I Just Don't Know . . . Ch. 05


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"Well, Richard, allow me to say . . . you were fabulous," exclaimed Caroline, her voice refreshingly free of sarcasm. "And, it must be said, you seemed to enjoy every contestant's ministering equally. Is that fair?"

Richard smiled and responded. "Okay, Caroline. I must admit, with a blindfold in place . . . yeah, it all felt good. Make that great. But, I stand by my original statement. I know who the women were. I'm sure of it."

"Okay, drum roll. Richard, please reveal the winner of Sucker Bowl I, he or she who is about to receive your repayment in kind. Who did ya best?" Caroline absolutely was loving this.

"Well," answered Richard. "First let me make it clear that if Emily had participated, it would've been no contest. But among these outstanding participants – one and all – I am going with . . . Contestant Number Three. So, either Caroline or Charlotte, please come forward, remove your pants, and prepare to be exported to a state of heavenly bliss."

Each of our four friends stood with hands behind their backs, apparently hiding the playing cards that would reveal their contestant numbers. No one gave away the result. So, Caroline again took the stage. "Well, let's see. To heighten the drama, let's start by seeing who Number One was." David brought his right hand forward showing the ace of clubs. Richard smiled broadly, happy to see that he now had a two in three chance of being correct.

Caroline nodded and continued. "Yes, Number One was David. Now, let's see who Number Two was." A long pause for dramatic effect and then, Will revealed the two of hearts.

Looking like the proverbial canary-swallowing cat, Richard positively glowed. He was in the clear and it would be female parts with which his tongue and lips would make contact.

"Okay, now for the magic moment. Let's have Three and Four show their cards." Caroline and Charlotte's hands remained behind their backs as Richard strained forward to see who the 'winner' would be. His focus entirely on the women, Richard barely noticed as both Will and David reached into their trouser pockets. Will removed the four of diamonds and David the three of clubs. As they held them up, Richard finally noticed and his look was first one of confusion followed by the dawn of realization and a consider dose of pique.

"Are you serious? Are you telling me this was a fix? Caroline, thishadto be your idea and I've got to say, I'm not too amused." Indeed, Richard was looking none too happy and totally unlike someone ready to 'pay off' his end of the bargain. "If you expect me to . . . well, it's not going to happen."

"Sweetie," I said, "now don't blame Caroline . . . entirely. Itwasher idea but we were all in on it. And it did prove a point, didn't it? You obviously loved the feeling, even though you had no idea it was just the two guys doing it."

"When did you come up with this idea?" asked Richard.

Caroline answered, "I proposed it while you were in the bathroom. At first, David and Will balked but they agreed to go along to see if I was right. And Charlotte was nice enough to give her support. Now please don't be angry, Richard. It was all in fun. And, of course, you needn't follow up on the bet because it was indeed rigged."

Richard took it all in and responded in a considered manner. "Well, ladies and gentlemen, you got me. You're right, Emily, I did enjoy the sensation and Caroline, point proved. But it seems to me that any referee would reward me with a penalty of some sort, based on the heinous injustice that was done." The twinkle in his eye gave him away. I knew Richard was having fun in the spirit of the occasion.

"A penalty, Richard?" asked Caroline. "Why, sir, whatever do you mean?"

"There are two ladies in this room who chose to sit on the sidelines and not take part as I had been led to believe they would. It seems only fair that they now both open themselves up to participate." Smiling at his choice of words, Richard looked to me for acceptance. "Emily, it's my turn to sample the goods, if you're okay with it."

"How can I say no, darling?" I replied. "Yes, Caroline, I agree with Richard. Itishis turn."

"Of course," answered Caroline. "As soon as you pay off the winner. David deserves to be rewarded."

"That's if he wants to be rewarded. David, it's up to you, old buddy."

David looked more than a little uncomfortable. He sighed and said, "Look, I'm still drunk enough to be enjoying myself here. I can't imagine how I'll feel in the morning or if I'll ever be able to look at any of you in the future but here we are. What I did to you tonight, Richard, I'd never in a million years have thought of as possible. But, here's the shocker. It wasn't unpleasant. As a matter of fact . . . hell, I'll say it . . . I enjoyed it. It was a tremendous feeling of power and control and I think you maybe should experience it once as well."

Richard had listened intently and now he nodded. "You know, here I sit in this terry cloth robe while all of you are fully dressed. I'm getting damned sick of being your party toy. So if I'm going to start with David and proceed on to Charlotte and Caroline, I suggest you all get a bit more comfortable." Again, a barrier had been broken and our night in Bizarro World was ready to move to another level.

David moved toward the door and stated, "I'm going to follow Richard's lead and go get ready." Just as he reached the door, he noticed that Caroline and Charlotte had stood up and were starting to disrobe. "Um, maybe I'll wait a second," David added, obviously not wanting to miss a little erotic disrobing on the part of his wife and her very statuesque friend.

Caroline slowly unbuttoned the lovely embroidered white blouse she had on, opening it to reveal a lace-trimmed bra that had obviously crossed the Atlantic from some high-end French boutique. It elevated her gorgeous breasts and barely covered the nipples that topped them. Next to her, Charlotte pulled her light blue short-sleeved sweater over her head. Her bra was much simpler and looked a lot like a casual bikini top. Next to the showgirl-like Caroline, Charlotte looked more like a high school cheerleader and that was no knock. She was adorable.

Both women, fully aware that they had the attention of a rapt male audience, took their time as they unbuttoned and unzipped the casual slacks they were wearing. Not surprisingly, Caroline's panties matched the bra with lacey panels surrounding a central patch of silk that concealed her most private parts. They were cut just below her navel and were really stunning. Charlotte's panties were white boy cut and looked wonderful next to her perennially tanned skin. Standing next to each other, my two friends presented a contrast in appearance while showing just how gorgeous these two looks could be.

"I think your job just got easier, Richard," announced Will. "Check out the bulge in David's trousers." David's khakis could not hide it, he had obviously been aroused by the side by side striptease.

"Yeah, I'll be going now," said David, failing to hide an embarrassed smile.

"So, Will," I asked, "what are you and I supposed to do while this is going on? Do play by play, or work like corner men in a boxing match with spray bottles at the ready? I'm not a big fan of spectator sports."

Will looked at his wife and Richard before answering. "Well, Emily, we may start as watchers but I can't imagine that'll continue too long. You two have any problems with the behavior of the crowd?"

Richard and Caroline could hardly complain considering what had already transpired and what was about to occur so they both agreed to allow us to let happen what would happen.

Caroline and Charlotte were now sitting on the bed awaiting David's return. Caroline said, "We won't be needing these," and reached around to Charlotte's back, unclasping her bra and removing it. Charlotte returned the favor and Caroline's boobs spilled out prompting Charlotte to sigh and state that, "I'm looking pretty sorry right about now."

Caroline frowned her disagreement. "Nonsense, your breasts are beautiful. Just a perfect size." As if to prove her admiration, she reached over and cupped one in her hand while lightly massaging the nipple with her thumb. It was an extremely erotic tableau that Richard, Will and I took in. It had only just begun when David strode in wearing nothing but a pair of blue Oxford boxers. Boxers which barely contained a penis that was itching to escape its confinement.

I knew my husband was uncomfortable with hesitation. He was a very decisive man, a trait which served him well in the business world. In this decidedly social situation, he again showed that he wasn't about to waste any time. He crossed the room to David and said, "Okay, sport, how's it going to be? You want to stand up or lie down?" David answered with actions, inserting his fingers inside the waistband of the boxers and lowering them to the floor. His penis, well on its way to full erection, sprang out. The four of us who weren't participating moved into positions where we could watch as Richard knelt on the carpet in front of David.

Richard reached up and took hold of David's penis and moved closer. He hesitated for a brief instant, looking the impressive member in the eye, so to speak, and then opened his mouth wide and gingerly surrounded the helmet. He stayed there briefly, not moving, and then pulled on David's cock (Okay, I'll use the word.) making an audible suction sound. He seemed to be convincing himself that he could do this as he took a breath and continued. This time, his mouth went farther down the shaft and worked in concert with his hand that was doing slight twists at the base. I smiled, realizing that my husband was mimicking techniques that I used on him and that he greatly enjoyed. David stood, with feet spread fairly wide, his eyes closed and his faced somewhat flushed.

As Richard continued to move his lips up and down David's cock, I snuck a look at everyone else. Will was on the bed next to Caroline and had his arm around her, cupping her breast as the two of them watched intently. Beside them, Charlotte's eyes were hooded as she appeared almost overcome by lust. She then stood and walked over to the two men who were the center of attraction. She knelt beside Richard and, without a word, she reached her hand under Richard's mouth and David's cock, taking hold of David's balls and softly massaging them in the same rhythm that Richard was using.

The effect on David was instantaneous. He threw back his head and moaned in pleasure. "Oh, yes, baby, that feelssogood," he purred. "Please don't stop." Charlotte needed no such encouragement. She not only continued to rub, but added her tongue to the process. Richard backed off slightly giving Charlotte room to partake in the attention to her husband's cock. The two of them were now sharing space on it, almost kissing each other as they sucked in unison. It really was the most shockingly erotic thing I'd ever witnessed, especially considering this was no porn film. This was my husband and my best friend giving incredible oral sex to her husband. I felt on the verge of an orgasm just from what I was watching not having even touched myself. It was that hot.

Richard then moved away. He obviously felt he had done his duty and wanted Charlotte to finish the job, which she did in precious little time. David's legs half-buckled as he came, holding onto the back of Charlotte's head as she swallowed all of what seemed to be a large amount of David's semen. She finished, stood as she took a noticeable swallow and then kissed her delighted husband on the lips. Charlotte then turned and wiggled her panties down her hips, finishing up quite naked before us. She smiled and said, "I want to be eaten." The suddenly decisive Charlotte moved to the bed and performed the same action with Caroline's panties, leaving her naked as well. The two of them sat side by side on the bed and used matching grins to indicate to Richard that it was his, and their, turn.

The women did a right angle turn and each put a pillow under their head. They were holding hands, I noticed, and looked like two sacrificial virgins awaiting their fates. Richard gave a quick glance toward me, saw my nod of approval, and moved onto the bottom of the bed between the two women. He traced a path with his fingers up their inside legs as he approached his targets and then straddled them. They had opened their legs and had bent their outer ones slightly, providing enough upturn that their glistening vaginal openings were exposed and ready to be licked.

David stood to one side of the bed while Will and I were positioned on the other. He was behind me, looking over my shoulder, and there was no room whatsoever between us, making it terribly obvious that his erection was poking against my rear. His hand rested on my shoulder and was softly rubbing it. As if what I was watching wasn't enough, the effect he was having on me just heightened the sexual tension coursing through me.

Richard moved in. He kissed first Caroline's inner thigh, then Charlotte's. He stayed with Charlotte and used his hand to gently open her lips before using his tongue on her for the first time. Charlotte sighed at the contact and looked extremely comfortable as Richard ran his tongue over her slit several times. He then moved to Caroline and repeated the movements. The scent of musky sex hung in the room as my husband spent his time going back and forth between the two rapturous women. Again, I was drawn to their intertwined hands, pressing in a cadence that corresponded to Richard's efforts.

Another hand was busy, that of Will who had moved from my shoulder down over my right breast which he kneaded with increasing urgency as we watched. I turned my head enough that he could kiss me and realized that this was the first kiss of passion I had shared with another man since my marriage. If I felt guilt, it passed in a millisecond as I reflected on what was going on all around me. I turned fully to face Will and the kiss got deeper and more powerful, his hands rubbing fervently along my back at the same time. In moments, we went from fully clothed to standing in our underwear and I truly don't remember how that happened. I do know that it was I who removed Will's tee shirt and briefs as he was practically ripping my bra and panties from my body. We stood naked, kissing and stroking each other, now oblivious to what was going on mere feet from us.

Moans of pleasure drew our attention back though as both Charlotte and Caroline obviously were deeply enjoying Richard's efforts. David had decided he wanted to do more than watch so he was sucking noisily on his wife's breast at one moment and kissing her at another. My own breasts were now being suckled by Will who went back and forth between them with an urgent and powerful pull. I loved it but wanted him lower as my need for release was really profound. I therefore put pressure on the top of his head and he got the message, soon covering my pussy was long, wet slurps that quickly focused on my swollen clit. I was the first to explode, coming with cries of release that surely got the attention of everyone else. I didn't care, I just gloried in the feeling.

Apparently, my verbal performance spurred on Caroline because she soon followed with her own orgasmic cries. I could see that Richard's fingers were now part of his attack and knew them to be highly capable of taking a woman over the edge. Immediately upon finishing, Caroline sat up and moved to Charlotte's mouth with her own. Dear Charlotte now had three people working her: Caroline's mouth covering her lips, David's tongue swirling around her nipple, and Richard's fingers buried deep in her pussy. It was more than she could resist and she came in an exhalation of oaths. "Oh, God, oh God, oh God!" she screamed and waves of passion swept over her.

Finally, there was silence. Except, that is, for some rather ragged breathing on the part of all three women present. Fortunately, Charlotte and David had invested in a king-size bed which allowed Will and me to join the four already on it. We all sat with similar smiles on our faces of the sort one sees on the face of a child who just told a whopper and got away with it. It was left to Richard to break the silence. He started with a chuckle and then said, "Well. What the hell was that?"

"That, my dear," I replied, "was the six of us going waaaaaay outside the box."

"And, wasn't itgreat?" posed Charlotte.

Shaking his head slightly, Richard answered, "I can't deny it. It was unbelievable. But, is everybody okay with this? And like David said earlier, how're we going to be tomorrow? Oh, and one more thing. I can't help wondering if this was just a little bit . . . premeditated. Did you girls come here tonight with this in mind?"

"Us? Richard, come on. It just happened. And as far as tomorrow is concerned, we'll just have to wake up tomorrow and find out," answered Caroline.

"Penelope Cruz," intoned David. We all looked to him for more. He continued, "When you brought up Penelope Cruz, that got things started. I think Richard's on to something."

After a beat, I admitted, "Well, yes, bringing her up did have a purpose."

"Costa Rica. I forgot to tell you. Madelyn and Greg are going to Costa Rica."

It was Charlotte who had blurted it out and the guys looked at her as though she had just flown in from Mars. Caroline and I burst out laughing and eventually were able to convince Charlotte that if ever a point of no return had been passed, this was such a moment.

So, we shared. Caroline and I told, in greatly abbreviated form, the story I related in my earlier chapters and Charlotte joined in to explain her involvement. As the husbands listened, I reflected on the fact that we were all sitting there quite comfortably in varying states of undress. At one point, I worried that Charlotte's Costa Rican moment might have been a good idea after all when David learned of Charlotte's behavior. But, by the end, Will seemed to sum up the husbands' points of view when he said, "I'm glad you told us. I love my wife and it's obvious to me that I'm not the only one here who feels that way. Something happened to the three of you that caught you off guard, much like what happened here tonight. Hey, I had a blast. Everybody had a blast. Life goes on."

Richard gave me a look that relaxed me enormously. It told of his acceptance of everything he had heard and experienced. The way David was hugging Charlotte left no doubt about his feelings.

"Two things, if I may," I said. "Will, you're the one person here who didn't . . . you know. That hardly seems fair."

"Not to worry, Emily," he responded. "I enjoyed this more than you can possibly imagine."

Caroline smiled an elfin smile and added, "He's going to do just fine, Em. As soon as we get home, I'll take good care of my sweetie. Now what was your second point?"

I hesitated but decided to forge on. "For some reason, Will, I'm guessing this wasn't your first time being intimate with a man. Am I prying too deeply to ask if I'm right?"

Will glanced at Caroline before answering. "I don't know what gave it away, Emily, but you're right. Caroline is aware of the fact that in college I . . . tested the waters, so to speak, with a good friend. Mutual curiosity more than anything, really. But actually, a nice memory that meeting Caroline brought a sudden and sharp end to. Now . . . how about some decaf? I think it's time."

And with that, we rose, found our scattered clothing, and walked to the kitchen .

Life goes on.

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jenorma2012jenorma2012almost 8 years ago

this chapter I did not like too much, the woman and the 2 husbands tricked Richard, and if I was him I would have been more than upset,I would have been down right mad at the wife's and the other 2 guys for going along with it drunk or not, this should have been a fair contest and all this just to come up with a way to tell their husbands about what they were doing, and even though things turned out alright with the woman I still think they should not have tricked Richard into it

gtbuzzncgtbuzzncover 10 years ago
excellent story

Loved this story...very hot especially by including the husbands. I am very much liking this entire series as it is very well written and shows the deep emotion and sensual physicality ....keep it up as I know I am.

LarryInSeattleLarryInSeattleover 10 years ago
I wish there were 6 stars!

Great story!!!

elle_9549elle_9549over 12 years ago
I enjoyed it

As one who reads the lesbian stories, I wasn't so sure about this (men, blowjobs, and orgies aren't exactly my thing), but I decided to read it because it was part of the series. I did enjoy it! Maybe a little. :) ~ L

CeliaisAlienaCeliaisAlienaabout 14 years ago
BarelyJust, it worked just great

I thought this was a strong entry on its own, and also fits in fine with what has gone before.

I know that readers sometimes react with disappointment when they're thrown a 'curveball', but I hope they can relax and take this one in stride!

It makes perfect sense, going back to the Chopin-listening reminiscences and all, that the husbands could get to join in with the inclusive bi-polyamorous ambience of the story. So it's logical, and does no 'harm', in my view, to its strengths as a lesbian saga.

Anyway it turned out terrific!

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