Home for Horny Monsters Ch. 031


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The scene changed one last time. The villagers were piling up the logs around her, Jenny crying silently. Beth turned away once the logs were lit, but Mike never looked away, anger shining in his eyes. From where she stood, she could see Elizabeth doing something with the doll, watched the wispy spirit enter its body.

On that day, Jane learned there were far worse things than death.

Elizabeth took the doll and threw it in the well, waving as it fell into the darkness.

"This is terrible," Beth whispered, watching Elizabeth disappear back into the crowd. The air was thick with smoke, obscuring the village around them. Time moved in slow motion, then came to a stop, the villagers frozen in time. They could hear the sound of Jane sobbing from the well, the sound growing louder. The small, ragged doll climbed out of the well, sprawling out on the dirt. Mike walked toward it and knelt down.

"I'm so sorry," he told her, holding out his hand. "You didn't deserve that fate and I wish I could change it. But the one thing I can do is take you home."

The doll regarded him with button eyes, then looked around the village. It seemed disoriented, wobbling back and forth on its soaking wet legs. MIke picked it up and cradled it like a child. He tilted his head forward as if listening, but Beth didn't hear a sound.

One moment he was holding the doll, the next he was embracing Jenny's spectral form. The temperature dropped dramatically, the village vanishing from view. Beth exhaled a large cloud of fog, rubbing at her arms.

Jenny was sobbing. Mike held her tightly against him, his hands rubbing her back. The village around them faded from view, turning into smoke. They were back in the crypt now, the stale and dusty air filling her nose. She coughed sharply, inhaling the mist that now surrounded her. Her blood immediately boiled with sexual arousal, and a feminine voice filled her ears.

I need you to sleep for awhile. It was Jenny's voice. If you don't mind.

"Why?" Beth looked at Mike, but his far off gaze told her that he was caught up in another vision.

I have unfinished business. She could hear the grin in Jenny's voice. As Jane.

"Are you going to use my body?" she asked.

Not like before. I just need... privacy. No prying eyes, no whispered lies, just a little fun before Jane's demise.

Beth rolled her eyes. "I agree, but only if you promise to come with us when you are done messing around."

I promise. The mist swirled through her and she lost consciousness.


"Jenny? Beth?" The world around him was dark, and Beth was the one with the flashlight. He tried to feel around but ended up walking several feet without bumping into anything. He swore under his breath, a river of profanity that would have made Tink proud. The ghost had been whispering something to him earlier, but he couldn't remember what it was.

Beth's voice spoke from the darkness. "Jane spent every evening praying, hoping that God would hear her. The nights were cold and lonely, stuck in the stocks and forced to watch the stars travel across the night sky."

A spotlight appeared on Beth. Her eyes were closed and her breath came in foggy bursts. She pointed behind Mike, so he turned around to see the image of Jane stuck back in the stocks. Jane was bent over and locked in place, unable to leave.


"Jane saw everything she had ever hoped for in life fleeing from her. That was, until the night the stranger came." This time, a spotlight targeted Mike. He held his hands over his eyes and looked up, but the light came from nowhere.

"Jenny, what are you-"

Call me Jane! The whole world shook, wind whipping across him hard enough that he hunched over to avoid falling.

"What's going on?"

"You see, Jane had seen and done a lot of things in her life, but there was one thing she wanted to do most of all." Beth had continued her narration. "It saddened her to admit it, but the village had not heeded her words of denial. She had been accused of bewitching the landowner's son and the evidence of witchcraft was all about. She knew full well that there would be no divine salvation and so she mourned the life she was about to lose."

Mike stood up and brushed the dirt out of his hair. "And?"

"She prayed to God for a great many things." The light around Beth dimmed and brightened around Jane. She was whispering, so he walked closer to hear better.

"Bless me Father, for I have sinned. I have had many impure thoughts of late and have found great satisfaction in the secrecy of the barn with John, the young man I have been accused of bewitching. We have done a great many things together, and I suppose this is my punishment for these things, but I swear that I am no witch."

Her cheeks flushed. "But my Lord, there is one thing I still have not done yet. Though the pleasures of the flesh have been many, I regret to admit that I am filled with sadness at the idea that I shall die never knowing the sensation of a true coupling. While I should be filled with anger and resentment of my own demise, I strongly mourn that I may die a virgin. If I am to enter your eternal kingdom tomorrow, I pray that you let me know the true pleasure of carrying a man's seed inside me."

"The stranger overheard Jane's pleas for help." Beth said, and the light over Mike grew even brighter. A stream of green light flowed out of Beth's pocket, swirling around the clearing.

He let out a sigh. This was apparently the one thing he was going to be good at. "Okay. If you want to play, so be it." He wondered how much of this was influenced by the emerald. The last thing he needed was a fuck gem in the house.

"Lord, who is that who comes toward me?" Jane's brown eyes met his, her body swaying from side to side in the stocks.

"I'm just a stranger passing through." In the swirling darkness, he heard the canned cheers of a studio audience and they were now visible, silhouettes tightly clumped together. He fought the urge to roll his eyes. "Would you like some help?"

"Mine is not a plight that I can escape from. It is the Lord's will." She fluttered her eyes at him. "But perhaps the Lord has something else in mind for me?"

The stocks slowly rotated as if on a giant pedestal. Her ass was on display for him now, and she wiggled it enticingly.

"Um... yes. Yes He does." Again the audience applauded, and Beth clapped her hands as well. He walked up to Jane and placed his hands on her waist.

The connection was instant. Cold spikes sunk into his flesh, Jenny's paranormal energy washing through him. It was the same sensation as letting a limb fall asleep for too long and then waking it up, the nerve clusters all firing at once. The energy circled through his body and focused on his groin, his cock immediately springing to attention.

"Um, Jane? What was that?"

When she spoke, her voice was a higher pitch. "Begin at the beginning, and go on until you come to the end. Then stop." He thought it odd that she would say it that way, but It sounded like good advice. She sighed when he pulled up her skirt, exposing the creamy skin of her ass. She wasn't wearing any undergarments, which Mike felt was probably not very period authentic.

He ran his fingers across the back of her legs, then gave her butt a playful swat. Unable to move away, Jane let out a yelp. He swatted her again, but harder this time, then rubbed the skin where he had smacked her.

"You really are a naughty little spirit, aren't you?" He smacked her again. "Caught in the stocks with nowhere to go?"

"Mmm, I love it!" Her voice was Jane again, a full octave lower. "Please traveler, help me finish out my life with no regrets!"

"Uh... okay."

The audience was cheering for him now. Beth was now holding a sign that said You Can Do It! He tried to tune out the world around him, focusing instead on the creamy, untouched thighs of Jane in front of him.

"Okay, then. You want to get weird? Let's get weird." He reached inside of himself, finding the magic much quicker this time. He took his fingers and touched Jane's curly, unshaven pubes, slowly running his fingers towards her wet hot snatch. When he touched the fold of skin over her clit, he let the magic loose, sparks jumping onto her labia and crawling across her thighs.

The effect was immediate. Jane hissed and arched her back as far as she could, her body moving away from him. He stepped forward and slid his fingers around the outside of her labia, squeezing them together and allowing sparks to jump across his knuckles.

"You must be an angel!" Jane declared, then let out a long, low moan. It didn't take long before her body was racked with several tiny spasms, her hungry pussy dripping fluid onto the dirt below.

"That was easy." He withdrew his hands. The audience was going wild and he took a little bow. He turned around to leave and Jane was somehow still in front of him.

"More," she demanded, her voice husky. A ripple went across her body and she was briefly Jenny again. "When I was younger, I always did it for half an hour a day."

"You'll go blind," he muttered, focusing the sparks into his hand once more. He could see them, crawling across his palm, long before making contact. He touched her again, but this time held back. The sparks tickled the skin of his palms, then crawled up along his wrist, piling up on top of each other and forming a solid band of electricity. Jenny became Jane again.

"Please, sir, I crave much more than simple fingers. I desire to be spread open and filled, to feel that familiar heat inside my belly and, oh my god!" He had slid three fingers into her, his fingers making a triangle. He spread his fingers apart, letting the built up magic flow down his arm like water, filling Jane from the inside.

That cold chill went through him again, but this time it carried a taste of his own medicine. The sparks raced up his arm and jumped between his elbow and his ribs, then shot down his legs. He was suddenly rock hard, the sensation of his cock against the fabric of his pants so intense that he nearly blew his load.

"You may be Jane, but you're full of Jenny's tricks." He commanded the magic to release its hold on him and move back into Jane.

When it hit her, she was Jenny again. The temperature around the room dropped and he saw another stream of green light from Beth's pocket beam directly into Jenny.

That stupid fucking gem. Jenny was always a bit off, but he had no doubt that the emerald was powering this mass illusion of hers. The spectators were doing the wave around him now and he almost laughed. He stepped away from her and undid his pants, his cock springing free. He was leaking precum in massive quantities. He stepped toward her and gave the top of her buttocks a playful slap with his dick.

It was like changing channels on a tube TV. A brief second of static and she was Jane again.

"It feels so hot. And big." She shook her ass from side to side. "Please, mysterious stranger, don't keep me waiting any longer."

"I don't plan on it." Despite being caught in her illusion, he felt oddly exposed knowing that he was actually in an old church in the middle of... well, somewhere. It suddenly occurred to him that the Society may have a way to track him in case he left. Yet another question for him to ask Naia or Ratu.

Well, if he actually remembered to. He teased her opening, rubbing the head of his cock against her soft, wet lips. She tried to push against him, but he leaned away, denying her further. He let the magic build inside of him, ribbons of electricity swirling around the base of his cock.

"I long for the-OH!" He slid in, marveling at how quickly her vaginal walls clenched him. Jane howled, his magic flowing into her from the inside. It erupted from her mouth and washed back over her before jumping into Mike again.

"Shit!" He grabbed the base of his cock and squeezed, holding back his own orgasm. The troublesome spirit was using his own magic against him! He debated pulling out, but didn't want her to win. He used his hand to play with her clit, moving slow at first and then quickly. Jane screamed so hard that she forgot about the crowd, who had frozen in mid cheer.

She was Jenny again, her cold body reminiscent of Cecilia's. More light surrounded her and she grunted, cracking the wood of the stockade as she flexed her arms.

"I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields, that it kisses them so gently?" She turned her head a hundred and eighty degrees until she was facing Mike, her face twisted into a grin.

The weird shit she said he could handle, but the sudden turning of her head was to his advantage. His orgasm subsided and he grabbed Jenny's thighs and lifted her legs off the ground, wrapping them around his waist.

More static, and then Jane was back. Luckily, her head faced the correct way.

"Bless me Father, for I am sinning!" Her head rocked while Mike pounded her, and she let out a tiny scream, the wood of the stocks creaking. He gave her ass a playful slap.

"Say eight 'Fuck Me Mikes'," he told her, smacking her ass again. "And, uh... beg for forgiveness?" This was the only time in his life he wished he had paid more attention in church.

"Fuck me Mike!" Each time she spoke, he swatted her on the butt, releasing his magic in small waves. She bounced them back into him, but he was able to handle the smaller influxes of magic. He realized now that sometimes the easiest way to sink a boat was to use many small waves rather than one big one.

In his mind, he suddenly saw Naia give him a knowing nod.

He alternated his thrusting, moving quickly for a few seconds and then pulling himself out as slowly as possible, the head of his dick spreading apart her lips. Just as he was about to slip free, he pushed himself back in. He tried not to repeat the pattern, but by concentrating on his thrusts, he lost control of his magic. It ran wild back and forth over both of them, and he felt the feedback loop start to grow. However, he noticed that what she sent back was smaller than what he gave, sparks now jumping onto the stocks.

Jenny was back, her head still on backward and her mouth open wide. She cried out, the ground rumbling beneath his feet. Her wild hair parted and he got his first look into those dark eyes of hers. For just a brief moment, the black receded to reveal Jane's soft, brown irises. It was as if the veil of time had briefly parted, allowing both of them to exist at the same time. His body temperature dropped again, and they were both bathed in that green light.

Abruptly, she transformed back into Jane. Where Jenny was cool to the touch, Jane was still warm and full of life. He tried to reconcile the notion that perhaps Jane and Jenny weren't actually the same person. Jane's was a life cut short, whereas Jenny was the product of centuries inside a child's doll.

His body flooded with his own magic, and his cock threatened to burst inside her. He bit down on his lip to stave off his orgasm.

Jane pushed herself back into him, letting out a low moan that made the hair rise on his neck. Determined not to let her win, he commanded the sparks to jump back onto her and they sunk into her flesh.

"But it's no use now to pretend to be two people!" Jane's body flickered into Jenny's. "Why, there's hardly enough of me left to make one respectable person!" She let out a cry, shifting back and forth between Jenny and Jane, the darkness and the light. Jenny's head had snapped back in the correct direction, finally.

"You certainly feel like one person to me." He rubbed at her exposed asshole with his thumb and was surprised when he felt the sparks flow back into him from inside her. His cock twitched and Jane lifted her ass, clenching her vaginal muscles and pulling him farther in.

"How puzzling all these changes are! I'm never sure what I'm going to be, from one minute to the other." Her body was suddenly ethereal, then she regained her composure and solidified around him. The sensation was marvelous in the chill air, his cock exposed briefly to the cold and then warmed once more, but his body temperature had plunged low enough that he was shivering.

"Jenny." He grabbed at her hips once more, attempting to concentrate. She was draining him quickly, his energy flowing into her. "I need you to pull yourself together."

"I'm afraid I can't explain myself, sir. Because I am not myself, you see?" Jenny became Jane again, gasping loudly and struggling. She pushed back into him, the spectral hands of the audience now caressing the backs of his legs and pushing him forward.

He placed one hand on her hip and pushed himself in as far as he could go. At the same time, he pushed his thumb into her ass. She screamed and sent a massive charge into his hand. Once it entered his body, he diverted it to his other hand. A good portion of it bypassed him entirely, flowing directly into her pelvis. However, it then made the jump to the head of his cock.

"Shit, oh shit, oh shit!" He let go of her hip and grabbed her by the hair, pulling hard. Her neck craned back and he felt a sudden shift. The feedback loop had been interrupted, the sparks all washing over her body at once.

The scream came from Jenny, then Jane, then all the shadows around him. Cacophonous moans of pleasure surrounded him on every side and he smiled, watching the world begin to melt around him.

Jenny squeezed down on him and the magic was suddenly his to contain. He pulled his thumb from her ass and grabbed onto her hips with both hands, yelling until his voice was hoarse. The liquid fire of his own magic was so hot that he couldn't even feel the reflexive spurt of his own orgasm — rather, it was the sudden flow of semen, the releasing of his own sexual pressure that he felt, filling up the ghost.

The sparks blasted across Jenny when he came and she screamed again, flexing her arms and shattering the stocks. She hovered briefly in the air, her legs wrapped around him still. The stocks disappeared as she fell to the ground, landing with a loud thud. The shadows melted away, leaving the two of them standing below the spotlight. He gasped for air, trying to regain his footing.

Jenny was facedown in the dirt, semen leaking from her pussy onto the ground. She let out a loud sigh of contentment, her body starting to fade from view.

"If you'll believe in me, I'll believe in you. Is that a bargain?" Her voice was almost a whisper, but he could hear it perfectly.

Of all the strange things she had said to him, this seemed the easiest to understand.

"Of... of course."

Jenny arched her back one last time, her body aglow in green light. It swirled around her as it had around the suit of armor, flooding her with magic. She rolled over to face him, her eyes now composed of pure, green light. Her lips moved, but no sound came out. Suddenly, her eyes went wide.

"And burbled as it came!" Her voice was different now, a compilation of multiple voices all at once. She shuddered, her whole body racked with powerful tremors. Her body burst into a fog and swirled away, the room suddenly bright, blinding him. His outstretched hands closed on something hard, and he squinted, the green light fading away to black.


Beth opened her eyes, her joints stiff from the cold. She stood along the far wall of the church, the heat of the outside world working its way into her body. She blinked a few times, her eyes adjusting to the light. How long had she been out?

Mike stood over a busted church pew, his hands gripping the wood tightly. He was breathing hard, and she could see the sweat on his brow. His pants were around his ankles and his semen was all over the busted pew. His softening cock was one of the largest she had ever seen and she let out a tiny gasp of surprise.