Ice Backs


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"Holy cow!" gushed Thaddeus. "Everything they say about older women is true!"

"And everything they say about young men has yet to be proven!" retorted Ashley as she stood and peeled off Thaddeus's tunic as the lad stepped out of his pants.

"Yummy!" offered Ashley as she surveilled the lad in the altogether.

Thaddeus smiled with pride flexed a bit and then asked, "Why are you still clothed, madame?"

His fingers worked open the catch of Ashley's white dress as he kissed and embraced her. The shiny white dress slid to the floor.

"Wow!" said the young man as he considered Ashley in just her underwear and sandals. Here was a woman old enough to be his mother yet she was sexier than most women half her age! The bandeau came off in Thaddeus's hands. Her unholstered boobs were glorious. Abundant, with little sag, each was surmounted with a light brown areola and a chance pink nipple. The young man's index finger traced the line of the right areola for a complete circuit before he teased the nipple erect with his lips and teeth.

Ashley sighed.

With fevered hands, Thaddeus tore away the wispy thong and feasted his eyes on Ashley's scarlet thatched womanhood. His eyes took in all of her. This mature woman was fine everywhere! He recalled the card tables. To look this good at her age, this woman must possess phenomenal luck. Luck that overpoured her and spilled on to him. He would make sure that the next trip he made to the casino, he would send advanced word that she be waiting for him no matter the expense. Thaddeus picked up the tall woman and toted her over to the huge circular bed. He placed her on the mattress and then he plunged tongue first into her salty intimacy. She tasted like ambrosia. Thaddeus could barely wait for his manhood to recharge. He was positive that this woman, despite her age and having birthed children, was still mighty tight. He focused his attentions on her clit. It did not take him long to generate results. In short order, Ashley was squirming rhythmically and uttering soft mewing sounds, like a contented puma. Thaddeus doubled down. She exploded all over his lips and chin.

"Mercy!" she cried.

"Not tonight, Red!" he cried in return as he slid his now engorged manhood into her quim.

"Jesus!" gasped Ashley.

Just as the young man anticipated, she was tight and enticing. The pleasure was incredible, not even diminished by the feel of the sandal straps on his back. He pumped deeply and thoroughly, establishing a heady rhythm. Ashley cried out a second time, not a word this time but a sting of meaningless syllables. Perhaps it was some sort of cosmic utterance issued by those tied into the great divine? Thaddeus neither cared or considered the issue as he came with grunt and collapsed atop Ashley.

After a long moment of mutually satiated silence, Ashley broke the reverie.

"Not bad for a beginner, kid!"

"Beginner? I think, in fact I know, that I just schooled the teacher!"

"Point taken...and conceded!"

Then both Ashley and Thaddeus erupted in mutual laughter.

The handsome young man sat up in bed and set to the task of removing Ashley's sandals, rendering her completely nude.

"Such lovely feet!"

"Thank you. What brings you to the Morning Star, Thaddeus?"

"I'm a long-hall delivery driver. Mostly I take ore from here on Altai IV to the factories on Altair VII and over to Thessalonica K, the nearest occupied star system. I return home with freight, packages, and the occasional passenger. I've been doing it for three years."

"You mean you fly a spaceship all by yourself?"

"Yes, with AI assistance it's not that difficult. My main danger is boredom. If I get too complacent on those long voyages, accidents can occur. You have to be alert at all times while you are awake. It really takes a toll."

"But you are so young!"

"I had a foot in the door. My mom and dad ran the run before I took it over. They retired and pop sold me the rig for cheap. I'm the youngest independent rig owner in the system," a second later he added, "and the best!"

"Well, someone is certainly full of himself."

"Ashley, please don't sound like my mother. It breaks the illusion."


"It's OK. I get that a lot. But it isn't conceit talking. Shing-Na hires me when a delivery absolutely has to go through. If I was a puffer, they certainly wouldn't do that."

"No, I don't suppose they do. It obviously pays well."

"I've got no complaints!"

For a moment the age disparate couple considered each other.

"Let's not talk shop. I just earned a tremendous bonus and I want to waste it in fine fashion. The night is still relatively young. I'm going to take that incredible ass of yours and then I am going to tie you to the bed with those do-dads attached to the bed frame."

"That's mighty expensive, Thaddeus!"

"I came to Morning Star intending to blow it all in the most enjoyable way imaginable. That way is with you."



Dawn was breaking over New Brooklyn when Thaddeus finally exited the pleasure room. Ashley hadn't slept a wink, but she was not the least bit tired. Thaddeus helped her dress, apologized for the ruined underwear, and received his last kiss.

"I'll be on my run for the next three and a half months. I'd like to see you then, Ashley."

"For that you will have to send ahead to personnel. My schedule is completely in their hands."

"Until next time then," he said with a smile.

Feeling wonderful aches from the vigorous and almost gymnastic lovemaking with the young man, Ashley made her way to the dressing room. A supervisor met her halfway.

"Outstanding, Davis. Outstanding! Are you sure you've never done this before?"

"Don't spoil my mood, Brenda."

"No offense intended. You handled that kid like an old pro."


"Sorry, "seasoned." The company is very happy with you. Keep it up and you will accumulate bonus points and time off."

"Thanks. But now I need to get home."

"That wedding ring really works, doesn't it?"

Ashley mumbled a terse reply and made her way to the dressing room for a well-earned shower and brief nap.


There was just time to prepare breakfast before Abner finished his shift. She smoothed out her short skirt and fashioned her blouse so that it covered a bit more than usual. With her first paycheck she intended to buy some modest fashions to wear about the apartment. She was limited to what she wore in public. Even when off duty, her tattoo could not be concealed. The company would fine or suspend her if she wore slacks or a full skirt anywhere. All her public time was considered advertising time for the casino and its services. It really reinforced just how owned she now was. That would not stop her from protecting Abner's sensibilities in the privacy of their home. He was always touchy on the issue of other men stealing her away. She had to protect him. He was as good a man and as fine a husband as any woman could ever hope for. Men like Thaddeus were to be forgotten, purged from her memory, leaving only Abner. Ashley realized that this was a far taller order than she had imagined just the day before. For the first time she wondered if she was up to it.

Abner strode through the door. Ashley could tell that his day had been a hard one. Immediately, she was in his arms.

"Difficult first day, honey?"

"Yes. The job sucks and my supervisor's a tyrant. Still, I think I can stick it out. Once I get used to walking all those kilometers and drop this extra weight..."

"I'm looking forward to that, honey," she kissed him deeply. "Let's eat."

As they sat across from each other Abner asked the question Ashley had been dreading, "How was your day?"

"Nothing special," she lied in return. "It's aggravating to wear a fake smile for so long."

"Yes, I suppose in some ways our jobs overlap."

For a long while, silence reigned as they ate breakfast and ignored the elephant in the room.

The first real conversation, "Am I ever tired!"

"Me as well, darling. The robots can clean up. Let's go to bed."

Peeling off Ashley's clothes never got old. Abner delighted in her intoxicating nudity. Though very tired and a bit sore from being so thoroughly stretched by Thaddeus all evening but she made sure that Abner saw none of that. Fortunately, her husband wasn't looking for anything more than a simple, relaxing, end of the workday fuck. Ashley savored the familiarity of this intimacy; it really was the glue that held their marriage together. Abner did not get her off and tumbled into sleep immediately after climax, but Ashley didn't care. She was not long in following him into the arms of Morpheus.

Ashley awoke before Abner. She wriggled out of his arms and slipped on a short robe. She padded across the hall to her daughters' apartment and knocked on the door. Felica answered.

"How was your night?"

"I was going to ask you the same thing, mom. I looked for you out on the floor, but I didn't see you."

"A customer paid for the entire night with me."

"Really? You still have it, mom."

"I'm not sure I want it. I repeat, how was your night."

"I had four assignations including a woman and a male companion. He just wanted me to get naked and give him a blowjob while she watched and played with herself."

"The world takes all kinds."

"Indeed, it does. Oh. I should tell you; Bernice has a buyer of her virginity."

"Rich, fat, old, and creepy?"

"Surprisingly not. An executive of the Shing-Na corporation purchased it on behalf of his son. He's just a few years older than Bernice. The father wanted to give his son a rare gift."

"Bernice is certainly that."

"Best of all, the boy wants to get to know Bernice before... They are scheduled for a regular, ordinary teenagers date tonight at eight. The company is even providing a party dress."

"How is Bernice taking all this?"

"Relived that it won't be some fat disgusting pervert, curious about the young man and a bit apprehensive of her first sexual encounter."

"Is the boy good looking?"

"I think so, Bernice says his looks will grow on her."

"Where is she now?"

"Sleeping! The silly girl waited all night for me to come home and practically keeled over at breakfast. I managed to strip her and get her into bed."

"You always were a good sister."

"Cup of coffee, mom?"

"I'd love to."

A moment later, mother and daughter were seated at the kitchen table.

"So, mom, dish on your high-spending customer."

"Well, he was awfully young. Younger than you, in fact."

"Wow! And he has that kind of money?"

"He's a shuttle pilot, or something like that."


"Yes, he was."

"Too much information, mother! Mine were quite ordinary. The older gentleman was the most interesting. In some ways he reminded me of daddy."

"That's a compliment I don't think you tell him right away."

"No, I suppose I shouldn't."

The two women giggled and sipped coffee contentedly.


"You look so beautiful, honey!" said Ashley as she surveyed her daughter, Bernice, in her party frock. She and Felicia just had time to see her off before their own shifts started. Abner was already at work. Everyone thought it best to keep him in the dark about his youngest daughter.

"Thanks mom! I'm so nervous! This is my first date in centuries!"

"Well, Guo doesn't expect more tonight than just getting to know you. You can certainly handle that. Have fun!"

There was a knock at the door. It swung open revealing a tall Asian lad with broad shoulders and an engaging smile. He presented bouquet of flowers to Bernice, delighting her and raising his esteem with Ashley and Felicia. After a round of introductions, Guo took Bernice's hand and led her out of the employee apartment wing of the casino and out into the bustling city of New Brooklyn itself.

"I thought I'd show you a bit of my world before we have dinner, Bernice."

"How thoughtful, Guo."

The underground took them to New Coney Island. Bernice enjoyed the scent of ocean air mixed with that of popcorn and various foods being offered by the many food stands. They rode the rollercoasters, challenged each other's marksmanship at the shooting gallery and even danced a bit on the outdoor dance floor. Bernice decided that she really like Guo and him being her first was not a bad prospect at all. He held her close as they walked through the nearby botanical garden and zoo. So many of the creatures were new to Bernice's eyes while Guo found them uninteresting and ordinary. They kissed for the first time in front of the Tasmanian Tiger exhibit.

Guo found Bernice both alluring physically and interesting personally. Here was a woman who walked the earth with his several times great-grandmother, yet she was younger than himself. Her personality was bubbly and warm, with an innocence that was positively endearing. His father really was gifting him a phenomenal present. There was no way he could make it up to him. Their second kiss was as mutually thrilling as the first. Guo Steered her over to a park bench and placed Bernice in his lap. For the next span of time, all they did was neck, indistinguishable from dating teenagers on any world at any time.

Catching himself, Guo remembered their dinner reservation at the revolving Sky Top Restaurant in midtown. He hailed a taxi since he feared the Underground would be to slow. They arrived in the nick of time and Guo proudly escorted Bernice to a seat at the rim of the circular room. Below them, New Brooklyn was spread out, shimmering in the nighttime sky. It took Bernice's breath away. Guo savored her reaction. The robot waitress arrived.

"Guo? What kind of food is this?"

"Sky Top serves Alpha Centarian food. I thought you would like it."

"Oh, well we hadn't reached Alpha Centari when I left earth."



"I'm sorry."

"No, Guo. It is fine. Why don't you tell me what is good?"

Whatever the lad had ordered, Bernice found it exceptional. After the meal, Guo stood behind Bernice on the outdoor porch of the restaurant, his arms wrapped about her to ward off the chill.

"Guo, I'm not a disappointment to you, am I?"

"Not at all! What gives you that idea?"

"I mean, there is so much I don't know. So many things that you take for granted that I could never hope to understand."

"That makes you more interesting, not less."

"You are a very sweet man, Guo."

"Thank you, Bernice."

"Can we go someplace and just talk, Guo?"

They ended up at a branch of the library. Guo informed her that it was open twenty-four hours a day and was a place where many couples went to converse. They sat just outside the commissary, sipping tea.

"I wish I'd met you under different circumstances, Guo."

"That's a nice thought, but there are no other circumstances under which we could have met."

"True. I wish I could be an ordinary girl and have an ordinary life."

"A life with me?"

"Or someone like you."

"I understand what you are saying. But such a thing could never be."


"For one thing, my family fortunes are tied to Shing-Na in a myriad of ways. No one marries anymore but they do pair bond to raise children. Any woman I mate with must either come from a Shing-Na family or a substantial related corporation so as not to dilute our wealth which is substantial."

"I'm not talking marriage, Guo. Wouldn't a summer at the beach as boyfriend and girlfriend be divine?"

"Indeed, it would. My father would never pay for that, however."


"I really like you, Bernice. I'm looking forward to tomorrow night."

"I was. Oh! Somethings about men never change. You are as oblivious as the boys I left behind on earth!"

"No need to be insulting, Bernice."

There was an intense pause about the table. Immediately, Bernice's expression brightened.

"You are right, Guo. I am sorry. I'm just an inveterate dreamer."

"Dreaming is healthy."

"Yes, it is. Kiss me again, Guo. I want to dream some more."

The tall dark-haired boy kissed the tall redheaded girl for a very long time, until they were alone in all the world with just themselves. It was very late indeed when he returned her to her apartment. Both slept very well that night with exemplary dreams.

The next morning, Guo called Bernice with important news.

"Bernice, I spoke to my father about your desire last night. He has agreed to extend my time with you by two days. He has an associate who owns a beach cottage which we can have for the next three days!"

"That is wonderful, Guo!"

"I'll send a taxi for you."

"Wait, what shall I bring?"

"Just a change of clothes. the cottage should have everything else."


Bernice had time to just say goodbye to her mother and sister and toss some things in a bag before the taxi arrived. Bernice thrilled as the taxi raised in the air and soared along the coast. The mid-morning sun gave a sheen of brilliance to everything. It occurred to Bernice that this would be the first time that she was alone for any length of time. On old earth her dates lasted a few hours at most, back then, like now, she shared a room with her sister. The realization made her feel a bit nervous but mostly proud and independent. She wondered what awaited her. She knew what she was expected to do, in theory, but, despite her training, not exactly how to proceed.

A barrier island came into view beneath her. The mid-morning sun reflected upon the water and illuminated the snow-white dunes thick with dune grass and brilliant lavender flowers. Bernice smiled; the location was perfect! To spend three days here with Guo, whom she already knew she really liked, away from her parents and sister was beyond a dream come true. The compact little air car set her down on the street abutting the dunes. Guo Stood waiting. His smile was warm and inviting. Bernice knew deep inside that the next three days would be emblazoned on her mind sweetly forever. She accepted his embrace and kiss. It was a wonderful kiss. In the distance sea birds called.

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AG_CarringtonAG_Carringtonover 1 year ago

You’ve long been a favorite of mine. You’ve always hit the spot. And it’s been deeply enjoyable watching your work strengthen as it does for any good writer. Keep it up! (Yes, that’s a bit of word play, but I stand by it.)

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Please write sequel!

MikeyBlue4MikeyBlue4over 1 year ago

Great story, hope you continue it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I wish the tags had been more useful as you skipped over so much that would have allowed me to avoid this word vomit.

Amiable69Amiable69over 1 year ago

I liked it! The story line has great promise. Amy

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