I Am Woman


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Susie pulled away for a moment and turned around to give me an eyeful of her pleasantly round bottom, fully revealed in her thong panties, and while I enjoyed the feel of it I've never been overly excited by a woman's rear. When she sat in my lap and leaned back into me, inviting me to rub her tits from behind, I whispered, "You have a great ass, but I like the front of a woman better."

"Do you really?" she smiled as she gyrated in my lap. "Maybe you'd like a little tit-to-tit action?"

"Mm-hm," I agreed.

She turned around and unbuttoned my blouse, smiling even wider when she realized I didn't have a bra on. When the last button was undone, she parted my shirt and leaned into me, pressing her nipples precisely against my own. The shudder of pleasure that ran through me was indescribeable, and for just a moment I thought I saw Susie's cool professionalism flicker as she felt a similar rush. She leaned in even closer and moaned quietly in my ear, licking it gently and fleetingly before bringing her lips around to kiss me again. I felt myself building toward what might have been a climax, though as a woman I'd never felt such a thing.

Suddenly, tragically, she pulled away from me. "Would you like some more?" she asked. "I feel like we're just getting started here."

I realized that the song had come to an end, and that Susie was graciously reminding me that to go further would add to my bill. I desperately wanted more, but if this was to be my only night as a woman, I also wanted to get the experience with as many partners as I could. "I think I could use a break," I said, the words not coming easily.

"Are you sure?" she pressed, cupping her breasts in both hands as if offering them to me.

"I intend to be here for a while tonight," I said with a smile. "My money needs to last."

"Well, if you insist," she said, not losing her smile for a moment. She pulled her dress back up and hid her breasts from me once more, and gave me a kiss on the cheek to say goodbye. "I hope I see you out there when it's my turn to dance," she said, and left to go find her next customer.

* * * * *

I had to take a moment to collect myself, and get my own blouse buttoned back up. When I stood, I felt an undeniable wetness between my legs, and it excited me even further. My face felt flushed and my knees were weak; I found myself wondering if a place like this had a ladies' room where I could freshen up.

Back in a seat up from the stage, I ordered another peppermint schnapps from the waitress that came by next and drained it in a shot when she returned. The liquor calmed my nerves but did nothing to soothe my desire - rather, it loosened me up and made me feel even hotter for sex. I looked over the girls who wandered about the room or hung around by the bar, trying to decide if I had the nerve to make the first move. I had always had this problem in a strip club, unable to shake the feeling that the girls were just out of my league, never mind that they would all be receptive once cash was involved (had I tipped Susie? I must have, but I couldn't remember). Of course, some of them might not be willing to perform for another woman, but I knew that at least I'd be let down easy and that whoever it was would probably find me someone else who would be willing.

I turned away two ladies who approached me, one because she was just too flat-chested and another because she looked to be in her late thirties and I was in the mood for younger girls. Of course, there's absolutely nothing wrong with a thirty or forty-year-old woman; they can be and often are incredibly sexy. It just wasn't what I wanted right then, and the advantage to a place like Treasures is that you get to pick and choose at will. Experiencing the pleasures of lesbian sex for the first time made me feel virginal, and I wanted young women so I could pretend that I was younger too.

Eventually, I chose a very tall girl in high heels that made her even taller. Her name was Leslie, and she was dressed in something that reminded me of a "fembot" outfit, with silver bands across her breasts and waist, and a matching mini-skirt. I found that she wasn't quite as outgoing as Susie, preferring not to kiss deeply or get too close, and in addition her breasts were enhanced. I had never felt fake boobs before, and they just felt wrong, so in the end I didn't get nearly as much of a thrill out of her as Susie. Still, she was fun, and she left me with my state of excitement still running on high.

The next girl I approached wasn't into performing for women, and I was thinking of moving on. I was on my way out the door when two fine-looking ladies stepped into my path.

At Treasures, some of the girls will "dress up" in costume, creating the image of a cheerleader, or a nurse, or a fembot like Leslie, or something like that. The hotties in front of me had gone for costumes. One was a Latina girl with dark hair and green eyes wearing a full French Maid's outfit, with the little white apron and fishnet stockings. The other was a blue-eyed blonde, dressed in classic schoolgirl with the shirt tied instead of buttoned. They both looked hot.

"Hi there," the blonde said with a smile. "Want to see something?"

I had an idea what was coming, but it still gave me a rush when the girls turned to each other and tongue-kissed in front of me. After only a moment they parted, but the pretty blonde kept her hand on her partner's breast, massaging it slightly through the thin satin.

"We like each other, and we like you," the maid said. "I'm Elena, this is Shana. Would you like to go play with us?"

I'd had double-girl lapdances before, but of course, never as a woman myself. It took me less than half a second to make up my mind. "I'd like that a lot," I said.

"I'm a bit thirsty," Shana said with a pout. "Maybe you could get me a glass of wine?"

I'd been burned by the $50 drink before, and so I said, "That's not what I had in mind, ladies. I mean, I'd love to spend the next three songs alone with the two of you, but I was also thinking it would be a lot of fun to check out the lingerie studio around the corner."

They weren't stupid - they knew that I was essentially giving them a friendly ultimatum. "Oh, trust me, we're much hotter than anyone you'll find over there," Elena said. "Maybe you could give us another chance to show you? Besides, they'll just hustle you."

"Yeah, you don't want to go there," Shana insisted.

I felt I'd made my point. I didn't really like all this bargaining and dealing, though, and I decided that after I'd had some fun with Elena and Shana I probably would head to a flat-rate modeling studio I knew of. "Shall we, then?" I accepted, taking their hands and letting them lead me into the darkened corner once again.

Susie's favorite sofa was unoccupied, and so I found myself back in the place of a recent happy memory, this time with two girls alongside me. We sat together and waited for the current song to end so they could start dancing at the start of the next number.

"I hope you don't mind my asking for a drink," Shana said. "We like to help out the waitresses, they deserve their tips too."

"Don't worry, I make it a habit to be generous with them," I said. "I know they don't always get appreciated. But I'd rather spend my money on you girls then on the drinks."

"If you don't mind my saying so, you're not like most women we see in here," Elena said. "Most of them are kind of intimidated, seeing as this is kind of a place geared for men. You seem a lot more relaxed. Have you been here before?"

"Not as a woman," I blurted out.

That raised an eyebrow on both sides.

Oops, I thought. Bluff it out. "I mean, in the past I've dressed as a man when I come here, and since I never had a lapdance while dressed in drag, no one ever knew. Tonight is the first time I've been here like this." I felt a certain satisfaction in that everything I said was true.

"Oh, you don't have to be embarrassed about coming in as yourself," Shana assured me. "We get women in here all the time. Some of them even say they're straight; they just want to know why their guys find this all so fascinating."

"I like women better," Elena said. "Women are so soft and sexy, and I loved to be touched by another girl. I always approach the women here for a dance, and whenever Shana and I work together we try to team up. Have you ever been with two girls before?"

I couldn't think of a clever way to bend the truth and still give the real answer, so I lied this time. "No," I replied. "You'll be my first."

"This is going to be so much fun," Shana said with a seductive smile.

Right at that moment, the next song started up. The girls got up and got started right away, pulling my legs apart and straddling each knee. Having my legs spread wide made me feel vulnerable and exposed in a way that it never had done to me as a man, and excited me right at the beginning.

Shana and Elena didn't disappoint, allowing me a good view as they embraced and kissed deeply before my eyes. As they kissed they undressed each other at the top, Elena pulling apart the loose knot that held Shana's shirt together, and Shana pulling the lacy black-and-white top from Elena's bosom and stretching it down and over her nipples. I wanted them to have no illusions about my desire to participate, and so unbuttoned my own blouse as they involved themselves with each other for my pleasure. My tits (I still hadn't gotten used to having my tits) came into the open with hardening nipples that ached for the warm wetness of soft lips and a moist tongue.

The girls looked at me and saw that I was matching their striptease item for item, and Shana gasped with a hand to her mouth. "Wow," she whispered, "you have really nice boobs!"

"Mm, they do look delicious," Elena said, and lowered herself to the one nearest her. As Shana followed suit, I realized that in this night of fantasy fulfillment I was about to experience yet another hopeless desire, that of having two women suck at my tits at the same time.

Then suddenly I was living the fantasy, feeling two sets of soft, wet lips caressing my nipples, tongues licking in circles around the hardening buds, each girl quietly moaning as they gave me more than twice the pleasure. I looked down and saw them gazing hungrily up at me over the soft roundness of my own breasts, and caught a glimpse of Elena reaching down between my wide-spread legs an instant before I felt a burst of fire that seemed to burn all the way through me.

"I think your pussy's wet," she whispered around the nipple she held gently in her teeth.

"My... my pussy?" I asked, bewildered from the new sensations and a haze of lust.

"Let me touch, I want to feel it too," Shana begged as her hand joined Elena's and rubbed me through the thin cloth that covered my sex. "Ooh, she is wet. She must be very excited..."

"Touch our bodies," Elena invited me as she straightened up in my lap and Shana came up beside her. I saw four lovely breasts all in a row, the inside pair - one from each of them - pressed together, close to my mouth. I kissed both nipples at the same time while my hands touched their other tits, indulging myself with these sexy, uninhibited girls.

Soon Shana lowered her lips down with mine and we shared Elena's tit between us, licking her nipple and each other's tongues while the pretty Latina maid moaned and sighed with pleasure. Shana's hands felt for my breasts, gently stroking and squeezing them, and I returned the favor with one hand on her tit and the other on Elena's firm bottom, reaching up under her little black skirt to massage her bare flesh.

"Can we take her home with us, Elena?" Shana whispered. "She's so hot, I want to feel her all over me..."

"Let her lick your titties," Elena suggested. "She has such a nice tongue!"

Shana leaned in and kissed me again, sucking my tongue into her mouth. "Mmm..." she purred. "That is a nice tongue. Would you like to lick my tits?"

"I want to kiss you both first," I whispered, barely able to find my voice. The girls pulled me into a three-way embrace and we put lips and tongues together in my favorite kind of kiss. They felt my tits and my body with their soft, slender hands while I touched them in return, and all the while I got hotter and hotter, my pussy wetter and wetter.

I had finally come to terms with the idea of "my pussy", something that had seemed too strange to deal with at first but had become impossible to ignore. My clit ached to be tickled and rubbed, my cunt longed for penetration. But I didn't want a man or a cock; my preferences hadn't changed that far. I wanted a woman's tongue, a woman's hand, a woman's touch.

I couldn't tell whose hand it was that first slipped inside my pants, unfastening the button at the waist and sliding the zipper down to reveal my naked sex. I had worn no panties, and so nothing lay between me and the fingertip that found my clit -

- and sent a wild shock through me!

I held back a cry of pleasure only by pulling back and clenching down my teeth. Shana and Elena looked momentarily concerned, but soon realized that I had simply been overcome, and they smiled at each other knowingly. Another hand slipped into my pants and began slow, even strokes up and down my pussy lips, and while they touched me the girls kissed each other passionately, licking tongues and sucking lips, deep and hard, making me hot, making me... making me... come!

The first wave of climactic pleasure hit me like the slap of warm water after a long dive into a pool, submerging me and invading all my senses. I felt it everywhere, throughout my entire body, not just where they touched me. A hand gently touched my lips and I realized I was moaning, and I managed to quiet myself though for the moment I didn't care if the whole world heard me. Wet lips and tongues kissed my mouth from both sides once again, and I felt a second wave, stronger but less focused than the first, spreading from my lips outward. In the tiny remaining rational corner of my mind, I knew it was the multiple orgasm, something I had only heard about until that moment. I might have gone on forever, lost in ecstacy like that, but my girls pulled their hands away at last and the climax faded, leaving a pleasant afterglow.

"Wow," Elena whispered, genuinely impressed. "I wish I had orgasms like that. I'd never leave the damn house!"

"That was really intense," Shana agreed. "You must have needed that one badly."

"Mm-hm," I agreed. "I guess we need to wrap it up now, huh?"

"Are you sure you want to quit now?" Elena asked. "I'd love to try and take you there again. Maybe we could get a bottle of bubbly and head to the champagne room together. I know another girl who'd love to join us, if you like redheads."

I was tempted, but I still had one more adventure I wanted to try and I knew I could easily lose track of time again given the right stimulation. I certainly didn't want to end up with charges on my credit card, especially since it likely still had my real name. "Thanks, girls, but I think I need a breather," I said.

"I don't honestly blame you," Shana admitted as she tied her shirt back on.

* * * * *

I left Treasures behind me after taking ten minutes to recompose myself as much as I could, my head reeling from the wild ride I'd just had in my first female orgasm. I had always heard that women could come more intensely then men - now I knew! I began to genuinely wonder if I wanted to go back when the night was through, but something about this night felt like a temporary situation - like driving a really nice rental car or sleeping in a soft and ultimately comfortable hotel bed. As wonderful as it felt, I knew it couldn't last.

Soon I was calmed down enough to drive, and I headed further into the city, on the road to Trixie's, a private modeling studio I'd visited once before. Up until this night, it had been my most memorable sexcapade, a half-hour-long threesome with a hot blonde Barbie doll and a sexy raven-haired gothic slut. They hadn't let me fuck them but I had come twice anyway, and at the time I'd felt like I could have given each of them another shot if they'd opened their legs for my cock. Now, of course, that wasn't an issue.

On the way over, I considered whether I wanted to go one-on-one or try another threesome. Both sounded appealing in different ways, and in the end I decided to go for the triple dip. I could always let one of them watch if I felt like getting it on with a single girl at a time. As far as what kind of woman she would be, I would have to wait until I got there, but Elena had put the idea of a redhead into my imagination so I hoped I would find one who was willing.

I pulled into the parking lot behind Trixie's and turned off the car, grateful for having made it. I checked the time and realized that I had more than I'd thought; it was still only three-thirty. Might I be able to go for an hour instead of just a half? It would bankrupt my stash, but when would I ever get this kind of opportunity again?

Before going inside, I took a moment to check my makeup. It had become rather smudged by my encounter with Shana and Elena, and I did my best to fix it. I could see that the hunger in my own eyes hadn't diminished a bit (not that I needed the visual cue to tell me that), and though I wasn't floating on cloud nine at the moment I was still definitely turned on. As a man, I knew that after an orgasm like I'd just had I would be entirely satisfied; as a woman, it seemed that the game went on until I was ready to stop. And I wasn't ready yet!

* * * * *

"Hi, welcome to Trixie's," said the smiling brunette behind the counter. "How are you tonight?"

"Well, to be honest, it's been quite an evening," I said truthfully, "and I thought that an hour spent here would be a perfect wrap-up."

"I couldn't agree more," she said, her smile growing wider. "So, you wanted to do a double session, then?"

"In more ways than one," I replied, feeling bold. "I'd like to do an hour-long two-girl show, if that's possible."

"That's great!" the girl enthused. "Have you been here before?"

"It was a long time ago," I said, not entirely truthfully. "Can you tell me who's available right now?"

"Take a look at our wall," she said, pointing to the left.

I saw that there were only four girls this time instead of the dozen who had been here before. Not really surprising, as the previous visit had been at about nine in the evening, and here it was after three AM. Still, the girls were as hot as I'd remembered from the previous visit. "Are they all open to the idea of doing a girl-girl show?" I asked.

"Well, Betty's never done it before, but she's busy right now anyway. The rest of us are open to it and we're all comfortable with each other."

My face went warm as I enjoyed the idea of any of the women I saw making love to each other. With only three options to pick from, I chose pretty quickly. "Selena, is she ready to go?"

"Uh-huh. Who else would you like to see?"

I turned back to the counter. "You're very pretty," I said. "What's your name?"

"Thanks! I'm Katie."

"I would love to have you join us, Katie."

"I was hoping you'd say that," she winked. "You're really pretty too, you know. What's your name?"


"Come on back, Michelle. We'll get started."

I hadn't had a lot of "private modeling" sessions, but I knew the drill well enough that Katie's instructions didn't come as any surprise: get undressed (she used the euphamism "birthday suit"), sit down on the towel on the chair, and wait for her to return. I did so and found I was excited about the very idea of her seeing me au naturel, something that as a man I'd never experienced. I even posed just a little on the chair, arching my back slightly and letting my tits thrust forward a bit.