Hitch Hikers Two


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'I wonder if mother and Tom are up yet,' she said as we dismounted in the stable yard for the grooms to take away and see to the horses.

'Come and we'll have a drink before lunch,' she said, her face flushed and appeared so vivacious, and linking her arm through mine, we went back into the chateau. We went through the building to the room where we'd had breakfast and there was Angela, Tom and Beverley having a drink.

'What would you like to drink Chris?' she asked as she made her way to a sideboard that held a variety of bottles.

'Oh, er, a gin and tonic please,' I stammered, feeling my face being a bit on the red side now that I was in the presence of the others. She mixed the drinks and came back with two glasses and handed me one.

'Happy thoughts,' she smiled at me as she clinked our glasses together before taking a sip.

'You've done it, haven't you?' came the icy tone of Angela and I felt my spine begin to shrivel. I was glad to have my back to her as she said this so she couldn't see the expression on my face. I could see the small smile on Epsom's face as she looked at her mother.

'Chris! How could you?' she asked, her hand on my arm that made me turn to face her, her eyes troubled as she looked into mine.

'I...I'm sorry,' I stammered. 'I...I didn't know.'

'It's not his fault,' Epsom burst out. 'I asked for it!'

'That's not the point!' Angela snapped out.

'Yes it is!' retorted Epsom. 'What's good for the goose.... I couldn't have Tom because he was in bed with you. It was going to be one or the other.'

'How dare you,' Angela said, her words coming out quite low. 'I've been protecting you all these years...'

'From what!' Epsom blazed out, interrupting her. 'Having some fun? Fun that you have but I don't? Well I'm glad I've gone and done it! It was lovely and I'm going to have a lot more from now on because I enjoyed it!' Her eyes were really pouring out hot coals as she faced up to her mother. 'I bet you were even younger than I am when you lost your virginity.'

'I'm sorry Angela,' I said, stepping between them as it looked as if they were about to come to blows. 'I just didn't know.'

'Well it's too late now to cry over spilt milk,' she replied.

'Or a broken hymen,' Epsom said from behind me.

'Epsom!' Angela almost shouted.

'Now, now, let's calm down,' said Tom, coming into it and helping me out. 'It had to happen sometime Angela, for you cannot keep a high spirited thing like Epsom a child forever. Better Chris than some stable hand or gardener, isn't it? I hope you took some precautions Chris?' he said turning to me.

'I'm on the pill,' Epsom butted in and got a sharp look from her mother.

'Well that's a blessing,' Tom said, 'because Chris has really only got to wave his wand at a girl and she gets pregnant,' and then he went on to tell them about my two boys. This broke the tension in the room and it got some laughs, especially from Angela.

'You know. That could make for a good sex farce for one of Karl's films,' she said. Tom then went on to say about how Karl was having some problems by not having any story lines to make a decent film.

'Why don't you write a script using this incident. I'm sure you can and it would be good for Karl to do. We promised to drop in on him on our way back and it would be a nice present for him,' Tom finished.

'I'll think about it. Now I think it's time for lunch,' she said as she came and put her arm through mine. 'I'm sorry for what I said, but if she had to lose it, I'm glad it was you,' she smiled up at me and gave my arm a squeeze that made me feel better.

It was a light lunch but with more wine than was really warranted that left us all in the state of needing to have a sleep for the rest of the afternoon. We all retired to our rooms and I was alone proper with Tom for the first time since we'd arrived at the chateau.

'You don't mind that I had Epsom, do you?' I asked of him as I got onto our bed after undressing.

'Of course not!' he said, him too, naked, climbed on the bed with me, and so I went into his arms and kissed him.

'I'd rather had been with you though,' I said, stroking his face and chest as he held me, seeing out of the corner of my eye his cock begin to rise. 'I want you more than ten Epsom's.'

'Then roll over,' he said huskily as he gave me a kiss and my heart leapt as he got off the bed for a condom and I did as he told me and went up onto my knees to wait for him. It only took him a minute before he was back on the bed and I felt his body come between my legs and his hand gently stroke my bum.

'And you are worth more than ten Angela's,' he said as his hand held my hip and I felt his cock nuzzle my back entrance. Then he moved and I gave out a cry of joy as his hardness moved into my body and I gave myself up to the pleasure of having his cock move in and out as he fucked me. His two hands holding my hips firm as he moved, pulling me back towards him as he surged forward till our bodies clashed and he kept this up for a deliriously long time as he ploughed back and forth inside me. Then came that sudden tightening of his grip as he held me tight to his thighs as he pumped and strained to shoot his load inside me and I felt my own seed start to spill out onto the bed coverings. I had tears in my eyes and a sob in my throat as I said that my husband Tom was making love to his wife Chris and that she was enjoying every minute of it.

He fell onto my back and bore me down onto my own mess and I loved that man more than life itself as he continued to move himself inside me as he lay on top. It was a good fifteen minutes before he pulled out and went for a shower with me following as a dutiful wife should, to help him wash before seeing to myself. Then it was back to bed and we slept right up until a servant came in to wake us for dinner.

The meal was a much quieter affair than lunch had been, everybody having slept on the knowledge of what had taken place that morning and had now put things into the right perspective. Beverley kept her own counsel and it wasn't until much later that I found out that she was sleeping with the chef anyway. Though she had originally joined Angela to look after Epsom, this need had long since past but she stayed on as a companion and was loved by both of them. The conversation during the meal had been at best, banal, until Angela spoke of thoughts that had been running through all our minds I think, about the coming night.

'I suppose it isn't worth my sending Lily to Chris's room tonight,' she said in a lull in the table talk. 'For Epsom's either going to invade that of Chris, or drag him into hers now that she's tasted the forbidden fruit.' I kept my head down at this and waited with bated breath as to who was going to rise to this contentious statement. I groaned inwardly as Epsom duly rose to take the bait.

'And why not? You will have Tom in your bed again no doubt. Beverley will have Gaston as she usually does,' this brought out a gasp from Beverley, obviously thinking that her liaison with the chef had gone un-noticed.

'So where does that leave Chris and myself? Masturbating ourselves stupid thinking of what we could be doing like you three will? Why should we be denied the same enjoyment?' Her eyes were blazing and she tried to give me a warm smile at the same time, but it came out more of a rictus grin than anything else.

'I didn't think it would be anything else,' Angela sighed, and she let the matter drop now that she knew that Epsom was on the pill and didn't have any counter argument to contest the fight. I kept my head down and looked at my plate as I knew that my face would be as bright a red than any sunset I'd ever seen.

'Well that's settled then!' I heard the triumphant gloat of Epsom and I gave her a quick glance and could see that she was all smiles at having achieved her goal of having me as a bed mate for the night. I felt mortified that I was being used in this way like a piece of meat on an auction block.

'Don't I get any say in this matter?' I asked somewhat plaintively.

'No,' came the emphatic answer from both Epsom and Angela.

'Tom?' I queried in a tremulous voice.

'You dug the hole, so I suppose you're the only one left to fill it.'

This brought laughs to the table and even I had to grin and acknowledge the analogy of his statement. So it was settled that I would be bedding Epsom for the rest of our stay at the chateau.

Don't get me wrong by thinking that she wasn't worth it. By Christ, she was better than you would find in any cat house. She had beauty and a body that went with it as well as having a sense of wit. Many men would have given their right arm to have had the attention I was going to get from this delectable eighteen year old girl that had just been initiated into the realm of sexual delights. It was like a drug to her and she couldn't get enough of my body and even then demanding more which I did my best to supply.

When we weren't fucking, she was constantly over my body sucking at everything that protruded from my body. Toes, cock balls, nipples, ears and fingers. She sucked on everything and took inside her as much as I could give. In fact, she wore me out with her insatiable desire for sex in all its forms. I even took her anally such was her desire to experience sex in all its forms. It got to the point where she even dragged Lily into our bed to have another woman lick her out as she sucked avidly on my erection, taking my emission without the slightest hesitation, and yet saving some in her mouth to pass back to me as we kissed a short while afterwards. She was like a depraved maniac for those three weeks that we stayed at the chateau.

I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised the night she went off with Tom. I had no claim on her, she was free to do as she wished, but it would have been nice and the right thing to have done before she did it, to say beforehand what she did do.

We were into our third week of staying at the chateau when Epsom, after dinner had finished, took Tom's hand and fairly dragged him from the room. He gave both Angela and myself a despairing look before he disappeared from sight.

'I suppose it had to happen sooner or later,' said Angela in a somewhat dispirited voice. 'She really feeling her oats and fuck everybody else. She's going to be trouble before she's much older,' she said with a touch of wisdom that is almost instinctive in a female. 'After almost two weeks with you Chris, she's now spreading her wings to see if the grass is greener on the other side of the fence.' I kept silent, not saying at how I felt at being overthrown like it appeared that I was. 'It's not your fault,' she said, laying her hand on mine as we say alone at the dinner table. Beverley also having disappeared, no doubt for her rendezvous with the chef.

'Do you remember our first time together?' she said somewhat wistfully.

'Yes,' I said somewhat bitterly. 'I followed Tom then if I remember correctly.'

'Oh Chris!' she said contritely, and I could see that she meant it. 'I didn't mean it that way. I know I've been with Tom for most of your stay here.' All of it, I said to myself. 'But as you and Epsom seemed to be getting along so well, I didn't want to interfere,' she finished somewhat lamely.

'So what do we do then now that Epsom has gone off with Tom?'

'You and I can get reacquainted,' she smiled.

'Second best is that it?' I said bitterly.

Wham! I never even saw it coming. Her hand cracked against the side of my head and I saw stars for a moment or two.

'How dare you say that!' she almost screamed at me. 'There's no such thing as first and second between you and Tom. You are both the best and first in your own rights. I've had you both remember, and there isn't one iota difference between you in the sex side of things. You're both men who I would gladly climb over others for, but to choose between either of you, I couldn't, or wouldn't even attempt to try. Chris. You're not second fiddle to Tom. The way we started out when you arrived just happened. The very next day you took Epsom, so what was I to think? I was expecting to have you in my bed that night but that seemed to change things. I thought you were happy with her and so I didn't make any move towards you. Now that she seems to have taken, or made the choice, what do we have left. I want you Chris as much as you want Epsom. My needs are much greater than hers having lost so much over the past year or so. She has yet to live her life which I'm not going to deny her, but I've still got mine to live too. I need a man as many men need a woman.' She was crying now and there was nothing I could do but get up from my chair and go and cuddle her as she wept.

'I'm sorry I said what I did Angela,' I said as I held her and stroked her hair. 'You have a heart of gold and I was a fool not to see it clearly for what it was.' I helped her up from her seat and we slowly left the dining room and went up to her bedroom.

There I even abased myself by going down and kissing her feet as I slowly undressed her till she was naked and helped her onto the bed. Her eyes then began to shine as she watched me take my clothes off before joining her on the mattress of her massive big four poster bed. The shining eyes kept flicking back and forth from looking into mine and looking at the erection I was sporting for both of us to enjoy.

'I'm sorry Chris if I've said anything to upset you, but please forgive me and make love to me.' So I came to enter her body for the second time after so many years and she made me feel welcome as I slid into her warmth and she took me up into the heavens with her body as we made love that night.

So for the rest of that week, our last there, I was in her bed every night with Angela while Tom and Epsom had their fun in whichever bedroom they chose.

But time marched on and we had only about six weeks left of our holiday and had to make the decision about moving on as we still had to make that stopover in England. I had broached the subject one lunch time with Tom and he agreed with me that we must soon leave. So we announced our intention of leaving at the end of the week, much to the dismay of both Angela and Epsom and defended our resolution that we had to go back to our job in the States.

It was an unhappy four days that we had left though sex wise, it was a more frantic coupling than ever before that only left Tom and I with just enough energy for a kiss and a cuddle but nothing else when we did get a few moments to ourselves. Angela then surprised us with giving us three scripts that she had written, where she found the time to do this between bouts, astounded me. We were to give them to Karl and she hoped that we would have the time to at least help him by making one film from the three. I thanked her on Karl's behalf and said that we would do what we could.

I can't speak for Tom, but my last night there with Angela was a night to savour and remember. We did as much as my body could take in having sex in every way possible with much love and passion as we could bring into this, our last coupling.

What Tom and Epsom did that night, I can only presume that it was much the same, but there must have been a subtle difference, because it was at breakfast just before we were due to leave that she dropped her bombshell.


'I'm leaving with Chris and Tom,' Epsom announced. This brought an immediate cessation of eating as I saw Angela's face go dead white and Beverly almost choked on her coffee. Even Chris stared with amazement mirroring my own I thought for we had not spoken of anything like this in bed on that last night.

Epsom carried on eating as though she had only passed a comment that the sun was shining outside. We all looked at her in amazement and I for one, was struck dumb as Chris usually was, and at a loss for words at this statement.

'You can't!' Angela burst out after several heartbeats.

'Why?' she asked quite calmly, still eating.

'Because...because...I say so!' exploded Angela. 'I forbid it!'

'Why?' came the same calm question.

'Because...because you can't!' came the anguished cry.

'Mother. This chick has found her wings and is now to put them to use and fly the nest. It's not forever,' she cried as she reached out and touched Angela's hand. 'I know where my home is and I will come back, often.'

'It's not the same,' Angela cried, tears now running down her face. 'What will I do without you?'

'Have fun with Lily while teaching Marcel how to become a Count.'

'Oh, that's cruel,' she cried.

'But it's the truth if you'd admit it. This home is for Marcel, not me! Mother, as much as I love you, I've got to go. I've got to find my own way out in the world.' Her two hands were now holding that one of Angela's. 'You did it, and now it's my turn.' tears were now coming from Epsom's eyes as she pleaded her case.

She had risen from her chair and was now cuddling her mother as they both cried and I think that Angela had known that this moment would eventually arise and so it didn't take her long to calm down and accept the fact that her daughter was about to leave her home and spread her wings as she had said.

'Tom,' her hand came across the table to grasp mine as Epsom went and sat back down again, wiping her eyes. 'Chris,' and her other hand went out and took hold of his. 'Look after my daughter, I beg you.'

I could see tears in Chris's eyes as he nodded and I had to fight back mine as I too nodded to her request. And that was it, a momentous decision had been made that was in fact almost tearing a family apart, but there was nothing I could do except to refuse to take her with us, and that would have been churlish as well as foolish. She would then have gone off on her own to whatever fate might have befallen her. Having Beverly burst into tears didn't help the situation either, but we managed to finish breakfast, well, it effectively had finished with Epsom's announcement, but we made the most of was left of it.

I didn't know that Epsom had already secretly packed a suitcase knowing what she was going to do, and so we were faced with a fait accompli. So with many tears and kisses we bid farewell to Angela and Beverly and a hand shake with Danton for his impeccable service to us. Chris, Epsom and myself got into our car and drove out of the grounds of the Chateau d'Eider. Epsom cried for nearly half an hour, Chris doing his best in the back seat with her to calm her down and I could see that he had tears in his eyes too.

But after a while she calmed down and having made her choice, now seemed to return to her own high spirited self. I drove fast and we made Paris just as darkness fell and we soon stopped at a decent well built hotel not far from the city centre.

We unloaded our baggage and I booked a double room for Chris and myself and a single for Epsom, though that was a waste of money. For no sooner had Chris and I got undressed and were just getting into bed, Epsom knocked on the door and came into our room.

'It's lonely in that room,' she complained, wearing a see through nightie that I'm sure would have caused gasps had she been seen in the hotel's corridors. 'Besides, your bed looks much more comfortable than mine,' she said as she looked at it with Chris sitting up, almost opened mouthed at her intrusion. I was bloody tired from that long drive and said so.

'But not too tired to say goodnight to me properly,' she said as she got into the bed next to Chris, who, thankfully, had closed his mouth. There was nothing I could do but shrug my shoulders and close the door and go towards the bed. She had a wicked smile as she lifted one corner of the bed covering as if to invite me into my own bed for the night. I gave her a wan smile of resignation as I got into bed alongside her and then she snuggled down between the two of us and let out a big sigh.
