How on Earth Did I End up Here?

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Wife attends swingers club as a solution to infidelity.
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How on earth did I end up here?

Helen Roberts respectable suburban housewife and mother of two sat at bar surveying the other patrons in the country house which double up as a swingers club. She felt like she didn't belong! Everyone else looked younger, a lot younger than her 38 years and in her eyes and they all looked far more glamorous.

She didn't want to be here, it had been her husband's Dave's idea. He sat next to her looking as confident as ever. He had been nagging her for months before she reluctantly agreed to sign up to a dating and swingers website which led to them being here at the club for the first time. The fact that Dave's affair had led them to this position added further irritation to her discomfort. Upon being discovered he had begged for forgiveness, before confessing he needed more than Helen could offer and then finally suggesting they explore 'new' things together. Helen's love for her children had been a primary consideration in not heading straight out the door and to the divorce courts.

He finally convinced her to look at the website and upload a profile.

Their profiles were separate but showed a link to each other and categorised them as swingers. All members could then swipe right on either Dave's or Helen's details to indicate an interest. Where things differed to other dating sites, were that the results would not be shared with members until the 'swingers amalgamation event' which is what they were attending tonight.

Helen had worked through the male profiles indicating who she liked. She found the process difficult without meeting them, on looks alone she would have probably said yes to most of them, but she excluded many on the basis of the profiles sounding a bit too arrogant.

The site enabled private messaging and Helen received a few complimentary comments and introductions but was unsure how to reply so just left them.

Helen guessed there were about 20 couples present at the event, invited as a result of the web site's algorithms working out an equal number of matches. The instructions stated that everyone needed to bring a mobile with the club's swingers app loaded on it. They could attend from 7pm, the app would publish matches at 8pm. Members then had to spend 30 minutes in the communal areas with their matches before deciding if they wanted to 'couple up' and retire to the first floor, which seemed to be protected by a couple of burly guards. Those coupling up had up until 10pm to spend with their new partners or they could return earlier. Then they were free to drink, meet others or continue partying.

Helen wondered again why Dave had pushed so hard for this. He was usually popular with women and knew it. Was it about the freedom and exploration he had described or just a sordid way for him to have sex with another blonde bimbo without the risk of being caught this time?

She had hesitated for the umpteenth time whilst getting ready not sure at all what to wear. Dave was clearly very excited, opposite to her own feeling of dread. He reaffirmed they should go and encouraged her to be daring, suggesting a plunging red halter neck satin dress than felt a little tight these days along with matching stiletto heels. If she was to wear it, she thought she needed underwear which would help her figure, choosing a vintage 1950s styled open bottomed girdle with suspenders and nude stockings. She looked in the mirror and surprised herself by thinking she looked pretty good and it was nice to be all dressed up for a change. She couldn't recall the last time she had dressed like this or been taken out on a date for that matter. A clutch purse and thin silver shawl completed her outfit.

They had arrived shortly after 7, checked in with a receptionist who made sure the app was working on both of their phones. The app was connected to several large display screens located in the main communal and bar areas. The instructions advised that the 3 male and 3 female members with the most likes would be announced on the screens at 7.30pm and that the matching would be announced at 8pm.

Helen was totally flabbergasted to see her photo appear on the big screens at 7.30 taking a while to realise she had been ranked 3rd. She thought the women ranked above her both looked like models as did the 3 guys selected. She blushed as people suddenly seemed to be staring at her. A guy next to her at the bar smiled and offered his congratulations.

Helen stammered, "It must be a mistake."

He shook his head, "Not from where I'm standing."

"But the others are stunning and so much younger."

"Nonsense" he cut in "You are gorgeous, a little older but you have amazing curves, your ass might be a bit bigger than when you were younger but its still a perfect peach shape, your leggy and those big tits are just irresistible."

Helen turned crimson, she was both flattered and insulted, but seeing as she was sitting in a swingers club didn't feel like she could be too upset and couldn't deny feeling pretty good about the situation. The fact Dave wasn't in the top 3 men added to her happiness.

The top 3 was followed by confirmation that at 8pm matches would announced via the app. A looped background message displayed on the screens detailing the matching algorithm. This explained all individuals had been ranked based on the number of likes on the web site. The algorithm began with the number 1 ranked female, working down her list of liked men present this evening to find the highest ranked man who had liked her profile. So the number 1 ranked female would be matched with the number 1 ranked male but only if they had both swiped right on each other's profiles. If not it would match her with the next highest male she had swiped right on, excluding her own partner. Any matched guys were removed from the available list and so on until all couples were matched. With conflicts and overlaps it sounded complicated, no wonder they needed an algorithm and they must have tailored who got invited to the event to make it all work.

Dave seemed a bit frustrated that his wife's high ranking didn't affect his own scoring, but then again he was assured of a match and all the women in attendance looked hot. He was thinking this had been a really good idea; he really should have tried it years earlier.

Helen looked nervously at her phone for the umpteenth time, just as the time ticked over to 8pm, a message popped up' congratulations you have matched with... John. A photo of her match popped up and Helen gulped, looking up at the screen she could see the same image next to the No 1 ranked male on the big screen.

Dave looked up from his own match, a pretty red head named Marion to check Helen's. He looked a bit bemused as he realised who Helen had been matched with.

They barely had time to talk as the follow up messaging used a gps signal and floor plan to direct people to their matches. Helen stood on wobbly legs to go find her match only to be taken aback as an extraordinarily handsome man greeted her.

"Hi you must be Helen, I'm John."

He leaned in and kissed her cheek. He smelled absolutely divine. Helen felt herself blush before recovering and saying hello properly, noticing Dave eyeing her suspiciously before wondering off to find his own match.

John got them both a drink and they sat back at the bar. She wasn't sure quite what to say, before managing:

"I'm not sure how you have ended up with me, I mean you're top."

"Oh that easy to explain," John replied smoothly. "The number 1 ranked female is my wife Danielle, and I didn't swipe right on the woman ranked 2, so you were my top match. I only liked 3 women in the whole list and I must have been your top match."

"Your picked me first", murmured Helen

"Absolutely, you were easily my first choice" smiled John.

"But why me, I mean everyone else looks so glamorous and so young".

John looked genuinely confused. "You have no idea do you?"


"Just how 'glamorous' you look and the fact you have no idea just makes you even more beautiful."

Helen blushed again it was becoming a habit, "Flatterer, you've done this before."

"Actually we've only been a couple of times. I prefer women who are real. I'm not really into the skeletal blondes and fake boobs. They would just be like a poorer version of Danielle. You are gorgeous, all of your curves, you have that classic hour glass look going on, I absolutely love it."

"Oh, right, errm, well not sure what I can say other than thank you."

John looked up and down her body unashamedly, his eyes pausing on her legs, breasts and finally face.

"No need and I'm really happy you chose me." As he said it John leant forward and placed a hand on Helen's thigh.

It reminded her that she wore stockings and he was touching them, she started to panic.

John noticed immediately and removed his hand. He looked at her inquisitively for a few moments.

"I take it this is your first time at a club and it wasn't your idea."

Helen wondered how he worked that out from look but nodded agreement.

"Ah right... sorry if that was a little forward. Just relax; we don't have to do anything you don't want to do. This set up is pretty full on. At worst we enjoy a drink together then go our separate ways with no hard feelings. If we stay together for a while, we won't do a single thing you're not comfortable with and you can still walk away at any time."

Helen felt the tension in her muscles ease and managed a smile, "Thanks that means a lot."

"To be honest, it wasn't my idea either, but Danielle is really into it."

Helen was surprised, "Really?"

"Yeah, I prefer a few quiet beers at the pub and a night in with my wife, but this can be fun and at least I know what she is up to."

Helen was going to ask more, but it sounded close to why she was there with Dave and she didn't want to press more on what might be a touchy subject.

The 30 minutes passed in a hurry, their conversation was relaxed and entertaining. At 8.30 the app pinged messages. Members had to press a match accept or reject button on their phone.

Helen looked at John asking, "What are you going to vote?"

He laughed "I already voted and can't tell you."

Helen pressed accept, the app then showed avatars representing herself and John holding hands and then a collar being added to both of their characters.

She looked up, nervously.

John smiled: "I am absolutely delighted and honoured, thank you so much."

"Likewise" was all Helen could manage in return before feeling her face blush yet again.

John stood and offered her his hand. She took it, as she stood John pulled her into a kiss. It was quick but was on the lips, Helen felt slightly dizzy. Breaking the kiss he led Helen to the stairs. She quickly looked around for Dave but couldn't see him, so assumed he was doing the same thing as she was.

In reality Dave was trying to get through the crowd of people heading towards the stairs. He finally spotted Helen on the first floor landing, smiling, arm in arm with a tall and ridiculously good looking man. He started for the stairs only to be stopped by a guard saying it was couples only. Helen disappeared as the guard directed him back to the bar.

His meeting with Marion hadn't gone to plan; she seemed to want a romantic encounter whilst Dave was looking for raw uncomplicated sex. Still it came as a surprise when after he pressed accept; the app showed two icons moving apart and a sad face in-between. A message popped up: 'Please return to the bar area, we hope you have more luck there.' It took him a while to realise he had been rejected and then try to convince Marion to change her mind; by that time he had missed Helen. At least he still had a chance, he returned to the bar.

It was clear some of the people in the bar were real couples who had decided not to go through with it. He started a conversation with an attractive brunette but he noticed her looking at another guy across the bar. A few smiles and nods later and she made a brief apology and left. He tried to chat up the remaining women there but it was obvious they weren't interested. He checked the app which confirmed his conclusion: 'All matches currently taken'. He felt sick to his stomach, ordering a whisky he wondered what Helen was up to, it had only been 30 minutes since the matching and he had at least another hour to wait. In actuality it was another two hours before he would see Helen again.

Helen's time with John was nothing short of a revelation. From the moment they swept arm in arm up the grand staircase it was prefect. John' touches were electric and he was so handsome, she could feel the bulky muscle of his bicep as they linked arms. Usually she found guys staring at her chest irritating, but John could look just as much as he wanted, despite that he maintained eye contact with Helen, she wondered if he could see them sparkle with anticipation and excitement.

She had expected to provide a blow job and then start fucking much in the way her husband demanded. It completely threw her when John sat with her on a couch; they talked some more as they finished their drinks. Then they spent what felt like an age fully clothed whilst kissing. Before she had an item of clothing removed Helen was wet with anticipation.

John stood before her and slowly began undressing, as he removed his shirt, Helen couldn't resist reaching up and running her red painted nails over his perfect six pack. He turned away as he removed his trousers, Helen noting his powerful thighs and taught bum cheeks. He turned back around surprising Helen with a fully erect and significantly large cock; it just missed her face and was swaying and throbbing in front of her. As she was reaching out for it, John pulled away and said it was her turn to undress; he pulled her to her feet and took her place on the couch.

Helen wasn't used to undressing under such intense scrutiny. Her shawl had already been abandoned, she reached behind and unzipped her dress, clutching it to her chest before finally releasing and letting it pool at her feet. Standing in her girdle, stockings and heels she suddenly felt very exposed and frumpy as she looked at the Adonis in front of her who looked like he had been chiselled from marble.

She could only conclude he was joking when saying, "Wow you are stunning,"

But he didn't laugh, going on to say, "Don't take off the lingerie, it's so fucking hot."

Helen relaxed a little and did a little curtsey. John stood and pulled her into a smouldering kiss, his hand gripping her ass firmly. As he broke the kiss both his hands moved to cup and squeeze her breasts.

"Jesus, just how big are these?"

"38DD replied Helen proudly, do you like them?"

"Love them, Danielle is only a B cup, these are tremendous!"

Helen wanted to drop to her knees and examine the meaty cock that was currently pushing against her stomach, but before she had the chance, John lifted her into his arms and walked toward the bed, throwing her on it. He then dove on top of her kissing her passionately. He moved down kissing over her neck arms and girdle. This is new, thought Helen, I wonder where...

Her thoughts were interrupted as John pushed her girdle up and planted a kiss directly on her mound. He gently eased her legs apart as he kissed her upper thighs before returning to his goal. Helen was staggered, Dave never provided oral and this felt so intense. She could see John gauging her reactions, as he brushed her clit with his lips her whole body tensed. John felt the tension telling Helen to relax and enjoy it before returning to kissing nibbling and sucking her clit. Her first orgasm arrived quickly with a second closely behind, this was a whole new experience.

She wanted to hold and kiss his gorgeous cock, but John insisted this was all about her and told her to lie back. As he steered his body between her thighs they kissed. Helen grasping John' hardness with one hand and pulling him close by the buttock with the other. Her mouth opened wide to welcome his probing tongue. John broke the kiss to feast on her breasts after easing them out of the corset. The supporting corset under her breasts made them appear ridiculously large and more pert; John couldn't get enough of them.

John moved up until the head of his cock was just touching Helens' slit, he pushed forward. Helen moaned and opened her legs wider. Her arms encircled his neck and she pulled him toward her. She needed him NOW! John pressed firmly against her, the swollen head of his cock began to penetrate.

Helen was so overwhelmed by the new sensations assaulting her body that she was afraid she might pass out. He was stretching her so much and hadn't even gotten started.

" gentle" she whispered.

John pushed forward steadily but relentlessly, easing slightly before feeding more of himself into her pussy. As her initial cry of pain converted into a deep moan he began pumping his cock slowly and deeply inside the now delirious Helen.

Helen was now completely taken over by her desire and the feelings she was experiencing for the first time in her life. Even under these circumstances she was aware that she briefly felt a moment of guilt for her husband, but it soon passed. She wrapped her stocking clad legs around John and pulled him in as her orgasm approached.

"Now...fuck me! Cum in me...please! Do it!!"

John obliged. He penetrated Helen to the maximum depth and stopped moving just as his cock began to gush inside her. Helen was overtaken with such a powerful orgasm that she briefly lost consciousness. She continued to hold John in a vice-like grip with her arms and legs. Finally they both relaxed in each other's arms. He remained inside her for several minutes still enjoying the sensations of her body.

After he finally withdrew, Helen was amazed to see John cock just remained hard, his erection never faltered.

He looked down laughing, "Well that's new, it must be the effect you have on me. Seems a shame to waste it."

Helen couldn't have agreed more, this time she did make him lie back before mounting his pole. She rode him cowgirl letting John play with her breasts. Helen was enthralled by the sensations running through her body; an orgasm during penetrative sex was another new experience. After that John rolled her forward and held her face whilst kissing her repeatedly. The combined sensations sent both into a final climax.

Did they have sex or did they make love? Helen wasn't sure, it certainly felt like more than sex, there was a connection, feelings and emotions. She had no idea it could be so good. Unlike Dave, John was so attentive and considerate ensuring they both had an equal amount of pleasure. It was such a contrast to her husband who always felt like he was taking something from her. She found herself comparing her husband to John and he wasn't coming out of that comparison very well at all.

After a long period of lying and holding each other, they eventually got up and began dressing. Helen found herself smiling as what they had just done whilst John looked on with what looked like regret at their parting.

"I have to see you again."

Helen hesitated, they were both married. "I don't know if that's such a good idea, I mean that was... so intense, it could get out of hand."

The better description which Helen refrained from expressing was that it was nothing short of a revelation, she wanted more but was pretty sure that it would end her marriage if it hadn't done so already.

They dressed and left the room, Helen doing her best to reject John's pleas to see her again.

Couples were moving around the first floor, several of the men checking Helen out somewhat obviously. John's requests continued suggesting they just meet for coffee as friends and saying she must have felt the same connection he had. By this time Helen's brain felt like it was near to shutting down due to an overload of emotions... she needed to find Dave.