Hypnotic Ch. 05


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I took a deep breath to insist he leave, no matter how hurt he looked when my cell phone rang. It was sitting next to my keys on the breakfast counter. I rushed over to grab it before Dav could see the caller id. If it was Isiah. . . .


"Hey, br--"

"Hey. This isn't a good time. I have company."

"Shit!" Isiah said with feeling. "Are you okay?"

"Fine but I'll have to call you later."

"Are you sure? We can--"

I interrupted him again. "You can just wait for me to call, please. I'll be fine."

He growled. "Ellis. . . ."

"Promise. I'll call you soon." I hung up the phone before he could say anything else.

"Who the fuck was that?" Dav snapped. "I didn't recognize their voice."

"None of your business," I said in a sharp voice. "You're not my mate anymore; I don't owe you any answers."

"The hell I'm not! Our bond is still there, you're just blocking it! I knew I tasted a male on you. A Carthera cat clan male! Are you sleeping with some flea bitten cat?" His eyes glittered as he hissed in anger.

I glared at him, half angry and half afraid he'd figure it out and then try to kill me again. I backed away but didn't stop glaring even though my heart was racing. "I am not blocking anything! You did it somehow, when you came to get me that morning to take me to Velaku's. Don't try to put this fucked up situation on me!"

"I admit I did at first, but I stopped as soon as I realized that you weren't the one killing those Carthera like Benny said."

"Oh yeah, right after you tried to kill me, you asshole!" I threw that back at him again.

"It was an honest mistake. I said I was sorry." He took a step closer to me and I stepped back. "Stop doing that! You said you weren't afraid of me. I thought you didn't believe all the crap about Snakes."

My rage took over and drowned out my fear. "Sorry? You're sorry!" I shouted. "Sorry isn't enough. Sorry can't take away the fact that you broke my trust, tried to kill me, and made me fear you. You did it; no one else could with rumors about how deadly you are. I saw it first-hand remember? If Dr. Pannar hadn't been there, I'd be dead and you'd have killed your own mate over a 'mistake'," I spat the word out at him. "A mistake you think sorry can make better. As if that will take it all away."

"You weren't afraid of me last night when I was stroking your cock," he said. I could not believe he had the gall to point that out.

"You son of a bitch! I was in the worst pain of my life. You offered relief from that, and I took it because I felt like I was going to die. I couldn't control my reaction, and you know it. You took advantage of that in hopes that I'd forgive you."

Dav took a step back and the anger melted from his face. "I didn't think that."

I made a noise in my throat, and he shook his head and sighed. "I've really messed this up, haven't I? I slept on the couch so I wouldn't be tempted, Ellis. I know you're not ready to forgive me, and things aren't right between us. I'd not ruin whatever hope I have of getting you back by taking advantage of you."

His calm tone and lack of anger made mine drain away. I closed my eyes.

"It's all just been too much," I said finally. "I hurt inside, where you used to be."

"You need to unblock the bond between us, Ellis."

I shook my head, sinking down onto a chair at the counter. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"You closed yourself off, away from me."

"If I did can you blame me Dav? You got my memories when we bonded too. Do you really think I could have hidden stuff like that from you?"

Dav leaned against the counter and sighed. "No. I acted in a way I never thought I would. If I could make you understand the way I felt, the betrayal, the rage. It was so strong; I never even though about the memories I'd gotten from you. We'd just mated; I let you in, and I'd never done that before, not really. I thought you were using me. You're a human. It's what they do."

"I get the feeling of betrayal," I said in a bitter undertone.

"I'll never stop saying sorry for that, either," Dav said, "even if it doesn't help, because I am. Losing you, it hurts me too. Like a hole in my chest that aches constantly where you used to be. Please stop blocking our bond. Let me back in."

"I told you, I don't know how I did it so how can I undo it, even if I want that with you again?"

"It's like a wall that you erected around that place where our bond is rooted inside us. You smothered it, closed it off. You have to let go and reach back out for me. I'll be here waiting for you, I won't ever shut our bond down again, I swear. I never want to live without your heart inside of me."

I saw the sincerity in his eyes and heard it in his voice. I think somewhere inside I'd known we were still mates, but I'd been so angry I didn't want to face it. Opening our bond back up meant opening back up to him though and his feelings. There was no guarantee that I could even forgive him. If we couldn't work things out, could I handle the bond between us?

"Please Ellis, I need you."

The simple plea and the single tear that was sliding across his cheekbone broke my resistance. I closed my eyes and focused inside, to the place where the pain was, the place he wasn't. I could feel it, the way I'd drawn tight and hard against that spot. I could almost see the walls I'd built. I pushed and nothing happened.

I stretched out my hand blindly. "Help me."

I felt his fingers close over mine. Their heat flooded me and his musky scent filled my nose. I didn't push this time, instead I pulled. I pulled at that place where Dav should be inside me until our bond flooded up and over the walls, pushing them over and into oblivion.

His pain flooded me first, then his joy at the bond being restored. He jerked as my feelings swamped him and he gasped. Our eyes locked together.


I stopped him. "Don't. Not right now, please. Just. . .no talking right now."

He nodded silently, my hand still across his mouth.

I went to stand up, still staring deep into his eyes. That's when the pain in my head hit with no warning. No aura, no nausea, nothing but a sharp stab that was followed with a wave of darkness. I groaned.

I dimly felt Dav catch me as I fell.

Then I was gone.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
I'm so disappointed.

so far this was the best story of your trilogie. I loved the emotional rollercoaster but you mad Ellis forgive Dav to fast: he wanted to kill him and accuse him 5 min. later of beeing a "whore". This is not love, there is no respect from Davs side. This developpment is for me not believable unless Ellis is a wimp and lack a backbone so it makes him unlikeable - he becomes a doormat.

There for I'm disappointed.

You should've make Dav work harder for his forgivness an establish an emotional equal relationship (with all his wounds and hurts) then it would be a 5 star story. such a pitty....

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
As the Big Bopper would say

A damn good plot and guys so hot! Hey babe, you know what I like :-)

Cia81Cia81over 11 years agoAuthor

I appreciate every fan comment, and pointing out plot flaws I miss too! :D

arisamorakarisamorakover 11 years ago
small mistakey

your stories are wonderful and i almost never find mistakes....but in the beginning when you were having ellis list what he could and couldn't eat, tea was on the don't list yet here you have him drinking tea, one would think he would leave the stuff alone especially after he just had a migraine...just wanted to make you aware of it and i truly love your stories so little things like this are easily looked over, thank you for listening to me ramble

Bird_Man_RNBird_Man_RNover 12 years ago


I don't care what anyone says. I love your Carthera stories and hope you continue for a long time. I will be an avid reader always.

I especially love the Ellis and Dav story line...so many twists and turns. I do hope that Ellis does finally accept the bond. They are good together!!

Keep up the good work honey...

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Love it

I love all your stories, but the Dav and Ellis dynamic is so heartbreaking and in such a good good way. I can't wait to see what else you have in store. Glad you didn't let them have a 'miracle fix' to their problems, it makes the comfort at the end of all the hurt, that much sweeter. And its just more realistic (You know, as realistic as we could make Cathera :D) Cant wait for more!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
I love it

I love this story and am waiting for the next one. BTW anyone for troll hunting. 8)

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Comments say more about them

Some astute and some heartfelt and some very weird comments which reveal more about the poor choices posters have made in their own personal lives than any relevance to your story.

Just for the record anonymous postings can only be done once per story, then you must sign-in, so I think you have acquired quite a few more than one spammer.

It is all grist for the mill as your imagination and storytelling is very refreshing and engaging. Thanks for sharing. It is our priveledge to be let into your imaginary world.

purebutjadedpurebutjadedover 12 years ago

Ignore the haters.

You are one of the best writers in this comm.

Your vivid characters leap up the page and captivates me. Your works are a pure joy to read.

Thank you for sharing your gift.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
What is going on? O.O

I went to leave you a comment about how much I liked this chapter, and happened to read the 'other' comments. *shakes head* It's really ridiculous that someone would spend that much time (on Valentine's no less) trolling up like a fool. Then again, it's also sad when you picture the person that actually has that much time to sit around and make up senseless comments. Can't you just see them now? Sitting in front of their computer in a darkened basement somewhere in their mother's house. Three garbage bags worth of trash scattered at their feet. Probably haven't showered in at least two weeks. Mmmm, yes heartbreaking....

And while we actually will be spending the day enjoying the holiday of love, they will still sit in front of their computer (alone) and troll on author's who are proud of their work, because they have nothing better to do. Tre Sad.

Anyways, I loved this chapter! Keep up the good attitude and they will ignore you eventually, but you probably already know that. ;) Happy Valentine's!


Cia81Cia81over 12 years agoAuthor
Thank you

to the coherent commenters. This is one of my favorite stories to write, so I'm glad so many people like it. The incoherent bumbling comments are similar enough I think I have just picked up a weird spammer, but I'm just ignoring them for now. I won't waste my time on people like that, when I have actual fans to appreciate and more writing to do!

btw, next bit is just about ready to post to the queue. YAY!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I love this story. Forgiving is one of the hardest things to do in a relationship, but if you really love the person it is definitely worth a shot. I love Dav and Ellis. They are my favourite couple and hope they can resolve their issues. Looking forward to the next chapter.

I have to say I'm baffled by some of the comments being left. They are ignorant and completely laughable. Have you even read the story? Might I suggest you do?

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I am gay and Ellis has grown all over me. It is the day of love and i want a love like Ellis.Ellis just seems so right.He can take care of everything in a very gentle way .I would not do even half the wrong things which Daves did.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I just fell in love with Ellis. Id do anything If i could get someone like Ellis.Whats wrong with Daves

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I read inital chapters and thought Daves and Ellis would make a good pair.Coming to chapter 5 things have gotten sadder. Didn't expect this from Daves.Why did he do this with Ellis. Ellis must be hurting real bad. Give us next chapter soon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Cia would you allow Ellis to be my Valentine.You can continue your story with me as the male lead instead of Daves.I am black. I might get lucky.Kevin

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

You have portrayed emotions so well that you made me almost wanna get into your story & replace Daves and set everything right.can:t do that. Im not the protagonist of your story. Daves knows what to hold on and what to let go.

I'll follow your stories now.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

*Sigh* Ellis .Heart Wrenching

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Story was as good as the comments made by your fans here.

It was a sad story but Your story came as a treat for Valentine's day. Hearts are meant to be broken:)



AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Five stars for you. You certainly are great writer.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Nice read on Valentines Day.Many stories have dealt with the sensitive issue"Relationships have ups and downs"..

Sorry but Is Davis in a relationship with Ellis?Relationship is based on trust and love. Both are lacking here.Davis is hungry for beauty,power, sex,wealth.Obviously Ellis cant give him any of these.Davis has neither love nor trust for Ellis.Davis almost tried to kill him.Is this love?which lover would want his love dead?I would kill someone for my wife, not kill my wife for someone.Davis doesn't understand this as he has absolutely no feelings for Ellis except hatred and wants to kill him.

Davis belongs to a specie of snakes who were not favoured but it was Ellis who stood up for Davis everytime.But when things got right what did Davis do? Davis forgot all his scars and He realized that he's better kill Ellis because Ellis was not what he wanted in his mate.No money, No sex, No beauty,No power.He accused Ellis of hiding things.What was Ellis hiding? Seems nothing but his pain which Davis never understood. Unlike Davis, Ellis was not hiding his sexy, beautiful, smart, wealthy mate.Unlike Davis, Ellis was not hiding his hunger for sex, beauty, power and wealth.Ellis was always what he is.

Ellis has never hidden anything but his pain but someone rightly commented here , you as a writer should not make Ellis suffer and die before Davis.Whenever Ellis has to die, he should die away from Davis. Davis would only celebrate his death.

You are one of the best writers here and hope you continue writing well.

lonesomedove66lonesomedove66over 12 years ago
What is wrong with you people

I think that this chapter was brilliant, but Dav does need to explain his reaction as it more than just an impulsive gesture, but I like how it ended and as usual a cliff hanger geez hurry with the next chapter

le8mebeele8mebeeover 12 years ago
ok...what just happened?

i get the first few ''legible'' comments... But anon comments are damn weird... Looks like valentine's day rush brought in all forms of sea creatures... Smelly fish 'n al... LOL..

Great job..

P.s. Plz dont make Snake grovel.. I think he's gone through enough.. In a way his mate has been too trusting of his twin and hidden things from him.. I'm not saying what snake did was right... But... Its a relationship... Not the justice system. There have to be ups and downs..



AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Its valentine's day today.Read your story.

Just one suggestion.Please dont let Ellis fight for his life in front of davis.Davis anyways couldn't care less.For Davis the only criteria for love is money, power, beauty.Ellis has none of these.Davis would only sadistically enjoy Ellis's misery.You should make Davis think that Ellis is just akin to drama queen whoz faking all this misery to manipulate Davis.

Davis has already got what he wanted then why do you want to make Ellis go through this agony in front of Davis.Davis wouldn't beleive any of this is real.Please Let Ellis smile in front of him and say he is alright. Please dont do this to Ellis.You should not let Davis come to know about whats happening to Ellis at all. If Ellis continues to faint in front of Davis, it would give davis another chance to feel happy abt Elli's suffering. For chris sake Davis shouldn't come to know of Ellis suffering.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Ellis, may his soul rest in peace. ~ Jonathan

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