Holly's Day of Dreams


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She remembered walking through the public area of the dorm as both student and staff had watched her but she hadn't cared anymore. She had been in a very excited world of her own. Theta Chi was on the other side of campus from the dorms. As she had walked there Holly had become more and more excited from the cat calls she had received from the other dorms and the stares she had received from the professors as they entered the various buildings on campus.

After crossing campus she had entered fraternity row where she had received more cat calls. Her nipples had started to harden from all the attention she was receiving. A benefit carnival had been in progress when she had arrived at Theta Chi and she had seen Barbara with a group dressed in Lavender and Maroon and had walked up to the group.

"Are you ready to start your training pledge Galloway?" Barbara had asked as Holly approaching.

She had nodded her head at Barbara's question. Standing on the soft manicure lawn of Theta Chi the sisters had pounded her with questions for fifteen minutes. Each of her responses had been critiqued and harder and more in depth questions about the sorority had been asked. Finally there had been no more questions and the sisterhood had circled around her showing signs of approval.

Back in her office Holly's moaning had grown louder as her she unbutton her blouse and removed her bra. She staggered with uncontrollable emotion from her chair to the couch where she slowly removed her remaining clothing as her mind wondered back to Theta Chi.

"Pledge Galloway your answers are acceptable." Barbara had intoned. "Now it is time for you to demonstrate you commitment to our ideals. Please remove your robe and enter the Theta Chi benefit tank as a sign of your commitment to philanthropy. "

The circle had parted to reveal a pathway that had led to a dunking booth. The pathway had been lined on either side by men. Looking down Holly had seen bulges growing in the men's shorts as she had slowly slipped out of the robe and had displayed her scantily clad body.

Holly had paraded down the pathway with her hard nipples clearly outlined by the bikini top and with a strange sensation penetrating her groin. Her skin had turned a darker shade of red with each step as she had become embarrassed at the number of men who had been staring at her. She had paused at the tank before she had slowly grasped the handles and had climbed upwards. She had felt strange hands on her shoulders as she had been guided onto the ramp overhanging the water and the cage door had been closed.

Sitting on the ramp with her feet dangling just above the water she had watched as first the sisterhood and then the men had thrown balls at the target on the arm that would drop her into the water. Inside her soul she had applauded each time she heard the ball miss the target. There had been a strange clanging sound before the ramp had abruptly dropped and Holly had been unceremoniously dropped into the frigid water of the tank. The newly soaked bikini had clearly shown the skin of her breast and her protruding nipples as well as the dark patch between her legs.

She remembered climbing back onto the bench wanting to cover herself with her arms but instead she had to use her arms to support herself on the narrow bench. Once more the ball had hit the intended target and she had tumbled into the water .That time her bra had slipped off one breast as she had climbed back onto the bench. She had set there with one nipple and areola exposed to the crowd.

The sensation between her legs had become more and more intense as she had sat there sensing the crowd admiring her body and hearing their loud ovation. The applause had concealed her moaning as the pleasure between her legs had given way to an intense orgasm. Holly had continued being dunked until the carnival closed. Then the sisterhood had helped her from the tank and had patted her dry. Her bikini top had been torn by the stresses of the dunking and had hung limp around her shoulders leaving her stiff nipples exposed to the night air.

Holly continued to finger hers pussy on the couch remembering the orgasm from fifteen years ago. Her pussy grew wetter and wetter before she let out a moan as a present day orgasm ravished her body. Sweaty and exhausted her mind drifted back to her freshman year.

"Pledge Galloway you have shown your commitment to philanthropy." Barbara had intoned in a sing song voice and a smile on her face. "Wish you to continue to the Day of dreams?"

Exhausted from her late night at the library and the torture of the dunking tank, Holly had barely had the energy to nod her head as a sister handed her yet another envelope.

"Adhere Pledge Galloway to the directions and be at the house by eight tonight." Barbara had turned and walked away as the sisterhood had followed her.

She had wrapped the robe around her as she slowly opened the envelope and read the enclosed instructions.

Follow yea not the path that brought you here but instead seek the path along the levee and note the benches' as you pass. At the house be by eight and be not late to seek the pleasures in the Day of Dreams. Was what she had read.

She had begun to run as she heard the college bell tower chiming six. The wind had quickly dried out her hair as she reached the levee. The tightness of the robe constrained her arm movements and so she had untied it leaving her breast exposed.

She had barely heard motorist along the freeway sounding their car horns in admiration of her exposed body. As she had reached the first bench along the levee she had spied an envelope under it. Following her directions, Holly had bent over and picked it up. As she had been bent over a man jogging past gently patted her ass.

She had continued running from bench to bench retrieving an envelope under each one as she had passed. She had received stares of approval from both men and women as they ran past her and saw her exposed nipples hardened by the cool air against her bare skin.

After reaching her dorm room she had quickly removed the remnants of the bikini and had headed for the showers. The warm water cascading from the shower head had quickly removed the night chills from her body as well as all remaining traces of the orgasm she had while sitting in the dunk tank.

After dressing in a lose fitting lavender colored cotton T-shirt and knee length maroon shorts she had set out to Sigma Kappa with both the unopened package from her first night at the house and with the envelops she had collected from under the benches.

The tower clock had struck 7:345 when Holly sat on a bench a block from the house and had slowly opened the first envelop from that day. Acacia was all it said but from her studying she remembered the address and various facts about that fraternity and so it was with the remaining envelopes. Each had the name of one fraternity.

Acacia, Alpha Epsilon Pi, Beta Theta Pi, Lambda Chi Alpha, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Kappa Tau, Pi Kappa Alpha, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Theta chi were the frats listed. As her mind considered their names and the envelop sequence, Holly had slowly realized they were sequenced in the order the fraternity had been formed at Ohio University from the youngest to the oldest.

As instructed, she had knocked on the sorority's door just before the chiming of eight. Once more she was led to the sitting room where all fifty of the sisters had assembled.

"What seek you?" The sisters had chanted in unison. "Seek you the privileges of sisterhood? What talent do you bring t the sisters?"

Holly remembered how she had been stunned at their questions. She had paused before stammering out some answer that seemed acceptable to the gathering.

"Have you gathered the gifts from the benches?" Barbara had asked. "What know you of the contents?"

Holly had rambled out the names of the fraternities in order and then she had mentioned they were sequenced by their founding dates.

The sisters had then started her trial on fraternity knowledge. She had spent the next three hours answering a multitude of questions about the frats. Finally Barbara had pronounced judgment.

"We have established your knowledge of our Greek friends pledge Galloway. Seek you still the rights of sisterhood?" Barbara had asked.

"I seek the rights of sisterhood." Holly had responded in a barely audible voice. Her throat had been sore from responding to the last three hours of the inquisition. All but three of the sisters had left after her response.

"Pledge Galloway, the guiding council of the sisterhood of Sigma Kappa acknowledges your desire to continue to the Day of Dreams." Barbara had said. "Please open the last package."

She had opened the last package to find the same list of fraternities but with what appeared to be a man's name and an article of clothing listed besides each fraternity. Additionally she had discovered what appeared to be a witch's outfit and lavender colored permanent markers. She had turned towards the council with a questioningly look upon her face. What she had heard next was etched in her mind till the present day.

"Pledge Galloway, The sisterhood of Sigma Kappa has been in this house since the founding of Ohio University. As a founding chapter of the Greek community we have always been granted a distinctive vote in which fraternities and sororities have been granted acceptance by the university. We have also had the same distinctive vote in which sororities and fraternities have been force to leave these esteemed college. No other Greek house has this right. Because of this distinction, Sigma Kappa has sometimes been considered a little prudish by our fellow sisters and brothers." Barbara had said and she had kept talking.

"While we do not always participate in the rowdy celebrations given by our brothers and sisters, we do believe in the benefit of interaction between the groups and a common experience between sisters. Each year at the end of our pledge drive we have a house party and invite our brothers to meet and our new sisters. An hour of that party is provided so select brothers may indulge their fantasies and partake of the new sisters. Some might consider that time an orgy. However there are many guidelines and this hour we refer to as the Hour of fulfillment. " Barbara had said.

"You have missed that interaction. Completing your pledge ship requires you to complete a Day of Dreams. On Halloween night you will dress as a witch and meet the designated brothers at their houses. You will have thirty minutes at each house to meet the brother and have him remove the listed article of clothing and sign your underlying body part. That article of clothing will remain at each house. After the last house you will circle the campus by roaming through designated buildings. That list of designated buildings will be assigned on the Day of Dreams and will be given to you once you have left the last fraternity. You must complete the lap around campus before returning to Sigma K as a full fledge sister. Do you accept this final condition pledge Galloway?" Barbara had asked.

Holly remembered pausing slightly as she reviewed the list of clothing that would be removed. She remembered being shocked when her mind had registered the fact she would be nude once she left Theta Chi and she would have to streak across campus.

"What happens if I'm caught?" She had asked.

"Sigma Kappa's name will not be damaged we will deny any knowledge of illegal activity. Do you accept pledge Galloway?" Barbara had almost screamed.

"Yes." Holly had hesitantly answered.

"Then pledge as practice for the Day of Dreams, remove your clothing and dress in your Halloween outfit so the sisterhood can see how you will look two weeks from tonight." Barbara had demanded.

She had been astonished at the demand but had she had slowly undressed. Standing nude in front of the council she had felt her face redden from embarrassment as the council stared at body. Then she had begun adorning the outfit starting with the low cut lace bra that had ringlets that held her nipples taunt and upright. Next she slipped into matching lace panties that had a slit in them that left her womanhood clearly exposed.

She had continued dressing in the black fishnet stocking and matching pointed shoes. Next she had wrapped the short black cotton skirt around her waist. The skirt had barely been long enough to conceal the panties underneath. She had pulled the matching v-cut blouse over her head. The low cut blouse had left the tops of her breast exposed to any ones wandering eyes and her hard nipples had been clearly outlined by the paper thing material of the blouse.

The council had nodded their approval as she had finished putting on the long black wig, pointed black hat, long gloves, and pock marked mask. Then a sister had handed her the mandatory broomstick which seemed to vibrate in hands.

"Pledge Galloway, on Halloween night you are to leave the dorms at 8:00 and start your Day of Dreams." Barbara had said. "You must be at Acacia house at 8:30. As stated before you will have thirty minutes at each house. Also you will be given 5 minute to travel between houses. You must leave Theta Chi by 1:00. At each fraternity the member will be expecting you. They will clearly identify themselves by saying Day of dreams. Once you're done with the fraternities, a member of the council will hand you directions for the route you are to take back to Sigma Kappa. You will have till 1:30 to complete this route and return to Sigma Kappa. If you are not here before 1:30 the house will be locked to you, if you return before 1:30 these clothes will be given back to you. Now leave the house." At this command the council had gathered Holly's clothing and she had been escorted to the front door.

In her office Holly slowly recovered from her orgasm and dressed herself except for her cum soaked panties which she placed in the lower draw of her desk. She made a few phone calls and read her emails as her mind traveled back in time.

The cool night air had teased her almost exposed nipples and her exposed genitals as she had journeyed back to her dorm on room on that moonless night.

She had spent the next two weeks seeking out the faces of the men she would meet on Halloween. They ranged from a freshman in Engineering to a graduate student in fine arts and from the short and stubby to the tall and athletic. She had followed the path she would take between fraternities numerous times during those two weeks till Halloween and was prepared when the night had finally arrived.

She had awakened early on Halloween. Nervous energy had kept her tossing and turning the previous night. While she had desired to join the sisterhood, her mind had kept returning to the naked trek she would have to make across campus. She had dressed in her costume. The satin cloth had wrapped tightly against her body as the dorm lighting had bounced off the dark garb. She had left the dorm at the prescribed time and had headed towards her first appointment.

As a freshman Holly had never been through the annual Ohio University Halloween. An event that doubled the number of people on campus and had earned the university an annual spot in playboy's top ten party schools in the United States along with awards for the biggest party in the US.

Even with the number of outrageous costumes that were being worn that night, Holly had gathered looks from the male party goers as she had crossed campus dressed in the slutty witch outfit. Holly had began blushing behind her mask as she had caught young and older men alike staring at the exposed area of her inner thighs between where the fishnet stockings stopped and the hem of her skirt started. As she had climbed the stairs to the crosswalk over the busy streets she had began to wonder how many men could see her exposed genitals.

Holly had arrived at Acacia house at five till eight and had stood outside listening to the sounds of a party being emitted from the house. At eight she entered the house and was astonished at the quantity of people inside. All were dressed as characters from Alice in Wonderland.

There had been dodo birds, lizards, caterpillars, Cheshire cats, mad hatters, duchesses and playing cards. She had begun to wonder how she would discover the man she was there to be signed by. Then she had realized she had not seen the most famous character. She had not seen the white rabbit.

A witch was out of place in this land of enchantment and Holly began to blush behind her mask as she had realized the gathering was watching her search for their leading character.

Just as Alice had walked through the tunnel searching for the rabbit Holly had walked through the fraternity searching for the designated brother. Holly had walked throughout the lower floor of the house past the beer kegs and the pizza and chips in search of her assigned bother. Holly had reached the staircase leading to the upper floor. She had hesitantly climbed the thirteen stairs and paused at the second floor landing. Just as Alice had been faced with a hallway full of locked doors Holly had been faced with a passageway full of doors. What happens if I can't find him she had thought as she had walked past one closed door after another? Finally the last door had opened as she approached and a furry white hand had waved her in that direction. She had found the rabbit.

She had nodded her head and entered the room as she heard a voice saying, "Day of Dreams."

Furry white hands had grasped her from behind as she had entered the room. She was gently guided to and seated in a chair. The same hands had slowly and gently massaged her shoulders and neck. Slowly working their way down her arms and up her side and until once more they massaged her neck.

The rabbits massaging hands had held her attention and she had not noticed as the door across the hallway had opened and a man dressed in a suit from the turn of century London had watched her and the rabbit as he slowly stroked his cock through his business pants. She also had not noticed the hidden video cameras that had been strategically placed to capture every move of her and the rabbit.

"I wish it was our turn tonight but Acacia is just the beginning." The same voice said as hands removed the witch's hat from her head.

Next she felt the probing hands in the pocket of her blouse and she was tempted to scream but the hands quickly left her pocket with the marker they had been seeking. The man across the hall had left unnoticed and was making his way to the next house on Holly's route as she felt the tip of the marker against the skin of her neck. The rabbit's signature had soon covered her neck in maroon colored permanent ink.

The mysterious stranger had been outside smiling at the thought of how exciting this night would be as the furry hands of the rabbit had slide under her skirt and massaged her butt through the paper thin panties as she was lifted from the chair. Lips had gently nibbled at the back of her neck as she had been carried to the door. Holly had begun to blush as the furry hands slowly brushed the sides of her breast as she was lowered to the floor before the door was closed behind her.

Holly had been surprised to hear the clock tower chiming 8:30 as she had left Acacia and headed towards the Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity where the mysterious stranger had already taken up residence. As she rushed down the streets she watched for anyone that reminded her of one of the sisters but saw no one.

The scene at Alpha Pi was similar to the party at Acacia except the festivities had spilled out onto the manicured lawn of the house and music had blared from the outside speakers. The lawn was filled with a multitude of people dressed as super heroes. Wonder Woman, Spider Man, The Hulk, Robin and Bat man dotted the landscape but there was only one superman and he had greet her as she had entered the house . Superman had approached her and whispered the magic message into her ear.