Hurricane Alyssa

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His daughter is hotter than the weather.
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Hurricane Alyssa

August 2024

One by one the rumble of gas generators grows into a cacophony as the sun rises. "Fucking Florida," I groan as I give up trying to sleep. Again. The sweat soaked sheets peel off my back as I roll over to retrieve my phone from the nightstand. I grimace rolling back into the wet spot. I'm too old for this shit, I think, invoking Roger Murtaugh. Day five without power after the latest Category Four Hurricane slashed through Florida leaving some death, much destruction and a whole lot of inconvenience behind. Luckily we mostly fell into the former category with minimal damage in our area other than mess and widespread power outages. The drawback of living just outside of the suburbs is we're typically the last to get our power restored. Forcing my eyes to focus, my phone says it's 6:54 am. I see a late night/early morning text from my wife who was out west for work when the storm turned last minute and hit us. Fortunately for her she can work remotely and her previously only merely adequate hotel room was now a miraculous oasis of modern comfort.

Jenteal: "Watching hotel ppv porn like its 2010 lol" - "(a picture of two fingers disappearing between bare, plump pussy lips)" - "(sad face emoji) guess you dozed off" - "hope you sleep better. love you (various love emojis)"

(My wife is in my contacts as 'Jenteal' because she looks a lot like the 90's pornstar, and it's been a long running joke between us.)

I can't help but smile and acknowledge my luck. My wife, Kim, is still as fun, sexy, and naughty as when we met and I was instantly and completely infatuated with her. She loves to tease me with hookup details and naughty pictures when she's on a work trip and normally I'd indulge in a lazy morning jerk off session whenever she's out of town, but the heat is already stifling. I don't need a thermometer to know the low never dipped below the high 80s and the high will be near 100 again today. What people may not realize about post hurricane weather in Florida is the really big storms clear out all other weather for several days. No clouds, no rain, no wind. Just unrelenting heat. And August is the hottest. Fucking Florida.

I reply to my wife, assuming she's now asleep; Me: "couldn't get any last night? (sad face)" - "what kind of porn did you get off too?" - "your fav a blowbang? (smiley face)" I chuckle imagining her on her knees sucking a bunch of cocks. Well, not just imagining, she's done it numerous times over the years. Sucking dick has always been her biggest turn on. I take a picture of my fully erect cock, standing proud and send it: "its too hot to take care of this (sad face)"

The urge to jerk off competes with the obligation of needing to get up and start our generator that's keeping our refrigerators and chest freezer going. Along with the fact that all the windows are wide open allowing for zero privacy. I haven't gotten off in five days, I can't remember the last time I went even half this long. I give my cock a couple of tugs and try to will myself not to start looking at porn on my phone. Especially not Literotica, knowing I'd be lost to the inevitable once I started reading a new hot wife or incest story. About to give in and click the blue 'L' shortcut, I hear the sliding glass doors open loudly. Looking, I see a nude teenage girl walk across the patio and lower herself into the pool with a sigh. I quickly pull the sheet over my middle, one knee in the air to hide my tenting erection. I look at my phone pretending to be distracted.

DING. Jenteal: "haha it was a blowbang" - "sorry I'm not there to take care of that monster for you" - "you could always ask the porn star (tongue out)"

I chuckle at my wife's reference to our 19-year-old daughter, Alyssa. Kim has been referring to her as a porn star since she announced, only halfway through her freshman year, that college wasn't for her and she was dropping out to start an Always Fans. It honestly wasn't much of a surprise to either of us that our daughter would turn to sex work; intelligent but an average student who never enjoyed school, Alyssa had always marched to the beat of her own drummer with little regard for social conventions or structures. And the signs she was at least as highly sexed as her mother had been hard to miss.

We were a little surprised when she said she wanted to move back home in lieu of finding a place of her own, but her reasoning was sound; our house is relatively large with Alyssa's bedroom on the opposite end form ours, and as Kim and I had already previously discussed combining the adjourning unused guest rooms into Alyssa's to make a large 'suite' should she continue living at home long term, this would allow her workspace and generally enough privacy to conduct her business as needed. Also, our large pool and private back yard would allow her more options for photos and filming. So we readily agreed, happy to have our little girl home and safe regardless of her chosen profession.

Me: "wow still up or up early?" - "and dont start lol" - "shes swimming naked again"

"Good morning, Daddy." I hear, and look to see Alyssa's head bobbing in the water, looking back at me through the wide-open windows. "Morning Lemon, sleep okay?" I ask, watching her lazily float onto her back, her nude body glistening in the rising sun.

(Our daughter got the nickname 'Lemon' because when she was a child she loved to suck on lemon wedges. When we went out to eat we'd order iced tea with extra lemons just so she would have the lemons. Weird, right? But it was always her thing, and the name stuck.)

"Off and on, the fan battery ran out, I forgot to charge the spare," she tells me. "How 'bout you?"

"Same. I'll start the generator in a few minutes and charge all the batteries first," I tell her, referencing the tool batteries used to run the portable fans and lights. Besides the two fridges and chest freezer the generator could handle one additional circuit which I was using in the kitchen to alternate between running the microwave, toaster oven, kettle, etc. and charging electronics and batteries.

"I have a couple other things that need to be charged too," Alyssa announces.

"Yeah, the batteries should only take a couple of hours then you can do your phone and ipad," I inform her.

"I mean a couple of things besides just those. I just didn't want you to freak out when you see my toys on the kitchen counter," she giggles.

"Oh, okay," I say casually, hiding my sudden excitement at seeing my daughter's sex toys close up.

So, over the past year, my wife and I have gotten used to the sights and sounds of having a sex worker living with us. Truthfully, it wasn't as awkward or as much of a concession as we had worried. Walking around nearly naked or in sexy outfits, bikinis, or underwear wasn't anything new, Alyssa's always done that, same as her mother. But now the extravagant lingerie, tanning nude multiple days a week, and the moans, groans, and dirty talk escaping her newly enlarged bedroom took some getting used to, but we were all adults and we accepted and adjusted.

Also new was the constant stream of packages; gifts, clothes, toys, and 'equipment,' some of which she needed my assistance setting up, like the 'fuck machine' that came in a thousand pieces. I won't deny a small (okay, not that small) part of me was perversely hoping my daughter would offer a demonstration in return for my labor. I settled for a 'Thanks, Daddy,' and a kiss on the cheek.

I should clarify that 'porn star' is a bit of a stretch to describe what Alyssa does. She's more a nude model as she mostly does 'solo work,' I believe is the correct terminology; she does cam shows and sells candid and custom pictures and videos as well as doing some 'girl/girl' videos with a few friends and fellow models. We know this because we're fortunate to have a very open and trusting relationship with our daughter and she made her intentions clear when informing us of her plans. And she keeps us informed as to when she'll be working, when her friends are coming over, etc... But, also, we subscribe to her page. Yeah, I know. It was my wife's idea, I swear. Though I didn't put up much of a fight (okay, I happily agreed, secretly grateful Kim suggested it before I did).

Even before Alyssa chose her current profession, my wife had been very keen to point out that our daughter bears an uncanny resemblance to Aubrey Sinclair, a young porn star from the past decade. Kim would often play an Aubrey Sinclair video, inventing some role-play pretending she was our daughter. And yes, now both my wife and I have gotten off watching our actual daughter. And yeah, I did get to see the fuck machine in action, it's piston mounted dildo ramming in and out of my little girls beautiful gash, just not in person, sadly.

Fortunately, so far, all this has mostly remained compartmentalized and by and large Alyssa keeps her 'work' confined to her end of the house when her mother or I are home and Kim's and my fantasies have remained private, though it was hard to pretend the boundaries hadn't shifted significantly, and seemed to be eroding with time.

DING. Jenteal: "can't sleep" - "you should join her you know you want to"

"You should join me, Daddy. It's not that bad this morning," Alyssa announces, addressing the fact that as much as the pool is a welcome respite form the heat, being the height of summer, the water is a tepid 80+ degrees.

Me: "you know thats a bad idea"

"Maybe you should put a suit on?" I suggest, through my window.

Emitting an exaggerated sigh, my daughter whines, "Ugh, Daddy, come on, it's way too hot. It's just us... It's not like you haven't see me naked tanning anyway."

DING. Jenteal: "its naughty not necessarily bad" - "but both can be fun (tongue out)"

Me: "she just said i should join her" - "the slut didn't fall far from the whore tree (crying laughing face)" I chuckle out loud, cracking myself up.

DING. Jenteal: "youre so romantic (laughing face)" - "that might be the nicest and rudest thing youve ever said to me lol" - "i dont know why youre so hesitant we both know she's dying to spread her legs for you" - "its probably genetic lol"

Being subscribers to her page my wife and I are very aware of the 'Daddy' content Alyssa produces. But that's what's popular now and despite her obvious enthusiasm, 'Daddy' doesn't necessarily mean 'Dad,' I keep telling Kim, even though she keeps telling me I'm wrong and threatening to commission a custom video from our daughter that will prove it. I get up and put on a pair of shorts and head to the garage, typing, Me: "we dont know that"

I fill the generator, and then pull the rope to start it. I stand watching it run for a good minute or two, a mandatory part of the process, as all men of a certain age will surely attest, before grabbing two bottles of water out of the garage fridge.

DING. Jenteal: "you keep telling yourself that fsr" - "but you only live once" - "remember when you told me that"

Stopping in the kitchen to start batteries charging, I shake my head at her reference. Besides being a lovely, kind, caring sweetheart, my wife has also always been a dirty, depraved, perverted, submissive slut and not long after we were married she confessed her deepest, darkest, longest held fantasy was to have sex with her father. Having had an unfulfilled infatuation with my own mother growing up, I was both sympathetic and turned on by her admission. I enthusiastically encouraged Kim's fantasy, over time gradually pushing her boundaries until she in fact seduced her father into a still ongoing sexual relationship. So, yeah, my reticence about engaging in an incestual relationship with my daughter is not moral or ethical, just practical. Even more free spirited than her mother, Alyssa has never been shy about her body and I have certainly enjoyed having two beautiful women in the same house, but she also has never done anything overtly sexual with either her mother or I. I feel fortunate that my daughter feels comfortable enough around me to be honest and carefree and I remain reluctant to jeopardize that trust even though my wife is actively pushing me towards a sexual relationship with Alyssa much like I had with her and her father.

DING. Jenteal: "OMG I just realized last week was exactly 20 years since we made her" - "that seems like fate if you ask me (several heart emojis)"

God, it was exactly 20 years, wasn't it? August 2004, Kim had just moved into my condo with me when we got the first of three successive hurricanes in little more than a month. What a shitshow that was. Hurricane Charley had turned suddenly and came right over us and we were without power for 10 days. And this was before smart phones and tablets. There was NOTHING to do. Except read. And fuck. Fuck in every room. Fuck morning, noon, and night. Fuck and shower. Fuck and shower. Fuck in the shower. We ruined all my furniture that week between the sweat and fuck juices. And Alyssa was born nine months later.

Me: "god thats right" - "20 years, that means you're... almost 40!!!!"

DING. Jenteal: "fuuuuuck yooooou!" - "I may not be 19 but I make up for it with experience (middle finger, tongue out, heart)" - "and youre not one to talk. ive been planning your 50th bday old timer lololol"

Me: "you're still a smoke show babe" - "if you were here we could pretend like it was 2004 and fuck in every room (laughing face)"

DING. Jenteal: "hehe sounds fun (eggplant, squirt, hearts)" - "sorry not sorry I'm not there tho lol (hot, sweating)" - "guess you'll have to make due (tongue out)" - "you two could put your time to good use and make us a grandchild"

Me: "you dirty bitch (hearts)"

I move to take Alyssa a bottle of water and find her rising from the pool. "Damn," I mutter and can't help stop and stare. Physically so similar to her mother in most ways, both are naturally, wholesomely pretty with curvy yet taught bodies, athletic and perfectly proportional. Alyssa is more of a dirty blonde than Kim. Both are hairless from their eyebrows down. Caught by my daughter's glance, I stop gawking and walk through the open slider to hand her a water. She makes no attempt to cover herself.

"Thank you, Daddy," she beams. "Heard from Mom?"

"Yeah, she's doing good. Enjoying room service and the AC," I smile.

"I bet," my daughter giggles, then adds, "but this is kind of fun for a change, isn't it? I mean it's kinda like camping but at home. That chicken you grilled last night was yuuummy," she exaggerates, rubbing her tummy, her hand circling just above her bare mons. "I bet she'd be naked too if she was here," Alyssa winks at me, tipping her bottle and quickly downing half of it with a throaty "ahhh."

"She probably would," I agree smiling, imagining them both naked all day, my cock quickly swelling again.

Hearing her phone DING, Alyssa grabs it, smiling as she reads, before saying, "Wow, Mom's up early. Oh, she says this happened 20 years ago, you guys had no power for a week after a hurricane." DING, "Oh wow, she says you didn't have smart phones or anything then and no internet when the power was out, all you did was... have sex," she smiles and giggles reading her mother's confession. DING, "Oh, she says that's when you made me," her face shows she's doing the math before grinning and typing.

"Your mother's a piece of work," I say shaking my head, "What did you tell her?" I ask after she sends her reply.

"I said that sounded like it was hot and fun," she states casually, smiling, like she just answered what she wanted for lunch.

Shaking my head, my wife is a piece of work. I hear my phone DING, taking it from my pocket, Jenteal: (a screenshot of her text with Alyssa) Lemon: "OMG thats so hot" - "that must have been so much fun" - "youre so lucky (heart emojis)"

Me: "What are you doing?"

DING. Alyssa's mouth opens wide in shock; she covers it with her hand and giggles before typing again.

DING. Jenteal: "stiring the pot (smiley face)" - "your daughter's honey pot specifically (crying laughing)" - "i told her you have a huge cock (wide eyes)"

"Jesus," I mutter, never not amused by my wife's seemingly endless perversity. I see Alyssa steady typing, biting her bottom lip. I step behind a chair, hiding my erection.

Now blushing, Alyssa picks up her water, taking a sip before pouring the rest over her head.

DING. Jenteal: (another screenshot) "It was fun! you're father has a huge cock (eggplant, squirt, smiley face)" - Lemon: "OMG Mom!!!!" - "um... Ive kinda noticed tho in his shorts" - "its hard not to (big eyes, shocked face)" - "um... do you think he'd ever... want to show me? (blushing face)" - "would you mind if he did? (praying hands)"

My heart suddenly thunders in my chest. I feel light headed. I catch my daughter side eyeing me furtively.

DING. Alyssa gasps then giggles, a huge smile overtakes her face. She glances at me, anxiously.

DING. Jenteal: "I told her youd do more than show her if she asks" - "both of you have fun (smiley face, heart)" - "I want deets after as usual!" - "going to sleep, love you"

Suddenly afraid to look at my naked daughter on the other side of the table. "Dad," she says. My face burning hot, my heart beating dangerously fast. I look at Alyssa. Somehow smiling and biting her bottom lip; fuck she looks so cute. A million thoughts race through my mind. I can't help letting my eyes wander over her amazing body; god, she's so fucking sexy.

I rationalize: fuck it; she's an adult, if she actually asks, I'll show her.

Meeting my daughter's eyes, she let's her bottom lip go, "Can I see your dick, Daddy?" she asks hopefully, the same way as when we'll be shopping and she'll come up to me carrying something, hoping I'll buy it for her.

My worry and reticence evaporate instantly. "Okay, sweetheart," I tell her, watching her smile and bounce on her feet, the same as when I agree to buy her what she wants. I move from behind the chair and close the few feet between us, the tent in my shorts leading the way. She stares, eyes fixed on the obscene bulge. I stand in front of my daughter and let my shorts drop unceremoniously. My erection bobs. I watch Alyssa's face, her eyes widen, her mouth hangs open. Her eyes rise to meet mine, "Dad, it's huge," she tells me, before looking back to it. Her hand almost reaches for it before stopping. I see the conflict in her eyes. The same familiar look her mother gets; longing, desire, mischief, and NEED. "You can touch it," I assure her and watch her meet my eyes and smile the same smile she's always given whenever she's gotten my permission to do something. She steps closer, our bodies nearly touching and I watch her wrap her fingers around my penis. Fuck that feels good. "Ohh, Dad," she moans. "God, Lemon," I groan, our heads side by side as we both look down, watching as her hand begins to move up and down my shaft.

"It's so thick, my fingers don't go all the way around..." my daughter tells me, "... and it's so hard. Does it hurt?" she asks, never looking up.

"A little. It's been too hot to... get any relief," I answer honestly.

"I'll do whatever you want, Dad, just tell me," she states simply, still looking down, watching herself slowly stroke me.

I take her chin in my hand and raise her face, "What do you want, Lemon?"