thought Tara had, but she suddenly reached up and took my hand, pulled my arm over her and held my hand against her chest. On one level it felt completely natural and relaxing, on another my eighteen-year-old body was reacting to the feel of her breasts.

"I'm being poked," Tara said after a few moments.

"Sorry," I said, but then laughed and added, "I am only human." Tara pulled away, sat up and faced me. I could see her struggling with something.

"Me too," she whispered before leaning forward and kissing me. I pulled her down to me. The kiss lasted a very long time.

"So much for both of us being tired," I groaned at one point.

"I can't help it!" she gasped between kisses. "Johnny, I love you and you've always been the only man for me." This stopped me cold. I pulled back and looked down at her. She looked so vulnerable.

"Tara," I said. "We barely know each other."

"Does that mean you don't feel the same?" she asked. Her expression made my chest ache.

"No, it doesn't," I said, refusing to lie. "But we haven't talked about our secrets yet."

"I don't care!" she cried. "Not right at this moment. It feels so right being here in your arms. Johnny, tell me you love me?"

"But..." I began.

"Unless you don't?" she asked, cutting me off. The fear in her eyes was too much.

"Tara, you know I love you," I finally admitted. "It doesn't make sense and I shouldn't, but I do."

"And do you want me?" she asked, smiling and looking deep into my eyes.

"You're kidding, right?" I asked in reply, causing her smile to turn into a brief laugh.

"Then just be gentle with me," she said, her eyes glowing with desire.

"Are you sure?" I asked. She smiled up at me and nodded.

I still hesitated a moment. I loved Tara and I'd told her so, but I hadn't told her my secret yet and I wasn't sure it was right to go any further until I did. On the other hand, she hadn't told me hers either and I could care less what it was.

"Johnny?" Tara asked nervously, when she saw me hesitate. I looked down at her and smiled. She returned it and suddenly we were in each other's arms.

We kissed and touched each other through our clothes for a long time. I eventually reached under her top and caressed her breasts. Tara moaned, her hands running over my chest and biceps.

"I think it's time to get rid of these!" I said hungrily as I sat up and pulled her top off. Tara looked at me, her eyes afire. In moments our bodies were intermeshed and our clothes were strewn across the room.

I kissed my way from her lips to her neck to her breasts and back again. Tara moaned more than once. I could feel my hardness pushing against her stomach. A part of me wanted to move lower and finish this, but a bigger part wanted to wait. I could tell Tara wasn't ready yet, despite her excitement. I was thinking about another trip of kisses when she pulled back and looked at me.

"Johnny, you know I'm not a virgin," she said softly. "But please treat me like one. It's been a very long time."

"Don't worry," I promised. "I won't hurt you."

"I know," she smiled. "You could never hurt me, but still, please go slowly."

"I'm in no rush," I replied. "I could lay here all night just enjoying the feel of your body against mine."

"Don't go that slow!" she cried, and then blushed and laughed as she realized what she'd just said.

"Hussy!" I teased.

"Jerk!" she cried, but then we were kissing again.

I did leave another trail of kisses down her body, but this time I went lower. Tara was very tense when I reached the bottom of her belly. Her legs were clamped tight, but I don't think she even realized she was doing it. I sat up.

"Tara, you need to trust me," I said, smiling down at her.

"I do!" she replied a little too quickly.

"If that's true, then relax," I said. "Have I hurt you?"

"No," she admitted.

"And I won't," I promised. "I won't do anything you don't want me to. All you have to do is say stop and I will."

"I know," she said, and then frowning added, "It's not you. I can't believe it's bothering me after all these years."

"What?" I asked.

"Johnny, just kiss me," she replied, changing the subject. Her kisses were passionate. I decided to enjoy them and let her take the lead. Something was bothering her. Maybe this would help.

I was surprised when I felt her hand touch my cock. Not because she did it, but because there was nothing tentative about it. I groaned to let her know how it felt. Tara smiled at me.

"Very nice," she smiled, studying my cock intently. It was weird, but not in a bad way. She seemed so confident as she began to slowly stroke my cock. I shook my head. One moment she seemed almost virginal and the next very worldly. I guess being eighteen was like that. Tara looked up into my eyes. Hers were clearly excited as she asked, "You know you're very big, right?"

"So I've been told," I teased. She shook her head and laughed as she continued to stroke my cock. I sighed contently and enjoyed what she was doing. It didn't take long for me to realize how fast my body was reacting. "Be careful, just being in bed with you is driving me crazy. I won't last very long."

"Good," she said. "I like that I get to you."

"You have no idea," I laughed, enjoying the fact that she didn't seem nervous anymore. Letting her take the lead was working out well for the moment.

"So then," she grinned. "If I do this, will it send you over the edge?" Tara stuck her tongue out and touched the tip of my cock. It jumped and she smiled excitedly.

"I knew you were a tease!" I attempted to joke, but I was too excitedly. I could feel my orgasm building fast.

"I'm not," she said slowly, looking up at me. "And I'll prove it."

A moment later she took my cock into her mouth. Tara's eyes never left mine and I groaned loudly. I doubted she had a lot of experience, but it seemed to me that she knew exactly what to do to drive me crazy.

"Tara!" I gasped, not long afterward. "I'm going to cum!"

She pulled off of my cock and looked at it for a moment. Her eyes were lustful when she finally glanced up into mine again.

"I want to taste you!" she said hungrily. "Would you like that?"

"Please!" I groaned. I wanted to grab her head and force my cock deep into her mouth, but I wasn't sure she would react well. Thankfully, a moment later it didn't matter. Tara somehow knew what I wanted and took my entire cock into her mouth! She also caressed my balls with one hand. That was all I could stand. I exploded!

She gasped in surprise at the violence of my release, but Tara didn't miss a drop of the cum I pumped into her mouth. I couldn't stop myself from taking hold of her head in the middle of my orgasm, but she was enjoying what she was doing too much to care.

"Wow!" she grinned afterward, pulling back and wiping her mouth.

"You said it," I sighed, pretty well spent.

"Now what?" Tara asked excitedly. I looked at her and smiled.

"Whatever you want," I replied. "Believe me, there's nothing you're going to say that will upset me. Tell me what you want." She looked at me and smiled warmly.

"I know," she said confidently. The love and trust she felt toward me was obvious. It was weird considering how little we knew about each other, but a part of me felt completely at peace with it.

"I love you," I said almost without thought, but that didn't mean I didn't mean it.

"And I love you," she replied. "I always have."

"I wish you'd told me sooner," I grinned, trying to lighten the mood.

"By the time I was ready to tell you, you weren't ready to hear it," she smiled, almost sadly.

"Until now," I said, kissing her. Tara felt good in my arms. Like she belonged.

"Until now," she smiled in agreement.

The next few minutes went by with us holding and kissing each other. I caressed her body lovingly and she did the same to me. Our mouths were seldom apart. Tara's breath quickened. So did mine.

"Johnny, I'm ready," she said. "Please continue where you left off before." I knew what she meant. I kissed my way down her body. She tensed slightly.

"Are you okay?" I asked, looking up at her.

"I'm fine," she said a little to quickly. Obviously it wasn't quite true. I watched her carefully and wondered how someone could be both annoyed and scared at the same moment.

"Tara, I won't do anything you don't want," I offered.

"I know," she sighed. "Johnny, there are some things in my past that I thought I was over. Clearly I'm not. We'll need to talk about them when the time comes, but not right now."

"That's okay," I smiled, moving up next to her. "We don't have to go any further."

"I want to go further!" she insisted, her frustration obvious. "You have no idea how long I've waited for this night. It's just that on some levels what comes next scares me."

"Nothing comes next unless you want it to," I promised, not sure what else I could say.

"Well I want it to!" she snapped.

"Bossy bitch," I joked. Tara froze in surprise for a moment and then burst out laughing.

"Not usually," she said afterward. "But I refuse to let my past ruin this moment."

"Okay. I can help you with that," I promised. "Just relax and trust me."

"I do," she said. "I always have."

We kissed briefly before she lifted her head, giving me access to her throat. I kissed there as well. Tara placed a hand on my head and gently nudged me lower. I smiled, knowing what she wanted. I left a trail of kisses down her body once more. This time, although I could still feel her nervousness, Tara let her legs part slightly when my kisses reached her belly.

She had a tuft of soft dark hair between her legs and I smiled, remembering that she was a brunette. You could never tell with Tara. Her hair color changed frequently. Right now she was a dirty blond with pink highlights.

I kissed her inner thighs. She gasped. Tara was clearly excited. I could see a touch of pink peaking through and the aroma was making my mouth water. It didn't take long before it became obvious that she was ready despite the fact I had yet to touch her center. My tongue brushed against her pussy lips and she cried out. Tara's legs fell open, inviting me in. I tasted her for the first time and groaned. She was delicious!

Tara clearly liked it as well. She grabbed hold of my head and mashed my face against her pussy. I thrust my tongue deep, continuing to enjoy the taste of her. Tara came moments later and flooded my mouth with her juices.

"Thank you!" she cried, and said it again when she was finished. "Thank you. It's been so long!"

"I'm not done yet," I said sitting up briefly and wiping my mouth.

"You're not?" she asked, smiling sexily. I could see a touch of concern in her eyes, but it was overshadowed by her desire and trust.

"No," I replied, kissing her. Tara thrust her tongue into my mouth. Her kiss proved to me that she was ready for more despite her orgasm.