How To Lose Weight Fast

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Freddie shares his quick weight lose program with you.
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So, you want to lose weight? How much weight do you want to lose? C'mon, it's just the two of us. Whisper it in my ear. Wow! Seriously? That much? How the Hell much do you weigh now and how did you get that heavy? Never mind. I don't want to know. Besides, it doesn't really matter how much you weigh because I can help you to lose every pound that you want to lose.

How to lose weight fast? Now that I have your attention, I've pretty much cornered a good section of the fad diet programs and self-help books on the market with this story haven't I? Seriously though, what about my name, Bostonfictionwriter, did you not understand? I'm from Boston and I write fiction. Did you seriously believe that I could help you lose weight fast?

Wait; don't leave just yet because, actually, I think that I can help you. Let's start with a bit of commonsense first. You need to ask yourself two questions. How did I gain this weight? Yes, obviously by overeating food. Then, ask yourself why you want to lose the weight you gained?

Seriously, these are important self-help questions that you must honestly answer. It is important that you write down your answers. You need not share your answers with the rest of us, but by the mere fact of writing the reasons down on paper that you can review from time to time will give it more importance in your mind. You will never succeed losing the weight and keeping the weight off unless you first identify the reasons not only why you gained the weight in the first place but also why you want to lose it now. Think about it. It makes sense.

First let's ponder why we gained the weight in the first place.

Did you gain the weight from overeating? Did you gain the weight from lack of exercise? Did you gain the weight in a combination of overeating and lack of exercise?

Why did you feel the need to overeat and/or not exercise? What happened that suddenly changed your eating and/or workout habits? Was it medication you were prescribed and taking? Do you think you may have a medical condition that caused you to gain weight? Perhaps, your thyroid is the medical condition that suddenly made you gain all the weight. Let's rule that out first by having a medical exam. Never should you embark on a weight loss and/or exercise problem without first consulting your doctor.

Yes, I know, you are big boned. You have bones that are as heavy as the bones of a brontosaurus. If it wasn't for your big bones, huge bones actually, you'd weigh next to nothing and would be a size 4 instead of a size 20. Only, if you are going to continue to kid yourself as to all the reasons why you are overweight, then you will never lose the weight. You will always find an excuse to deceive yourself into failing, eating more food, and gaining more weight.

For those of you who have never seriously worked out, first get an okay from your doctor that you are healthy enough to exercise. The good news is that if you have never worked out before, once you get over the soreness, stiffness, and pain (lol), you will be amazed with the immediate results. Those who have never worked out before will receive faster and more pronounced benefits than someone like me who has been working out since (good God am I really that freaking old) 1963.

By the way, as an aside, for all of those gym owners and personal trainers who continue to send me all those wonderful expletive filled e-mails that I don't know what I'm writing about, I worked in a few gyms in my younger years teaching people how to lift weights and how to exercise. Then, as a semi-pro boxer, I taught disadvantaged kids from my neighborhood how to box and how to train for a fight.

Moreover, I've worked out for 45 years and anyone who knows me and/or has seen my photo knows that I'm muscular and in good condition for an old guy (cough, hack, gasp, wheeze). I used to workout with Victor Rivera a professional wrestler from the 60's who fought Bruno Sammartino for the championship and I sparred with Bob Urich of Spencer for Hire fame back in the 80's when he was making his television series with Robert Parker.

Did some emotional trauma happen in your life now or was it an emotional trauma that happened in your past that you are now reliving subconsciously and that has manifested in you overeating and/or not exercising? Do you think it would help if you talked with a professional? Have you tried hypnosis? It does work for some people.

Now, let's consider why you want to lose the weight you gained.

Is it just a public perception issue? Do you believe that by losing weight that the weight loss will make you feel better about yourself by giving you more confidence and lifting up your self-esteem? That's so interesting. So, is it safe to assume that you feel bad about yourself now? Have you considered that how you feel about yourself now is more than just a weight issue and that even if you lost the weight, you would still feel bad about yourself?

Moreover, have you considered that your negative thoughts relating to your body image manifests itself in more eating and increased weight gain? Do you think relaxation and meditation exercises will help to change your thoughts from negative to positive, thereby helping you to eat less? It's a vicious cycle that you've created for yourself. Hey, don't get mad at me, I'm just trying to help you. Put the frying pan down. You could kill someone with that thing.

Do you want to feel more desirable and be more attractive to the opposite sex? If you are a guy, are you hoping to get lucky? Gees, sorry, I didn't know you were a virgin. You'll have to read my story on how to get laid, but I haven't written that one, yet.

If you are a woman are you hoping to find the right guy and get married and have kids? See? Why is it that women are way better than men? Men just want to get laid and have sex with as many women as we can, whereas women want to settle down with one special guy, have a family, and get started with the more important things in life, such as buying a house, going shopping and accumulating credit card debt, and nagging her husband so much that he wishes he was dead (kidding).

Are you unhealthy, morbidly obese and/or have high blood pressure and/or diabetes? Yes, I truly understand that unless you change your behavior and modify what you eat and how much you eat of it, you will die. That's not good. Hey, I need all the fans that are going to give me a vote of 5 as I can get. I don't want my audience dying. I have a vested interest in not only helping you to lose the weight but also in enabling you to live longer so that you can give me more 5 votes. It's a win/win scenario for both of us.

Well, unless you must lose weight for medical reasons, I wouldn't make yourself miserable about not being thinner. Being thin isn't everything that it's cracked up to be. Think about and consider all the other good things about yourself. You have a lot of good qualities. I love your eyes by the way. Hey, I like you. You gave me a 5 vote for this story. How could I not like you no matter how much you weigh?

Besides if someone can't see beyond the body image, then a romantic relationship will never work. You're smart, sensitive, kind, and a good dancer, too; wouldn't you want those same qualities in your lover? Why settle for someone who is so shallow that he or she just wants the wrapper without delving into and exploring the dough (no pun intended)? I've seen way many more skinny bitches than I have fat witches. Oh, I see you are just as shallow as are your thin counterparts and you want someone as good looking as you think you are not. Now, I understand. Houston, we have a problem.

Seriously, though, I've known some people who were overweight all their lives and many of them were healthier than me. Not everyone is genetically blessed or cursed and going to be as skinny as Paris Hilton (and who wants to be that unhealthy thin), just as not everyone can safely carry excess weight around. Hey, if you ask me, Paris is so skinny that it makes her nose look bigger, but that's just my opinion. I really don't even like the dumb broad. Moreover, I've known many overweight women who are way better looking than Paris Hilton, not that she's any measure of beauty.

I've worked out with weights and aerobic conditioning all my life. Yet, I'm a 26.5 on the BMI, body mass index and by all the life insurance charts, I'm 50 pounds overweight. Are you kidding me? If I lost 50 pounds my friends would think I was dying of cancer.

I'm perfectly healthy at my weight, according to my most recent blood work. I do feel a bit tired though (cough), maybe I'm coming down with something. Nurse! I need a nurse to check my hard-on, I mean heart. I know bodybuilders who are a 30 on the BMI scale and they are unbelievably healthy. Muscle weighs more than fat. So throw your scale away. Bodyweight is not always a sure sign of how healthy you are.

Listen, if you are serious about losing weight, in principal it's easy to do but in reality, losing weight is just as difficult as trying to stop smoking, which by the way if you smoke, you are crazy not to quit. Anyone can lose a quick 5 or 10 pounds, depending upon the percentage of weight loss to your present weight. Yet, if you are serious about losing 30 pounds or more, it took you months to gain that weight and it will take months to lose that weight. Give yourself realistic goals that you can achieve and not make yourself feel bad by failing to reach unrealistic goals. Losing one to two pounds a week is a good goal to have.

Below are listed my four simple and guaranteed ways to lose weight.

1. Eat less

2. Move more

3. Buy bigger clothes

4. Send me a nude photo of yourself (women only, please)

1. Eat less -- Make better choices with your caloric intact. I've never heard of any diet that is successful by starving yourself. When you deny your body food, you may lose weight in the beginning but eventually you'll gain it all back and more.

This is what to do instead. Eat natural foods whenever you can and avoid eating man made foods and fast foods. Eat fruits and vegetables instead of donuts and muffins. I've come to the point that I'd rather eat an apple, orange or a banana than that chocolate Bavarian cream donut that looks so delicious that it makes my mouth water more than this freaking banana does.

Yet, sometimes when I crave a chocolate Bavarian cream donut, I won't deny myself that and will have something similar to it but not as fattening. Never will you ever see me eating a tub of ice cream, a sleeve of cookies or a bag of potato chips in one sitting. Now, if you eat in such a way as that, then you have other issues that must be resolved by discussing them with a mental health professional before you can successfully lose weight with only diet and exercise. Truly, no one is that hungry.

2. Move more -- Yes, I know you are really heavy and your feet and knees hurt but walk more. First of all, forget about style, buy a better pair of shoes, ones that are as supportive as they are padded, so that you can walk comfortably without pain. Look, it's a nice day, the sun is shining, and the birds are singing. Go for a walk. Instead of parking your car in the handicap zone, park your car across the parking lot and walk. That's a start.

Believe me walking will make you lose weight. My wife lost 100 pounds just by going for a walk after dinner. We'd walk for an hour or so every night and we did that for eighteen months. Yeah, she was hit by a car but...kidding.

It's amazing that she lost that much weight not by joining a gym, not by working out hours every day, and not by starving herself but just by walking and changing her eating behavior and making better food choices. Besides, we talked as we walked and grew closer while doing that.

3. Buy bigger clothes -- I know it sounds ridiculous but not as ridiculous as you look trying to squeeze yourself in those tight jeans. You'd look thinner and shapelier if you bought a bigger size. We all have a favorite outfit, something that makes us look good and feel good, real good. Well, buy more of those look good and feel good clothes instead of the clothes that make you feel and look fat.

Wearing those too tight jeans are self-defeating and indeed, as soon as you pass by a mirror in the mall, the sudden realization of how bad you look will cause you to have negative thoughts about yourself and those thoughts will make you depressed and make you want to eat more.

You want to sooth your soul as much as you want to loose some weight. Whenever I put on a pair of jeans that I can no longer button, I wear something else. Not only do I immediately feel better about myself but also I feel more comfortable and skinny even, now that my stomach is not bursting out the sides of my jeans.

4. Send me a nude photo of yourself (women only) -- Think of me as you would your doctor. Yes, that's right; you may call me Doctor Freddie. Hey, I'm here to help you, but unless I see how severe the weight problem is, then I can't diagnose your problem and draw up a weight loss plan specifically for you. For those who are embarrassed having me ogle, I mean view your naked photos you may leave on your hat and shoes.

Actually, all you need to send me is a photo of your face and tits. I can tell so much by just staring, I mean seeing your face and breasts. You have no idea the things that I can imagine, I mean see.

As soon as I see your nude photo, for those who I feel that I can help by delving deeper in the problem, I will send you my telephone number and we can discuss your weight loss in depth and in a more comfortable position and private location with our first face-to-face meeting.

I'm certain for those naked women who are serious about losing weight; I can make you sweat off a few pounds with some hard thrusting and deep probing action. No, there is no need to thank me. I will receive my own rewards helping you to lose weight by having sex with you, I mean, by showing you how to lose weight by having more sex. Yeah, that's it.

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MarkT63MarkT63over 3 years ago

Interesting!!! 1963 was a very good year to be born!!

RegretsRegretsabout 6 years ago
Friendly guy

That was nice,and now that the better weather is not far off I’m going to try to do something. But I have recently become enthused about a new gimmick that is being ignored in the area of weight loss,for men and women. The gimmick is the Male chastity device. So,first of all I imagine I have to say how this might be useful for women. Well,I imagine many overweight women once got more sex and attention from their men. And of course,there are those women who have not got a man,and who feel that they could have more success if they weighed less. So,my suggestion here is to read about the power that the cock cage has,especially one that is comfortable to wear and which has been worn for say 2 weeks. See the pictures in a Male chastity captions website and try to become enthused. We are aiming for a something for you,something for me situation. If you can get a man locked up,he will be very attentive after a bit if you have the key,especially if you make yourself expert,and only take the cage off when he has his hands secured. As for those ladies without a man,if it is known that you will hold the keys for a device,well,there are very many men who are looking for a key holder so that they can experience the frustration and ecstasy of not being able to touch,but who would not be able to touch. So,you get the idea. You get yourself ready,and wait for lightening to strike...and once you have something to live for,the weight will take care of itself...a runaway snowball. For,men,if you can find a woman who will hold the keys and who will not allow you out until weight targets are reached,say,in 10 lb drops,well,such a woman will be treasured because the sweetness of release and denial is very addictive. I am pointing out that this 21st century arrival,is not being considered seriously as an aid to men and women. Switch your attention from food to sex and sex management. I do not own a device. I am over 70, and have only a fraction of my sexual powers,but for younger people I would imagine the power of sex,or regaining dormant sexual power,which would happen with large weight loss,is well worth having for an ambition.

DididkDididkalmost 14 years ago

You just made my day :D

I had a lot of fun reading this. The truth served with charm and humour.

I used to be just a little chubby, but then I got a job, where I had to stand and walk all day and - voila!- I lost 17.6 lbs.

Now I'm fighting my "little" sugar-addiction, not because I want to loose more weight, but for health-reasons. Sugar-highs are fantastic, but the lows sucks - litterately! Sneaky little energy-drainers.

Anyway, I'm not sending any pictures, as I'm not in need of professional assistance (that I know of) ;-)

Oh, and for all of you, offended by the sex-bit, what are you doing in here? In case you didn't know, this is litEROTICA.


AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
I have my nude pics

I am overweight... but it's from having a kid... yes she is 4 now, but baby weight lingers, right? So I took a series of about 20 photos of myself in various states of undress, a few close-ups too. Just in case you needed to see how fat certain places can get. I just need to know where to send the pics. *smiles sweetly*


AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
To a fiction writer

What you siad in 'How to lose weight fast' was a real eye opener. It made me think of all the reasons i gained weight in the 1st place and it made me think of the reason why i wanted to lose that weight. You made me think of heathier ways of losing. I've tried many solutions but none of mine worked. (Well one did but i ended up geting sick from it.) Anyway... You talked as though the person reading was a long time friend and was someone you knew. Not someone you met on the street and you were trying to give them a speech. I think that what you were saying was vary wonderful. Thank you so much for writing this. Keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

Sex helps you loose weight! How could you possibly leave that out?!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Haha! Wow. xD

So I loved this. xD

I'm actually looking for a how to guide for my boyfriend.. so we can figure out how to get him to.. y'know.. hold out.

But I have issues with weight, and this looked like fun.

And you're right (except for the whole nude picture thing, though it was hilarious). I fit nicely in a size 15/16 pant (American sizing here), but I have like.. five pairs of size 12/13/14 pants.. and I don't have many pants. XD;

I get that muffin top look, stomach bulging out from the top of the pants - it's gross. D: But it was horrible having to go up a few sizes.

But I'm trying to eat better and exercise more (I have DDR - it's fun. ^ ^) so hopefully your guide will help me out, too.

And now to the reason I actually clicked comment: It was hilarious. XD Even the sex part. I know I didn't take offense to it. I figured you were kidding (or not, I don't really know you, but I took it as the joke I figure it to be).

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
The ending was lousy

I liked this guide (even though it had too much unnecessary writing), but the ending about having sex wasn't funny. Dude, you have a wife, right?? Sick.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

Dumb shit,it you are disturbed contact the Salvation Army,they will understand what you are on about

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago

Loved it!!!! The naked picture is in the post.. honest... great outlook... keep up the good work... from one very Fit but fat girly !

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Dumb shit

Written by a dumb shit.

sarahhhsarahhhabout 16 years ago
So Dr. Freddie . . .

. . . why don't you lose 25 pounds by cutting off your dick (Sexual Reassignment Surgery) and we can make lesbian love? Trust me, you will forget all about your Rule 1 to eat fruit and vegetables and go right for the fuzzy donut.

TricialenTricialenabout 16 years ago
Very Funny

Very funny....but some grains of truth in there....

ebony_divaebony_divaabout 16 years ago


VULCAN4231VULCAN4231about 16 years ago

You forgot one thing,live on the fruits of life at least twice a week but dont throw the skins out of the window,they will choke the chickens.????? Lets see some of the bashers go a few rounds with you over this little gem J.

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