Horny Moms Support Group

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A place for moms to share their sexual misadventures.
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Author's Note: Trying something different with this one. It's almost pure horny instead of being romance or character driven, I'll say that right up front. All characters are, of course, over eighteen.


Camila felt her usual excited, anxious tingles as her group got settled. Her living room contained several happily chatting women, all with a glass of wine in their hand or sat next to them. Most of the glasses had a sizeable dent put in them already, Camila's included. It was best to be a little warmed up for the conversation ahead.

Even as a professional therapist, Camila could never truly keep her emotions in check going into these group meetings. There was too much anticipation, too much nervous energy. It had gone very well so far for everyone involved, but they were all sharing very, very personal things.

And, of course, Camila really hadn't been professional in assembling the group in the first place. She was skirting lines as best as she very well could, only gathering women together with common interests and letting them divulge their secrets, but it was a flimsy ethical shield at best.

Still, it was too late to worry about that at this point. Much better to just enjoy the support and camaraderie of the group.

Camila cleared her throat, quickly gaining everyone's attention as they were all just as eager as she was to begin sharing.

"Thank you all for coming," Camila said. "And thank you for welcoming Lucy, our newest member."

Lucy blushed and waved shyly. She hadn't been to a meeting yet, and was clearly nervous and still a little disbelieving of it. The rest of the moms had been very open and friendly toward her. After all, she was one of them, and they were excited to find out about her experiences.

"I think we should begin, if no one has any objections?" Camila continued, pausing a moment and looking around.

A few faces nodded eagerly, others called eager assent.

Camila nodded and took a deep breath. "Good, well... let me start, shall I?"


Camila's Story


It had all started from my suspicions that my son and daughter were up to something. I believed they were sleeping together, to be blunt, though I rarely let myself actually think that of them. They'd always been such good kids, and what kind of mother was I anyway?

I was, however, entirely correct. I caught Jason and Maya in bed together one morning. I'd been looking for a chance to do so, if it presented itself. I needed to know for my own sanity, just to be sure. Though truly, if I was being honest, it had become a bit of an obsession by then. A fascination and a fantasy. I found myself shamefully masturbating just thinking about the two of them. Usually with each other, sometimes separately, sometimes... with me.

That was a hard thing for me to live with, as a mother. It made me feel horrible. But there was some vindication, and indeed some visceral pleasure in catching Jason and Maya that morning. They were both sleepy, rumpled, and very naked in his bed together. It made me confident I wasn't crazy, and it was fuel on an already dangerously active imagination.

Possibly my biggest surprise was how calm they were about the whole thing. Jason made a token protest about knocking first, which ordinarily I always would have, but neither really seemed to mind that much. They assumed they'd be found out sooner or later.

I really couldn't believe what was happening as they both got out of bed. I pictured something like the affairs in movies, where everyone tries to hide themselves and cover up, and there's a lot of shouting and tears. My kids, though, just stood up, still fully naked, and went about their morning, talking to me like nothing had happened.

I watched Jason get dressed, sorting himself out like he was in no hurry. Maya, the little scamp, gave me a big hug and batted her eyes at me.

"Sorry, we've been kind of naughty," she said.

Then she pranced away back to her room. She had my eyes on her backside the whole time, and I think she very well knew it.

It led to some serious soul searching afterward. No one prepares you for parenting anyway, but they definitely don't prepare you for what I was dealing with.

It got even more difficult as, on top of not being the slightest bit remorseful or apologetic, Jason and Maya became, dare I say it, somewhat flirty with me. They'd be openly intimate with each other now that I knew about them, but they included me as well. I really didn't know what to do with it. Other than, of course, having an even worse horniness problem to deal with, and spending even more time guiltily masturbating locked in my room.

I didn't always remember to actually lock the door, as I discovered. Maya waltzed in one day while I was half-naked, finger-deep in my pussy, and vibing my clit. She sat on the bed with me, chatted casually like it was any other mother and daughter time together, and kicked her bottoms off.

I didn't know what to do, I'd kind of frozen up really. Again, no one ever tries to prepare you for something like that happening.

Once Maya stated playing with herself next to me, all I could do was shrug and carry on doing the same. I masturbated with my daughter, and it was probably the hottest thing I'd ever done in my life. All my sexual encounters included in that list. And we hadn't even touched each other. It was... an intense revelation.

If my children weren't adults and capable of making their own decisions, that would have had to be the end of it. It should have ended before that, really. And it still should have. But it turned out I was not as firm in some of my convictions as I really should have been.

I caught the two of them at it shortly after that. They wanted me to catch them is my real suspicion. Maya's door was left peeking open, after all, and they're both more clever than to let that happen accidentally.

I watched them through the crack in the door for a moment, getting a sense of the situation, then decided the hell with it and pushed the door gently open.

Maya had her face and chest down on the bed with her perky little ass stuck up for her brother. He smiled at me while pounding her into the bed, that same roguishly charming, slightly evil grin that I used to get from their father when we were together. It was a smile that went straight to my clit.

Maya peered back at me as well, with her big, innocent eyes and cutely panting mouth. One could almost believe her to be a sweet and angelic little thing if not for how eagerly she presented herself to get railed by her brother.

I sat on the edge of the bed and watched. I couldn't believe I would do such a thing, but I did. Just sat and watched, and sometimes stroked Maya's hair. I was a tinge jealous of her, actually, as it had been quite some time since someone had fucked me like that. I was jealous of her getting fucked by her brother. It sounded horrible every time I thought of it, but no less true for all that. Fully admitting to it made me wickedly horny.

Jason came over Maya's ass, and for a brief time that became the new hottest thing I'd ever seen. The slut in me wanted to lick it back off while he fucked me. The mother in me wanted to leave and never think of any of it again. I did neither. I just sat there and let them pull me into bed.

Jason ate my pussy that time. He pulled my pants and panties off and licked me out. Maya snuggled with me and kissed me, trying to catch my lips but I wouldn't let her, not this time. I don't know why it even mattered. My son's tongue was all over my pussy, it wasn't like anything was going to make the situation worse.

"We were wondering how much you were snooping," Maya told me while watching her brother between my legs. "I'll admit, I didn't think you'd actually join us."

"I didn't," I said. "I shouldn't."

"Ha, yeah. Little late to protest now," Maya laughed.

She scooped some cum off her bum and offered it to me. Actually fed me my son's cum that he'd painted her ass with. And I sucked it off. I sucked my daughter's finger clean, and then some.

"Good Mom," she said. "Good mommies get treats."

"Oh my god, don't," I said, somehow more embarrassed now than I had been before.

"Treats are cums," Maya clarified, as though that helped. "Jason's gonna take care of that."

"That doesn't make it better," I protested weakly.

Maya shrugged. "You can leave."

"... no I can't."

"Well then you get treats, don't you?"

It was weird to feel like I could ever be helpless with my children, yet that was exactly what I was. I couldn't resist them at all. Or rather, I didn't want to. I made every excuse I could think of not to leave. I fretted myself silly over not wanting to interrupt Jason until he made me cum.

It was so worth it. Playing with myself just couldn't compete. I was pretty good at making myself cum, but even at best it was nothing like cumming on my son's tongue while my daughter hugged and caressed me, kissing my neck and cheek, and even sneaking a few on my lips while I couldn't help myself.

That was the end of my pretense, I think. That day, that orgasm. I still acted like a mom as best I could, but I wasn't getting away with it.

Which brings me to the big change that happened in our mutual family relationship. There'd been a lot more flirting, messing around, even a lot of cumming. I'd been trying to avoid taking it too far, if that even makes sense under the circumstances. I couldn't last forever at any rate.

My kids don't play fair. They're young and have all that energy, and besides there's two of them and only one me.

Maya's been so flirty and handsy, and never seems to wear enough clothes around the house anymore. She's always sneaking kisses and slipping her hands under my shirt. Making me horny all the time, is really what she's up to.

Jason's even worse somehow. His new favourite game has been, apparently, to see how often he can rub a boner up against me. Usually on my ass while I'm busy doing something. He loves that, especially if I'm doing dishes or something. Not moving for a while. He just wants to grind on me. And once again I've found that I don't really want to stop him.

That's how it happened, I think. Jason was rubbing up on my ass, through our clothes but still very obviously hard. Maya had perched next to us in only her shirt and panties, and the panties didn't last long.

I knew Maya was going to try something.

"Want treats, Mom?" she'd say. Or, "want to come to bed now?" or, "wanna watch me rub my pussy, Mommy?"

Probably something even more clever and impish than that. She has a way about her when she wants to.

I cut off whatever she was going to try anyway. I started licking her pussy before she could tempt me. A questionable strategy, I know, but my willpower only lasts so long at the best of times.

Maya was delighted, of course. She started petting me and cooing.

"Oh wow," she said. "That's nice. You're all worked up already today, huh? Must be all wet under there, aren't you?"

Jason found out for sure for her. He took break from grinding on me long enough to strip my bottoms off. The feel of him gently tugging my panties down was fiery and exquisite. They were soaked already, and my pussy was just as sopping wet and waiting for him. I couldn't even begin to describe the full thrill of it, of knowing what he wanted, and what I wanted, and being so very sure it was going to happen. All the while being fully aware of how it should never, ever even be considered.

"She's very wet," Jason confirmed.

Maya nodded with evident satisfaction. "I knew it. I know what gets me going, after all, and Mom couldn't possibly be that different."

I was blushing furiously, but couldn't deny her. We were altogether too much the same. The three of us, really.

Jason was just as excitingly hard as he pressed against me again. He'd taken off his pants too, so instead of us both having clothes protecting us, neither of us did anymore. Just his bare cock against my flushed skin.

He grinded on my ass for a while, smearing precum around, then on my pussy. My breath hitched a little every time I thought he might accidentally slide inside. I was so wet, so warm, so ready for him. The most horrible of a mother I've ever felt like, hoping my son would slip his cock in me. All the while eating my daughter out to her continued praise.

"I think Jason wants treats," Maya said. "He's like that a lot, you know."

"Must be awful for you," I mumbled around her snatch.

"Hehe, no, it's great," she said. "Luckily, I want treats pretty often too."

"You don't say," I said.

"Your pussy feels really nice," Jason told me. "It keeps trying to trick me inside."

"I'm trying to trick you?" I asked, fully incredulous.

"Your pussy is," Jason said.

"You won't stop rubbing on it," I protested.

"Can't help it," he said. "That's part of the trickiness."

He was full of shit. But he had me well and truly seduced. Him and his sister. Why oh why my own daughter had to have a pussy I couldn't stop licking, I still don't know. But between her and Jason, all I could really do was arch my back, present myself even more sluttily for my son, and let him fuck me.

Jason clearly had a lot of practice with his sister. He was very good. He sated a deep, longing ache in my pussy with his cock, and with surprisingly cunning fingers on my clit when appropriate. He gave me the long, hard, fulfilling cum I hadn't known I'd desperately needed.

Not that they stopped there. Not a chance. They took me to bed, both of them sharing me easily. I made out with Maya while Jason lovingly fucked her and cummed in her pussy. Then I sucked him clean and proceded to lick my daughter's pussy again, this time while she was full of my son's cum.

Jason fucked me again while Maya cuddled me. He made me cum a second time, and this time came in me as well. It had been a long time since I'd had a boy cum in me, and he was absolutely thrilled to get to creampie his mommy.

Our day got pretty lazy after that, but never innocent. My kids didn't let me get dressed. If I even tried, they'd find an excuse to strip me again and licked me out, or play with my tits, or bend me over and fuck me yet another time. I could have complained about the way they treated me, but neither would have believed me, and besides it was honestly the happiest I'd been in a long, long time.

I was happy and floating for days after. A little sore and exhausted too, but mostly ecstatic and helplessly giddy. I felt like a girl with my first crush again, like I'd just discovered my clit, like...


Camila cleared her throat, face bright red by now despite her best efforts and lots of practice handling sensitive subject matter. She hid partly behind her mostly empty glass of wine clutched in both hands in front of her mouth.

"I had to chastise Jason for cumming in me, of course," she said. "And his sister. He really shouldn't be doing that. But it gave me such joy and peace afterward, and I don't know that I can ever go back to looking at my children the same ever again."

Camila noted the flush on every other face in the room, and got plenty of accepting nods as she finished up. Lucy, being brand new, was absolutely wide-eyed and didn't seem to realize how tightly she was clutching her own, very empty wine glass. She'd been warned and knew what the group was about, but that wasn't the same as actually experiencing it.

Rachel, sitting next to Camila, bit her lip. "So you... you had sex with them both?"

Camila nodded. "Yes. Very much so. And you already knew that."

Rachel beamed wickedly. "I just like hearing you say it!"

Like a dam breaking, the whole group erupted into excited chatter. Lots of uncertainty and questions, but also a lot of eagerness and anticipation of others getting to share their recent experiences.

Camila let it go on for a few minutes, taking the opportunity to pass around more wine. She didn't intend to let anyone get sloppy drunk, but pleasantly tipsy was very much on the table. It was, at times, well needed.

Rachel kind of took over as Camila was settling herself back down, before she had to restore order herself.

"So, my son's been showing a lot of interest lately," Rachel said. "For the past several months really."

And just like that, a hush fell back onto the room to let her speak.


Rachel's Story


I suppose I found it cute and charming at first, when I realized Liam had a little crush on me. On his mommy. It's the sort of thing I usually wouldn't take seriously. Something of a phase, perhaps.

Honestly, it was kind of nice to feel closer to my son again. That comes and goes, as every parent probably knows.

It began to get a touch concerning at some point. He wanted to spend time with me rather than trying to date. I knew he'd had some trouble with girls. My heart ached for him during the worst of it, but it's just something teenagers have to go through sometimes.

It seemed harmless. Just something to cheer him up, to make him feel special, and perhaps to make me feel those things as well. It had been a long, long time since anyone had tried to date me or to make me feel like the most important woman in the room, let alone the world.

Maybe it was that flattery, that stroke to my ego that let me carry it too far. I'd been playfully thinking of our time out together as dates, and at some point I realized that was exactly what they were. I was, from a certain perspective, dating my son.

I felt awful about it for a while and stopped spending time with Liam so much, and definitely didn't go out with him on our own. I could tell it broke his heart though, the very thing I'd wanted to help him fix.

Camila helped me through part of this, helped me to realize I needed to communicate better. It was such a tough balance to try and tell her enough detail of what my conflict was without giving it all away. I didn't think she'd understand everything. I didn't know her well enough yet.

I waited until it was just Liam and I at home, after his university classes were done for the day. Made some time for us to just talk. It was important.

"Liam, sweetie, I think there are a few things I need to say, if now's a good time," I said, trying to hide my anxiety over the situation.

He looked at me, those precious eyes of his studying me, then nodded. "We should probably talk," he agreed.

We sat on the edge of his bed together. I'd left the door open to give us the air of not doing anything inappropriate, even though I's already made sure the rest of the house was empty.

"I've loved spending time with you lately," I told him. "Our little excursions together have been fun. And you know I love seeing you happy."

Liam smiled shyly. "I know. I had a good time too. You're gonna tell me we have to stop though, aren't you?"

"Maybe," I said. "Why do you say that?"

"I recognize the pattern," he said. "It's not the first time I was having a good time with someone, then they cooled off."

I felt a stab in my chest when he said that. He kept going before I could say anything though.

"I mean, it's different this time because, well, I think maybe it's the opposite of you losing interest."

He said it facing straight ahead, not even looking at me.

"You saw it too," I said, laying a hand on his knee. "I'm glad it wasn't just me."

"It wasn't just you," Liam said ruefully. "They felt like fun dates, but I guess I'm not s'posed to date my mom, huh?"

I smiled tentatively, feeling a little better that at least we were both kind of on the same page. "Not really," I said. "And I really should know better too. It's my fault way more than yours. You know that, don't you?"

"I do," he said. "I was just hoping you didn't."

I laughed. I actually did, in spite of all my nerves I'd gone into the conversation with. He made it so easy, and it was all too clear how I'd fallen into the trap in the first place. Liam was so fun and easy to be with, and to let myself fall for, at least a little.