I Didn't Know

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Dealing a cheating wife.
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I have to be the dumbest man on Earth. My wife was in the hospital and had just given birth to brown eyed, red haired little boy. That sent off sirens in my head. The baby was very light skinned and had these cute little dimples. Yep, it turns out that there is story to tell.

My wife told one and now it's time for the truth.

Hi, I'm Jeff Patterson and my wife is the one and only Jen. I never thought my wife would cheat on me. I love her with all my little heart. Before we got together, Jen had been married to Hue for eight years, and they had one son Hue Jr. Hue Sr. was never an issue for me because he truly didn't care what was going on with Jen.

I know this because Hue is one of my lodge brothers. Hue said from the beginning that he thought she was a slut. Hue said, "Jeff, you can't turn a whore into a house wife." I was pissed and of course, I wanted to take it outside.

When Hue came outside he put his hand up to say stop and then asked me why were we fighting.

I said, "Hue, I can't have you calling my wife a whore. I know she's your ex, but I am her husband now."

Hue stood there and looked at me. He said "You're right Jeff. I am sorry; but as a brother of this lodge when the time is right you'll need my help.

Don't be afraid to ask for it."

Hue shook my hand and went back inside. It would be a long time before he called Jen a whore again.

I felt from that moment, Hue was a friend. He never held anything against me and even seconded a few of my motions. So I had no problem with him.

Jen on the other had hated Hue with a passion. At lodge events she would go out of her way to compete with him and his wife, Sammie.

Once Sammie was talking to a few of the lodge wives when Jen came up an asked, "How's the deadbeat doing?"

Sammie smiled and replied, "Very well. He just brought me a Range Rover. It's a couple of years old, but it's good for the family."

Jen said, "I don't see him around. He must be at the bar."

Sammie said, "No, he's outside talking to the lodge president about building a clubhouse for the kids."

With that Jen left, walked over to me and said, "We need a new car. A new Range Rover and it needs to be fully loaded!"

I shook my head. Hue had just told us how he traded in his truck to get his wife a Range Rover. He said Sammie needs it for the kids and work. Hue always did what was needed. He drove an old model Ford F150 —old and rusty but still runs fine.

I said, "Jen, money doesn't grow on trees. But once you get to back to work, you have to help pay for it." You see Jen didn't work while she was married to Hue. She did get a job after the divorce, but now she was out of work again.

After Jen fussed for a few, she left to talk with some of the other wives. I sat down and talked to some of my lodge brothers. We talked for about an hour, then I started looking around for Jen. I spotted her about ten minutes later. She was dancing with a lodge brother so I went out to cut in.

Jen said, "Hi honey, what up?"

I said, "Nothing. I just want to dance with my sexy wife." So I cut in and my lodge brother left.

I asked, "Jen, are you enjoying yourself?"

She said, "Yes I am, but it will be even better if you get me home and in bed."

I didn't have to be asked twice. She grabbed her purse and we headed for the door with me waving goodbye to my lodge brothers.

Once we got in the car Jen was on me and she gave me an earth-shattering blowjob. She sucked until I came in her mouth. Then she yelled, "Drive you bastard!" Jen sucked my dick all the way home. It was so good, I almost ran over a nun. I'm glad I didn't because while the blowjob was good, it wasn't 'going to hell' good.

Once we got in the house she bent over the kitchen table, ripped off her panties, spit on her hand and rubbed it on her pussy. Then she looked at me and smiled. The next morning I was on the Range Rover website.

Things were going good for us, work was fine, the lodge was doing great and sex was unbelievable. Then Jen laid the bomb on me.

"Jeff," Jen said, "I'm three weeks pregnant."

The first thing that crossed my mind was, "Forty-five years old and pregnant. By the time this kid gets out the house, I'll be on social security."

Boy, that was a bombshell! I have two kids and Jen had Hue Jr. Hue Jr is twenty-five and has a kid of his own. Sandy, my daughter, is a senior a LSU and my son Jacob is a junior at Ole Miss.

"Jen are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes, I am sure. I just got back from the doctor's office."

"Are we having a boy or girl?" I asked.

"That's what we need to talk about. Do you really want to have another baby?" said Jen.

I asked her, "What did you want to do?"

She replied, "We should think about it."

Needless to say, it was a long night.

The next morning, as Jen was leaving, I asked, "What do you have planned for today?"

Jen looked and said, "I don't what's going on at the lodge. After I get my hair done, I'll give you a call."

"Ok, Sexy. I love ya, and I'll talk to you later babe," I said. Then she was out the door in a flash.

About twenty minutes later the phone rang.

"Hello," I answered.

"Good morning. Is Mrs. Patterson in?" the caller asked politely.

I said, "No, but this is her husband. Can I help you?"

"Sir, your wife left her credit card here at the front desk. We were letting her know so that she could pick it up."

Front desk? What fucking front desk?

I asked, "Which hotel are you at? I can come by and pick it up myself and save her the trip."

"We're at the Hyatt Regency East."

"You have a very nice hotel there," I told the man.

"Thank you, Sir. The card will be waiting for you at the front desk."

Why do you suppose would my wife be at the Hyatt?

I called Visa and asked for an itemized statement.

They asked me, "For which card number?"

I didn't have her card number, so I said, "Both."

The lady on the phone asked me to hold on while she went to a supervisor.

The supervisor said, "Mr. Patterson, one of the cards is her personal card. We can't send you that bill."

I asked, "How does that bill get paid?"

The supervisor explained that the payments were split between the two cards on a 60% — 40% basis, and both were paid on the same invoice.

I told him, "I'm the person paying the bills, so either send me the statements or fuck getting paid."

The Supervisor said they would check and see and get back to me. About fifteen minutes later I received the itemized statement in an email.

It was worse that I thought. Jen had been going to the hotel twice a week for the last six months. I couldn't think of any reason that Jen needed to be using hotel for, so now I was going to do something I never expected.

"Hello Hue. I need your help."

Hue said, "Jeff, come to the lodge and bring a suitcase."

"Bring a suitcase? I don't want to leave her, I just need help," I said.

He repeated himself, "Bring a suitcase."

I grabbed one of the travel bags from the closet and drove to the lodge. Once I got there, I looked empty.

Hue opened the door and said, "Come on in."

Once inside we went to the security office, into the inside room where there were about fifteen monitors.

They had cameras everywhere.

Hue cleared his throat and said, "Jeff, after you see this I don't know if you'll be able to stay married. Think about what you want before you watch this."

I said, "Hue, she's pregnant and I have to know or I can't move on."

He said he understood, the tape was already booted up so he hit play.

The first thing I saw was Jen on her knees sucking the waiter's cock. She also had another waiter fucking her doggy style. Then she looked up and grabbed one of my lodge brother's cocks. She fucked for at least an hour. Then she started cleaning herself up. She reached into her purse and pulled out some kind of squeeze bottle to flush herself out. No wonder she always carried a big purse — it was a 'travel slut' kit.

Hue said, "I told you to bring the suitcase for a reason, Jeff. I'm giving all of this to you. It's your marriage, so you decide. If you want to work it out then work it out, but if you want to divorce her, you go ahead and use what I'm giving you."

There must have been thirty tapes and twenty dvds.

Hue shook his head as he said, "She's has been a busy girl."

There were four lodge-brothers and just about all of the staff on video having sex with Jen.

"The staff will be fired," Hue continued, "but the brothers will have to go before the board of trustees."

"Jeff, think long and hard, but do what works for you," said Hue.

Long and hard my ass! I was at my lawyer's office about twenty minutes later. He took everything I had, and started the process.

He told me I would have to give up some assets, but not half. The house, for example, was mine before the marriage, so it wasn't joint property. She could keep her slut mobile, but I just didn't want to pay spousal support.

My lawyer said she would be served the next week. I asked him if he could have the papers served at the Hyatt next Wednesday.

For the rest of week, I went fishing. I said told Jen it was a lodge thing.

Wednesday rolled around pretty quickly. While Jen was having her little fling, a few of the brothers wives and I packed up Jen's shit at the house.

My cell phone started going off, and the caller ID showed it was Jen.

"Y'ello," I said.

"Jeff, what in the fuck is this divorce shit?"

"Jen, where were the papers delivered to you?"

She didn't answer my question, she just went on the offensive.

"Look Jeff, you can't just throw me away. You love me and can't live without me. You said it yourself!" said Jen.

"I can't live with food, dumb ass, but sluts come a dime a dozen," I yelled. "I have to go, Jen. The truck just arrived to take your shit to your moms house."

The last thing I heard as I signed off was "NOOOO!"

Things moved pretty fast after that, although Jen got the Judge to hold off on the divorce till the baby was born. Then she start going to church. Then she told me that Hue had drugged her and set her up. She kept repeating it so much I started having doubts. Then one of my friends who had nothing to do with the lodge took the tapes to a video lab to be tested. Once the lab concluded that they were authentic, Jen changed her story: she must have been drugged. Next it was the 'devil made her do it' but now she's in church.

I think she was praying that the baby would be mine. So here we are sitting in the courtroom waiting for the DNA results to be read.

The judge asked me, "Are you sure you want the results?"

I responded, "Yes, your Honor."

The judge opened the results and asked Jen, "Do you know who the father of this child is?"

"Yes, your Honor. It's Jeff Patterson," she said.

He looked at Jen and shook his head.

"The game is over Mrs. Patterson. Your husband is not the father of this child."

The judge gave me an 85/15 percent split of our assets because we had only been married for three years. I have to pay her $75.00 dollars a week for two years and she got $11,000 dollars from my saving but no share of my retirement account. I did get stuck with the lawyer's fees but that was okay because at least this mess was over. I had gotten off lucky.

It's been two years now and I have to make my last spousal support payment today. We're having a "Last payment to a slut" party at the lodge tonight. Every single one of my lodge brothers were there; it was packed.

Hue grabbed me and took me into the back room.

"Jeff, I'd like you to meet the lodge's board of directors."

The head of the board had his back to me when I entered the room. When he turned around I almost spit out my drink.

"Your Honor! What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I am the Chairman of the Board," he said, a big grin on his face.

What the fuck? Both Jen's and my lawyers, and even my boss, were on the board.

Hue said, "Jeff, I once told you don't be afraid to ask for my help. You weren't afraid and now it's your time."

I was elected to the board and there would be a day when it was my turn to help a fool in love!

Oh, and my last payment to Jen, I made in small coins. Who would think that the tellers at the fucking bank would get mad for me asking for getting $75 dollars in pennies at closing time?

I know, I know you think I'm an asshole. It's just I so love it when cheater gets burnt. It maybe a little over the top but then so is the justice system.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
OlgreyfoxOlgreyfoxover 2 years ago

I must say that I had a big smile on my face. Well done!

HaydenDLinderHaydenDLinderover 2 years ago

I have to agree with Jimjam69. It made me smile. :)

jimjam69jimjam69over 2 years ago

Almost belongs in the humor category. Good story.

nixroxnixroxover 2 years ago

3 stars for this simple BTB story.

This slut is playing Russian roulette with STD's, especially AIDS, by fucking without rubbers.

Why are the idiot men fucking this slut without rubbers?

They are all going to die.

DoNotPassGoDoNotPassGoalmost 3 years ago

Bros before hos. *****

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 3 years ago


Read this before. Is the cunt dead yet? Fuck her.

pummel187pummel187almost 3 years ago

The God of Abraham finds lodges and all secret societies to be an abomination... And so do I.

I am not judging anyone

Rancher46Rancher46almost 3 years ago

Another great BTB story.

26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago
Reading again

Huedogg' s best one about busting a cheating wife's bubble, with a little.help from his friends.

whateverittakeswhateverittakesover 3 years ago

Gotta love the ol' "Bros before hos" adage.

robroy93robroy93over 4 years ago
Good one

I really like Huedogg's stories. I know he is still around, wish he was still writing.

jtwheelsjtwheelsover 4 years ago
Good story enjoyed

But what took him so long?!?!

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago

My favorite Huedogg2 story. His can write, needs to do something new.

Jhbrown27Jhbrown27over 4 years ago
Good story

Short and to the point.

MartyMBMartyMBover 5 years ago
More trivia for me

Not really relevant to the story, but who WAS the father? What lodge members were, err, what's the right word here, sanctioned? What happened to Jen? Why did so many people at the lodge have her without anyone saying anything?

Great story!

26thNC26thNCalmost 6 years ago
Not over the top

Not over the top at all Hue, I loved it. Loved your interaction with the commenters also. Who was the baby daddy?

tazz317tazz317about 6 years ago

and why in HELL didn't he have a clue. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
I smell,,,,,

I smell the aroma of a cheating woman's ass being burnt big time in a divorce case.

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