Hospitality Cuckolding

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Bus driver takes a sad passenger home.
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This story deals with themes of consensual cuckolding, impregnation sex, and interracial sex. If any of these themes would reduce your enjoyment, please click away now.

Everyone in this story is an adult.

He got on at Baker Street. I could see that he was tall, handsome, young, and looking a bit lost.

"Do you go to the terminus at North Finchley?" He asked in an accent I couldn't place.

"Sure do, luv! I go all the way!" I laughed as he struggled to find his Oyster card. I pulled away into the night, letting him struggle as I kept the bus on schedule. We were almost at West End Lane when he found it and tapped in, thanking me for my patience.

"Visiting family?" I asked before he could move and find a seat.

"No. Just looking around. I just finished my studies and I'm taking a break."

"And you're staying in Finchley?"

"Yes. I have an Airbnb."

We carried on chatting as I drove the bus north. Dwayne had just graduated with a masters degree and wanted to see London. He described his plans. They were very high culture. Museums, theatres, and galleries featured a lot.

As Regents Park Road transitioned into Ballards Lane we started hearing the sirens. By the time we passed Waitrose we could see the flames. The orange light illuminated the smoke in a strangely beautiful way.

Dwayne was the last passenger on the bus as I pulled in and got ready to hand over to the next driver.

"End of the line, Dwayne. Your Airbnb near here?"

He gave the address and I realised that it was right by the fire we'd passed. My shift replacement was approaching so I called out to him.

"Hamish, do you know precisely where that fire is?"

He did. It wasn't next to the Airbnb. It was the Airbnb.

Dwayne's face fell. It was after 11, dark, and cold. Everything was closed and he was lost in a foreign city. No, he was lost in a suburb of a foreign city.

My instinct to protect and nurture kicked in. Not just that instinct, though. Dwayne was tall, handsome, and young. And he needed somewhere to sleep.

"Look, Dwayne. You are obviously free to say no. But North Finchley is not full of accommodation options at this time of night. So, as you seem like a nice lad, I'll take a risk on you. If you want, you can come with me. My husband and I will put a hot meal in you. And we'll find you somewhere for you to sleep tonight. You can sort things out with your Airbnb host in the morning."

"Really?" He said with clear hope in his voice.

"Really. It won't be as posh as your Airbnb was before it burned down. I'm just a bus driver. But it's only 15 minutes walk from here and I know that Avi cooked earlier. And we always cook big things and then have leftovers, so there'll definitely be a plate for you."

I knew that Avi would be excited to see Dwayne. He'd hope that his birthday had come early and Dwayne was open to cuckolding him.

"Pop your bags there by the door." I told Dwayne when we got inside.

Then I called out.

"Avi, we have a guest!"

And Avi came out of the kitchen to greet us.

"This is Dwayne. He was going to stay in an Airbnb near the bus station but it burned down. I told him that we'd feed him and put him up for the night."

Avi smiled.

"Of course! Happy to help Dwayne. Let's get you fed and discuss what to do afterwards."

The spaghetti in red sauce wasn't going to win any awards but it was hot and filling. Just what I needed on a cold night. And while we ate, Dwayne told us about the arduous journey from the British Virgin Islands to London.

We put the dishes in the sink for Avi to do later. Then, I opened a bottle of red wine. It was less than £3 at Lidl but more than drinkable. I could feel it relaxing me and making me horny as I sipped.

Avi decided to make a play for what he knew I wanted.

"After a trip like you've had, you deserve a proper bed. Not a couch that's too small for you. You share with Tamar and I'll take the couch. I'm only 165 centimetres and you must be at least 2 metres!"

"I'm 2 metres and 5 centimetres." He said. "But I can't take your place in the bed. You two are married."

"Nonsense!" Avi said strongly. "I know that Tamar doesn't mind sharing with you."

"But, but..."

Avi interrupted again.

"What kind of hosts would we be if we were only partially hospitable? You must share the bed with Tamar. I'll sleep on this couch. I fit on the couch but you'd hurt your back or neck sleeping here. The argument is over. Tamar and I have decided."

Avi was right. We'd exchanged looks when I introduced Dwayne. Avi knew that he was exactly what I wanted. And I could feel my nipples go hard as dinner finished. I could feel my knickers getting damp as we drank and chatted.

"Look, it's late. Dwayne, you've been travelling for the best part of a whole day. Why don't you use the shower while Avi and I wash up? I'll join you later."

He could see that I wanted to speak privately with Avi. And he knew that it was only polite to shower before sharing a bed.

Dwayne grabbed one of his bags and entered the bathroom. The shower came on and I turned to Avi, speaking as quietly as I could.

"Thank you for coming out and saying it."

"It's my pleasure. I hope you take full advantage of having a young, athletic man in your bed tonight."

"Huh! He must be exhausted. I can't see him wanting to fuck me."

"Of course he wants to fuck you. And you want to fuck him, don't you?"

"Of course I want to fuck him. You want me to fuck him. But I wouldn't bet breakfast on him wanting to fuck me. I think he's worried that he'll upset you or me because we're married."

"Maybe just tell him the truth, then? Tell him that we both like you to cuckold me. Tell him that I'd be genuinely delighted to hear as he fills you up."

"Talking of which," I murmured and pointed at the calendar. "I'm in the middle of my cycle now."

"You mean?"

"Exactly. Now is when I'm horniest. Now is the right time."

Avi kissed me.

"That's absolutely perfect!" He whispered intensely in my ear. "Just what we've always wanted."

"Thank you for accepting our hospitality, Dwayne." I told him as we lay next to each other in bed.

"It's me who should be thanking you. You could have just left me walking towards a burning building."

"I could have. But I had an ulterior motive. You're right that I didn't want your first night in our city to be miserable. But I must also tell you that Avi likes it when I spend time with other men."

"You mean time in bed?"

"Exactly. Avi is a generous man. What he said about your back is undoubtedly true. But he also wanted to give me the opportunity to be alone with you."

"OK." He sounded unsure. I reached out and felt his hip bone. Then I moved my hand and felt something that was changing from soft to hard.

"Now, Dwayne." I told him. "I want you a lot. But you can say no. I don't want to force you."

"You don't have to force me. I've never been with an English woman before."

"I'm glad to add to your repertoire."

"OK. Do you have any condoms? I always use a condom."

"Avi has some in the drawer there."

Dwayne found the packet. He'd never seen a snug fit condom before, probably because that was the wrong end of the scale for him.

He tried to put one on and it tore as he rolled it down. The second one tore as well.

"Dwayne, I haven't been with anyone but Avi for over a year. I used condoms with them and tested clean after. So, how do you feel about not using a condom?"

"You mean skin to skin?"

"Your skin in my very, very wet pussy. Exactly."

"You're sure?"

"It's what I want. Is it what you want?"

"Oh yes, Tamar. Of course it's what I want. But..." and he paused for quite a while. "But there's a risk that you could..."

I interrupted him.

"It's not a risk, Dwayne."

"It's not?"

"A risk is a negative. You don't refer to the risk of a delicious meal, do you? Risk is the wrong word."

"What's the right word?"

"Opportunity. There is an opportunity."

"You mean? I don't understand."

"You have the opportunity to cum inside me. And maybe it will work and maybe it won't. It probably won't but both Avi and I would be happy if it does work."


"Really." And I pulled him onto me and spread my legs. "Now, you'll have to go slow as you're so much bigger than Avi and I'm not used to that. But don't stop and don't pull out."

Dwayne was gentle as he penetrated me. I was wetter than I'd been in ages. I'd been building up to sex with him for well over an hour. It's true that I was soaked but Dwayne was as thick as a rolling pin. Fortunately, he followed my instructions. I demanded he gently withdraw and reinsert himself several times. Eventually, all he was going to get in was in.

"Time for some motion, Dwayne."

And he began to thrust and withdraw in a gentle rhythm. He was good. Constant. Steady. He used his fingers to help. I had two minor orgasms within the first 10 minutes. Then he picked up the pace and pounded a little harder while keeping a steady rhythm. I started moaning with pleasure and struggled to track exactly what was happening.

But I knew one thing. Dwayne was handsome and extremely masculine. He was exactly the man whose sperm I wanted pulsing at the door to my fertile womb. I wrapped my little legs around his long ones. Not to restrict him but to let him know that pulling out would be impolite. I needed his sperm inside me.

"Tamar, Tamar, are you sure?" He grunted at me.

I couldn't really reply with words. I was losing rational thought. I just hugged him to me.

I know I felt Dwayne pulsing inside me. But that coincided with the greatest orgasm I'd had in my life. I wasn't aware of exactly what was happening for the next... well I don't know how long it was. I just know that it was a period of exquisite bliss. Nothing else mattered. Dwayne's huge cock was penetrating me and it was glorious.

"Are you OK?" He asked. He sounded genuinely worried.

"I've never felt better in my whole life, Dwayne. Why?"

"I'd never heard sounds like that before. I was worried that you were suffering."

"The opposite of suffering, Dwayne. That was heavenly. You are magnificent. The only question is how long until you do it again."

"May I pull out now, Tamar?"

"Do you have to?"

"I don't have to. I just don't want to stay beyond my welcome."

"You are very welcome, Dwayne. Very welcome. I love feeling you inside me. Feeling you stretching me. Blocking me up."


"Dwayne, while you are inside me, your sperm can only swim in one direction. The right direction."

"You want a baby, Tamar?"

"I want a baby, Dwayne. And I hope you give it to me."

Dwayne seemed a bit shocked. But he stayed inside me for another minute or so before pulling out and rolling onto his back.

Avi was grinning as we walked into the kitchen for breakfast. Dwayne looked visibly relieved when he saw Avi's grin and took a mug from him.

He'd never had Weetabix before. I suppose it's not a huge seller in the British Virgin Islands. But he had two of them, toast, and plenty of tea.

I didn't start my shift until mid-afternoon, so I had plans for Dwayne and me during the morning.

"Now, Dwayne, I suppose we should call your Airbnb host this morning to find out what your options are. Sometimes they run several properties. There's a possibility that another is free and you could take that. Or you could just ask for a refund and stay here. You're very welcome. Very welcome indeed."

"You're offering to let me stay for three weeks?"

"Frankly, Dwayne, you could stay for three months if you wanted. I'm hardly going to kick you out, am I?"

"You're not?"

"Not after what you did for me last night. No, you are welcome to stay as long as you want on the condition that you sleep beside me."

From what I overheard, the Airbnb host was happy to give a full refund. I suppose arranging an alternative for Dwayne would have been more expensive.

Once that had been sorted I pulled him back to bed.

Dwayne was more confident. I suppose he had a little more certainty. He knew that he had somewhere to stay. He knew that Avi was very happy for him to share my bed. And he knew that I was eager to have him inside me.

It was a little easier to get him inside me the second time. I told Dwayne that he didn't need to be as gentle as last night. I wanted an early morning quickie instead of a slow, languorous, latenight fuck.

I responded to Dwayne's pace. I started cumming a minute or so before he did. My clenching might have sped him up. But he seemed quite satisfied as he pulsed inside me. I felt the warmth of his sperm deep inside me and my orgasm deepened and I moaned with satisfaction.

Once again, I didn't let Dwayne withdraw right away. I wanted to feel full up with his outsized cock and know that it was keeping his sperm nearer to where it needed to go.

But eventually we had to get up, wash and get dressed. Dwayne's clothing was definitely made with the warmer Caribbean climate in mind.

Despite his size, Dwayne struggled in the cold and wet as we walked to the cafe for lunch.

The cold had made him hungry. He virtually inhaled the triple fried egg, chilli and chutney sandwich.

"This is amazing!" He exclaimed as I had a salmon salad.

"You should talk with Avi about those sandwiches. He loves them, too. Although more for the sitcom that invented them than their taste, I expect."

"Talk with Avi? You're sure he's not upset."

"Avi is absolutely delighted. He'll be rubbing his hands with glee, waiting to hear us fuck again tonight."


"Avi likes me to cuckold him. Really. He is genuinely delighted with you. Don't worry. But I have a question for you. If you flew into Heathrow, how did you end up on Baker Street?"

Dwayne's face fell again.

"I got lost. London is so big and I'm not used to it. I think I changed at the wrong station, so I ended up on the Bakerloo Line instead of the Northern Line. An old woman told me I could get off at Baker Street and get the 13 bus to get to North Finchley."

"So it was providence." I said.


"Well, I'm not sure I really believe in providence. But it was luck. You ended up on my bus by mistake. Your Airbnb burned down. That was probably an accident and not arson. And we found out before you'd left the bus station, so I could offer you a bed for the night."

"I suppose it was."

We discussed where Dwayne could get a fleece and some winter socks. Then I had to leave him to start my shift.

We set a rhythm over the next few days. Dwayne and I would fuck before breakfast and fuck after my evening shift finished. Getting him inside me was getting easier but it was still a very delicious stretch. I think that Avi and I would need to adapt our play when he left.

Every night I promised him that he did not need to use a condom. I told him that Avi and I would like him to get me pregnant.

So, twice a day, he filled me with very generous doses of sperm. It was magnificently tiring.

Avi and I had fucked twice a day when we were younger but we were 31 and 32 now. Dwayne was demonstrating stamina that I had lost. And I relied on him to make most of the running. I suppose that's one of the advantages women have. We can put a little less energy into sex and still end up with a pussy full of cum.

Avi was excelling himself at housework duties to communicate his joy at being cuckolded. Sheets were changed every two days. The cooking became more flavourful and the presentation was fancier. He even selected better bottles of wine at Lidl.

Neither Avi or I were surprised that my period did not arrive on schedule. It could have just been late. It happens.

So Dwayne and I continued to fuck like teenagers. But it didn't turn up late, either.

Eventually, we wished Dwayne goodbye. He had to go home to the British Virgin Islands.

Avi escorted him to Arnos Grove tube. This time he could go directly to Heathrow without having to change trains. No chance of getting lost on his way home.

While Avi was having a moment alone with Dwayne, I went to Boots and got two different pregnancy tests. I waited until Avi got home. I peed on the strips and they both showed that I was pregnant.

"Phew!" Avi said. "All that hard work didn't go to waste."

"Sure, it was hard work. But it was a lot of fun, too. Even without the positive result it would have been worth it. I know you enjoyed listening to us. Didn't you?"

"I did. This was the best, Tamar. Hearing you cum on his cock was the most exquisitely beautiful thing ever."

We've kept in contact with Dwayne. He found himself a job at a good company on a management training scheme. He settled in and found himself a local girlfriend. That was a huge relief because shortly after, I went to the clinic for a sonogram.

We both called Dwayne to let him know. He was delighted for us.

Our friends weren't surprised when I delivered a lovely mixed-race daughter, Efrat. They already knew that Avi loves it when I cuckold him. The women all asked me for details, when we met up alone. I'm not saying that any of them will copy me. But I've had a couple of follow-up conversations with two who wanted to learn more about the how and not just the what.

Our parents were surprised but fortunately not upset. I suspect that my dad envies Avi. I know that my mum envies me. If she'd had my opportunity, I suppose I might have had a different father.

Efrat's two now and we'd both like another baby. It's hard to be a mum and drive a bus, so I have a different job now, working at Thames Water. It's in the Complaints Department -- and there's a lot to complain about. But everyone needs clean water, so I suppose it's a pretty safe job.

Avi and I keep our eyes open, though. We need to find someone to father our next baby.

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