Highsider Ch. 03


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"No," I again replied, truly I hadn't even thought about Ann the entire time we had been here save for a few fleeting seconds, "I've been busy."

"Well," he replied as he took the aidbag from my hands, "you aren't busy anymore. Call her. Go to clinic duties, sleep in a bed, eat not packaged food. Jack off in the porta-pottie just like every normal guy here, I don't care what you do other than calling her and skipping this next mission."

"Who is going to cover my guys?"

"New blood, name's Wright. He'll take over for now."

"You're gonna send the newbie in for me?"

"You know what's funny," he replied as he smiled at me with that devilish frin that implied sarcasm, "I said the same thing when they sent you to replace me."

With that argument lost, I grabbed my equipment and tried to find the assigned "room" that I had been given. Shamefully, I lost my way to it twice, and once more after visiting the chow hall. I sat in my bunk checking and rechecking my aidbag, making sure everything was in its proper place. I made my way to the shoppette and got a phone card and made that phone call I had promised to make, I let the phone ring five times before giving up and hanging up. Dinner chow was far more crowded, there were a lot of faces that I hadn't seen, as I moved to one of the empty tables a voice broke my concentration.

"Doc," the voice said, I did not turn as I was not the only medic there and each of us that carried that title had earned it. "Doc," the voice said again, this time closer to me, and I turned to see who was calling me. It was a much younger guy walking around in crutches while one of his buddies carried his tray of food. "You look like hell, Doc."

"It's been a few weeks," I replied, trying to place him and failing miserably. I did not see a tab on his uniform, this was a regular boot.

"No worries," he said as he recognized that I couldn't place him, "you pulled me out of the burning Humvee a few weeks back. You saved my bacon, Doc. I just wanted to say thanks."

"It's my job," I said before returning to my food, "have a seat. Tell me all about it." I was trying not to sound sarcastic, and luckily he understood.

"We got hit in Haifa, our own medic took shrapnel to the neck, your squad was in the vicinity of our AO and you guys rushed in," he said, then he extended his hand, "by the way, name's Greenway. Again, thank you, Doc."

I shook his hand, "no problem, how did your medic make out?"

"He got evac'ed to Rammstein, he made it is all we know." He looked at this buddy and continued, "this is the guy I told you about in the mascal."

"So you treated 37 casualties?" Another voice spoke, this one from behind me. "How the fuck did you do that?"

"One at a time," I replied, "any casualties?"

"No, Doc," Greenway continued, "you saved us all. You're a fucking legend, you know? My CO was trying to find out who you were to put you in for something."

"No need," I said, "I was just doing my job." As I looked around me, a small crowd was beginning to gather. I picked up my tray, "glad you guys made it back. Take care." With that, I simply tossed my half eaten food away and once again got lost on my way to my sleeping quarters. A very helpful soldier helped me find my way, as I thanked him he just smiled.

"New to the FOB?"

"You could say that," I replied, "guess I shouldn't be going out for a run, might get lost again."

"I'm gonna hit the shower in about an hour," he replied laughing, "if you want a guide I'll be sure to walk by here." He left as we shared a laugh. I gathered my items and patiently waited, tried calling Ann once more, this time I gave it three rings before hanging up.

"Trying to call the old lady?" My new friend asked as I stepped into the showers.

"Yeah, no luck."

"Man, don't even trip. It's still pretty early over in the states, she might be sleeping."


"You're not new here," he continued, "how do you keep getting so lost in this place?"

"I'm just terrible with directions," I replied with a half-hearted laugh.

"This is not the place to be bad at that," he said in the middle of a loud laugh, "I'm sure you'll need some help finding the clinic tomorrow, aren't you?"

"What makes you think that?"

"Come on," he replied, "you got that look to you. I'm still trying to figure out if you're going as a patient. I hear their psych doc is pretty hot."

"A 3 looks like a 10 if given enough time," I replied to more laughter.

"Ain't that a fact," he said, "I'll wait outside while you finish. No hurry, man."

I finished my shower and met my new friend. We shared a cigarette as we walked back and talked about nonsensical things. That night I slept on the ground, and my dreams were filled with blood, screams, and Ann's face which faded more and more with each minute I spent in that world of oblivion. As I drifted on and off from sleep, I wondered how much of me would be left by the time I made it back, and if I was being honest with myself, I was wondering if I would make it back.

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Darkshooter213Darkshooter2137 months ago

While I have enjoyed your story so far, I would agree that some of the details were 50/50. But I also know that my unit overloaded my section in regards to my MOS. by any MTOE, there isn't more than tow of my M0S per combat battalion, and and lower enlisted soldiers at that. But our unit were blessed to have three of us, and two of us were senior NCO's. So it does happen from time to time. But with that BS aside, your story so far have brought back both good and bad memories from over there. And I am truly enjoying it. You definitely have a gift and I am looking forward to see where it goes. Also, I hope one day to share some of the stories that I have circling around in my head, by reading your have given me some pointers of how to express it on paper (so to speak). OUTSTANDING JOB! I promise that if you keep writing, this fan will keep on reading.

26thNC26thNC10 months ago

Lot of experts didn’t, but I enjoyed it.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

As below you need to do background reaearch;ESPECIALLY on military issues. There are thousands if combat vet around, me included, and we like to be painted accurately. Todd172 and Saddletramp do this really well. The accurate your back ground is the firmer your story will hold the road.

On the positive side you give pretty sketch of the emotional toll prolonged combat can take on a man. Your main character is badly, humanly, flawed and his past, and current nightmare is gringing him into the ground. He's beginning to care about nothing. Not even himself. This is not all that rare. It's especially dangerous for the soldier who gets dumped by his wife or GF. On deployment you need to have an anchor to ground you. Lose it and bad things can happen

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Re: Anon 1/14/19

I think you got that last part a bit wrong. She stayed till he went back for the 3rd deployment, then went back home where she wouldn't be worrying alone and had some family support. Hopefully that will be enough, but with what ever happened in Long Road with Angie... Signed: BTW

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
So let me get this right

The cheating back stabbing slut is fine with him being a mass murderer and cutting his entire family out of his life, but she cant stand staying with him while he saves peoples lives?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Damn do some research

First there is only one medic per platoon, not squad, even in Ranger units.

Second Rangers deploy for 5 weeks at a time once per year if there is a need. Each battalion is on the red, amber, green cycle.

Third Rangers are a direct action unit and do not patrol.

All of this is unclassified and easily researched.

rcrmonte3rcrmonte3over 7 years ago
Re: Islam

Islam started in about 610 AD when Muhammed started "receiving messages" from God. The religion will NOT be thousands of years old until it reaches 2000 years in 2610. By then, none of us will care. Christianity, even though somewhat hidden, is not quite 600 years older that Islam.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Incoherent garbage !

Just 1* !!

patilliepatillieabout 8 years ago
Really good

your insight into the sandbox is quite good. I agree with previous comm enter that your terminology is not recognizable, but your details are spot on. This is a 5 for me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Fenixreign - another worshiper of the peodophile...

Fenix - your history and facts are wrong.

Just another example of how poorly educated you goat fuckers are.

FenixreignFenixreignabout 8 years ago
@ History Anony

1) Islam predates Christianity by more than a millennium. Ishmael, the founder of Islam was the son of Abraham. Yes, the same Abraham that founded Judaism. You know, Judaism? The religion that spawned and was practiced by Jesus of Nazareth THOUSANDS of years later? I don't know why people refuse to acknowledge that all 3 major "Western" Religions (Yes, Islam is considered a Western Religion because it was founded in the Middle East Just like Christianity and Judaism) worship the same Omnipotent and Omniscient God, they just have different names for him. Same dude though. And Islam didn't start bloody, but they did embrace it. To be fair though, let's look at the other 2. Christianity had the Crusades and Judaism had the wars conquering the Sinai Peninsula. Hell, they practically invented "Scorched Earth" style tactics and it was even worse when you consider that Joshua had at least one battle where in the Bible it effectively states that he had killed every single inhabitant in a city he had just conquered. David too was fairly bloodthirsty.

On top of the Crusades, the Russian Orthodox and Catholic Churches have either condoned or practiced brutality for CENTURIES. Both churches effectively ignored the Nazi purges. The Pope helped create the vast reigniting of Anti-Semitism during the time of The Holy Roman Empire (Most of what is today's Germany) by telling the Kings that they should ignore the debts they owed the Jews that had loaned the money to the kingdoms to finance their wars but then realized they would never have been able to pay off those debts. And the reason? In the New Testament there are passages that refer to effectively saying that if you have the money to lend, instead, donate. Well, guess what? The Jews ignore the New Testament because it ISN'T part of their holy scripture. The Jews called in their outstanding loans and the Kings of Catholic countries, led by the King of the HRE, basically told them to shove it. When the loan holders didn't, the Catholic Church assisted them with a smear campaign designed to turn people against Jews hence the resurgence of Anti-Semitism.

2) The 0 was first contemplated by the Aztecs in MesoAmerica hundreds of years before ANYONE else. We do use Arabic numbers, because well, Roman Numerals would have sucked for trying to do arithmetic.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
death to ALL muslins

there are no good muslins none!!!!

SigintSigintabout 8 years ago
There's Something To Be Said For English Being Your 2nd Language

However, separating Long Road and Highsider doesn't make sense in any language. It's the same story. Changing the name made 0 sense.

So we know you and Ann are going to divorce. Sorry. You and Angie will get together. Good luck. You and your brother haven't worked things out. From the tears in his eyes, perhaps you should try forgiveness. We all lose our parents, but that never makes shit easy. I see sad times ahead.

Most important thing about all of this: the learning experience.

Sorry about your crash.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
re: anonymous-WTF

You don't know squat about history. If the US never had fucked with the middle east things would have been different today. When will assholes like you learn that you can't fuck with other people and expect things to remain the same. Payback is hell, and we're paying for it, right out of your fucking pocket. So spare us your hatred and learn the truth, but then dickheads have problem understanding the real world.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

How does this shit make it to literotica? What the hell is erotic about this pile of puke? Oliver North War Stories???

As to the moron that posted this "A war that George Bush started and now the whole middle east is in flames."

It's Obama (and the asshats that voted for him) that made a fucking mess of not just the middle east but the whole world! And the real problem is simply Islam, if you knew a fucking thing about history...

Kitist02Kitist02about 8 years ago
Gladly safe...

All of my experience came well before the sandbox squabbles began. We worked in Turkey and Iran with mixed results, but nobody was shooting at us then. The situation fell apart after we pulled out.

I spend a lot of time at Madigan AMC and am stunned at what I see returning from the 'Ghan. The physical destruction is something to be expected although there are a lot of wounded that would have died in other wars but who have been stitched together by the miracles of modern military medicine (now there is a real oxymoron).

What has impressed/bothered me most is the sheer number of PTSD cases that we don't have the capability to treat. It wasn't good after 'Nam, but it is exponentially worse this go-round.

This "Highsider" series is giving a pretty good look at what a headcase going in can change to once he is given a purpose in his life. He is still a headcase, but now he is a "usefull part of the community" headcase.

I don't know how long this series can carry on, but I hope there will be some sort of closure (to use a trite phrase) so we can seal this off with all our other unaddressed issues.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
I've read all 8 of the chapters written so far

I have to admit to being somewhat lost in how you are relating your tale. I assume that you have at least some military experience although your phraseology is quite unique at times. "Roger" is now an appropriate Army response???? I left Airborne as a 91B3PH. 91B is the MOS identifier for a Medicial Specialist and P represents Parachutist and the H means I was an Army trained and certified instructor. I have been to Benning 5 times in my 12 years AD. I sometimes think I spent more time there than I did at Bragg (504th Inf) which was my permanent duty station. Now I admit that I started out in 1976 and things such as standards could have slipped after 2004 (year I retired) but I can honestly say I have never heard half the things you talked about. Ft. Sam in your story isn't the place I knew. Same goes for the Black Hats and fun of Jump School. So I am a bit lost in relating to the experiences of "Doc." Although the dead feeling I know all too damn well. It's cost me a lot since 2004. Can future submissions improve in this area. BTW: for the record, I also added MOSs in the 93 and 88 CMFs after profiling out of Jump status. I can thank one of your Ft. Stewart AT ranges for that bit of fun.

wonder203wonder203about 8 years ago
5* for me

I see this has lots of different twists and levels to it and I really like that. There is no way this story is even close to over and I am a little frustrated in the chapters being only 2 pages long. I want to see how this is going! I am not sure at this time if he will end up with a cheating wife of a loving wife but you can see he is becoming damaged and I would understand a divorce coming.

Waiting for your next chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
This feels like some misc. ramblings.

Is there a point to it? There feels like there is no plot. And it still lacks any type of emotion from the characters. It's just flat. Which makes for an uninteresting read.

Maybe next time get a really good editor?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Why would a man re enlist in the medical core and leave a loving wife-behind

Ann has to move on at some point this guy is making a career in the service as a medic. I'm surprised he didn't get killed or wounded being in the front lines exposed to the highest mortality of any solder. He has to be crazy. A war that George Bush started and now the whole middle east is in flames. After we destroyed saduim Hussan who actually stabilized the region with the control over the regions Muslims.

PS I saw what war does to men in coming home from Vietnam, as a medic in the reserves. Thank god I was never called up.

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