I am a Cuckold

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Understanding a cuckold relationship.
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There are millions of cuckolds out here and many of them, don't know that they are cuckolds. Many of them just don't want to acknowledge it and a great number of men just want to keep their cuckold status a secret.

And then there are the men who want to be cuckolds. They want their wives to experience other men. They want to watch their wives being taken by other men. They find it exciting and erotic.

Most men get very angry at my cuckold stories and they leave hateful comments or they send me hateful emails. They hate me because I give them that sick feeling in their stomachs that they too, may be a cuckold. In this day and age, they probably are.

I say they probably are because this is the age of the woman. Women are advancing over men in every aspect of life. Women feel that they are entitled to do what ever they want with out any consequences. They run and control the households, allotting the husband a small space in the home that he can call his own, naming it his man cave.

The vast majority of cuckolds are of high intelligence. They are high achievers and earn high incomes like doctors, lawyers or CEOs. Because of their high intelligence, they know very well that their wives have cuckold them.

These high achieving cuckolds don't let on to their wives or anyone else that they know of their status because they want to keep their self pride and hold their estate together. They want to avoid the expense and turmoil of a divorce. They feel that their wife is going through a phase and she will eventually tire of her boyfriend.

The high achieving cuckold has too many things going on in his life to be concerned with his wife's indiscretions unless she is indiscreet which is rare. She knows that she has a lot to lose also.

The high achieving cuckold knows that the boyfriend is keeping his wife happy which relieves him of the pressure in keeping her content. These high achieving cuckolds created the term, 'A happy wife is a happy life.'

The boyfriend of these wives is usually of lower economic status, like a landscaper, carpenter or painter. Some random man that has come in contact with her and if she finds him sexually appealing, then she will send out her sexual vibes and he will respond.

The encounters are brief but numerous, maybe lasting only twenty minutes to a half hour where she experiences having sex with a strong, rough, brutish, animal type of man. She was always sexually attracted to men like this but in college, like all of her sorority sisters, she has to secure her financial future.

She does this by picking a husband who she knows is a high achiever. One who will support her and give her a life of luxury. One who will give her children and be able to support them and send them to college. Women have a natural instinct in seeking out these type of men.

Now that her children are in school, she has a lot of free time. Time to think about sex and feel sexual. She sees that the kitchen needs painting so she interviews painters. She finds one who she is attracted to and hires him because of his sex appeal.

That night her husband comes home and she tells him all about the painter she has hired. Her husband is no dummy. He senses the excitement and enthusiasm for this man in her expressions and the tone in her voice.

The painter begins work in their house and that night when the husband comes home his wife tells him all about the painter. The following night the husband comes home but he is no longer her husband. He is now her cuckold. She seems distant and avoids eye contact but she's very happy and content. She doesn't talk about the painter. That night they go to bed and she keeps her body covered from her cuckold. She doesn't want him to make any advances on her. He notices it but says nothing. He knows that he is now her cuckold.

After a week or two the job is finished and the painter moved his equipment out of their home and he is gone. It was a few days later that the cuckold came home to a despondent wife. He took her in his arms and asked, "What's the matter Hun? You seem so sad."

She answered, "I don't know. I just feel like I'm in a funk."

The cuckold recognizes the problem. He says, "You know, I see the dining room and living room look kind of drab. Maybe we should have those rooms painted. What was the name of that painter?"

Now I've talked about the high end girls who go to college. What about the girls who don't attend college, like my wife. A highly intelligent girl, who should have gone to college but she was denied college by her parents because she was a girl. They believed that if they spent all of that money on an education, then their daughter would get married, stay at home having babies and all of that college money would be wasted.

They never considered sending their daughter to college so she could marry up and secure her financial future. Their daughter ended up marrying me, a low paying truck driver. Her natural instincts must have told her, that I was a high achiever. I didn't know it at the time but she did.

OK, so we have all of these girls who don't go to college. They marry at a young age and they marry rough, tough men, who are of lower economic status, like landscapers, carpenters or painters.

These young married women enter the work force at lower paying jobs where they become sexual prey to the high achieving cuckolds. The girls are impressed by the money and educations of these men. A girl is always flattered when a wealthy educated man shows an interest in her.

I became a cuckold in my first year of marriage. I was angry when it happened to me and my wife was gas lighting me by telling me that it was all in my head. That I was imagining it. Her gas lighting caused me to have a nervous break down. I spent two weeks in a mental ward of a hospital, followed by six months of psychoanalysis. After which, the psychologist suggested that I seriously consider a divorce. Telling me that my wife will never change.

No one in my family had ever gotten a divorce. We considered divorced people as miss fits. Even today, now that I'm a widower, I avoid divorced women. I'm afraid if I started dating a divorced woman then six months into the relationship, I will discover the real reason why she is divorced.

So many times a woman has told me, "I divorced him because he was abusive or he was drinking, or he was cheating on me."

I think to myself, "Goddam it girl! What the hell drove him to that? It was you!"

Did you ever go to a horse show? Where you will see a frail woman lead her horse out onto the obstacle course. Her horse is much larger than she and he could easily trample her to death but she has complete control of him. She mounts her horse and she rides him through the course effortlessly. The horse follows her every command flawlessly.

That is the way a wife has to take command of her husband. Men want to serve their wives but it takes a lot of work on the part of the wife. She has to let him know that he is the leader of the family but at the same time she has to guide him in the direction that she feels the family needs to go. Always anticipating his needs, showing him love and not criticism. Correct him if necessary but never in front of anyone, especially the children.

Asian women are very strong and skilled in their leadership skills, passing these skills down to their daughters. Although now the divorce rate is increasing in China as women gain the skills to earn more money than their husbands. They no longer need a man to provide for them.

Getting back to my early marriage, so I remained married because I did not want to become a lonely miss fit who failed at marriage. I struggled for ten years before I finally accepted my cuckold status.

That ten years of emotional struggles were hell. I don't know how I survived it. The feelings of abandonment, inadequacy, jealousy and feelings of no self worth. That I'm just in the way. I'm inferior to all of the males around my wife. She refuses to talk to me about it because she says, that it's all in my mind. My friends laugh and talk behind my back.

Most men my age, at that time, when they discovered that they were cuckolds, they went into a rage and filed for divorce immediately. How can you be in love with a woman and abruptly turn your back on her because of her infidelity. There were a lot of divorces, too many.

I knew that I was made a cuckold right from the beginning so I adapted like the high achieving cuckolds. I tried to hide my shame and humiliation by pretending I didn't know what was going on. I knew that my wife loved me very deeply and she couldn't help herself. She was just out of high school when she entered the business world. She was a very young, beautiful, naive girl and she became the sexual prey of an older, high achieving, immoral, business man.

It took me ten years of emotional struggling before I accepted my cuckold status. During those ten years, my wife used her masturbating skills to calm me and train me into submission. I write about that in my 'Handjob' stories.

I completely surrendered to her and we became intimate. My marriage became a female led relationship. All of the cuckolds I know are in female led marriages. I lived to please my wife. I loved her so much that her happiness was all that I lived for.

Now that we had this deep intimacy between us, my wife became very exciting to me. She had trained me well. If she met a man that she was attracted to, she would tell me, knowing that I would do whatever I could to make her union with him possible. To see how she would get turned on by men and how she would subliminally let them know that she was available. It was interesting to see how the men reacted to her. In their aroused state, they would pussy foot around me as they tried to bed her. Most of them were successful but I never let on to them that my little innocent comments about my wife, were made to entice and arouse them.

My wife and her lover were enjoying the excitement of discovering each other so I never wanted to interfere with her pleasure. I didn't want to be an annoyance to her. I wanted to be the main source of her happiness and I was.

I was always humiliated and shamed when facing these men who had betrayed me but I kept my emotions hidden by pretending that I didn't know what they were doing. My wife liked these men so I kept a close friendship with them.

Having gone through psychoanalysis, I began to understand my wife and what events in her early past made her the way that she was. Once I understood the whys, it made me love her more. I am so grateful that I didn't walk away from my marriage so many years ago.

In closing; Over the course of my lifetime, I have witnessed people become stricken with a fatal health condition which led to their death. I've always asked the doctors, "What caused this?"

Their answer to me is always in one word, "Stress."

I can only conclude; When you lie to your spouse, you expose every vital organ in your body to stress. Polygraph machines prove this. How much stress does it take to mutate one cell? Once the cell is mutated, does it start a chain reaction, resulting in the death of the host? Just to be safe, don't lie to your spouse.

Going into the future: I see women getting everything that they want, equal pay and jobs. I see aggressive women pushing men out of the work force where the men become stay at home fathers, raising their children and managing the home. Monogamous marriages will become obsolete. I see cuckold relationships increasing around the world. All of the married men will become cuckolds, whether they want it or not.

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SemperSolus0198SemperSolus0198almost 2 years ago

What a crock of unmitigated bullshit! You sound like you are more closeted than cucked. I never minded a little dominance play when i dated but if any of my g.f's would have suggested this at any time they would have been bounced out the door before they packed up their belongings. I notice you haven't written anything else since 2019, maybe your wife finally left you for someone with a bigger dick, or a bigger wallet, or both! Lord knows if she was doing this she sure as hell didn't love you for who you where. Or maybe you took the way out that most cucks do eventually, turn yourself into a pinata for someone else to find after a few days. Who knows. You know what makes me angry about your stories though, you and others like you trying to pass yourselves off as men, you aren't. You are more like deviant drama queens more than anything else, it kind of makes me ill and makes me fear for our future.

I guess the only good thing about this lifestyle is that you and other like you will get very little opportunity to breed, you will be spending all your hard earned resources on multi-colored kids that are obviously not yours that you will never get the chance to pass on a true legacy, which i say GOOD.

shelli_k18shelli_k18about 2 years ago

I can understand why "male masking" hatred will argue about the details, that not everything here rings true to one or another, then argue it's over generalizing, basically stepping over their own quotes to try to show how aggrieved they are by these lovely statements. I understand that in some cultures, monogamy and two genders conformity still reigns, but if you look at the bigger picture, that it's only natural that males are NOT the main contenders, learning about their inferiority which they already fear is only more isolating, more shameful. But it doesn't have to be shameful, it doesn't have to be isolating. Be there for her, accept your new role, and find a way to be happy beneath others and revel in helping them forward.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Your wife loved you. Maybe you and I have a different idea what love is. You said she gas lite you for 10 years. If that's love count me out. I was cheated on by my shut ex many times before I found out. If it was not for my kids I would wish she rot in hell. If people want to play the game more power to you but don't pretend this is somehow ok.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Very helpful. I need to accept it for myself. I don't need to watch. Maybe someday feeling comfortable with she saying the exact words: "How are your buns, sweetie?" when she has had an 'enjoyable encounter'? It seems I want to know.... I guess I know now, but I would like confirmation. Will she feel 'special' exposing her encounters to me? Will my daughter learn these personalities. She is 13, and leads her boyfriend around like Joyce leads me around.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

There may be some real truth in the last paragraph.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
I'm a Lifelong Cuckold

I thoroughly enjoyed this paper and agree with the author. I was turned into a cuckold by my very first sexual girlfriend and have continued to seek out similar women to date and marry. There is no question of my gaining pleasure from being allowed to serve these women and to be treated as the cuckold I truly am by them. I'm bout to enter into another relationship and we are even signing a Female Led Relationship contract together. I gain great pleasure and satisfaction from pleasing my woman and enjoy knowing a young, strong male is keeping her sexually fulfilled.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Cuckold denial

You are so right. I've been a cuck before i knew what cuckold was. Every wife I've had ( total of 3 ) cheated on me with a male or female, I knew it and accepted it but never bucked against it, I've secretly masterbated to the thought of them being with someone. I am a cuckold !

Tiger27Tiger27about 5 years ago

Me thinks cuckoldguy is really cuckoldgal. Look into my eyes...you're getting sleepy. Yeah, bullshit bitch!

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

One of the most ridiculous pieces that I have read.here. You.make a lot of generalizations here that just don't hold water. In what universe are women exceeding men in all acheivements. I'm not aware of any relationship where women are dominate. I've never met a cuckold, nor even heard of one outside the pathetic fantasies in these pages. If it's such a wonderful life, why are you all hidden like vermin? Mental illness isn't funny. Get treatment soon. You and the other 99 cuckold Paul Pines knows.

JimF69JimF69over 5 years ago
CuckoldGuy is right!

This essay provides good insights and worthwhile perspectives. His work, in general, is very satisfying, and his stories never fail to arouse me.

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