Holding Out For a Hero


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I suppose today was a day for firsts.

My senses returned to something resembling normal when the water shut off and I felt Blondie begin to towel me dry. I know she was stood behind me because I could feel two points of hard flesh against my skin. I felt the heat rising to my face again as I realise just what those two points were.

The towel finished with my hair and commenced work on my torso and the two points of contact disappeared, which I have to say saddened me slightly. Then the soft towel began to rub my own small breasts and they formed their own little points of hardness.

"So not only are you little, you're also a skinny girl." The warm husky voice breathed in to my ear, making me shudder, especially as she rolled an extra few 'R's in the middle of 'girl' which really made my legs go to jelly.

I yelped a little as she gave my bottom a quick squeeze through the towel.

"Nice ass though." She said with a chuckle.

The towel snaked between my legs and I lifted myself up on to my toes as her hands explored places where only my hands had been. My brain started to go a little fuzzy again as the heat rushed away from my face and went elsewhere.

"You are a little hairy, skinny girl." Blondie told me has her towelled hand ran over my private place. "If you like, I could shave that for you."

I am fairly sure I whimpered at that point. I was almost certain she wasn't teasing me purposely, but by the way her hands caressed my most tender area I wasn't too sure.

Thankfully she moved on and dried my legs, gently dabbing the grazes on my knees, before wrapping me in a huge white fluffy bathrobe. I felt myself be steered out of the bathroom through the bedroom and through the door opposite in to a very comfortable looking lounge. The glass of clear liquid was pressing to my hand again then I was pushed in to a seat and I was left alone again, although I did get a glimpse of her bottom, still wet from the shower, disappear through the door to the bedroom. I seriously wasn't sure if Blondie knew just what she had done to me, or if this was just normal in Russia.

This was the first few minutes I got to myself, where I wasn't either being poisoned or sexually assaulted. Not that I felt like I had been assaulted. In fact, I was beginning to wonder if my 'holding out for the right boy' may have been because I was subconsciously 'holding out for the right girl'. I know that may come across as a little off hand, but that is just the way I see things. I have to process emotional feelings in a very basic way or everything implodes.

Gabbling again, sorry.

I took the opportunity of a semi clear head to look around and try to get myself on a firmer footing. I suppose if I was a 'real' writer I would give you a detailed description of the room and in what style it was decorated in, but this is a story written by an autistic little skinny girl from Brighton, and the only thing that captured my sight was the bank of computer monitors situated behind me. Like a moth to a flame, the silicon hum drew me from my chair over to what looked like a Bond villain's secret office.

There were six wall mounted 4k monitors in total, all around fifty inches in size. I counted six Alienware gaming PCs slotted in to a sleek black cabinet that radiated cool air. Each one had its own wireless keyboard and mouse and there were several different types of joy sticks, gamepads and steering wheel controllers.

I think I must have died, because I was obviously in gamer heaven.

Without thinking I took a gulp of from the glass in my hand and the spell was broken by another coughing fit.

"Do you like my computers?"

I had been so taken in by the array of high end gear in front of me, I hadn't heard Blondie re-enter the room. She was stood just by the door wrapped in a satin dressing gown in electric blue. That amazing hair freshly spiked, and the deep ice blue eyes nailed me to the spot.

I tried to play it cool and aloof, but I think I came across as more like a gushing idiot, who was choking on Vodka that could fuel an engine.

"Do you have a PS4?" I managed to squeak in between coughs.

Blondie smiled at me with a look an adult gives a favoured child. "Consoles are okay." She said casually. "But real gamers use PC."

Now once again, if you are reading this and you're not a gamer, you won't understand the good natured conflict between platforms. I was a Play Station girl and Blondie was obviously a PC girl. The good thing about this was I had found the firm ground on which to make my stand.

"That's easy to say when you have a set up like that." I indicated the row of equipment that would put NASA to shame. "But when you're a penniless student like me you have to settle for what you can afford." There was possibly a little more of an edge to my voice than I intended, but I blame the very mixed emotions I was feeling at that point.

Blondie's expression nearly tore my heart out. She went straight from a confident sexy young woman to mortified adolescent. Her gazed dropped away from mine to the floor.

"I apologise." She said quietly. "I forget just how fortunate I am sometimes. Please forgive me."

Great. Now my inability to communicate in a sensible manner had offended the woman who had shown me nothing but kindness. I felt like I had kicked a puppy. Of course, my power of speech that had gotten me in to this mess had now upped and left. So, I settled for going over and giving her a hug.

Thinking back, I wasn't sure what response I expected, maybe a hug in return. Or even a nice cuddle. It certainly wasn't the response I received.

Her arms immediately wrapped around me and pulled my body close in to hers. As she had started out looking downwards, her face was in the perfect position to lock her warm lips on to mine. A hot Vodka flavoured tongue forced its way in to my mouth, and immediately went about beating my own in to submission, whilst trying to find a way past my larynx. I do know no one has ever kissed me in that way before, and I realised that I must have been 'holding out for right girl' all along as I felt my body begin to tingle all over. It was as if every nerve in my body suddenly came alive.

I know I said I was a virgin, but I have had my fair share of fantasies about what my first time would be like, but nothing could have prepared me for how this felt.

My feet left the floor, as she cupped her hands around the cheeks of my behind and lifted me upwards. Our lips parted briefly.

"Do you want to make love with me little skinny girl?" She asked huskily.

All I wanted to do was melt. My brain quipped the line from Top Gun, 'Take me to bed or lose me forever.' Alas all my mouth could manage was the words. "My first time."

Those gorgeous ice blue eyes close for a second as realisation dawned on her face. Slowly she lowered me to the floor again.

"Sorry I didn't realise. I thought you would be experienced because of your age."

I kicked myself mentally. I seriously did want this to happen.

"No." I managed to say finally. "Please, I want you to." The way my body was reacting, I would have begged if I thought it would help.

"Are you sure?" She asked me.

I guess I must have looked like a rabbit caught in a car's headlights. All wide eyed and trembling. I nodded, then added. "It would be nice to know your name first though."

I think that was what broke the ice between us. With everything that had gone on, neither of us had actually gotten around to mentioning our names.

A wide grin split her face. "Sasha." She told me with a rather sexy bow of her head.

"Kathryn, but I prefer Kat."

"Kathryn is a good name. Like Kathryn the Great. Glorious Russian leader. And in Russia it means purity."

I think I turned a little red again at that point. "And what does Sasha mean?" I asked, a little out of interest and a little to move the focus away from my purity.

"Sasha is protector." She told me proudly.

That totally clinched it for me. This blonde hero had saved me from everything life had thrown at me without being asked. If it wasn't for her I would still be sat crying and freezing by the side of the road.

I began to tear up again.

"Enough tears for today little Kat." A warm arm wrapped around my shoulders and guided me back in to the bedroom, where she sat me on the end of the bed and stepped back.

"What would you like me to do?" Sasha asked softly.

Now I freely admit I am a total control freak. I think I have proven that when things don't go the way I expect, I fall apart, but I was in no position to control this sort of thing. I went with. "Please, whatever you think will be nice."

A hand brushed a stray hair away from my eyes. "Are you sure?" She asked again.

I nodded meekly.

The corner of her mouth turned up in a half smile. She dimmed the lights a little then disappeared in to the bathroom. When she returned she carried a small bag and something covered by a towel that she placed on the floor. Gentle hands eased me back so my head rested on the soft pillows, then Sasha moved back to where I had a clear view of her.

Still wearing the stunning blue gown, she turned on some soft orchestral music, that I think was from the Nutcracker and struck a pose. The reason why she looked so trim and shapely quickly became apparent, as she proceeded to perform a graceful ballet routine. I have to this day, no idea if it was just a spur of the moment thing, but the movements she made quite often revealed large amounts of bare thigh and teasingly not much else.

The routine finished with a dainty curtsey followed by a flourish of her arms as the gown was swept away to drop at her feet.

I think I remember mentioning once or twice that I wasn't athletic. Well Sasha certainly was. Every inch of her milky skin was stretched over lithe muscle. If those long legs wrapped around me I don't think I would have been able to escape. Not that I would have wanted to.

Those amazing eyes caught mine and she began to walk towards me with an exaggerated swing of her hips that made her breasts bounce saucily. Still holding my gaze, she dropped to her knees at the foot of the bed then slithered upwards towards me, undoing my robe and pushing my legs apart as she did so.

If every nerve in my body had been alive before, they were now holding a massive party and running competitions to see which part of me yearned to be touched the most.

Those two hard points of her nipples rubbed up my thighs and across my tummy as she sashayed over the wetness between my legs. I thought she may be a little repulsed by the sensation, but in fact it seemed to be the reverse and Sasha appeared to relish it as my damp bushy hair rubbed against her skin. Her hands snaked all across my upper body, skirting across my small breasts as they did so, pausing only to tweak my nipples so they stood proud.

Something delicate folded over my eyes, blotting out my vision and my breathing quickened as I felt panic rise in my chest.

A hungry mouth silenced my muted cry. "Just to add to the experience." Sasha's warm voice whispered. "Relax and enjoy."

Forcing the panic down I regained some control over my breathing again.

"Stay very still." She instructed as she open my legs slightly further.

Completely unsure what was happening I settled for doing as I was told, and enjoyed every little touch her skin made against mine.

I heard the sound of an aerosol, then felt a soft creaminess between my legs that made me gasp as it took my breath away.

Firm fingers touched the skin around my mound and I felt something flat and warm touch my skin and move slowly downwards. The sensation was like nothing I have ever felt before as Sasha's tender hands played the object across my skin.

My tummy flipped as I realised she was indeed shaving me as she had offered.

Definitely a day for firsts.

After the first two passes of the razor, I worked out the routine. When I heard the splash of water I knew I had a few seconds before the next pass, so I held my breath and concentrated on not twitching. When the pressure of Sasha's fingers went I knew I could breathe again. Every pass generated more waves of desire and I could feel my slick wetness mingling with the shaving cream Sasha had smeared over me. Towards the end I was whimpering through gritted teeth as I struggled not to move.

"Nearly done." Sasha told me as the towel brushed over my now shaven skin bringing forth more tingles of pleasure.

I heard Sasha rubbing her hands together, then I really did shriek as a she rubbed moisturiser all across my freshly shaven skin. The coolness of the moisturiser mixed with the warmth of my body inciting a fresh new set of sensations that were really clouding my brain.

"Do you like caviar?" Sasha asked as she placed a light kiss on my mouth.

The question in itself made me want to laugh. "Never tried it." I managed to say as a fresh wave of need welled in my nether regions.

I felt her body withdraw from mine, and I took the moment of respite to catch my breath, and attempt to gain some element of control over my mind. I honestly have never felt so aroused and so in need of someone's touch. I let my hand sneak down to stroke the now hairless skin. It felt so smooth and soft, and I wondered why I hadn't considered shaving before.

"No touching." Sasha's voice interrupted my musings and I quickly snatched my hand away as I felt my face warm with shame. "I wasn't doing that." I tried to explain. Completely embarrassed that she may have thought I was playing with myself.

A finger touched my mouth lightly to quieten me.

"Open." She instructed.

Tentatively I opened my mouth a little and I felt a small spoon slip between my lips.

The taste was nothing like what I expected. It was awful.

I could dimly hear Sasha's giggles as I gagged on the overly fishy taste of the supposed delicacy.

Sasha raised my head a little and I blinked a little as the covering slipped away from my eyes.

"Here drink." She directed as a glass was guided towards my mouth.

Another shot of the fire water slipped down my throat making me cough again, but at least it chased away the foul fish taste.

"Are you enjoying so far?" Sasha asked me anxiously.

A nervous giggle erupted from my mouth and I nodded eagerly. I felt like I was a child and it was Christmas.

Sasha lifted the silk scarf that had restricted my vision. "Are you okay with this?"

Now as I said before, I had fantasised about my first time, and I have to admit it didn't involve blindfolds. But none of them involved a super sexy, blonde, ballet dancer from Russia either. Possibly because of the amount of arousal coursing around my body, or maybe it was the Vodka, I wasn't sure either way really, but at that point, I would have let her truss me up in leather and suspend me from the ceiling.

My mouth went with. "Yes please, do it."

Darkness returned as the soft silk wrapped around my eyes once more, and Sasha eased me back on to the pillows.

I tried to focus my hearing to garner some idea of what Sasha was up to next, but all I could here was my heart thumping.

Something cold touched my navel making me twitch.

"The Japanese call this nyotaimori." Sasha told me. "It is supposed to be sushi but I prefer Beluga."

I felt her tongue slither across the skin of my tummy and pause slightly over the cold spot, where I guess she had deposited a helping of caviar.

The cold spoon touched me once more only slightly closer to my wet spot. This was followed by the silky smooth tongue as it devoured the small morsel.

A shudder ran through my entire body as I realised her plan was to slowly work down my abdomen.

Another cold spot arrived nearer still to the part of me that was quivering in anticipation and I began to squirm a little.

The next spot was just above my wet folds, and I am slightly ashamed to say, I moaned like a porn actress as Sasha's tongue briefly touched them.

"Are you ready for the final one?"

"Very ready." I managed to reply weakly.

The spoon touched my labia and I felt the cool helping of caviar dripple downwards. My bottom left the silky bedcovers as my back arched and I cried out.

Firm hands touched my hips and strong arms pushed me prone again.

I could feel Sasha's breath on my wetness as she neared my imploring sex.

The first touch was a little tentative, but I still felt like I had been wired to the mains. A jolt shot through me straight from point of contact to the centre of my nervous system, setting fire to every thread of nerve on the way.

I tried to call out her name, but all that came out of my mouth was "Sa... Sa... Sa..."

The silken tongue wiggled its way up between my lips, devouring the morsels that had had dribbled down there.

Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, the surprisingly mobile tongue flicked against my pleasure switch.

My body felt like it was the local beach when the tide was going out, as a powerful force dragged all my conscious thoughts to that one little area that Sasha was in contact with.

The tip of her tongue wiggled over that same spot for no more than a few seconds, although they seemed to last for an eternity or two.

Then the tide came rushing back in. It was like an eruption inside me, as sensations I have never felt before exploded upwards.

As I lost control of everything, panic tried to rise past the feelings of the endorphin rush. When I think back to that moment I felt as though I was drowning in sensual indulgence and I was torn between fighting against the lack of control and fighting for it.

Every time Sasha flicked her tongue over my nub I felt a fresh surge well up and wash over me. They ended up hitting me so fast I couldn't tell one from another, I really did feel like I was drowning in pleasure.

I am not sure what happened next, but it seemed that I was washed away in to a strange virtual world. Holding out for a Hero was playing on a loop, and every time my Russian Kukolka touched me I would have an immediate climax. This strange scenario seemed to go on for a long time, until exhaustion took control, and everything seemed to fade away.

Apparently according to Sasha that wasn't far from the truth. She told me later that I was squealing and writhing, and no matter where she touched me it just started a fresh cycle of orgasm. She did add that it was most likely down to all the pent up sexual frustration in me, because I was such a skinny English girl.

Anyway, much later, Sasha told me her story of how she had been shipped off to the UK by her family. Mainly because she was openly gay which still wasn't socially acceptable in Russia, and her parents thought she would be happier somewhere she could be herself. She didn't have many friends apart from those she spoke to online, which meant we had something in common. She did warn me that she was very extrovert, but we both figured that between us we would cancel each other out.

Who knows, when I get a few moments spare, I may write some more of our adventures. That is if Sasha stops distracting me for long enough.


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The author would appreciate your feedback.
FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyover 1 year ago

Bad times become good and vice versa ..... So the little skinny english girl got more out of then she thought ..... Have a little faith in me ....... Faith trust is a hard bargain for ourself even harder with somebody else


Nerdyqueen94Nerdyqueen94about 3 years ago

Liked this because I am beyond introverted so it spoke to me a little bit, I however lack any social skills whatsoever. I also have a weakness for accents so to have these two accents in my head were delightful. Thank you once again.

Blackrabbit711Blackrabbit711about 3 years ago

Definitely outside the norm but absolutely delightful. Can't wait to see where it's going.

fitntrimfitntrimalmost 4 years ago
Love this

I love reading well-written lesbian tales ... looking forward to next chapter!

alexwatson62alexwatson62almost 5 years ago
FOR SOME REASON ...........

............ I really enjoy tales where the imperfections are laid out as bare as the women themselves.

You seem to have got the balance showing mental health problems versus making the person appear over the top bat shit crazy to a perfect degree.

People with physical and/or mental health problems want and deserve to be loved.

A really good start.

secondstring513secondstring513about 5 years ago
Good read just based on how well wirtten

I enjoyed the quality of writing as much as for the story itself. The quality of writing greatly enhances a good story.

germanchocolate4ugermanchocolate4uabout 5 years ago

So far so good. Looking forward to chapter 2

TSreaderTSreaderabout 5 years ago
A wonderful start!

I love this, very well written and the story line in magical! Thank you!

CliterateDykeCliterateDykeabout 6 years ago

Oh damn! I didn't want this to stop. I'd love to read more of these two unique characters. Congrats on having the balls (haha) to write about an autistic adhd character. Incredibly well crafted & you wrote from Kat's unique perceptions beautifully. I would love for you to write a follow up & please make it longer. You have such a unique & beautiful writing voice.

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