Hyper Dynamic Planet of Pleasure Ch. 01


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The cat growled impatiently, "Did I pounce too hard? Are you in leave of your senses?"

Overtly conscious of his weight, yet emboldened by her revelation, the girl responded, "Yes you did, and no I'm not."

"She squeaks!" he laughed deeply and she felt it reverberate into her breasts, "Does she also have a safe-word?"

"First things first; get off me."

Rosa was a little surprised when he did as she bode him, "Very well, little mouse, but if you have no desire to be my play thing I would appreciate it if you were forthright with me. I still may be able to catch that damned vole."

"I-" an apology died in her throat.

Who did he think he was? Unless she was horribly mistaken and his attack was not sexually motivated, but some horrific cannibal thing; did he not refer to her as a 'morsel'? Rosa severely hoped that being eaten was not something she would be into. Either way, he jumped on her and now he acts like he has better things to do? How like a cat.

"You-" an insult died in her throat.

If she told him where to go and he did go, did she want that? With a couple of paces between them, Rosa could now see that the cat man was terribly beautiful. He was tall, muscular and sleek, covered from head to toe in short shiny black fur. He even had a tail which swished back and forth impatiently. Were it not for his complete nudity he would have looked like he had come straight from one of her fantasies (Her fantasy men at least started clothed). The head of his penis glowed a deep lewd pink and bobbed in a semi erect state.

Rosa gulped and before she could change her mind again mumbled, "Bread. My safe-word is bread."

"Bread," the cat repeated with a fanged smile parting his thin lips.

The cat man was on her again before she could scream.

"Such a troublesome little mouse," he drawled as he pressed his palm down hard between her breasts.

Breathless more from his oppressing body heat than his pressure on her chest she wheezed, "I only just arrived today. I'm new here."

"That would explain your bothersome ignorance," he said as he nuzzled her hair, sniffing her.

Rosa's voice hitched as a fang grazed along her earlobe, "You're very rude."

"So I've been told," he held a finger up just in front of her nose and her eyes widened as a knifelike claw extended from it, the cat said, "Tell me; how many ways are there to skin a mouse?"

Faster than she could clue in to what he meant, the beast hooked the claw into the collar of the girl's suit and ripped all the way down to her groin. She shrieked as her hard work was torn in twain, then paled as she felt the line along her chest and abdomen; had she been cut? Rosa looked down to see her tits spill out into the warm air. The cat had sliced so closely that not just her mouse suit was incised, but also her underclothes and bra beneath. Heart hammering, she waited for the blood, yet after a long dreadful moment, none poured from her.

"My costume," she finally whispered when she was positive she had not just been eviscerated.

"Was getting in the way," the cat grinned as he eyed up her plump mammary.

Tears threatened her, "You bastard. Do you have any idea how much time it took to make it?"

"Oh, hush. Do you forget where you are? Little is impossible here, least of all replacing or repairing some rags. Besides, you won't need clothes for much longer and especially not now," he reached down and took a brown nipple between two claws, pinching and circling it ever so lightly.

Caught between pleasure and anguish, Rosa managed only a high pitched grunt. He was probably right, damn him. For a race that had broken the light barrier, clothes repair should be simple. Still, it was a shame that a man of her dreams was such a jerk. His amber eyes glinted lustily as he toyed with her nipple, which hardened eagerly at his dangerous touch.

Rosa was highly adept at making the best of things and so she forced down her ire at the destruction of her prized property. She did, however, decide to speed things up to decrease the chance for the cat's tactlessness from infuriating her again. He was panting lightly, revealing a rough looking, wide, flat tongue. How far did the changes go? Was this cat man thing actually human like her or something else?

The girl reached up to touch him, but had her hand batted away, "Ah-ah, little mouse, we haven't finished peeling off your skin. I must insist on seeing how tender the flesh is."

"Fine, but get on with it," she grumbled.

"Ah! You forget with what you are dealing with," he smiled as he hooked a claw beneath her panties so that its curve rested just within the cleft of the highest point of her outer labia, "those of the feline persuasion do things only ever at their own pace."

Rosa was so busy trying not to buck against the razor sharp talon poised at her sex that, "What about lions?" just kind of slipped out.


"Lions, you know. They don't take it slow. They go at it urgently, over and over for hours," he looked dumbfounded so she added helpfully, "Lions are big cats."

With an angry rip, the beast man left her lower half in tatters, "Yes, I know what a lion is."

The warm forest air slipped over Rosa's naked skin like silk and she shivered at her exposure to the male gaze. Her sex felt like it was growing heavier and goosebumps rose all over her skin. The girl was grateful she had shaved that morning, she had even trimmed her pubic hair, not that this jackass deserved any special effort. Yet, it was good to be presentable.

Sensing some hesitation, she asked, "Are you just going to look?"

"You truly are fresh off the spaceship aren't you?" his whiskers twitched, "A true virgin."

Affronted, she rebuked, "I'm no virgin, cat."

"Everyone's a virgin when they first arrive here, mouse," he flashed his fangs, "Oh, I am very much going to enjoy marking you."

Rosa felt a thrill of fear, "Mark me? That sounds more painful that what I'm usually into."

The cat laughed, "Painful? Not quite."

The were-creature leaned down and drew his tongue from her collarbone and up her throat. Rosa inhaled sharply at the sensation; it was a soft, warm lick that was conjoined by being lightly scratched by a hundred little points. Her skin tingled wherever his tongue passed and its width meant that that was a lot of tingles.

Before the cat had even begun to take his mouth further down her body, Rosa's nipples were thick and erect, by the time his licks were tracing the curvature of her breasts, the nubs were pulsing with need. This time, when she put her hands to him he did not knock them away and she dug her fingers into his lustrous fur. She could feel his shoulders shift as he traced her skin with his claws.

When the cat's mouth alternately found the tips of her tits, Rosa could not stop herself from keening and arching into his strange kiss. Her nipples felt as if they were being softly ground away, eroded into raw bundles of nerves that could only throb in arcing ecstasy. The girl could feel her vagina furiously lubricating in wanton expectation. She only noticed how hard she was clinging to the beast's pelt when he pulled away with a sharp yowl and she was left holding large clumps of hair.

"Egads, woman! You've got the grip of a harpy," the man rubbed his wounded sides tenderly, "Do I need to bind you?"

The idea held appeal, however it would mean a delay in getting his muzzle back on her so she said, "No. No need. I'm sorry, I'll try to be gentle."

His eyes slitted in wry amusement, "That's supposed to be my line."

Rosa quipped back, "Then it's good I saved you the time. Your lips should be busy elsewhere."

"You're lucky I like the way you wriggle little mouse," he extended a claw right under her nose before placing it perilously against her throat, "For protection," he purred before dropping his mouth to her belly.

The girl gasped as he swirled wide circles down her abdomen with his rough tongue. Was he going to go down on her? With his crazy cat tongue? Could she handle that? Could she handle it if he did not do it? As his hot flexible muscle twirled lower, his sharpened nail followed suit to rest between her breasts. The cat trailed his sandpaper kisses over her hips and onto her sensitive inner thighs.

Rosa looked down her body at her new feline lover's head as he teased and explored her. Her chest looked blotchy and raw where she had been licked and still tingled aggravatingly. His hand, and it was definitely a hand with four fingers, a thumb and no pads, flattened against a breast and seized it wantonly. His claws had mostly retracted again, yet they were still out enough for it to feel like her tit was caught by a pincer. The cat's fuzz tickled her teats making her squirm.

The beast's large pointed ears twitched as he nuzzled inquisitively at her outer labia and further down she could see his long tail swiping back and forth. The deep blackness of his pelt under the shifting mottled forest light made it look like a great shadow was engulfing her. It was bizarre and hot as hell. The cat noticed her staring down at him and with a sly wink, slid his tongue between the sopping folds of her womanhood.

Rosa did not hear her first scream, she only felt the after effects of her sore throat and ringing ears. The animal did not give her long enough to recover and when he swiped through her core again she was screaming once more. If his studded kisses had been intense upon her breasts, they were enough to shatter her sanity when applied to her vulva. The girl desperately tried to remember her safe-word as her mind betrayed her, however another rough stroke left her wondering why she would ever want the feeling to stop.

The woman reached down instinctively to hold the head in place. Her hands quickly found his ears and began to fondle them. The cat actually purred at that, adding a soothing vibration to her grinded pussy. With her arousal ever building, her erect clit poked obscenely out from its flared hood and received the lightest brush for its effort.

Rosa jolted as if electrocuted and gaped breathlessly, too stimulated now even to cry out. Without intending to she scrunched and twisted the were cat's ears which elicited a muffled yelp from him. After a moment she felt him digging his claws into her captured boob; a clear warning. The human released his abused tufts and dropped her arms to her sides, palms resting on the mossy ground. She mumbled an apology and was far too thankful when he seemingly accepted it with another swipe of his tongue between her folds.

This time he did not stop. With the hand he was not using to maul her breasts he drew open her legs as widely as she could stretch and buried his tongue in her. Her pouting sex lips took the brunt of his assault, being flicked, splayed and licked clean of her juices. The cat roughly scooped deeply into her at random intervals, delving for her cream. Scratching around the opening to her vagina, the beast had her perpetually moaning.

Experiencing this cat man going down on her pussy was enough to build her towards an inevitable orgasm, yet the beast was apparently not content to let her come without anguish. His harsh tongue found her clitoris again and took to slowly lapping at it. The leisurely scraping was maddening and far beyond her ability to handle. Each stroke made her spasm and quake, gasping out garbled gibberish.

Rosa's mind was ground away to nothingness as her tiny nubbin throbbed against the lapping antagonist. The girl swore she could feel each individual bud upon the tongue rasping across the seat of her pleasure, leaving not a single nerve ending unmolested. She was going to cum.

As if he could sense her begin to peak, the cat upped the tempo of his licks, accelerating her orgasm so it hit her like a truck. There was a soundless roaring in her ears and the world seemed to fade to white as she came hard upon the cruel tongue. Everything was wet and hot and sex. Rosa rode the wave of euphoria, swearing she could see his golden eyes boring into her even though her eyes were tightly shut.

Her pleasure hit its soaring pinnacle and as rapturous as it was, the exhausted girl was thankful that she would soon be granted a reprieve. However, instead on diminishing, her aftershocks seemed to grow in intensity. Repeated bolts of unbearable bliss had her arching her back, shooting pleasure engulfed her insides, heat rolled up her pussy, into her womb and beyond. At some point she went fetal, curling up into a puddle of euphoria.

Sometime later she felt a sharp jab to her side and heard a voice, "Are you all right, little mouse?"

Rosa blubbered an incoherent sound, before her brain unscrambled just enough for her to ask, "What?"

"Did you cum? You don't look any different."

The girl felt warm, "What?"

"Did. You. Achieve. Orgasm?"

"I- Yes, I think. What are you talking about? What was that? What did you do to me?" Rosa was still buzzing hard, but whatever she had just been through was not normal and she was trying to be worried.

The cat looked impatient, "What were you thinking about when you came?"

The woman did not know, she had been slightly overwhelmed at the time, "How is that any of your business? We just met."

"Fine, I care not," he laughed, "but, I do believe it is my turn."

"No! I want some answers."

The beast stood up and growled indignantly, "And I'd provide them if you cooperated for a moment."

What right did he have to be angry with her? He was the one who had done something weird to her. Rosa was about to argue her point with a cutting rebuttal, when the sight of his cock cut her off. Behind the cat, his tail swished back and forth jerkily and in parallel his erection twitched and bobbed. His glans had gone from pink to a furious red and the way it hopped about with his movements was strangely hypnotic. The girl had to fight down the urge to reach for it.

Rosa felt funny, not ill or dizzy, just funny. She became suddenly aware that she was sweating and breathing shallowly, had she not recovered from her orgasm? The penis bounced in front of her tantalizingly as the cat ranted. Was he talking to her? If he was, it was becoming difficult to focus past the sensation of gnawing emptiness deep within her.

"Mouse!" The cat shouted.

"Hmm?" Rosa tried and failed to look away from his satin manhood.

"Are you listening to me?"

"Yes," she nodded confidently at the cock.

The beast man sighed, "Well, shit. I've given you heat."

That just about got through to Rosa's addled mind, "What? Heat? How?"

"It's how this place works. Don't ask me how it works, it just does. When you gather enough traits you can pass them on by pleasuring a recipient. This is where the weres wend. It's a whole thing. When I first got here, I was a hairless ape just like you, now I'm so much more and you can be too," he faltered, "What are you doing?"

She had not meant to, yet somehow her fist was encircling his sweltering erection, "Sorry!" she cried but was unable to pull her hand away.

He was so soft! Besides his glans, his entire shaft was covered with dark hair like the rest of his body. Unlike his body, however, the fur on his cock was much slicker and densely packed. The girl gave it an experimental squeeze and was delighted to discover that beneath the hair, his penis was still solid in eagerness.

The pelt was angled downwards, so Rosa gave it a few soft strokes that way. The were-cat purred deeply at the intimate attention and the woman would have smiled were she not made slack jawed by her own lust. She tried rubbing him against the grain and was pleasantly surprised when the pelt kept its form and did not bristle. She had to use her nails to pull the fur back and even then she met resistance.

The beast added his voice to his cock's stubbornness, "Don't do that," when she acquiesced without argument he added huskily, "I see no reason why we shouldn't see to each other's needs now, don't you? Get up and bend over."

A small part of her was incensed at his presumptuous command, yet the far greater part thought that that was a fantastic idea. The girl pulled herself up, ripping off the remnants of her tattered costume as she did so, leaving herself completely naked. Never in her life had she needed to fuck so much, to have a cock buried deep within. She turned and presented her ass to the cat, desperate for him to enter her. Rosa whimpered when he put his clawed hands on her hips.

Cruelly making her wait, the beast said, "When you cum, think of your skin or my fur."

Panting and wriggling her bottom, she hissed, "Whatever. Hurry!"

"As the lady wishes," he drawled.

The were cat may have been sympathetic to her ailment or just as horny as she was, because he did not make her wait long. His thick cock head nudged at her sopping opening, quickly coating itself with her lusty exudations. Her cunt rhythmically twitched in anticipation of being filled and her clitoris throbbed like a second heart.

Unable to allow herself to be teased, Rosa pushed back against the sleek erection enclosing it inside her with an easy, well lubricated motion. The cat hissed as his manhood was swallowed whole and dug his claws into her flanks. The sharp pain was nothing compared to the satisfaction of finally being filled with cock, yet the girl moaned like a wounded animal nonetheless.

She immediately wanted to start humping back at the man, however her penetration had left her somehow paralyzed. The girl's eyes rolled and her legs and arms trembled as her vagina shuddered around its welcome guest. Her motor functions had abandoned her in her moment of fulfilment.

Rosa was grateful that the furred penis inside her did not itch or scratch, but it still felt unlike any other man she had previously had. The densely packed hair actually felt like a thousand tiny ridges pressing at her walls. She managed to squeeze at the cat's erection, however that just heightened her desire to feel it thrusting within her.

"Please..." she groaned hoarsely.

The girl felt the beast place his hand just between her shoulder blades and extend his claws. She did not have enough time to even guess at his intentions before he began running them softly and slowly down her back. Rosa unthinkingly arched her back as he gently scratched her. Then at the moment his talons reached the crack of her ass, he drove his glossy cock deep into her.

The cat started an inhumanly smooth tempo of thrusts within her gooey pussy where the tip of his glans would just barely brush her cervix with every stroke. His movements were so graceful that she could not spot the moment where he stopped pulling out and began penetrating her anew. Though he was not the largest member she had ever had, his lovemaking technique was exquisite. The woman was quickly yowling into the warm afternoon air.

Rosa felt her pleasure rising again as her vagina was smoothly parted over and over. His furred balls tickled her labia with every sensuous jab giving her clit the lightest jostle each time. The cat was taking her on a slow climb to her peak despite how bizarrely oversensitive she had become. The Were's nails found her back again and commenced tracing illicit inscriptions onto her skin.

Somewhere along the line she had recovered her ability to move, however she dared not shift lest she lose the erection sliding incessantly within her. The girl's limbs trembled with the effort of holding herself up and she dug her fingers into the ground. The penis never stopped. Her hair fell around her bowed head like a shawl. She felt her own sexual fluids running down her bare legs. Her walls trembled around the almost frictionless heat and motion. Time passed and pleasure grew. A cat man fucked her from behind.

Rosa mewled as the dam began to burst in what felt like slow motion. The girl began to cum in long, slow pulses, tiredly clutching at the object of its torture and salvation. In a sexual daze, the human vaguely remembered the cat saying something about furry skin, but it did not seem important in comparison to the tingly orgasm flowing over and through her.