How Bad Do You Want It?


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"This is the best lotion and facial cream out there!" Kendra raved as she squeezed a globule in her hand, rubbed it into her skin, and took a sniff. "Mmm, not only does it smell like a fresh spring but look at how much brighter and cleaner you become! It's so moist that you don't have to worry about being ashy. You won't have people calling you smokey ever again!"

A few chuckles came from the gathering and she shoved products in their mitts as they stuffed hers with money and cards.

Jace's grin seemed to be a permanent fixture on his mug but he wondered about Candice. She would run to capture a prospective customer's attention but they wandered away having fallen into a trance by Kendra's charisma. She dashed to another and Kendra inserted herself into the conversation and Candice fumed as she grit her teeth.

"This is bullshit!" Candice snapped at Kendra who stopped in the middle of her presentation to smirk at her competition only serving to infuriate Candice further.

Jace raced to pull Candice aside. "Hey! Watch your mouth! Don't swear in front of customers!"

"She's stealing all of my sales! Every time I go after someone, she breaks off from what she's doing to antagonize me! Ugh!"

Jace was taken aback but appreciated the passion.

He lifted his voice over the mall's chatterers. "What are you going to do about it? There are people everywhere. Nobody said you had to stay in this same spot. Do what you have to do to make your dreams happen."

"Okay!" Candice perked up, hopped on her heels, and scampered away with her caramel-colored tresses flailing at her back. Jace's lingered on how much her ass pushed her black pants out at the back. He nodded in approval from the carnal lust festering inside.

Satisfied with what he'd seen, Jace returned to work.

The next morning, Jace called both interns into his office. Before they entered, he heard a catfight brewing outside and popped off his chair to swing his door open to quell the commotion.

Kendra and Candice were showing their canines, hissing, and pointing fingers at each other.

"You stole my leads! I know you did it!" Candice snarled.

Kendra shrugged. "I don't know what you're talking about! I used my own!"

Jace waved them inside and shut the door behind them. "What is this about?"

Candice stepped forward. "I had a stack of business cards of potential clients I was to follow up with and they're gone! She was the only one around when it happened! She's too lazy to get her own so she took mine!"

"Is this true, Kendra? Stealing someone else's clients one of the worst things you can do in sales!" Jace raged as he burned his laser-focus onto her.

Kendra's orbs doubled in size, her jaws fell loose, and petrification crippled her to the point of cracking as four sets of irises seared her. "It's not true! I promise! That's not who I am!"

"We'll see..." Jace said as he walked into the main office area and made a straight shot for Kendra's desk with the women in his shadow.

He sifted through the paperwork on Kendra's desk and pulled out her drawers with onlookers pretending to work at the same time.

"You can't do this. That's my desk!" Kendra growled.

"There is no 'your' in this office," Jace said while going through the file folders in each drawer and peering beneath them but stood when he came up empty. "Take everything out of your purse."

Kendra scoffed and dumped a pack of gum, some lipstick, a compact, a few bills, and change on the desk. Jace picked through the contents but found a lot of nothing.

He turned his glare on Candice and returned to his office with both women following behind. He closed the door again and positioned himself in front of Candice a couple of breaths away.

"Candice, you should never accuse anyone of anything without proof! Not only did you waste our time but you've created strife we don't need."

"Sigh, yes, sir..." Candice sounded defeated and glanced at Kendra who flashed a sly grin.

"Both of you have a seat," Jace said.

He slipped into his chair and clicked through files on the computer as his mind began wandering. Fixing his life and keeping the mortgage companies and creditors at bay was important and his hiring decision could be the most important one he had ever made. His ex-wife was proof he didn't have the best track record doing that but life granted him another chance.

Jace opened the spreadsheet with the number of sales by both interns. What do you do when you like both choices?

He angled the monitor towards them. "Candice, you've sold 227 products and Kendra, after your big day yesterday, are up to 110. Sales are important but that's not the only thing that determines whether or not you're hired. Future potential, personality, attitude, how much you want it..."

"That should make your selection easy," Candice said while giving Kendra the side-eye.

Kendra rolled her eyes and looked away.

"Actually, it doesn't," Jace said, "you are both great candidates for the position. So, tell me where you see yourself in five years."

Candice's shock had to wear off prior to being able to speak. "Um, I want to lead a company like this one. Make my own products, develop my own strategies, and make enough to give scholarships to students in our city. Young adults are our future so we should support them."

Jace nodded in agreement as Candice earned a thousand points with her response. He wished he had taken advantage of college instead of moving away to marry young because his wife was "hot." If he could rewrite his past, he would have stayed at university debt-free on his football scholarship and become a civil engineer or something similar.

"Good for you. You're a passionate worker that puts your all into what you do. No matter what, I know you will get what your heart desires." Jace brought Kendra into his sights. "What about you?"

Kendra said, "I want to have a life with my sister and niece. My sis has been sick for a long time and her daughter needs her mother. Most of what I make will be going to help them. I also want to send some money back to my mom at home."

Jace had to be there for his mother while she battled back from a serious illness. He couldn't have imagined being without her and empathized with Kendra and her family.

"As you know, I went through something similar with my mom and I understand the importance of family. They can't be replaced and for you to show them such love is heartwarming." Jace leaned back and stroked his goatee. "I have a lot to contemplate. In the meantime, I believe you two have work to do. Dismissed."

Around lunchtime, Jace's meal wound up being a granola bar, an apple, and a bottle of water. His work kept him glued to his seat and he needed to make progress on new potential clients to seek out and sales strategies for the next company meeting.

There was that and getting caught up on Game of Thrones.

That's when he heard a trio of taps outside his door and he huffed when he had to turn it off.

"Come in," Jace said as he scrolled through various websites.

Kendra stepped inside, locked the door, and approached him. "Hey, I don't mean to disturb your lunch."

"But, you're going to do anyway, aren't you?" Jace smiled. "I was watching Game of Thrones for the first time and it was getting good."

"I can always leave you to your fantasies."

"No, what's up?"

"Well..." Kendra sashayed over to his desk, took her usual seat on it, and loosened the top three buttons of her blouse. "Did you really believe Candice when she said I stole her leads? I mean before you did your investigation on me?"

Jace squared himself to her. "I had to go through the routine. People would get suspicious if I didn't."

"Maybe but you avoided my question." Kendra rubbed his head and it was like the sandman cast a spell on him. "You're not really considering her, are you? Tell me that was part of your routine, too. She lied to you to get me fired. Do you want someone like that?"

"I'm considering both of you and will make my decision soon. How is your sister?"

Kendra's voice perked with jubilance. "She's having a decent day. She wants me to bring her a smoothie because she's certain the hospital food is really what's killing her."

Jace chuckled. "Ha, yeah, I can believe that. When I was in for knee surgery, I asked them if I could order pizza. It's like they never heard of salt and pepper."

"Right. How's mom?"

Talks about mother always had Jace radiating. "She's great. Can't stop talking about tending to her marigolds, sunflowers, and begonias. Thanks for asking about her."

"You're welcome. I'm glad she's okay. So, is there anything I can do so you'll pick me for the job?"

Jace open his mouth to answer but drilled a little deeper into what she was truly asking. A wicked smirk formed on his lips and he angled his seat backwards.

"Hmm, what you did yesterday under my desk may have been hot but you should always be willing to expand on your skillset." Jace said with his voice resounding with a lowered bass. "I need to know how well you can take me being inside you."

"You mean here?" Kendra looked around perplexed.

"Nah, in the dumpster. Of course I meant here or maybe you don't want the position after all. Maybe I should give it to Candice..."

"Oh, no you won't!"

"Then get over here."

Kendra's peachy scent edged closer to him and he quivered as an aching arose in his loins.

She traced his ear with her tongue's tip as she continued using her fingertips to massage his scalp. When she returned to his lobe, she nibbled it, and Jace's breaths hastened. Kendra kissed his ear and over his cheeks as she squeezed along his thighs. He tensed as she neared his cock and she kneaded it until Jace was a stone.

"Oh, damn. That's a good start..." Jace leered at breasts popping out at him from her half-buttoned white blouse and a she carried a bedroom gaze.

Jace scooped her by the hips into his lap. He tore her black bra away from her tit to reveal a swelled brown nipple set upon a slightly lighter shade of a bumpy areola. Jace clutched her breast and fed it into his warm, moist mouth and sucked her tit in a furor.

"Yes! Oh, yes, baby!" Kendra tossed her neck back and cried from his show of enthusiasm.

Jace left hard suckles in different spots on her flesh leaving glowing red marks in his wake. He traded his sucking for nibbles and bites as he created a row of affections that led to her nipple. He clamped onto it and bobbed his head. It made a strong popping noise every time it left his lips. He pressed his tongue to her nipple and swept it in circles in a raging hunger. Kendra whimpered and began grinding onto his manhood as he ripped the bra from her opposite tit and went right into sucking with hard pressure on its nip. His sucks were noisy and he matched her hip grinds. The heat they created was sweltering and his beast was ready to be released from its cage to fuck his sexy intern.

Jace placed Kendra on her feet and stood with her to devour her lips. He groped her basketball-like ass and she moaned into their kiss as they wrestled tongues together. Jace explored her teeth, the inside of her cheeks, and returned to whipping at her tongue. Her breaths were minty and swift. In the midst of their kissing, she managed to release Jace's cock, covered only by his dress shirt, and he ripped Kendra's pants down as well.

"I'm going to fuck you really hard!" Jace said while dropping her black lacy panties revealing a trimmed black patch and cream coated folds.

"Take me, baby! We have time! Everybody is still at lunch!" Kendra hunted for his cock beneath his shirt and her jerking with soft, well-lotioned hands were going to make him cum if she went on too long.

"Shit, that feels so good. Mmm, yes..." Jace's eyes glazed as he growled from the depths of his throat and Kendra sped her strokes leading to some intense power forming in his nether region. His erection throbbed and aimed at its prey. "Come here!"

Jace escorted her by the arms onto the desk, laid her flat, and peeled her pants off her sandals. He spread her legs and her juicy, plump pussy was staring at him. He buried his face in it and flailed his tongue through her dark pink flesh. Her cream reminded him of candy and he slurped up as much as he could. Kendra trapped her cries with the back of her hand and Jace persisted on feasting on her sweet chasm.

He left her pussy, dragged his tongue to her swelled clit, and suckled it as a thumb discovered her asshole and gave it swift rubbing. Kendra tensed but stayed in place while Jace sent jolts throughout her and she squealed again.

Jace traveled through her petals and found her dark brown anus. He looked for a moment and couldn't resist giving it a quick rimming. Her taste was bitter but no less appetizing. After a few rotations around her wrinkled shadow, Kendra snickered.

"You're enjoying my ass?"

"Mmm, yeah, it's tasty. Can I fuck it?"

"I think that shit would hurt. You can keep doing what you're doing. That feels good...oohh..."

Jace thought he'd push his luck and though he'd dreamed about burying his cock into her round ass, he was content with probing it with his wet appendage and flicking across it. Kendra bit her thumb as Jace stiffened his tongue and fucked her as a pair of fingertips created friction on her clit. She shivered and couldn't stay still. He made sweeps across her asshole, down, up, and back down in repeated lashes as he inhaled her pungent scent. Another few more whips over her butthole and his loins couldn't wait any longer.

He sprang to his feet, dragged her to the edge, and filled her pussy. She was so fucking wet and hot that he let out a drawn-out sigh and his legs morphed to butter.

"I've been waiting so long for this! Ohh, you're so big baby! Ahhh!" Kendra contracted onto his manhood and Jace moaned.

Jace anchored onto her brown thighs and pistoned Kendra in increasingly powerful drives that sent shockwaves crashing into her. Kendra slapped at the papers surrounding her as she thrashed about.

"Take that monster you dirty slut!" Jace leaned forward to get deeper and thrust his hips in repeated clashes into her depths.

"Oh, God! Yeahhh...mmmm..." Kendra wept from her haze and Jace continued the blitzing of her pussy.

The pounding in his chest, the steam consuming the room, the fading into the most blissful of realms—it was all so powerfully primal. They forgot they were at work and he was determined to release all his might into his ramming.

Kendra's sobs became louder and Jace dove to seal them by kissing her. She sneaked a palm to anchor the rear of his neck and their heated oxygen pumped together furiously as they fought to smack each other's lips. He impaled her at her deepest point and held it while pushing hard against her lips and releasing creating a smack. He kissed her harder and pulled away again to make a louder smooching sound. Again he kissed her and she fed him a drooling tongue to which he swirled his with hers.

Jace directed a little more attention to his cock to press into her in short, speeding jams. Kendra slithered her legs behind Jace to lock him into her and their softness rubbing on him increased the arousal flooding his cock. His pores exploded open and he was drowning in a deluge of perspiration from the velocity of movements that sparked a fiery friction that had Kendra purring.

The pair's dilated eyes met and Jace watched the lust overflow from hers as he switched from fast plunges to long drives to her core, sliding back to her entrance until she only held his engorged head, and plunging in as much as she could handle. He reveled in how her body skirted across the surface every time they came together.

Jace took her wrist, pulled her up, and spun her at the hips. She grabbed some wood and he rubbed his cock's head over her folds a bit before slipping inside again. He crumpled a mess of her hair in his clutches and tilted her neck towards him while pummeling her pussy from behind. Kendra yelped but Jace showed no mercy with his beast ravaging her. He mixed in some spanks to her fleshy ass in the midst of his fucking and her moans came quicker the longer he throttled her.

The energies mounting in Jace's lower half was fast racing towards the breaking point and his groans grew more frequent. He dug his fingertips into her doughy ass to steady himself and he fucked her harder and harder bumping her into the desk as he began quaking.

"Ahh...I'm about to cuuum!" Jace announced.

"Do it, baby!" Kendra encouraged.

When Jace hit the zenith of his pleasure, he pulled out his glistening instrument and squirted a couple of streams of cum onto her ass. She collapsed to the desk with her ass in the air and Jace stumbled backwards into his chair void of energy. They huffed and puffed while they waited to regain enough sense and air to speak.

"Shit, you're fucking incredible. Hooo..." Jace said. He snatched a few tissues to wipe his face, neck, and arms.

"Yeah...'huff', too. I'm flying right now!" Kendra buttoned her blouse and pulled on her panties and pants. "I usually don't care for the feel of cum. It's so gooey and gross but I'm going to wear yours on my ass today. Every time you look at me, you'll remember."

Jace's deflated appendage flinched. "Ooh, sexy."

"Do I have the job now?" Kendra spun her locks into a bun.

Despite his sex-induced intoxication, a nagging voice whispered to his soul and he smirked. "We'll see."

Clamoring outside the office prompted Jace to snap from his daze and redress. Kendra straightened his collar and smoothed his tie. He buckled his belt and swept over his pants legs to iron the creases.

"We'd better get to work. I'll see you later, sweetheart." Kendra sauntered to the door but turned to show him a slow, long eyelash wink. She turned to step through the doorway and bumped into Candice!

Jace encased in ice and his stomach wrapped into knots.

Candice sidestepped Kendra's attempt to bull her over and the women exchanged vile glares.

"Excuse me!" Kendra said on her way by.

Candice appeared as if a light bulb switched on in her mind. "So, that's how you're trying to get the job..."

Kendra ceased her tracks and faced Candice. "What are you talking about? I'm good at what I do and people like me."

"I bet you've had a lot of practice getting good at what you do..." Candice said shifting her attention for a brief second towards Jace.

"You want to say something to me?" Kendra was akin to a dog foaming and on its hind legs ready to pounce.

"I already did."

"Ladies, please!" Jace pleaded and Kendra walked away.

After she left, Candice stepped into the doorway and she and Jace exchanged stares. She gave a knowing nod and went back to work.

The next morning, Jace was sitting at his desk sipping on a cappuccino when Candice walked in. She was scheduled to give a presentation at the corporate office of a popular spa and he suggested they ride together.

Accompanying Candice was the aroma of his favorite pastry and a puddle formed on the floor.

"Good morning, Jace! I hope you didn't eat breakfast because I've been baking cinnamon rolls with raisins since I woke up." She laid the napkin with the warm roll and its gooey icing spilling off the side in his hands. "I hope you enjoy it."

"You know I will! Thank you." Jace took a bite and hummed at its cinnamon and sweetness. "Mmm...'munch'...these are your...'munch' ones yet!"

Candice's cheeks inflated as she enjoyed watching him savor her creation. Jace stuffed more into his gullet and a piece fell into his lap. Candice rushed to grab it but also wound up with a handful of his animal. Jace's mouth hung open and his chin drooped. Candice ripped her hand away with her face radiating red. He grabbed a napkin and wiped himself clean. Jace experienced a rush he didn't expect.