I will Faithfully Execute Pt. 02

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A new & single President brings government under control.
23.1k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 05/02/2024
Created 04/28/2024
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I Will Faithfully Execute

A.J. Roye

All Rights Reserved 2022

This is the second, and final submission for this story.

Chapter 5

"The Governor of Texas is on the line for you, Sir."

I looked up from the Special Prosecutors' reports, as she entered The Office.

Emily Marks. Presidential secretary for three presidents.

"Thank you, Ms. Marks," I replied. She smiled and left for her desk... just outside The Office.

I closed my eyes before I picked up The Desk phone. I had a good feeling about this call.

"Good morning, Governor Jung. I always look forward to your calls."

"Good morning to you, Mr. President," Darla replied, then paused. "I have some good news, Sir. I have the Speaker of the House and Lieutenant Governor with me in the Governor's office... at the State capitol. Along with many members of the Texas House and Senate."

"Good news, Madam Governor. I welcome good news."

"President Thomas... I, along with the members of our State legislature, and guests, are about to go live on social media." Darla paused. "I will be signing the certificatio, of the Texas Legislature passing three federal constitutional amendments, this morning. By doing so, The Great State of Texas will be the 38th state to ratify, and thus, causing the amendments, to become a part of the Federal Constitution. The three amendments are... The Balanced Budget amendment. The Term Limits for the House of Representatives. And, the Seventeenth Amendment is repealed. I, along with the Speaker of the House and the Lieutenant Governor, will be issuing a press release on this historic day. I am calling you, Si... to invite you to watch me sign the historic documents."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world."

Jess walked in and was smiling widely. Apparently, she heard the good news.

"This wouldn't have happened, if not for your hard work, Jack. Reaching out personally with each Governor and leaders of the State legislatures. All fifty of them. A monumental achievement, Jack. As Governor, I want to say thank you, for the People of Texas. These three amendments will be a giant step in limiting our federal government. I knew, when you were elected President, you would be the one who could do this."

"Thank you, Governor. And to the members of the legislature, who can hear my voice. Thank you for your leadership... dedication to our Nation... and your willingness to do the right thing, despite the political pressures you were under. I honor you. And, I would gladly accept an invitation to Austin to personally thank each of you."

"Jack. Give us fifteen minutes and you can watch history made today."

I said good bye and hung up the phone. I looked to Jess... with a smile...

"The news has already broken, Jack. News outlets are scrambling to the Capitol in Austin."

I sat back in my chair and relaxed. Smiling to my sexy Chief of Staff. I straightened my necktie. I took a deep breath.

"And... the butthead reporters, as you call them. Out there on the sidewalk, are outraged you haven't come out to speak with them about this."

"They don't deserve it," I groaned, as I waved a hand through the air. "They did everything they could, to sway public opinion against me, and my efforts to involve The People, in reforming their federal government. Well... their lies and half-truths didn't work. You only have to look to the 38 States, who've had enough of... 234 years of partisan politics, uncontrollable taxation, and spending. Any comments I have, Jess... will be made in Austin. Not in Washington. Fuck 'em... Fuck 'em all!"

I stood and went to the window behind The Desk. Looking across the lawn of the White House and the people outside the fence. Standing on the sidewalk.

"They have no idea how important this day will be, until their children read about it in school, twenty years from now." I gestured to the street.

I heard Jess step close... "The Governor of California is outraged. She's threatening to lead an effort, for California to leave the United States, and become an independent nation. She's pointing to state polls, that suggest she has the support."

I nodded at the scene in front of me. More people have gathered outside the fence.

"Any other threats from The States?"

"Just California. So far."

"Hmm," I replied. I continued looking across the lawn and to the street beyond. "I haven't forgotten the day, I went to California, to speak to the legislature. I was welcomed with protesters, outside the Capitol, in Sacramento... throwing eggs, rotten tomatoes, pancake syrup. I appeared in the legislature, with my ruined clothes, and spoke to them. You begged me to change my clothes. I wanted to be seen fighting for our freedoms, despite the efforts of those, who wanted to take those freedoms. I was heckled in their chambers. You... begging me to leave." I took a deep breath, as I watched the soft wind blow, through the trees. "I get, that there are those, who hate me, for who I am, and for what I came to Washington to do." I turned to Jess. "You got some of that welcome, too."

Jess... with me in Sacramento, had been hit by someone squeezing a bottle of pancake syrup at me. I turned back to the window.

"Imagine, Jess." I continued. "I go to California and actually help the people secede from the United States. To campaign on their behalf, to leave the protections of the United States."

I saw a small flock of birds land on the lawn.

"California votes to leave the United States and... ... I get Congress to declare war on California. I subdue the government, in Sacramento, with military force, and get Congress to declare California a territory. No longer a State. Under military marshal law. Absolutely no representation in The Congress. The United States receives all the benefits of their ports in San Diego, Long Beach, San Francisco, and Oakland... and The People living there have no say in their future. Congress... and the Executive will have that say. They will rebel... and I blockade their ports with the Navy and Coast Guard... and militarize their eastern and northern borders. Congress cuts off all federal funding to the now, Territory of California. Congress may even elect to change the name of this territory."

I turned to my right and faced Jess. She looked really worried. In my neutral voice...

"You're afraid I'll do it."

She took a moment to say... "Yes. I do think you could do it."

I nodded and...

I was fucking with Jess.

I would never do, what I said. If California were to actually succeed in leaving the United States... which I don't think they would do... I'll consult with Congress on the next step and long term actions. Perhaps the next President can deal with the ultra-liberals in our most populous state.

I took a deep breath... and didn't tell Jess, I was just thinking out loud. Then, I asked...

"We have history to watch. Where do I go, to see it?"


I sat in the background.

Behind the state leaders and members of the legislature. With the Vice President at my side. Jess... on my other side. This was not my venue to strut,and take credit. It was The People... who took back their government. Not me. I would let the Leadership of Texas take the credit for the new amendments to the Constitution.

I turned to smile to Leticia Maldonado, as the Lieutenant Governor concluded his remarks on the steps of the State Capitol of Texas. The crowd was huge and there was great support from their applause and shouts. And... just from reading their signs...

States Rights. Texas Stands with Thomas. Jung for Governor. Return Federal Lands to the States. Washington Stay Out of Our Oil Business. Hands Off Our Guns. And many more.

There were also protesters. With their signs...

Open Borders! Medicare For All! Leave Texas to Us! Ban all Guns! And more.

I had a, face to face, confrontation with a former Liberal Texas Governor. Him, yelling at me. His supporters threw tomatoes and pancake syrup at me. He was hit, too, as he yelled at me about guns, illegal immigrants, medical care for the poor. And more. I ordered the Secret Service to allow those, who did not like me, to express their opinion. Even if pancake syrup hit them, too. I wiped the syrup from my business jacket and the side of my face. Jess, later told me, the photos and videos, taken of me getting pelted with fruits and vegetables, went viral on social media. Many of The People across our Nation outraged, for me being treated so poorly. Our Nation is great because of our beliefs and views. Free speech, in all its forms, a blessing to our Nation.

Not the best looking woman, Leticia. But not dog ugly, either. The Vice President. Sixty three years old... conservative from Arizona. Grandmother. Very popular in her home state. She and I, think a lot alike and that's why I chose her, as a running mate for Vice President.

After the remarks, I was asked to give a few words. I took Leticia's arm and urged her to come with me. Stand by my side. I got pancake syrup on her suit. She campaigned for these changes, as much as I did. I stepped up to the mic...

"Good People of Texas," I began. "It came as no surprise, our Great State would make history, just two weeks ago. Texans don't take crap from anyone!"

The roar I received made my spine curdle. My belly quiver. Emotions... deep. I fought back tears.

"I am proud to call myself a Texan, today!"

The welcome from the crowd is unbelievable.

"I am also proud, to call myself an American. Forty four other States have joined you, and are fighting back against out of control, federal government. The People of the other States deserve recognition, as well. We are all Americans, today."

I paused to accept the applause. Then... I shout and throw my hand into the air...

"We Are A Free People... Again!!!"

I waved to the crowd and gave them a symbolic fist pump in the air. I will never forget the faces I could see in the crowd, and how happy they were to be free of federal tyranny. I shiver at the thought of just how close our Nation came to collapse. I credit The People... and the brave politicians in Congress, for saving our Republic.

The three branches of federal government... working again... the way it was intended.


I was staying at the Intercontinental Hotel in Austin.

Standing at the window and gazing out, and over, the black soil and fertile prairie, east of Austin. I turned to set my mobile phone down on the table. Having just finished a call with the Governor of Montana.

Forty six states now. On board with the amendments to the Constitution. To limit federal government. Probably the last state, too.

New York, Illinois, Hawaii, and California... all have rejected that which the 46 have passed.

Standing in the master suite, I hear the door open from the other room... high heels clicking on the floor. Then, another set of high heels clicking...

"Governor Jung, Jack," Jess offers, as she enters the bedroom. "Dinner will be here in thirty minutes." Jess smiled a knowing, sly smile to me.

"Thank you, Jess," I replied, and crossed the room to take her hand. I gaze into her eyes. "Thank you again, Jess. For helping me get where I am. You worked harder for this, than I did."

Jess smiled to me and caressed my left cheek... "You were worth it, Jack. I'll never forget this experience with you. You've changed history. American history." She smiled, turned, and left. Moments later, I heard the door open and close. I then...

Appeared in the living room, to find Darla Jung smiling her sexy smile. Her subdued Mexican American features... sexy. Erotic. I approached her,\ and she stepped into my arms. I ran my fingers through her long, black hair. Much different than her baby sister. Darla's hair, much like her Mexican American grandmother. Her sexy dark brown eyes. Mmm.

"Thank you for having dinner with me," I whispered, just millimeters from her lips.

"I'd never turn down a dinner with you, Jack." Her eyes roamed my face. Inspecting every detail. An awkward stare at my lips. Her hand on my chest and another on my neck... she closed her eyes. She kissed me. Soft. Gentle. Brief.

I pulled her close and kissed her. A gentle exchange of lips and tongue. Meaningful. I broke the kiss...

"Thank you." I paused, and... "A drink? I have wine. Something else, if you like."

"Wine, please."

Two glasses of wine poured and in hand, we sat on the couch. Then...

"Elaine misses you."

"I miss her, too. I called her last week, to offer my encouragement for her finals."

Her sultry eyes focused on mine... "I missed you, too. It's been nine months, since we've been together. May I stay after dinner?"

"I look forward to it."


I stood there in amazement.

Watching Darla... slowly, reach behind her back, to release her girls, from her very sexy, barely there, black lace bra. The bra tossed to the side, her nice titties separated on her chest and her brown nipples pointed to me. She smiled to me. She reached to her waist and raked her matching black panties from her hips, then her feet. Leaving both garments on the floor.

"You're a sexy man, Jack," my 42-year-old lover whispered, from across the room. She gently swayed her hips and shoulders, as she walked toward me. Her neatly trimmed pussy catching my attention. Black, wispy fur. Mmm.

She reached for my necktie. To remove it. Looking at me with her sexy eyes... "I love being with you." My necktie tossed aside and her fingers peeling my coat from my shoulders. She faced me as she unbuttoned my starched white shirt. "I can't wait for this evening to begin." My shirt removed, she turned on a toe and I watched her erotic ass cheeks wiggle, as she approached the huge bed in the suite. "Come to bed, Jack," she offered, as she began pulling the pillows from the bed. I nodded...

As I removed my shoes, socks, and pants, I watched her prepare the bed. As I stood, fully nude, she crawled into the bed... leaned against some pillows and gestured for me to come.

I slipped into bed beside her and she took me into her arms. On an elbow, looking down on her, I kissed her while she lay on her back. She took my hand and urged me to squeeze her left breast. I squeezed her nipple with my fingers, as my lips and tongue dueled with hers. My huge hand palming her C cup tittie. Pressing her breast into her chest, as she hummed into my mouth. I could smell her. I hissed in my throat, at the aroma coming from her pussy. She pressed her lips firmly against mine, as she began wiggling her hips. I slipped my right hand down her feminine, soft tummy... through her fine and wispy fur... teased her little clit and guided my fingers to her slippery entrance. As I placed a finger at her entrance, she stiffened... hummed into my mouth... and prepared for me to enter...

"Slow," she whispered, into my lips. "It's been a while."

I wiggled my middle finger. And... it slipped into my lover with ease. Gripping and pulling my finger inside. Perfect. She took a breath and accepted me. Humming more urgently into my mouth. Pausing for a moment, she wiggled her hips and forced herself against my hand... wheezing into my mouth...

"Another finger," she squeaked.

I added my ring finger and curled my other fingers, toward my wrist. Plunging my fingers as far as I could...

"Holy fuck," she slurred, as her arms around my neck tightened and pulled me into her shoulder. "Fuck me with your fingers."

I obliged. Rubbing my fingers against the front side of her pussy. Twirling and sliding my fingers back and forth, in her well lubricated tunnel. The aroma from her pussy becoming stronger. With a hand, she guided my head toward her left tittie. I sucked, licked, and nibbled her nipple as my fingers were now sliding back and forth through her slippery sex. She was holding me tight and wheezing. Softly howling into my ear... As her hand... on the back of my head, forced me into her breast. I moved to her other breast and gave it equal treatment with my mouth and tongue. A minute later, she grabbed my head and began urgently kissing me. Pushing and pulling on me to move.

"Fuck me, Jack. I want you inside me."

I rolled out of bed, grabbed a condom and lube, and slithered between her parted legs. I licked her aroused pussy from bottom to top. I gently sucked her little clit and she began fucking at my mouth. Whining as she had both hands on my head. Raking her fingers through my short hair. Her aroma was driving me insane with lust.

A minute of perfect cunnilingus.

I love the word cunnilingus, and the act, too.

She pulled on my head... Whimpering. I rose to my knees... knee walked between her widely parted legs, and guided my condom covered dick to her entrance. She arched her neck as she watched my black cock about to enter her. Her hands on my waist to steady her view. I slowly pushed forward, with little resistance...

"Oh, fuck," she whimpered, as her head fell back onto the pillow. Her eyes rolled back into her head. I leaned forward and placed my hands on the mattress, about midway between her hips and shoulders. Fully inside my lover, now. Her pussy gripping my dick firmly. Warmth beyond description. Tingles shivered down my spine, at the sensation.

I began rhythmically fucking my sexy governor. Again, she arched her neck, and took my waist into her hands, as I fucked her. Watching my dick go back and forth. Whining and whimpering with each of my thrusts. She briefly looked up to me...

Her words... a garbled slur... "You're so fuckin' deep inside me, right now." She gulped air. "You're so sexy, Jack." A few seconds later... "You're the only lover I've ever had, Jack. Who can fuck me so good, every time."

"Yeah," I agreed, with command in my voice. "You like my cock, don't you?"

Her reply ...

An unexpected mini-orgasm that took her by surprise. Her head snapped back into her pillow...

"AH!!!" she sharply gagged. Then a sharp... "Holy fuck!" She looked back to me. Her eyes... surprised shock. Then her eyes rolled back... Then... "Ooooooh!!!" she howled. She caught her breath and offered another long, feminine howl... "Ooooooh!!!" This time, a raspy howl. Her pussy convulsing on my dick. Firm. Soft. I forced myself through her tight pussy and she came again... another minute, she came again. And again. Howls...

"Oh fuck!"

"I'm cumming."

"Holy fuck."


Through all her orgasms. Four of them...

I stood on my knees and flipped her onto her tummy. I pushed her legs together... my legs outside hers... I hovered my dick over her cute ass... pointed my dick at her pussy... and pushed forward.

"I love when we do it this... ... AH!!!... ... Holy fuck! OhMyGod!"

Fully inside my lover, I leaned forward... placed a hand at the base of her spine and the other on the side of her face. Immediately, I received...

"Fuck me out, Jack! Fuck me out!" A desperate command from her lips.

In microseconds, I was arcing my hips and sliding the full length of my dick, through the full length of her slippery pussy. Slapping my pubis against her sexy ass with a crack. Slowly gaining rhythmic thrusts. Fucking her for my own need. I was quickly losing my self-control.

In moments, she was wailing out partial words. I fucked her for the next two minutes. Focusing only on myself. Sliding my cock back and forth through her velvety folds. Darla gasping for air with each forward thrust of my pubis. Her fists clinching the sheets and pillows. Staccato screeches. Mumbled words. Strangled breaths. I know she came three times before I erupted.

I closed my eyes. Straining to prolong the sensation. Uttering animalistic mumbles as I fought back my need. Still, fucking her... but, with strength from my body. Fucking her hard. The slap of our flesh, a sharp crack. I slowed my rhythm to nearly a stop and...