Hospital Visitor Pt. 03

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Another exam was required, with hubby, too.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/29/2020
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After our meeting at the coffee shop, I was convinced that Mrs. Hawthorne wanted a through cuckolding of her husband. It would be his birthday present, but it would be a treat for all three of us.

Apparently, her husband was turned on by my little farce at the hospital, and he had been on pins and needles ever since. His lovely wife would not allow him the satisfaction of a fuck yet. It was driving him crazy, and she wouldn't be ready until her husband was forced to watch me once again take advantage of her. He was going to have to wait his turn.

We exchanged phone and email contacts. I got her address for Saturday night. I texted her to ask what did she wanted me to do exactly. She told me that I should arrive at nine o'clock, and that I should dress just as I had been in the hospital. And I should bring flowers again, of course. Then she asked, "By the way, do you have acting experience?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I do," I replied.

"I thought so. You gave a convincing performance for an audience of one when Bill watched you fake it in front of him. You should get an award nomination for that performance."

"Thank you," I wrote, "All awards are welcome, but I already had my hands on the best award that you could give me."

She wrote back, "After you ring our doorbell, use your improvisation skills." Then she added, "Bill will only know that I have a special plan for his birthday." She paused then added, "Everything else is up to you."

"Everything?" I pondered the possibilities.

Saturday could not come fast enough. I was in heat those next few days, pumping my cock in front of her through every evening news program.

On the drive to their home, I became nervousness about Mr. Hawthorne's reaction, but that was balanced by how I planned to entertain him.

Shortly before I arrived, I had a text from Mrs. Hawthorne saying, "We're ready."

Ten minutes later, I rang their door bell. The door opened, and Mrs. Hawthorne welcomed me into her home wearing a silky kimono sort of robe that covered her shoulders and arms and draped almost to the floor.

From behind her I heard her husband, "Dear, who was that at the door?"

She took my arm and walked me into the living room where Mr. Hawthorne was sipping a glass of wine and also in some sort of robe or dressing gown. Obviously, he was hoping for a special birthday night with his Mrs.

"Look who's here?" she said.

Mr. Hawthorne's mouth dropped open. He stared at me, then at his wife, "What the hell?"

I smiled, "I brought these flowers, and this time they're really for your wife."

Mrs. Hawthorne took them, "How nice of you. I remember the last time you visited me and brought flowers." She took the flowers and winked at her husband.

"But Donna," he said, "I don't understand. What's going on?"

"Relax, dear," she told him, "I thought you would enjoy seeing our friend again. Apparently he knows how to get you excited."

I jumped in, "My apologies for the surprise at the hospital, Mr. Hawthorne." I looked into his wife's eyes, "It was naughty of me to look at her lovely pussy and to touch it like I did."

I was pretty sure that hearing me say talk about his wife like that would rev up Mr. Hawthorne and get him focused on watching again as a stranger used his wife to entertain him.

He stuttered, "But how, I mean, what?"

Mrs. Hawthorne answered, "He sent me flowers at work the next day. Wasn't that sweet and thoughtful? We had a few chats, and he convinced me that he wasn't finished with my exam." She looked at me and asked, "Were you?"

I unbuttoned my suit coat. "That's right, I was pleased that your husband watched while we both examined your pussy." I halted and looked directly at Mr. Hawthorne, "It's always more effective if the husband is there to watch. It makes his wife feel more confident."

Mr. Hawthorne was red faced and like he would blow a gasket. He was still sputtering and trying to speak when I took charge.

I told him, "I reminded your wife that she still needed a breast exam."

Her husband was starting to gasp for breath as Mrs. Hawthorne stepped over to him and guided him to a comfortable easy chair. As he sat, his robe fell open to show us he was only wearing briefs underneath.

Donna Hawthorne smiled, "Oh good, dear, why don't you watch while we get the exam over with. Then you can have the birthday present. But first, I really should let our friend complete my exam."

Mr. Hawthorne leveled his gaze at us. I could only imagine what he was thinking, but I was pretty sure his cock was straining.

Mrs. Hawthorne stood just feet from her husband while I, like a gentleman, removed her robe. Underneath she wore her best lingerie. Her bra and panties were matching beige with lace, and her high heels extended her long legs and pushed her hips slightly forward.

Pretending to be the professional that I was not, I removed my jacket then faced her toward her husband. From behind, I placed my hands on her shoulders and ran them down her arms, then said, "Arms spread out the side, please."

She raised her arms and my hands found her waist and traveled upward toward the underside of her bra. From underneath, I lifted the weight of her breasts slightly. Over her shoulder I could see her husband staring.

My hands felt her smooth skin up and down her torso, "I don't detect any problems here," I said. Then I stooped down and put both hands around her lower leg and felt the curve of her calf, then her upper thigh, carefully stopping short of her panties. I felt up and down both legs, taking my time to let her enjoy the sensation of my touches and letting Mr. Hawthorne wonder where this was going to end.

"All seems in good order," I said out loud. "Are you comfortable keeping them on for the exam?"

Mrs. Hawthorne said, "Should I?"

I reached down and felt the swell of her calf and said, "They do add to your shapeliness." Still from behind her, I put my hands on her hips, "Mr. Hawthorne, sir, do you notice how her heels make her pubic area thrust forward a bit?" As I asked, I pointed to her pussy.

His eyes were glued to her panties.

My hands returned to her shoulders. From behind I guided them down and touched the top of her bra. My fingers traced the shape of her cups, floating over the lace edges, around to the side and underneath, outlining the entire volume of her large breasts.

My tickling touches made her quiver slightly. As he watched me, Mr. Hawthorne seemed to be in a trance.

"Do you feel any pain?" I asked her.

"No, sir, not a bit," she answered.

"I'd like to remove your bra now," I told her. "Do I have your permission?"

Donna Hawthorne looked at her husband and said, "He wants to take off my bra, dear. Do you think he should?"

Mr. Hawthorne only responded with a groan.

I wasn't waiting for approval anyway. I unclasped her bra and let it hang loose. My hands returned to the underside of her breasts, this time easily moving under her bra and feeling the full weight of each one. Her husband could only see my hands under her bra. I wanted to give him the pleasure of watching his wife become aroused.

My fingertips found her nipples. Her firm tips were easy to find. I circled them and pressed firmly. Then I slowly withdrew my hands and removed her shoulder straps. At the last moment, her entire bra floated to the floor. From behind, I couldn't see her bare tits but I returned my hands so Mr. Hawthorne could watch me lift them and squeeze them gently.

As my fingers pinched his wife's nipples, Mrs. Hawthorne spoke to her husband, "Bill, why don't you take off your panties." She was taunting him to make him show us his cock.

"Go ahead," I said to him, "Take off those panties."

Mr. Hawthorne angled his hips while his wife and I watched him struggle to remove the briefs. Out popped his little dick. Hard as a nail but barely visible under the roll of his tummy. He eagerly started to stroke himself.

I moved to her front to enjoy the view. Age had caused her breasts to sag slightly, but they were still amazing. Large and fully round with deep rosy areolas and almost brown pucker nipple points. Her nipples were already enlarged, but I had only begun to work on them.

"So far, everything seems okay," I said, as I rolled her breasts beasts, moving them from side to side and up and down. I pressed her nipples inward and watched them pop back out.

I turned to Mr. Hawthorne, whose hands were keeping his pud busy, "I believe she has healthy breasts." Then asked him, "Would you agree?"

Poor guy, he couldn't catch enough breath to answer. He just stared as I returned to my task. I sucked each nipple, licking each one and drawing it out with my lips until at a point of maximum extension, it snapped out of my lips and popped back into place. Each time it did this the nipple grew longer and thicker.

I turned her sideways so her husband could watch as each nipple was pulled out from its natural resting place and then as it forcefully released. I knew he'd like the view.

"Good!" I said. "It appears that your breasts are healthy and ready for you and your television audience to enjoy."

From the look in Mrs. Hawthorne's eyes, I could tell the she too was ready for whatever I might suggest next. It was time to bring down the curtain on Scene I and to start Scene II.

"Apparently your hospital procedure when well," I said. "It's been almost a week, and I think you can comfortably resume sexual activity."

Mrs. Hawthorne smiled, suspecting where this was going next.

Mr. Hawthorne smiled, suspecting where this was going next.

But she was right, and he was wrong.

"Let's see if everything is in good order down there," I said, indicating that her panties should be removed.

She started to take them off herself, but I stopped her. "Wait, I don't think a re-examination of your pussy would be in order unless your husband approves."

I looked at him, "Mr. Hawthorne, would you permit me to see your wife's pussy again?"

He was almost in a trance. I could tell he was enjoying this birthday. I repeated, "Mr. Hawthorne, I'm sorry to interrupt but I cannot proceed unless you tell your wife to take off her panties."

While my hands stroking her breasts. I had to ask again, "Mr. Hawthorne, with your permission?"

Finally, he sputtered, "Take them off."

I moved to the sofa and turned Mrs. Hawthorne around to face me. I looked up at her and smiled, "Let's have another look at that pussy."

Her back was to her husband with her panties at my eye level. I put my hands on the side of her hips and started to pull her panties down.

Soon, that lovely puff of jet-black hair greeted my view. I reached behind her and lowered her panties so her husband could see her well-rounded ass. Then I inched them down a little more. My cock was aching for relief, and I could feel moist jism dripping to my knees.

Soon I saw the cleft of her cunt lips and small folds of skin that hid the tip of her pleasure center.

I pulled her panties farther down. Even with her legs together the passage between them was wide enough to see the entwined pink and purple folds that lined the gap.

"Everything looks excellent," I said. "How do you feel?"

Mrs. Hawthorne said, "I've never felt better."

Her poor hubby knew I was looking at her wife's pussy while he was waiting his turn.

I reached around her and grasped her ass cheeks, one in each hand. I spread her cheeks enough to let her little pucker feel the fresh air, "Feels nice, doesn't it?" I asked as her ass winked at her husband. By now Mr. Hawthorne must have been more than ready to fuck his wife.

I asked her, "When was the last time your husband fucked you?"

She replied, "I can't remember." Then she turned to look at him and added, "But maybe that wasn't the last time I was fucked." Apparently they had other playmates.

He breathed a deep sigh and intensified his jerking. He had been straining to keep from jerking off completely, and when I said that he let out a moan of pleasure. But luckily, he was able to stop himself just in time.

I took Mrs. Hawthorne's hand and walked her over to her husband, "Look, at him. He'll never be more ready. Maybe I should leave so you two can enjoy the rest of the night."

She gripped my arm, not sure if I was kidding or not.

"Oh," I said, "I almost forgot."

They both looked at me.

"We really should probe to see if your medical procedure will cause you any discomfort during intercourse."

She smiled. He smiled.

I said, "What can we use for a probe?"

Before they could respond, I started to unbutton my shirt. "Your husbands probe is too small." Mrs. Hawthorne shifted her weight from one foot to the other, and as I undressed I could see the little hood over her clit separate slightly and her tiny pink pleasure point became visible.

My briefs looked packed and stuffed. I removed them, and these new friends saw how aroused I had been all evening. My dick was almost fully erect, arching forward and drooping slightly because of its weight and shining with the juices that had been flowing.

"Ah," I exclaimed, "This probe will reach the right depth."

From the start, Mr. Hawthorne might have suspected that I would fuck his wife in front of him, but now did he knew for sure that I would.

"This shouldn't take long," I said, "and then I can leave you two love birds to enjoy yourselves."

Their eyes were locked on my cock as I wondered if they did this to each other all the time. Again, I was aware of how lucky I was to be the guy she chose for this incredible session, but I suppose I'd earned it with my insane bravado in the hospital room.

I decided to keep pushing the boundaries, and asked, "I need a favor first. Will someone help me get my probe ready?"

I looked at Mrs. Hawthorne, think she might volunteer to suck my cock in front of her hubby, but she surprised me. She looked at her husband, "Bill, please help our friend."

He didn't have to be coaxed to know what he was expected to do. As she watched, her husband gripped my cock and spread my slick cum up and down. It only took a few strokes to bring me to full size. I'm not a guy-on-guy person, but under the circumstances I was stimulated because his wife told him to do it.

Then she asked, "How does it feel? Do you think it will be adequate?" Her husband didn't respond as he tried to get his hand around the tool that would soon

I stepped over and walked Mrs. Hawthorne to the sofa. I sat with cock waving in the fresh air. She turned around to face her husband, spread her legs, and slowly lowered herself. Her gently floppy vaginal lips gave me a clear target.

I held my dick in position for entry as she lowered herself closer and closer. Her warm pussy kissed the tip of my cock and began its descent. I stretched my arms wide and gave her total control of the probing.

"Take your time," I told her, "there's no hurry, and caution is best."

Mr. Hawthorne stared intently as his wife's pussy opened to accommodate my thickness. Maybe it was because of her age or because she had a naturally larger pussy, but she was able to accommodate my size quite well. She stopped a few times to allow for my thickness, but clearly she had a pussy for a larger man. Soon we were fully connected and she was securely plunged on my entire cock.

"Very good," I said. "Do you feel any discomfort?"

Mrs. Hawthorne replied, "No, I feel very full but no discomfort. Actually, I feel the opposite of discomfort."

"Good," I said. I leaned to the side to see her husband better and have him the thumbs-up sign. "It won't be long now."

"Test yourself," I said. "Try to move back and forth."

As she moved, my cock found new places to play deep inside her.

"Try up and down," I told her.

She raised and lowered herself, just a little at first, then the entire length of my dick. Her husband could see me enter her over and over as she raised up then settled back down.

"Almost done," I said. "But now we should see what happens with maximum penetration."

I directed her into a sitting position, kneeled in front of her and spread her legs wide apart, pulling her hips to the edge of the seat. My cock was at her pussy level in perfect position to start a traditional fucking.

I called to Mr. Hawthorne, "Come around, won't you, and watch. Be sure everything looks right. Remind your wife to keep her legs spread as wide as possible."

He walked behind the sofa and leaned over to watch as my cock accessed his wife. His cock was pitiful, but certainly he seemed to be having as much pleasure as me.

"We can go a little deeper this way," I explained. "And then you'll be all done and ready for the rest of this Happy Birthday night."

I leaned back to make my cock appear long and large as possible. I posed for a moment with my dick an inch from her entry. Her pussy lips were large and widely separated from our previous probing. I glanced up to see her husband staring down at what was about to happen. The look of longing and pleasure on his face added to my excitement.

I rested my cockhead on her first layer of lips and slid it up and down, as if searching for her main pathway. It slipped it up and entirely over her clit, which had greatly enlarged, then on up toward her navel. As my cock lay on her belly, both Mr. and Mrs. Hawthorne could look down and see how far it was going to enter inside her.

"To be fair," I said, "you should be prepared a bit more." I leaned down to lick her pussy. For several minutes, my tongue gently explored her creases and folds up and down and finally up and over her clitoral area. She had already been wet and fully ready to be fucked, but now her little river was flowing.

When she sat on my cock, I felt her tremble slightly, and now she was shaking and moaning continually. It's hard to tell exactly, but it seemed like she had entered an orgasmic zone and little involuntary spasms were gathering power as I licked her.

What should I do? She clearly enjoyed being licked, but would she feel even better being fucked? I had to make a choice.

I looked to her husband and asked, "Do you want me to keep licking her or should I fuck her now?"

For him, the choice was easy, "Fuck her!" he said in a clear strong voice.

She gasped as I stopped licking and positioned my cock for entry. Mr. Hawthorne looked down and watched my cock gradually disappear into his wife's pussy. She was completely wet and ready to accommodate me again, but I took my time anyway.

Once fully implanted, I began to pump back and forth, looking down to see her clitoral hood being pulled totally inside her each time my cock dove into her, then reappearing as I withdrew. Good, I wanted to keep up the stimulation of her clitoral zone. Her little fluttering orgasm continued.

"Okay," I said, "Now we're sure that routine sexual activity will be safe."

With my cock fully withdrawn, I lifted her legs up and over each of my shoulders. Her pubic area arched upward. I rose a little higher in order to plunge her to maximum depth. From above, my cock lowered and entered her vagina. "This will be the last test," I said, "Let's see how this feels."

In this position, I could gain maybe another inch of penetration. My cock bumped up against her back wall. She had no more room. My dick was kissing her cervix. As I pumped, I asked, "Still okay?"

She moaned and nodded. I looked up at her husband, "You see, now that all of me is entirely inside her, there doesn't seem to be any negative side effects."

For all I knew, Mr. Hawthorne had blown his little wad long ago, but he was pulling on himself anyway as he watched his wife going through my little "tests."

"Oh," I said, "I almost forgot, there is another test we should administer while I'm here." I don't know if either of them could focus on what I said. So I continued, "Let's do a volume test. We've gone this far, so let's go ahead and see what happens with Mrs. Hawthorne is filled with cum."