Highland Fling Redux Pt. 02

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Bride and Bridesmaid have one last tryst before the wedding.
5.8k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/13/2024
Created 06/12/2024
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Highland Fling Redux Part 2

This is part of my ongoing rewrite of the story previously posted as "A Bridesmaid's Highland Fling".

However while Part 1 had a major change of plot this section is much the same as the initial attempt: these chapters were included in the second half of the original Part 1. So anyone who read the original might want to skip. Otherwise, hope you enjoy, and please comment, I'm trying to improve my writing and feedback helps.

Chapter 2: Old and New Friends

Emily spoke as Cameron drove west towards the mountains. Chloe watched as the landscape grew increasingly wild and empty once they left the suburbs of Inverness while she and Emily caught up with months-worth of news.

As they climbed towards the pass Chloe gazed out at the dramatic Highland scenery of heather moorland and distant peaks with dark forested glens in the middle distance, "We're not in Kansas anymore Em. This isn't anything like where we grew up on the south coast."

"It's fab though isn't it? Wait till you see the castle, it's a real fairy tale. The Tower House part has hardly changed since the 16th century but the whole castle was remodelled and extended in the early years of the 20th century and the living quarters are in the new wings. They're lovely, very arts and crafts and romantic; Castle on the outside, Country House vibe inside. You'll love the drawing room, such a perfect place to read and write."

She had seen the castle many times before online and had heard all this before but Emily was a giddy bride flushed with pride and excitement so Chloe forgot her own humiliation and bathed in her friend's joyfulness as she went on, breathlessly, "So the Wedding ceremony and reception tomorrow are in the Great Hall of the Tower, so beautiful and historic. But tonight's rehearsal dinner is in the "new" extension's dining room, it's so beautiful Chloe, the French windows give a great view of the mountains."

Then they were over the pass and the heather moors gave way first to forest, then farmland then pretty white washed cottages with well-kept gardens indicated they were approaching a village.

"So this is Beauly, one of the prettiest villages in Scotland apparently, that's the Beauly Arms, cute right?" Chloe glanced at an old coaching in, festooned with hanging baskets and a pretty little beer garden, "Tonight, after the rehearsal dinner the boys are all going to go to there and do whatever nonsense you do on boy's nights and we girls will have a very civilised soirée in the castle's drawing room."

"Excuse me Emily," James raised his hand from the back seat and looked serious, "Do I count as a Boy?"

"You do James, just a marginally more responsible one than most and after the mess that one," she glared at her husband-to-be but her eyes were full of laughter, "was in after the stag weekend You are in charge of getting him to bed at a reasonable time. And there will be Consequences if you don't."

"Understood. I won't let you down Emily. He's awfully quiet isn't he? "

"That's fine, it's how I like him. Now, look up to the right, you get a good view of Ardkinglass."

Chloe saw the castle for the first time in the flesh. High above them a squat tower topped with four conical turrets perched on the brown of a ridge, facing west up into the glen and the mountains of the west.

As they turned up the beech-lined drive she saw the living quarters wrapped around the tower on three sides, three stories of solid masonry white-washed like the cottages on the edge of the village, but as masculine in appearance as the cottages were feminine, with conical roofs on round turrets at every junction of the roof line.

The only clue it wasn't a purely defensive structure were the big plate glass windows that would fill the reception rooms with light and expansive views of the northern Highlands.

"Rehearsal at 3pm today, it should be quick and informal and give us time to sit down for dinner at 4pm, I'll do a speech as I'm going to be traditional and not do one tomorrow (I know, I think that was very restrained of me), and you're all staying for the brunch on Sunday aren't you? Then, depending on the weather we might all go on a hike on Sunday afternoon. We have the castle ourselves till Monday. Means we can all relax and not have to rush off."

As they got out of the car and gathered their things Chloe couldn't help but smile as she realised it was the perfect wedding venue for her friend, a princess from the warm south coast, to embrace her new life with her northern betrothed.

They were the first guests to arrive and after a whistle stop tour of the castle Emily indeed had plans for them.

"So people should start arriving in a couple of hours. Chloe can you please be Chief Meeter and Greeter and general Sheepdog? Direct them all to their rooms, give them an overview of the castle, tell them the plan for today and make sure they know to be downstairs for the rehearsal at 3pm?"

"I can help with that," offered James. "I can do simple tasks like carrying bags to rooms. I can follow instructions."

Chloe pursed her lips to suppress a smile, "If you show me you can listen carefully and follow very simple instructions then I might let you be my not-very-glamorous assistant. But only on a trial basis."

"Now Cameron and I have a final run through with the wedding planner and then back into Inverness for the florist but you guys can get freshened up and explore a bit yourself if you like?"

Emily leaned in to kiss Chloe in the cheek before they parted and whispered in her ear, "So Boo, I'm the bride and you're my chief bridesmaid, which means you're my bitch for the next couple of days, right?" and winked as she turned to take her fiancés hand.

Chloe's tummy flipped when Emily used her secret pet name, never used in public, and was still in a daze when she heard James' voice, "Right quick shower and change and meet you back down here in Twenty and we can explore a castle all by ourselves!"


Chloe luxuriated under a hot shower in her room, and it was an hour later she found James lounging on an ancient Chesterfield in the Drawing Room, head in a book. "I think I could get used to being a Laird, this life is definitely for me. I've done a bit of exploring already, let me show you what I've found and my favourite spot," he turned from his book to face her, "Wow, you scrub up well Chloe."

Chloe had changed into her outfit for the rehearsal, an emerald green jumpsuit that pinched in at the waist and made her hips look curvy rather than just wide with a deep V neckline that made the most of her small chest.

James wore a slim fitting grey suit with a navy sweater underneath, "You're not too bad yourself old man. Lead on, we don't have too long before Emily will put us to work."

They snuck around the empty castle like naughty school kids in the hush before the arrival of guests and staff.

The brooding masculine exterior was indeed a façade, the interior having been designed for glamour and comfort by an American heiress who had married the Laird, for her to enjoy her role as Highland hostess to the party set from New York and London. But she died on the Titanic and the house returned to its slumber in the wild, being used as a hospital in both wars then falling semi derelict before its recent rebirth as a wedding venue.

Chloe and James explored the wood panelled corridors, the elegant, airy dining room, set for this evening's dinner; the drawing room that they both agreed they would happily spend a whole weekend in itself, reading and lounging and gazing out of the window, and finally the grand hall of the original castle, where the bride and groom would exchange their vows under a four hundred year old barrel vaulted ceiling before the benches were cleared for an evening of dancing,

"Now this is my favourite spot," James took her hand and led her to the hidden staircase behind a carved wood panel that led to a balcony overlooking the ballroom.

"Nice little place to watch the dancing and take a breather. If you're tired of being nice I can meet you up here after the first dances are over."

"Mr McKenzie! Are you really inviting me to an assignation? I'm scandalised at the impropriety. My reputation will be ruined! Ruined!"

James grinned, unashamed but his smile faded into concern. "I know this can't be easy for you Chloe. I imagine you just want to crawl into bed for a couple of days but you have to be ON all weekend, the cheerful chief bridesmaid, friendly and helpful to everyone. And I know you want to be there for Emily. That will be tiring and I think you know that. I'm just saying, I've got your back Kid. You don't need to put on a face with me."

She kissed him on the cheek. He smelled rich and earthy and woody, masculine and mature. Not the prince from a fairy tale, but maybe the woodsman. She rested her head against his shoulder and he placed a reassuring hand between her shoulder blades, not quite holding her but allowing her to relax against his body. I could get used to this she thought as he soothed her back with a tentative caress.

Emily's voice rang out from far below, full of excitement. "We have incoming wedding guests! There is a coach load turning into the drive. I don't know where you two have got to but You. Are. Up! Downstairs in Two!"


By the tenth guest Chloe had her welcoming speech memorised. By the fifteenth she was in her groove and by the twentieth she was a pro. Then the twenty first guest arrived.

He was huge. He towered over her even before he was close to her. 6ft 3", maybe more, early twenties and almost as broad as he was tall, with dirty blonde hair swept back and pale blue eyes that she struggled to look away from. He looked like a Viking warrior dressed in ripped jeans and a polo shirt that was losing the battle to contain his biceps.

James was upstairs with the bags of a couple of elderly aunts and Chloe cursed his absence as she stuttered, "H.... Hi, I'm C-Chloe, Bridesmaid. And this is a Castle."

"Hi C-Chloe and yeah I guessed that." He looked amused and Chloe suspected he was used to this type of reaction.

They had already welcomed most of the expected guests so Chloe could work out who the stragglers were from the list provided by Emily. The clipboard was a welcome distraction from his sea blue eyes and that broad, sculpted chest.

"You are..... Lachlan? Cameron's cousin and Usher? Room 14 second floor, up the left at the top of the stairs"

"Yes! Not really sure what an Usher is meant to do though. Ush?" The Viking extended a hand like a bear's paw and almost crushed Chloe with his greeting, "Maybe you can brief me on my responsibilities? You seem in the know." There was a distinct glint in his eyes, those beautiful blue eyes that wouldn't stop looking at her and that she seemed unable to look away from.

"Later then? For my debrief?" and he kissed her on the cheek. Not a friendly air kiss but... what exactly? Definitely a kiss. More of a kiss than she had had from the ex in weeks. She could feel the moisture of his lips on her crimson cheek after he walked away.

James gave her a questioning look when he returned. "Everything OK? You seem a bit flushed and flustered?" She tried to banish thoughts of the Viking. Would he wear a kilt tomorrow? It looked like he was carrying a kilt bag. She tried to gather her thoughts while images of a Viking in a kilt kept interrupting her calm until she was saved by Emily announcing that it was time to help with the preparation for the Rehearsal. The next few hours were a blur of activity that Chloe threw herself into. Better to be busy, and to be Emily's indispensable bridesmaid, than to try and process any of the events of the last 24 hours.

Chapter 3: Last Kisses and Farewells

"Finally! A bit of time to ourselves! What a day! "Emily kicked off her satin pumps and threw herself down on the huge double bed of the castle's bridal suite.

The room was larger than Chloe's London flat, so huge that the vast four poster bed, draped with white chiffon, looked in proportion. Through the large casement windows on three sides Chloe could see a scrape of violet in the evening sky and the faraway mountains in silhouette.

Chloe slipped her heels off and joined her on the bed sitting cross legged on Emily's bed like she had done a thousand times before. Emily's eyes were closed and Chloe thought she might have been honest when she told the female half of the bridal party downstairs she needed an early night before the big day tomorrow, casually asking Chloe to help carry her things to the bridal suite.

The male half of the wedding party, James included, had indeed decamped to the pub in the village while the female half took over the castle with a decidedly uncivilised night of white wine and rude jokes from aunties who should really know better. The boys were beginning to drift back to the castle, more or less in descending age order but Chloe could hear the girl's night was still in full swing, regardless of the departure of the guest of honour.

Before she let her friend sleep she took one long look at her. She was so beautiful in her vintage ivory silk slip dress that Chloe's breath caught in her throat, even after all these years. Two inches taller and with a juicier bum and bigger breasts, Emily was everything teenage Chloe wanted to be.

Chloe had tried to dislike her when they first met but Emily's affection was inexhaustible and Chloe was as powerless to resist her then as now. Her long hair fanned out on the crisp pillow framing her pretty heart shaped face and delicate features. Her skin always had a rosy glow, so different from Chloe's pale skin. She loved the look of them together; Emily's golden hair and honeyed skin against Chloe's dark elflocks and deathly pale skin, Aurora and Snow. They had always said that one Halloween they would go out dressed as their Princesses. But they never had. Now they never would.

Their intimacy had started in teenage bedrooms squirming together as they shared fantasies of their school crushes. As they relaxed around each they began to play together, first discretely then openly side by side. One day Emily asked to hold her hand while they came together. But it was Chloe that insisted they look into each other's eyes as they played. And it was Chloe that kissed her as their bodies shook. And at their next study session it was Chloe who suggested they swap hands. They gave their virginity to each other one long August evening before sixth form and the threads of their lives were wrapped together ever since.

So it was with love and joy tinged with regret she gazed at her beautiful friend asleep on the eve of her wedding.

Emily's blue eyes snapped open and she grinned. "You didn't really think I was going to fall asleep on you! Catnap over, now tell me everything you couldn't tell me in public."


"Best way to get over one guy is to get under another. So, who do you have your eye on? What about James? You two seemed to get on very well earlier, like you'd known each other for years. I approve, you know. He might be more than just a fuck too, he's a good man, and definitely got that silver fox, DILF energy. Single too, and on good terms with his ex-wife I believe. That's a lot of serious boxes being ticked. Don't even need to house train him or anything, he comes pre trained." She winked.

"Oh God no. He's a lot of fun and maybe could become a wonderful friend but he's my Dad's age and I absolutely humiliated myself last night. So badly I genuinely don't want to talk about it other than he had to bail me out then I had a total meltdown on him. He must think I'm a clichéd overly emotional millennial who can't function in the real world. No, I have some pride Em."

It's wasn't a lie a such, just a partial truth and she didn't know what she felt for James yet, if indeed it was anything other than a need for human contact when she was at her lowest point.

"So, how about little cousin Lachlan then. Or should I say not so little? I saw you looking with your tongue hanging out."

"Me? You mean the Viking? Mmmm maybe. He's definitely got something. But I suspect I may have competition. I can imagine every single girl here will want to be Stripping the Willow with him tomorrow night. Maybe a few of the boys too."

"Well good news for you is there aren't that many single ladies here. You've pretty much got a clear run. And he IS single."

"What about the gorgeous little thing with the long dark hair? I think I was upstairs with your sister when she arrived so didn't properly meet her. She's disgustingly beautiful and I see no ring or sign of a boyfriend."

"That'll be Olivia. She's gorgeous isn't she?" it was a statement rather than a question; "She's a Dancer and never ever look at her Instagram if you want to retain some self-esteem. She's lovely though, here with her Step Dad, recently reconciled. Not engaged, no, bit young for that really. But I asked her if she was seeing someone and she gave a cryptic answer so she might not be the competition you think."

Emily paused and changed the subject. "So you saw The Dress earlier, do you want to see my wedding night outfit? And don't lie I know you do, you little lingerie slut. Did you pack what you were going to wear for Fuckboy anyway? Maybe the Viking will get to see you in them? I'll show you mine if you show me yours. Go get them Bitch."

Chloe snuck back to her room as quickly and as quietly as she could. She had packed the night before he dumped her and had included an outfit that was meant to make sure a tipsy boyfriend gave her the fucking she knew she would need after the wedding.

She opened the door, "So I brought two outfits.... Emily!? What the..? "

The bride stood in front of her in a sheer white robe trimmed in fluffy marabou feathers. The robe was left undone to show off her matching lingerie; half cup bra, panties and garter belt in ivory silk trimmed with delicate white lace. The half cup bra showed off her beautiful breasts, easily two cup sizes larger than Chloe's 34Bs, and she could not resist gazing at the sight of the bride's stiff pink nipples through the lace trim. White stockings, also topped with lace, were clipped to the garter belt and long white satin opera gloves and a white flower choker around her throat gave her the look of a sex kitten from the golden age of Hollywood. Her honey coloured hair was still worn down but her make-up had been retouched, her heels back on and a sheer veil trailed to her waist. She posed for Chloe; "So what do you think? Fuckable?"

Chloe squeaked. "I thought we were sharing, not modelling! Oh Em, I'm so jealous of Cameron right now. And that veil, Babes, you know I have a thing about veils."

"Glad you like. And nothing you've not seen before Boo. In fact you've seen a lot more. Or, rather, a lot less. Now getting you to fetch what you planned to wear for Loserboy was just a ruse. I've bought you something that I'd like to see on you," she nodded toward a package wrapped in pink tissue paper on the dresser. "It should go nicely with your bridesmaid robe. Now, your turn, show me your present."

Chloe turned to go to the en-suite but Emily commanded her to stop. "Nuh huh. Stay and strip for me Boo."

Chloe looked her friend in the eye and held her gaze and she wriggled her emerald green jumpsuit over her wide hips and let it fall to the floor. Standing in only her plain black string and strapless bra she unwrapped her present from the tissue paper and found a gossamer thin sheer blue chemise edged in champagne lace in her hands. She recognised the lingerie brand as one they both loved.