Hooking the Hockey Player Ch. 04


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As I ate the pizza, still delicious cold, I feared the consequences of my decision. My cheeks heated as I realized that I had just been sucked off in public but on the scale of bad decisions, agreeing to Jake still seemed worse.

When we got back to school, Owen and I walked in together eyes following our every movement. I could see fingers flying across screens, every gossip queen letting the phone tree know that Owen Holt had been seen with the fag: Jake Summers. I tried to look casual but constant scrutiny was such an unwelcome change from someone who knew shadows were safer.

Like a preternatural sense, I could tell when I was about to get my ass handed to me but as the days passed nothing happened. I walked in every day with Owen, we would talk albeit in a strained fashion as I got used to it. Owen never encroached on my space in public, we never touched and kept what I would call bro space between us. Like most straight dudes, we didn't look at each other all that much. Owen could have taken up acting, he certainly had the looks for it and his acting chops were very impressive.

Despite being by all accounts just friends, I could eyes on my everywhere. They ranged from the inquisitive gazes of underclassmen, to the jealous eyes of stunning, and not so stunning, girls, and worst of all the angry eyes of the athletes. I could feel the incendiary gazes on my back, as if marking where to plunge a knife.

But nothing came.

Owen not known for his subtlety but rather his bombastic approach would greet me loudly in front of his adoptive teammates. It seemed a scowl had permanently taken up residence on Gregory's face, not something that made him more attractive. Owen didn't see the narrowing of eyes or the almost cartoonish cracking of knuckles.

Somehow despite the imminent threat of having to eat through a tube, I really enjoyed the week. Owen and I talked between classes and due to his popularity, I actually talked to other people too. It was strange having Owen introduce me to people I had known since the first grade but in a strange way he was closer to them.

Our lunches were spent hastily scarfing down food before making out in his truck, my decency had returned so there were no more public blowjobs but we fogged up the windows of his truck on more than one occasion. On Wednesday as we pulled out of the parking lot adjusting our respective clothes back to their original positions I told him that we would have to take separate cars on Friday.

"Why? What's Friday?" Owen asked running his fingers through his hair which I had been pulling on minutes prior.

"First meet of the year."

"I'm doing an ice workout Friday; we could still go together."

"I won't even run until around five. There's warm ups and then the middle school race and then the girls."

He grinned over at me, "Perfect. I'll come and watch after practice and then we can go out. Unless you're parents are going to want to take you out after?"

For the slightest moment I was sad that I would have to admit that my parents were definitely not going to come to the race, but then his words registered, "You wanna go on a date?" I wasn't mocking the idea, I had just missed his statement.

Owen mistook my questioning tone, "Yes Jake. It's not at school so I thought we could go out. I thought we could be more. What more do I—"

Driving while kissing is not a smart move, I wouldn't recommend it—unless it's with an amazing man who puts up with your bullshit and looks like a wet dream. "I want to go out with you Owen." I said kissing along Owen's throat when he pulled his face away from mine to continue driving.

Cross country is not just about running as fast as you can for a 5K, there is strategy involved. Mine being start fast but not killing myself and wait for my overeager competitors to fall behind as the race continued. At the second mile marker, I knew it was time to start closing in. The wooded course was good at regulating heat conditions but made it difficult to see the other racers. I figured there were three guys ahead of me.

Hopefully they hadn't been saving up like I had. The steep hill halfway through the third mile was always a trap, I overtook two on it keeping close to the right side where the soil was packed a little harder. My lungs were burning and my shins ached but I felt high. My endorphins were keeping me up as I spotted the front runner, he was no more than fifteen yards ahead of me as we came to the break in the trees signaling the final quarter mile.

Races were not really a spectator sport but the girl's team and the parents always cheered for the first finishers. It was never really much of a motivator but rather a sad echo of what it would be like to play a team sport.

I was kicking it in when I saw Owen, he was grinning by the finish line cheering me on loudly. Lungs on fire, with every muscle protesting I sprinted the last yards out stripping my competitor by several body lengths. I would have to insist that a sweaty Owen in just basketball shorts and a tank be waiting at the end of any race I ran. I would break the sound barrier to be near him.

The race officials swarmed me as I crossed the finish line, taking note of the number marked on my arm and taking the chip tied onto my shoe. I looked around for Owen but my coaches got there first, discussing my splits and chastising me into a warm down run.

At last when my heart rate was back down and my muscles had relaxed, seeing Owen kicked my heart rate back up and one specific muscle got very hard very fast. His tank stretched across his pecs, and his gym shorts hung low off his lean hips.

"There's the winner," he greeted me joyfully as I got my bags.

I quickly glanced around, no one else had finished their warm downs so we were alone, "Does that make you my prize?"

With salacious intent Owen leaned toward me, taking my bag from me and brushing his lips across my cheek to my ear, "If you want." He nipped my ear and pulled back.

He swept his eyes lower and I knew what he would see, me looking like I was smuggling a cucumber. Compression shorts did nothing to hide my erection, so I flipped it up and shrugged it off.

Owen toting my bag led me to the locker rooms and started stripping off his tank and shorts. He stood in only a pair of boxer briefs but stopped when he noticed that I was just standing slack jawed watching his body being revealed to me.

"Jake, stop looking at me like that. Someone could walk in at any moment and I don't want them to see me fucking you."

My body was really down for the fucking part but my sense of fear wasn't going to allow a locker room fantasy. I dropped my gaze and tried to focus on removing my clothes to shower.

I was grabbing my towel when I glanced up to see Owen's eyes trained on me. I smirked at him not following his own instructions and wrapped my towel around my waist sauntering into the showers.

I hung my towel up and stepped under the spray. I knew Owen was behind me, I listened to his movements and knew that his attention was on me. With a handful of shower gel, I lathered up my arms and shoulders, trailing my fingers down my chest making sure that my nipples were very clean. As my hands soaped down my abs, I felt hands lathering up my back. I leaned back against Owen's shoulder so that he would be able to see everything.

My hands, sudsy with gel, went to my cock slicking it up and down. Owen's cleaning of my back became more arrested as his hands slipped down to my ass. He paid special attention to my hole, his soapy fingers circling.

"Show me how you cum Jake," Owen breathed into my ear. I don't know if it was the adrenaline from the race, the high of winning, the incredible man behind me, or the danger of getting caught but I was on the edge almost immediately. I moaned as I came onto the floor, evidence of my pleasure getting washed away by the spray. I heard his grunt and the heat of his cum on my ass as he toppled over the edge.

I turned facing Owen, his hair was slicked down to his face. Our lips met in a fierce kiss. He had me pushed against the tile wall when we heard a locker slam shut. Like repelling magnets we sprung apart. Cheeks blazing I ignored the entering guys and quickly showered and wrapped my towel around myself.

I kept my eyes down in the locker room, slipping into the outfit I had brought. A pair of brown cords that while might have been a little preppy made my ass look amazing and a white button down. I felt a tap on my shoulder: Owen. He looked amazing, a black button down and black slacks. His hair was already drying into waves across his forehead.

"So, what are we up to?" I asked as neared his truck.

"Well, I thought we could go out to dinner and then a movie. Pretty classic first date, but I thought we could use some classic." I was slightly confused when after throwing our respective equipment in the back, he followed me around to the passenger side.

His eyes sparkled as he opened the door for me. "Just a little classic for you," he said shutting the door behind me.

When he slipped in the other side, I kissed him thoroughly "Sorry, I guess I should kiss you before our first date," I whispered.

He chuckled starting the car, "Alright, we can mix in a little of the non-traditional."

As Owen drove, I watched him reminding myself of the first time we went to lunch together. Then he had looked carefree in sunglasses and a smile, now he looked romantic. Both versions of the perfect man and I was lucky enough to be going on a date with him.

As we pulled up outside what looked like a moderately high end Italian place, I joked, "I'm surprised that we aren't at Whole Foods."

He snorted, an inelegant amazing sound, "Twice in one day might be a little much. I figured we could both find something to eat here."

Italian places always seemed the same, what made one four cheese ravioli different from another? This particular four cheese ravioli was an expensive one and I was skeptical it would live up to the price. It was everything I dreamed of and more. Owen seemed to be enjoying his chicken carbonara with equal zeal.

Owen took the check glaring at me when I tried to pay. "Winners shouldn't have to pay. You are a champion just let me treat you."

I chuckled at his commitment to my being hailed as a hero for winning the first race of the year, "So if you're my prize does that mean I get to have you?"

I had meant it like as my date so I nearly needed resuscitation when he said, "If you want." I searched his face for any trace that he was joking. There was nothing, his eyes sparkled mischievously and he took my hand, tracing a slow path with his thumb around my palm. "Do you want to take your prize?"

Good lord. I hadn't even considered that it would be an option. Owen was fulfilling dreams I didn't know to have. "Yes," I croaked out swallowing noisily before trying again, "How interested are you in seeing this movie?"

"I'll catch it on DVD," Owen smiled. Moments after the waitress came back with Owen's card we were out the door.

Owen still opened my door but urgency was in every moment; my cock was going to punch out of my cords desperate to be inside Owen. He drove fast, his left leg jiggling up and down, I wondered if it was nerves so I asked, "Are you sure about this?"

Owen didn't speak, just grabbed my hand and brought it to his dick, rock hard under his slacks. I kept my hand there massaging him through the material while leaning over to kiss the space beneath his ear.

Pulling into his driveway, Owen was already out of the car grabbing both our bags and muscling his way through his house. I followed him watching his ass flex, amazed. He led me up the stairs dropping the bags in the first room. I started to look around at Owen's room, I noted the boxes stacked in the corner and the pale blue walls but Owen slammed into me locking me against the door before I could see more. I was more than content to finish snooping later.

Owen might have planned on bottoming but he ready to be in control. His erection ground into mine as we made out against the door. His hands were fisted in my hair controlling the kiss. It was an inferno of sensation, despite our earlier interlude we were both more than ready. When my hands went to his ass he groaned against my mouth.

Buttons scattered as he ripped first my shirt and then his apart. I pushed him toward his bed, he landed, legs splayed as I removed my now useless shirt. With alacrity Owen followed suit slipping off his ruined shirt and he lifted his hips to remove his slacks. He was bare beneath them, commando seemed par for the course for my overconfident date.

His cock lay rigid against his stomach, with every harsh breath his abs tightened and pecs flexed. The God in Repose his statue would be called. Dressed in only my cords, I dove into his ass. Laving underneath his balls had him moaning for more. I alternated between licking around his tight pink pucker and stiffening my tongue to delve into him. Every moan and groan coming from him spurned me on, he tasted clean and manly. My cock wanted to dive into him but the last tenuous grasp I had on my rationality told me to make this good for him so we could do this again.

Owen brought my fingers up to his mouth sucking on them making me remember our bout of exhibitionism. He released them with a pop and I ran them around his pucker and slowly pushed them in. His harsh breath caused me to still for a moment as a sheen of sweat covered his body. I leaned down and took one of his egg-shaped balls into my mouth, tonguing it gently with my fingers two knuckles into his ass. When he started to relax, I began moving my fingers in and out opening him slowly. I felt him press something against my shoulder, lube and then a condom.

I pulled my fingers out of him causing him to huff out a sigh at the loss. I kicked off my cords and boxer briefs, landing in a pile on the floor. I lubed up my fingers and pressed three against his hole. As I pushed in he bore down and allowed me in. Scissoring my fingers, I spread his hole and then felt around until I heard a loud, deep groan. There it was. Moving faster, I targeted my fingers on his spot feeling his ass muscles shake as pleasure ran through him.

"Jake, I need you." Owen's voice cut through the motion and I put on the condom, lubed myself up, getting the gel to warm against my angry arousal. I lined myself up and then slowly pressed in. I was wrong when I said nothing could be better than a blow job. I found something better. His ass clenched around my cock as I fed it into him, the heat enveloping. I was going too slowly it seemed because Owen sat up and grabbed my ass pulling me all the way into him.

I need no more direction than that, I pulled out and slammed back in dragging my cock over his spot over and over. Owen's eyes were glazed with lust as he pushed his ass back with every move fucking himself on my dick. I grabbed his cock as I felt myself near my end, lubing it and stroking it in time to my thrusts.

The slap of my balls against his ass cheeks and the wet squish of my hand on his cock melded perfectly with both of our breathing. I could see him nearing the close as I sped my hand and my hips to race him to the edge. He came first calling out my name, ropes of cum splattering across his chest into the hair. His ass clenching as he came was my undoing, I shot my load and collapsed on top of him uncaring of the cum on his chest.

I awoke in the mid-morning, confused for a moment where I was. The boxes yet to be unpacked stacked in the corner greeted me. Somehow the night before I had missed the hockey gear that was strewn around Owen's room.

I glanced down at myself, amazed at how I had slept the whole night apparently through Owen taking off the condom and cleaning the cum off me. I wasn't too worried that my parents would notice I was gone but I was amused that I had spent the night without us talking about it.

I could hear rustling downstairs so I pulled on my jeans and a t-shirt I had worn to school the day before walking down the stairs and into the kitchen. If God was just he would have incinerated me on the spot, Owen was not the one in the kitchen making coffee. His dad glanced over my bedraggled appearance, there was no way to hide why I was here. I could only hope he hadn't heard anything. The way he looked like he had sucked on a lemon made my hopes seem unlikely.

"Hey Mr. Holt," I started tentatively, "Do you know where Owen is?" I tried to keep the quiver out of my voice but was unsuccessful.

"He said he texted you. Owen has practice." I had left my phone on Owen's floor where it had fallen after Owen had ripped off my cords.

I nodded turning, eager to be out of sight of Owen's dad. His voice stopped me as I was walking away, "Do you know how hard my son has worked?" This was clearly rhetorical because he gave me no chance to answer. "Hockey has been the only thing he has cared about since he was old enough to skate. You don't know about the 5 A.M. practices or how we moved our entire lives to make sure he could play with the best organizations. He is constantly watched by scouts, he was fifteen the first time he was interviewed. He has a shot at being the number one draft pick: the envy of every team in the league."

"I know—"

"You don't know. If teams find out that he's gay, he becomes a liability. If a team even decides to pick him up, that will all he will be known for. He'll alienate the fan base. He'll get traded a few times but eventually no team will pick him up. The best rookie but his career will be over before it's even begun. If by some miracle some team does stick with him, he won't have any sponsors or endorsements." I was sick to my stomach, Owen's dad looked defeated as he spoke, "I've told Owen that he should keep it quiet. It's what's best for him, he was doing fine until he met you."

I feared I knew the answer but I asked anyway, "What do you want me to do about it?"

"Don't let him throw away his dream. He likes you, but if you really liked him you would see that being with him would cost him everything."

The creeping feeling of hopelessness filling me I replied, "Even if it's not me, you can't expect him to just not date anyone until he's done with hockey."

"It would be better for him but when he becomes an irreplaceable part of a team, then maybe he could think about coming out. Please Jake." He looked so much like, save statelier in his age. I couldn't deny the pain in his unwavering gaze; he looked so forlorn at the possibility of Owen losing everything.

I hadn't considered how his entire life could be ruined by me; I had been stuck in the petty high school world for so long that I hadn't stopped to consider that Owen's life was so much greater than that. He had a future to protect and he was thinking small. I sighed as I pushed back from the table, a weight settling in low in my stomach.

I silently walked up the stairs and into Owen's room, I mourned that I wouldn't be there to see the space when the boxes were unpacked. Who knows if he would even have time to unpack them, he would only be here for a year. His time here in Buffalo was so transitory, he would soon be on to bigger and better things.

Collecting my things, I breathed in deep getting every whiff of his musky vanilla scent before turning away and walking back down the stairs. I passed Owen's dad as I made my way toward the door, I couldn't even look at him. He spoke softly when the door was about to close, "Thank you Jake."

I felt moisture against my cheek as I pulled on my running shoes. I don't allow myself to cry—ever. In my efforts to always seem the manly straight man, weeping never seemed to fit the role. But as I set off my soles slapping against the pavement, my usual outlet did nothing and tears started to fall.

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CasualnagaCasualnagaalmost 2 years ago

The father is a massive asshole.

dnsontndnsontnabout 3 years ago

Way to make me cry, Artie

illwindillwindalmost 6 years ago

I thought this would have come about much earlier in the story. It would have fit better if Jake was more ignorant of the sports world, but it's been pointed out numerous times that he isn't. So it was just little hard to believe that with all his hesitancy before now, Owen's NHL career being at stake isn't something that would have occurred to Jake.

It's obviously a well loved story, and I can't argue with that as I quite enjoyed the first few chapters. But I gotta say, the relationship is turning out to be like 90% drama and 10% romance. Not a great blend; well not for me anyway. And it really does need editing, not just for grammar but for continuity.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
You Should Be On Wattpad!

This is not just all smut and stuff, it's a love story! A great love story. Please, publish this on wattpad. I'm sure you'll have more readers and followers. ~Kage

ferox3ferox3over 6 years ago
No. No. NO!!

I felt actual heartache while reading the last couple of sentences. Your writing is so honest, and not at all 'for effect'. I will keep reading, whith caution.

Hutchison12Hutchison12about 8 years ago
True love finds a way

Hi Artie,

Another amazing chapter, we've all given thing up for those we love, but that strong love you feel only once will find a way.... Sometimes it takes a while.. But it does find us again and it's worth the wait.

Thanks for sharing you're skill with us can't wait to read the next, thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
The sports world needs to move on

being gay does not make you less talented, in fact can make you more driven. hope these two work things out

mislaidthoughtsmislaidthoughtsalmost 9 years ago

I think I may have accidentally given this story one star. I think this story is wonderful and both characters feel like real people. I am curious to find out what Jake's plans are after high school is over. I know not every kid has the same impending panic that I did senior year of high school but since we know so much about Owen I would love to see jake's plans for the future too ( or if he's unsure like most kids his age)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Thats it? Is there more? You're killing me here!.

easysluteasyslutalmost 9 years ago
Oh oh

Glad you are feeling better. While I to can relate to the dad I hope they stay together , come out (maybe some of their classmates are scared too) and he makes it in hockey with his love by his side. Loving the story, it's bringing back memories.

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