Hurricane Season


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As it turned out, Siouxsie was relaxed and upbeat during our ride home. She deflected two attempts at serious conversation. When I pulled into her driveway, she gave me a quick kiss and told me she'd talk to me in the morning. A day we both had off.

My father had everything needed to get started on the garage when I got home. I called my brother to find out what time he was coming to help. The conversation didn't go as expected.

"I'm not going to make it tomorrow, little brother. I've been offered a sponsor's exemption for the tour event that starts Thursday. I can't turn it down. I need to get the lay of the course. I'm flying out tomorrow."

Mark was a club pro at a local country club. This was his third year trying to get his PGA tour card. This year he had earned almost enough points in regional tournaments to get it. A good finish in a PGA event would easily put him over the top. Sponsor's exemptions weren't easy to come by. Though there was no way to know for certain, this could be the only one he got this year.

"Yeah, right," I teased. "You're only going so you don't have to help paint the garage."

"Tell, you what. You won't finish tomorrow. If I don't make the cut, I'll be there next weekend. If I finally get my card, I'll paint the garage by myself," he offered.

"Sure, sure. You might as well tell me Joanie's going to help."

Mark laughed loudly. I had to hold my cell away from my ear. "I wouldn't do that to you, little brother. All she'd do is give orders and tell you what you were doing wrong. Instruct you in proper brush technique."

We talked for a few more minutes, then he had to go. He still had to pack. "Mark?"


"I'll see you next Monday. After you win this one."

"If only, little brother. If only."

I spent the evening at home. Watched some TV with my parents. Something we almost never did. Then went to bed early. My cell buzzed when I got to my bedroom.

"Hi, Siouxsie."

"Want to do something together tomorrow since we're both off?"

"I do. But I have to get started on the garage."

"How about tomorrow night?"

"Absolutely. Got anything in mind?"

"I do. But it's a surprise."

I laughed. "Okay. What time?"

"Six too early?"

"How about four? I'll get some stuff done and escape before my father gets home from work and wants to help for a while."

"Okay. See you at four, then?"

"I can't wait."

"Me, too. Goodnight, Paul."

Siouxsie was gone before I got goodnight out. I thought it a little weird. The conversation was short. Almost too short.

I slept a little later than I intended. I got up when my mother hollered up the stairs at me. After brushing my teeth and throwing on some old clothes, my mother was gone when I came downstairs. A quick bowl of cold cereal sufficed for breakfast. When I went out the back door toward the garage, Siouxsie was sitting on the back steps.

When she stood up, I saw she was wearing old clothes. An oversized, nearly threadbare tee shirt that ended just above the bottom of baggy denim cutoffs, and the rattiest pair of sneakers I'd ever laid eyes on. "Hey! What are you doing here?"

"I decided I'd rather spend the day painting a garage than waiting for you to pick me up. I don't have a car so unless I want to ride my bike, I'm stuck at home."

"Did you meet my mother? Was she leaving when you got here?"

"No. Some lady in a green Lexus beeped at me. I waved at her, but I don't know her."

"That was my mother." I took a deep breath. I'd hear about recruiting my girlfriend to help me paint the garage. "We won't get much painting done. It'll mostly be prep work. Scraping and sanding."

"You scrape. I'll sand," she said.

"Actually, we'll do both. Sand until you find paint that needs to be scraped. Scrape off the loose stuff and sand that spot. Continue sanding. You're not looking to sand the paint off. Just rough up the surface so the next coat adheres well."

"If you say so."

While Siouxsie put her purse in the kitchen, I opened the garage and found two scrapers, sanding blocks, and sandpaper. Then found an old bucket for Siouxsie to sit on and a ladder so I could reach the upper part of the wall. "You do the lower part. I'll get the upper part. Don't work under me. Unless you want to wear paint dust. Which reminds me." I went back into the garage and got a pair of dust masks from the supplies my father bought. "Here, wear this."

We worked diligently until we finished sanding the side we started on, just in time for lunch. I was covered with gray dust. Siouxsie wasn't quite as dusty. But her dust mask was well coated. I was glad I remembered we needed to wear them. I quickly hosed off the wall we'd sanded to rinse off the dust.

"Want to get some lunch?" I asked after I turned off the water.

"Something to drink, too," she responded. "I'm glad it's cool and this side of the garage was in the shade."

"It gets sun in the late afternoon. But we're almost done. After lunch, the spots we scraped get primed and we'll call it a day." When we got to the back porch, I took my shirt off and shook the dust off if it. "Let me get a tee shirt for you to wear. You can change your shirt in the mud room. I'll be right back."

When I returned, Siouxsie was standing just inside the kitchen. Her tee shirt on the floor in the mudroom. I tossed the clean tee shirt to her. She caught it but didn't put it on. "Expect anyone to come home?"

"No. Dad will be at the plant until at least four. Mom will be out with clients until about six."

"Then I don't need a shirt for the time being."

I tried to avoid staring. I'd seen her in no more than a one-piece bathing suit, so I was well acquainted with her figure. But the women's swimsuits, which zipped up the front, looked like a heavy, skintight tee shirt with cups up top. Shoulders and upper chests were covered, and the women's suit had short sleeves. Seeing her standing in front of me in just a sports bra and baggy denim shorts took my breath away. The light spray of freckles on her face and neck continued down her chest and across the top of her breasts. They stopped somewhere under her bra because the skin of her hard, flat abdomen was unmarked. I almost laughed when my eyes reached the top of her cutoffs. They were miles too big for her. Held up by a length of rope pulled snug and tied above her hips. Siouxsie had nice legs, but they looked like twigs inside the legs of her shorts. I suspected the shorts might be something Ian had outgrown.

"I take it you like what you see?" I heard her ask.

I'd looked far too long. I felt my face heat. Something about myself I hated. Even at twenty-two I was still prone to blushing if I did something embarrassing. When I looked up, she was smiling. "You can't tell?" I asked with a smile.

"Seen enough?"

"Of course not," I said as I felt the heat in my face dissipate. I was looking Siouxsie in the eyes, but I could see her nipples forming peaks in the fabric confining her breasts.

She smiled. "Where can I wash up?"

I showed her the way to the bathroom. She closed the door while I waited. When she was done, I took my turn.

"What's for lunch?"

I opened the fridge. "Salami, ham, American cheese, sliced sharp cheddar, liverwurst. Any of that sound appealing?"

"Not to be fussy, but got any tuna? I'm in the mood for tuna."

"Always have tuna. Want some feta cheese in it? Maybe some chopped scallions?"

"Sounds good," she said.

We made lunch and ate quickly. I kept my eyes high through lunch. After lunch, we pulled our dirty tee shirts back on and went back outside.

"There's not much left to do today," I told her. "Prime the spots we scraped to cover any bare wood and level those areas for the next coat of primer. My father and I will do that Saturday. It's not going to take long. You want to hang here or go home?"

"I'll keep you company," she said, then added, "It'll be fun to watch you work." I wasn't sure what to make of that comment.

It took less than an hour to prime the scraped areas and another half-hour to clean everything up and put it away. Siouxsie fetched her purse from the kitchen while I was reorganizing "Want me to run you home?" I asked when all was done.

"No. I'll walk. It's only a few minutes."

"I'll see you at four, then."

"Why don't you come to my house as soon as you get cleaned up?" she suggested. "I'll take a quick shower and be ready when you get there."

I liked the idea. "Okay. See you in about an hour."

I watched her walk down the driveway and turn toward home. I took a quick shower, got dressed and headed out after leaving a note telling my parents I was out for the evening. My father would be happy with what had been accomplished. Even if my 'girlfriend' helped.

The front door was open behind the screen when I got to Siouxsie's. I rang the doorbell and heard her holler, "Come in, Paul. I'm in the kitchen."

I stopped short when I got to the kitchen. Siouxsie wasn't dressed to go out. She was wearing a tee shirt. The vintage Led Zeppelin concert tee shirt my mother gave me years ago, after my father finally conceded he'd never fit into it again. It didn't fit me anymore, either, but I didn't have anyone to pass it down to. I had brought it out for Siouxsie to wear while we had lunch. It fit her torso well, though it was almost long enough for her to wear it without shorts.

Siouxsie grinned when she saw the look on my face. "I hope you don't mind if I sleep in this tonight," she said.

I smiled back at her. "You may sleep. Knowing you're wearing it tonight will keep me awake. Are we going out?"

"No, we aren't. That's the surprise I mentioned." When I looked puzzled, she explained. "Mom, Ian, and Nate are away for a few days. Visiting Mom's parents. They won't be back until Friday. We're staying in," she said as she moved so close I could feel her breath. "I might even make us something to eat."

I took a deep breath and put a hand on Siouxsie's hip. It didn't feel like she had anything on under the tee shirt. While we looked into each other's eyes, she moved my hand off her hip onto her thigh, then pulled my hand up along the outside of her leg. The tee shirt bunched up as my hand slid along soft, warm skin. I closed the gap between us and slid my hand up her back and pulled her to me.

After a moment, Siouxsie pushed away from me and took my hand. She smiled at me, took a step, and tugged. I followed as she led me to the stairs leading to the second floor. I had to duck to avoid hitting my head as I followed her. There were two bedrooms and an old bathroom on the second floor. The bedrooms were small. One room had a wardrobe rack, a dresser with a mirror and a deep set of shelves with clothing stacked on it. The room set up as a bedroom had a queen bed and a nightstand with a lamp on it. A reading lamp was clamped to the headboard. There barely enough room for the bed and nightstand, with just a narrow aisle down the side of the bed farthest from the door. There was no closet in either room.

Siouxsie stood on her tiptoes and lightly grazed her lips against mine. It was probably the hottest kiss we'd exchanged. Not because of the passion behind it. But because I thought it was just the opening gambit for where I hoped the night was headed.

"Can you be patient for a little while?" Siouxsie asked breathily.

I shook my head yes, but truthfully, I wasn't sure.

"Good," she whispered. "I promise you'll have a night to remember."

Siouxsie stepped toward me and slid her hands under my shirt, up my chest, then slid her hands to my sides and pushed my arms up over my head. She disappeared from view briefly as she effortlessly pushed my shirt up and off. It fell to the floor at my feet behind me. She leaned into me to lavish kisses on my pectorals, collar bone and neck. But when I tried to embrace her, she pushed away from me.

She grinned and looked into my eyes, "Patience. Remember?" From arm's-length, she unbuckled my belt then unbuttoned my shorts. She stepped a little closer and once again, I tried to embrace her. But she caught my hands and held them away from her, shaking her head no. Once my hands were at my sides, she tugged at the tab on the zipper and slowly lowered it. Excruciatingly slowly. Pressing against my erection the entire length of the zipper. Once unzipped, the shorts and underwear were quickly pushed down. She held my hands while I stepped out of the pile at my feet.

Siouxsie pointed to two pillows at the foot of the bed, piled at the footboard which was nearly as tall as the headboard. "Sit in the middle," she said. "Use the pillows to get comfy but sit up, don't lie down."

To say I was aroused grossly understates my condition. My anxiety level was a little elevated, too. I had no idea what was going to happen. But I did as she told me and settled in to await whatever she had in mind.

"Comfy?" she asked. I nodded. "Good. Let's see if I can do something to change that. Do not move from that spot unless I say so. Got it?"

I nodded. But I wondered what the hell was going to happen next.

Siouxsie spread a thick towel near the top of the bed, then fluffed the pillows at the headboard and climbed onto the bed. She took a moment to adjust the pillows then leaned back to test the little nest she'd built, a big grin on her face. Siouxsie sat up suddenly and pulled the purloined Led Zeppelin tee over her head and dropped it next to her.

My breath caught. I'd admired Siouxsie's form from the first moment I laid eyes on her. But now? I was mesmerized. I always liked her face. The faint freckles and the slightly aquiline nose gave her face a character that complemented her beauty. I'd decided her eyes were green one day while we were talking in bright sunlight. But in artificial light, they looked more blue than green. Her neck and strong shoulders imparted a grace I was enchanted by. Faint freckles peppered her neck, chest, and the upper slope of her breasts. Light brown areolae formed tight little ovals, crowned by slightly elongated nipples and a little dark red-brown ball. A nearly perfectly flat abdomen had a base of sparse, tight curls the same color as the hair on her head. There was nothing I could say about her legs except that no woman alive be happy to have them.

"I imagine you've been curious. Wondering what I do at night after we get off the phone."

Her hand slid under the pillow and retrieved a slender, flamingo pink vibrator, about eight inches long. The end bulbous and slightly larger in diameter than the shaft. She slid it across the line of her nipples and smiled. "Now you won't have to wonder," she breathed softly. She spread her legs and slowly slid the fingers of her free hand through her pubic hair. I could see she was already aroused. Her mons had a slight pink flush. And she was wet. She pushed a single finger inside herself. Her eyes closed as she did so, a blissful expression replacing the smile. When she withdrew the finger, it was shiny and wet. Coated along its length with a viscous fluid that stretched out until she raised the finger to show it to me.

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Knowing what was coming had me aching. More aroused than I ever remember being. I heard a groan. It was a moment before I realized it came from me.

"This is what happens to me when I'm with you, Paul. I'm like this all day at work. Almost terrified someone is going to figure out what's happening to me. That somehow the way I feel will be exposed. No one else ever made me feel like you do. I've been a little frightened by it. But, I don't want to fight it anymore. Watch what I must do at night if you even flicker through my thoughts when I go to bed."

Siouxsie held my gaze for a moment. But I couldn't maintain it. My eyes were drawn to the pink toy she held. She spread her legs a little wider, exposing her every secret to me. I heard the vibrator come on. Its soft hum shattered the quiet. When she traced around her outer lips, she drew in a sharp breath and closed her eyes again. I watched in rapt fascination as she teased every part of the outside of her most sensitive regions. Siouxsie began taking deep breaths as she drove her arousal higher and higher.

I reached for my erection. The first time a woman masturbated in front me made my cock ache. I needed some relief.

"Not yet, Paul. Wait a little longer." She hadn't even opened her eyes.

A moment later, Siouxsie began sliding the buzzing pink toy up and down her slit. Lingering for a moment at the top, before sliding it down again. Her breathing was getting erratic. My own breath was labored. And all I'd done was watch.

Siouxsie held the bulbous tip of the vibrator at her opening. There was a growing wet spot on the towel under her. She pressed the tip against herself. I watched in awe as the tip disappeared inside her. She took in a deep breath and let it out with a long, soft moan. She held it in place for only a moment before she withdrew it. Taking another deep breath, she plunged it back in rapidly. I heard several clicks. The pitch of the vibrator changed, the intensity ratcheted up, and it began pulsing.

Siouxsie went from aroused to out of control in the matter of a few minutes. She plunged the vibrator in and out rapidly. She slid down until she was lying on her back, her hips bouncing up and down and writhing back and forth with so much force I thought the bed might walk across the room. She cried out loudly and shook, her body almost vibrating.

"Condom!" she cried. "Under . . . your . . . . pillows," she gasped.

It was almost unintelligible. It took a moment for me to figure out what she was telling me. I reached under the pillows and felt foil. When I pulled it out, it was a string of four condoms. I tore one off and hurriedly sheathed my aching erection. I knew I wasn't going to last long. I almost ejaculated just putting on the condom.

Siouxsie was in a state of heightened arousal, though that didn't adequately describe her condition, while I got ready. When she felt me move between her legs, she tossed the vibrator aside. "Fuck me, Paul! Don't . . . make . . . me . . . wait! I need you!"

I didn't hesitate. I couldn't, even if I wanted to. Siouxsie reached out and pulled me to her. She positioned my cock at her opening and pulled me forward. I slid into her hot, tight opening with some difficulty and immediately got lost in overwhelming sensations.

Siouxsie went off as soon as I entered her. Her legs wrapped around my waist and her heels slammed into my butt with so much force I had matching bruises the next morning. I filled the condom inside of a minute. Fortunately, I remained erect.

I don't understand how Siouxsie survived the next fifteen or twenty minutes. She remained at a level of arousal I couldn't fathom. When I went over the cliff the second time, it was all I could do not to collapse on top of her. But somehow, I managed to come to rest alongside her. She immediately rolled against me. We were both overheated. Soaked from our exertions. Siouxsie was trembling and breathless. I was shaking like I had only once before -- after I ran all out the last 400M of a 3.2K run during a track meet, futilely trying to catch the three runners that finished ahead of me.

Once our bodies calmed, she lifted her head and kissed me hard. "Thank you," she whispered. I looked at her, confused a bit. She giggled.

"For what?" I asked.

"For making it everything I dreamed it would be," she whispered.

The girls I'd been with in the past were mostly happy with my efforts and the attention I paid them. But none had ever thanked me for fulfilling their dreams.

"Siouxsie, that was all you. No one has ever reacted to me like that."

"Paul, I never imagined," she whispered.

Siouxsie and I spent the rest of the night engaged in energetic, overheated, carnal bliss. After taking a break to throw together some food. Siouxsie's responses to me remained unlike anything I'd ever experienced.
