Honey, I Have a Headache

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30 REAL reasons a woman doesn't want sex.
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Sometimes real honesty is more difficult than what we end up saying. So, if you've ever wanted to know the truth, here are the real answers behind "I'm tired." Or "Honey, I have a headache.", and YES, I am aware that some of these also apply to both sexes.

30 of the REAL reasons women don't want to have sex:

1. Because you didn't do the dishes. Daily chores are a major mood killer. It would be nice if they were already done for us. (See number 11...we would be thrilled if anything on that list was done for us.) We know you are gone at work all day. So are we. Unless you can afford for us to quit our jobs and be a "perfect" 50's housewife, get those hands soapy every once in a while! The less time we have to spend cleaning up after you, the happier we will be to spend time doing other things with you, or shall I say...to you.

2. You are too hairy, sweaty or there is a weird smell coming from down there. Take a shower first, then we may consider it. Women, in general are very cleanliness oriented. If you haven't showered, don't even think about it.

3. You flirted with the waitress and it made me upset. Really guys...unless the woman is so drop-dead-gorgeous even WE notice and comment to YOU, don't bother asking for sex an hour later. If you are still clueless as to WHY...it's because we want to know WE are the only women in your world. The only one you look at that way.

4. I feel fat and I am so not in the mood. This isn't so much about what we weigh, but how we feel about ourselves. You have the power to make us feel beautiful, no matter how high that number on the scale creeps up. So if you want to get lucky, you can make us feel lucky (and beautiful) by saying something sweet about our appearance.

5. I have B.O. so I don't want you near me. Let me take a shower first...and shave, and wash up 'down there' and brush my teeth. Hint... as a common courtesy, you should do the same. This especially applies to us (and to you) after retuning from the gym.

6. You aren't paying enough attention to foreplay. We know after ten seconds of kissing you are pretty much ready to go at it like rabbits, but women like a little more build up to really get going...but trust me...once you take the time, we can go and go and go...like the energizer bunny.

7. I really don't want to give you a blowjob. If it's not smelling funky or overly hairy (which is a total turn off...see number 2.) then it could be we just can't handle being gagged and choked when you grab our hair and start humping away. I don't know about other ladies, but if I'm going to be going down there, I want to be the one in control. So lay back and enjoy and let me do it my way. If you're, let's say more than averagely generous in that department, it can be intimidating. Like it or not, not every woman can deep throat without panicking or gagging. If we want to do it, we will...if not, don't try to force us to do it, or, chances are, you won't be getting any ever again.

8. Because I don't want to do it the minute you walk in the door like you expect. Take ten or twenty minutes to actually TALK to your woman. You'll get a lot farther if you show some interest in her as a person first.

9. Because you've been a pervert all day and it's annoying. Sometimes a woman just wants you to hold her hand, or give her a hug and show some affection without being mauled or insulted. Unless your lady gets off on dirty talk, be a gentleman. If you honestly don't know how to talk to a woman like she isn't staring in a porn film, that is a sign you have a major porn addiction and there are programs for sex addicts. Get some help.

10. I'm hungry -- and not for sex. We aren't really going to enjoy anything if we are so hungry our tummy is growling, or on the flip side, if we ate a very heavy dinner and our tummy is hurting. In that case...wait a couple of hours for the food to digest a bit.

11. Because I'm tired. Seriously...I don't know if it's partially the hormonal ups and downs (which can be exhausting by itself) or because we try to do too much in one day (get up at the crack of dawn, make food, cart the kids off to school, go to work, deal with annoying people all day, run errands, go pick up the kids, put away groceries, help the kids with homework, make more food, break up a sibling squabble, clean the kitchen, put the kids to bed. That doesn't even include PTA meetings, dentist appointments, Karate lessons, visiting with your mother, taking the dog for a walk or paying the bills, balancing the checkbook, doing laundry, chatting with the unexpected guests, getting stains out of the carpet, unclogging Jimmy's toy that he tossed in the toilet, volunteering to bake 300 cupcakes for the school bake sale or weeding the flower garden)...we barely have enough energy to shower at the end of the day, much less be all frisky with you every single night. We really ARE tired and just want to sleep. Furthermore...a constantly stressed out woman WILL have headaches, nutritional deficiencies (that cause low energy or low sex drive), or random mood swings. 9 times out of 1O, THIS STUFF why she is cranky. If you want your lady to relax, get your mom to baby sit for a weekend, or offer to take the kids to a movie or the park so she can have a few hours to herself. Or at the very least, offer to rub her feet while you're sitting there watching TV together.

12. Because you're drunk and I'm not, and groping doesn't turn me on. If the only time you show any interest in us is after you down a six pack (or two), just forget about it. You are so drunk you'd have sex with a tree stump, and that doesn't make us feel desired or sexy.

13. I don't feel sexy. Sometimes we just want a massage or a (sincere) compliment...or even just not to be nagged at about whatever stupid chore we didn't manage to get to today. If you treat your woman like a maid or your mother, instead of your lover, she isn't going to feel sexy.

14. Because I have no interest in sex at all. Most likely, (especially after a baby) it's a hormonal flux issue. It will pass. When a woman's hormones are balanced right, she has a healthy sex drive, and probably wants sex just as often as you do. There are natural, safe, herbal remedies to help women with hormone issues. They really do work.

15. Everyone's been up my ass all day, the kid, the dog, the boss, I don't want you there, too. I just want to be alone. There are a lot more demands put on a woman to be the perfect wife, mother and employee than most men realize...everything we do is for our husband, or kids, or the boss or our parents, or our Church, or the pets. We are constantly taking care of everyone...sometimes we just want to be left alone, for a few minutes of peace and quiet, away from the pressures of the day. Don't get us wrong...we really do love you and everyone but honestly...we aren't superwoman...no matter how hard we try to be. Bonus points if you take care US for a while. ;)

16. Because you're being an asshole. Treating your lady like she's a whore or ignoring her, laughing at her, or using crude language is not a turn on to a woman. You can act like that with your buddies, but when you're with a woman, at least PRETEND to have some common decency.

17. Because you're being rough in a mean way. Some women like to be bit or have their hair pulled, or rubbed really rough. Most women prefer a more gentle touch, at least to start out with. If it hurts, we aren't enjoying it. This is also another reason we don't like to have sex with you when you're drunk. Try pretending your fingers are like feathers, or use your teeth very, very gently. If we say OW, or STOP...don't ignore us. You might get smacked upside the head instead of what you really want.

18. I masturbated today. I've had enough. Sorry boys...we do it too, and sometimes we do it so well for ourselves, we don't want you fumbling around down there trying to figure it out after we have already been satisfied. However, if you pout enough, maybe next time we will let you watch. :)

19. Because I can't orgasm and I don't feel like faking it right now. Ok, here's the deal...some women can't relax enough, or have had some kind of sexual trauma and just can't get there. Sometimes it's just that we don't have the sexual maturity or experience to enjoy it enough. Sometimes, you're just not touching us just the right way long enough to reach the stars...and we don't want you to feel self conscious or BAD about it. Secretly, we feel inadequate about not being able to orgasm as easily or quickly as men can. You can help us out by being understanding and helping us to talk about it without making us feel guilty for admitting it. Also, if she really responds to some specific stimuli, don't freaking stop or change the pressure or speed unless she asks you to.

20. Because you aren't hard. For whatever reason, if you can't get it up, it's not that exciting for us either. However, we can work together to solve the problem, be it emotional, physical, mental or whatever. Whatever you do, don't shut your woman out. It will only make her feel rejected and unloved. Talk about it and come up with a solution as a couple. Please don't be ashamed or embarrassed about it. There are TONS of things that could cause ED and many different approaches to find a remedy. In most cases, it's a very temporary issue.

21. Because loafing around the house in your boxers while you scratch your balls doesn't make me hot. Try asking her instead, what about you makes her hot...what makes her want you BAD, right NOW. You may be surprised at the answer.

22. I'm on my period. I am aware that some men don't mind having sex at this time of the month...however, most women are at least a bit self conscious about it. Remember how women are generally into cleanliness? Not only is it actually painful for us (things are a bit over sensitive, in addition to cramps) for a few days, but it's kind of gross to us that you would even be interested in sex when we have our periods.

23. Because I wish the time you just spent playing your Xbox you were playing with me instead. Unless your woman is just as much into Call of Duty or WoW or whatever game it is, chances are, Mr. Gamer...you've been ignoring your woman too much. Put down the controller and go spend some time with a girl. If she goes to bed before you and you stay up until 3 am playing games, she is NOT going to be happy you woke her up for some nookie.

24. Because you don't want to do it how I want and I don't feel like explaining. Try this: Sometime BEFORE you plan on getting busy, when the two of you aren't busy doing other stuff...just ask her outright, one of her fantasies about how you would make love to her. Then next time (not right then) do it EXACTLY how she describes. Secretly, we all WANT to be able to tell you, but we don't want to be made fun of, or risk damaging your ego.

25. I fantasized about an ex today. I can't do it with you right now. Yikes...ok...so unless you have NEVER EVER thought about being with an ex again OR fantasizing about (insert super hot Hollywood star or Super Model here) ...you can understand right? Women are relational creatures, and sometimes our thoughts wander to past relationships we have had. So, if the sex was pretty good...we might end up fantasizing a little. It's not like we can TELL you that's the reason, but we don't want to be feeling guilty thinking about being intimate with an ex in the past, while you are trying to make love to us. It's just...awkward.

26. Five minutes ago you were basically ignoring me. Now you want to have sex? No. Really guys...this one should be a no brainer. No woman wants to spend the day being totally ignored by the man she is in love with, and then expected to perform sexual favors on demand.

27. Because I don't think you love me. Every woman wants to be irresistible to you...but if she doesn't think you find her irresistible, she isn't going to feel very affectionate. A woman knows when a man really, really loves her. Trust me. If she isn't feeling it, make sure she knows. Tell her, but more than that...SHOW her you love her. Compliment her, spend time with her, bring her a small gift, do something for her without being asked, touch her in a not sexual way (rub her shoulders, hug her, hold her hand, kiss her on the forehead etc.) bring her flowers...even if it's a silly flower, like a bunch of dandelions. She will most likely still smile.

28. Someone else is more important to you than I am. If you spend more time with your mother, your best friend, or your fantasy football league, or your car...think twice before expecting your woman to spend time with you sexually. We understand that you work hard, and need a break from stuff to have a little fun, but if we are consistently coming in last on your priority list, you might find yourself removed from our life altogether.

29. I don't like intercourse. Believe it or not, the actual act of intercourse isn't always as exciting for women as it is for men. Some women (most actually) can not climax from simple penetration. We need some clitoral stimulation to reach that peak, which is usually why women prefer more foreplay than men. For us it's the most enjoyable part. Also, for penetration we need to be properly aroused for things to be, shall we say, more fluid. The wetter the better, for everyone involved. Try changing up the rhythm and asking your woman what feels best to her. Don't feel bad about it. The more she tells you what REALLY pleases her, the more pleased she will be, which means she will want to have sex with you more often. So, if you do have an issue with ED, focus on the foreplay. If you can make her climax a dozen times without penetration, trust me, she won't care so much about what you can't do.

30. I'm in love with someone else. Ouch...sorry guys. This one is non negotiable. If a woman is really and truly in love with someone else (from her past or maybe she found a new guy) there isn't much you can do to change her mind...because it isn't her mind that changed, her heart did. For a woman, having sex with a man she doesn't truly love is not nearly as fulfilling to her as making love with the man she gave her whole heart to. It's got very little to do with skills you have or may not have. It's all emotional. For men, I assume if they are not really in love with the woman, they aren't going to do much more than the minimum requirement to satisfy a woman's sexual needs, before their own gratification. A man who is truly in love will do whatever it takes to make sure his woman is COMPLETELY sexually satisfied. It's the same with a woman...she will only be minimally interested in having sex with you, and not put much enthusiasm into it. If either partner is really in love with another person, I suggest, in this case, ending the relationship and finding someone you can be truly happy with, or at least sexually compatible.

There you have it men...the brutally honest truth about why your woman may be resisting your advances.


If you want, send me an email and tell me the top five or ten reason YOU wouldn’t want to have sex with your woman. In a few weeks, I will write them up and post a companion article for the ladies.

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chefjess2039chefjess20393 months ago

I love how it's always about the Woman's wants and needs when if ever had a woman thought about what her man might need. If a man is in the mood but the woman isn't and he asks he is being selfish and just thinking about himself and he's told to put her needs above his own which I understand but when is it her turn to put his needs above her wants. If you constantly turn him down for sex don't be surprised if he seeks sexual release elsewhere. We shouldn't have to always be the one to initiate sex. If the women is feeling unloved or neglected you need to ask yourself when was the last time you made him feel loved or wanted if you can't remember then maybe just maybe he's just given up showing you just to be ignored himself. Women think we only want sex because we are horny when it's about being closer to the one we love a way to connect with you. To the women that's husband's can't get them off. If you haven't either showed or taught them what you need then you only have yourself to blame. Men aren't born with the knowledge on how to pleasure their partners. By all means just let them stumble in the dark that way you can be justified with your disappointment and my final point stop using the old size matters line if you can get yourself off with your fingers then it's not about size it about the power of humiliation

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Headache didn't exist until women invented it

Go MGTOW, please!

KingCuddleKingCuddleover 5 years ago
I'll watch for a version of All This.......framed positively.

Maybe...Fill-in-the-blanks? Like Mad Libs?

I love it when you _______________,

My favorite things about you are _______________, ___________, and __________,

Thank you, so much, for ______________. And especially, for __________!

It was so exciting when you _____________.

Can we please ______________________?

It feels so good when you___________________.

YESSS! Just like that! __________________.

How did I get so lucky, having ____________________?

I'm so glad you're not one of those men who _________________.

Feel free to add more!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
some men need to be treated just as fair

now my wife and i have been through everything together i helped her come out of her shell once she opened up things in the bedroom did as well before her i never liked going down on exs but with my wife i love it i do it every chance i get sometime not every day but as a treat or as a i want you more than anything now sign i would like a bit of head even as a warm up im not like most guys who only want head but i like a bit fairness in everything in our lives

Mister_ShyMister_Shyalmost 11 years ago

I well and truly enjoyed reading this. Cogent points that clearly and fairly outline a woman's perspective. After a few years living with a woman, some of these were obvious. But you go into great depth and made me consider the mentality of my partner the way I hadn't before.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
as an aside

I think in my relationships I've been aware of these factors as they come up. Whether or not I wanted to acknowledge them is a different story. The thing is, when I have acknowledged these things, it really turns me off from my partner. My love for them shrinks and my horniness subsides. I don't become desperate. When I've conveyed this to my partners, it has really messed with then much more than withholding sex ever messed with me. And then they start to initiate the sex, but it feels wrong and coerced. I want the love. i want us both to lust after each other. In the absence of that, I think there are underlying relationship issues that come through this list. The problems in your sex life is probably incidental to the greater issues within your marriage. Men should never feel desperate for sex. Even the most sought after man was single once and got along just fine without sex for a significant period of time. You're spouse might be a dick. But I'm wondering.. has there been a time in the past year where you seem duffering inside(even if he was witholding it from you). Did you hug him? Did you hold him? When was the last time you did something nice for him? I don't mean something extravagant. A small love letter.. a few words.. a sweet text message.. ? Assuming you do the above, your husband will probably understand that you are not always in the mood and appreciate that you care about him and meet his emotional needs. But from where I'm sitting it sounds like on some level you think you are better than him, that you are doing him some sort of favour by being with him. Honestly, if he does cheat I bet it would be with someone a lot less attractive than you. Just someone who seemed to care about him. If only people extended even 1/2 of the love and care for their spouses as they do for their own children. On the issue of lusting over past lovers.. it's important to address those feelings, but underneatt that, I mean it's obvious, you have lost the love for your husband and you blame him. Heck, maybe it's his fault but just be honest. There is no need for this list. A loving husband will understand when you are not in the mood.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Hilarious...and so true!

If you read it with the sense of humor that was probably intended, this is actually pretty well written. Believe it or not, a lot of women feel EXACTLY like this, and Ms. Collins is simply brave enough to point out what most of us won't dare say to your face. I'm sure a lot of men take offense to some of this, but those of you who do, please remember, MOST men (especially the younger generation) are completely clueless when it comes to REAL romance. They are equally clueless about how women think and feel about how they are generally disrespected. Most women are treated like dirt by the men in their lives. For those of you who feel you DO have a clue about women and think this doesn't apply to you...relax...why are you taking this so personal? It's not about you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Not bad in general

But you painted yourself into a corner. See, men will go to incredible lengths to have sex. Let's say a husband comes home from working all day, after having stopped off at the gym because he gives a damn and wants to look good for his wife, and just before he heads into the shower so he's all clean and smells good, he tells her how hot she looks and that he loves her. After the shower, he helps make dinner, tells her what a wonderful cook she is, and that he loves her and that she's super sexy. After dinner, he cleans up, but not before telling her how hot she is and that he loves her. Well, after all that, his reward? "I just don't feel like it." Ah...of course. And you know, that might actually fly for a day or two, maybe a week, MAYBE even a month or two, depending on how forgiving a man he is. But at a certain point, the bullshit-o-meter starts flashing and blaring, and a man gets an actual physical ache to have sex with his wife. Guess what then? A man starts noticing that other women might be attracted to him, women that don't put out a list of 30 or so points that looks more like a contract, only with his obligations set in stone and her obligations are more of a maybe. Women that think he's pretty sexy just the way he is, and think his wife is possibly (definitely) using sex as a weapon. Women that might just be willing to comfort him emotionally, and not long after, physically... You ladies might want to think about that before emailing this list of demands to your husbands.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
30 reasons why a man does'nt want sex

Turn all the 30 reasons around to a males perspective (he as a house-husband, wife as the leading bread winner. Been there & done it) We are now divorced after 12 yrs, but thankfully still talk, meet, drink & occasionally still 'make LOVE'.

I have used all 30 reasons & more, IE if you can't show me some affection, why should I show you?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Too Anon "No"

You are right. We women have to take responsibility for our actions. We have to let the past stay in the past. We have to communicate effectively to our spouses, what we need, what we want, what we desire and what we dream about. You are totally right that no man should have to put up with hormonal rages and that every husband is entitled to validation from his wife. I know some women are in fact insane bitches and I wonder how their poor husbands deal with it! I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to pull those men aside and advise them not to allow anyone to talk to them that way. Think of the example they're setting for their children!

Your comment came just after I left mine "wow spot on" and though we make similar points it seems that you did exactly what you accuse women of doing cause it sounded darn close to a rage to me. You just trivialized a woman's need for reassurance, you totally ignored a woman's need to feel understood. This is exactly what a defensive man sounds like. Instead of investigating how it could possibly make such a difference in my spouses sex drive that I compliment her, you turn it around and label it trivial.

And past misdeeds, when not repeated, do indeed stay in the past.

Seek first to understand, second to be understood. I wish you peace.

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