Identity Crisis 09


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"Good, you may leave and do your work now. Don't tell anyone what you saw in here." Sandy left the room, leaving the three of us.

"Now, tell me your name." Mrs. Rose asked.


"I mean the name before you came to this school. I don't think any sane parents would name you that." Mrs. Rose replied.

"Victor Janice, madam, the admin had keyed my name as Victoria into the system as well."

"Interesting... Would you like to join the boys in their class from tomorrow onwards? However, the condition is that you need to continue to wear blouse and skirt, as we don't have any spare. You need to wait until next intake until you get your shirt and trousers. In addition, since you're wearing girls' uniform, you are to wear panties and bra as well. That would be my condition to join back boys class. So you'll be doing all the activities with the boys but in girls' attire." Mrs. Rose said.

"Madam, I can't join the boys in this state. I think I would remain as Victoria."

"Alright, you can wear this pair of panties and go and have your lunch now if I'm not wrong, Mrs. Mrs. Judy will be teaching you for after lunch as well." Mrs. Rose sighed as she handed me the panties. I quickly wear the panties in front of them.

It was almost the end of lunch time and it is going to be Mrs. Judy's lesson again. I picked up the skirt and wore it.

I quickly went to have my quick lunch with a tuna sandwiches. Being in panties are so much comfortable than a tight thong. Especially with those rashes, every movement I made will hurt my groin.

Soon, we were back to class. We have one hour of class period with Mrs. Judy, as she is our class form teacher. This period is mainly for us to settle admin issues and for us to know each other.

Jenny asked what happened, and I told her that Mrs. Judy knew about it already. When she wanted me to elaborate, Mrs. Judy stepped into the class.

"Welcome back from lunch. I hope you guys had an enjoyable lunch. For those who were not in uniform, please revert to the state you were before lunch." Mrs. Judy said. Jenny and the other girls who were bottomless or topless were shocked when they heard that.

"Victoria, remove your panties and skirt, for you were not in uniform as well. Ladies, for your information, Victoria is not like rest of you. As she was wearing a thong that was not within school regulation, she had some rashes on her groin. She had applied rash cream earlier, so now she'll remove her skirt and panties until the end of this period." Mrs. Judy continued. "Now, come to the front Victoria. They are your classmate; you don't have to be shy. Since you wanted to remain in this class, you have to bare your body and soul to them, as some of them have already bare theirs to you as well. Ladies, please treat Victoria as your sister in class after she had shown you her body."

I refused to walk to the front, as I didn't know what to do. I felt so lost, I didn't know what Mrs. Judy was trying to do. Jenny gave me a nudge and at the same time as Mrs. Judy was walking towards my desk. I prayed that Jenny would think of something or the bell would ring just five minutes after lunch to signal the one hour period is over.

Mrs. Judy is in front of me now. "Do you want me to do it for you or would you like to do it yourself?"

Mrs. Judy got impatient, grabbed me by my armpit, and pulled me up from my desk. Then she held my shoulder and dragged me all the way in front.

"Please don't do this to me." I pleaded.

She took a scissors and said, "Do you want me to snip off the button of your skirt or are you going to do it." I started sobbing and slowly removed my skirt. When the skirt falls on the ground, everyone stared at me wondered why I was too shy to remove my skirt and panties since everyone in the class are girls.

I pulled my panties to my knees and a cool breeze blew on my penis, everyone in the class suddenly shrieked. The two girls who were bottomless used their hands to covered their crotch even though I had already seen it all already. I did not know what to say, but I was already crying. Tears couldn't stop flowing down my cheek.

"Listen up class, let me explain, due to some admin issue, Victoria was assigned to this class. Ladies, please accept him for who he is and do not have any prejudice against him. He will be joining our class for at least a year more and if I'm not wrong, he will only join back the boys' class next year if he wants to." Mrs. Judy said.

Mrs. Judy paused for a while and continued, "He is having some rashes, so he had to apply some cream on his groin area. The rashes he had were due to wearing non-regulatory thong that is too tight for him. Victoria, pass me your rash cream." I took the tube of rashes cream from my skirts pocket and passed it to her.

Mrs. Judy took a chair from the teacher's desk and positioned it right in front of the class. She ordered me to sit down and I did as she ordered. She had me open my legs wide and she applied the cream like earlier. The coolness of the cream caused my dick to erect. Mrs. Judy manhandled my penis and applied a very thick layer of cream on my groin area. I never felt so humiliated in my life, this is worse than what Sarah had done to me, at least no one else knows about it.

"This is what happened when non-regulatory panties are worn." She emphasized again and pointed at the rashes near my ball sack and my groin. "Victoria, you can go back to your seat now. You can have the skirt and panties back later after this class."

I walked back to my seat.

She went on to describe the rules of the school and set some ground rules. Soon, an hour passed quickly. Mrs. Judy returned everyone their uniforms.

After the class, the other girls surrounded me and asked me a lot of question, like how did I ended up in their class, why do I get rashes and one asked if I have any girlfriend. I tried to answer all of their questions. I didn't get any chance to wear the skirt and panties. Soon the class dispersed, as there were no more lessons for rest of the day.

"Where did you get the panties from?" Jenny sounded quite unhappy.

"The dean's secretary lent me because the thong was too tight. The dean wasn't happy that I wore such a tight thong and moreover, it wasn't part of school regulation, so she made her secretary go to the lost and found to try to find one for me."

"So you let Mrs. Judy confiscate my thong?"

"Yup, I was caught for the purple thong as well."

"Do you want your panties back?" Jenny asked.

I nodded.

She removed her panties beneath the skirt and gave it to me.

"Don't you think you should remove the cream before wearing the panties? That bitch was crazy to apply so much." I knew she was referring the bitch as Mrs. Judy for making her go topless for almost whole of today.

"I think you're right. But how do I remove?" "I'll get you some tissue," She said.


"Here you go." She handed me a piece of tissue and I used it to wipe away the excess cream around my groin.

After that, I wore the panties and the skirt to cover my modesty that was on public display for past one hour. Jenny was now without panties. I could have passed her the panties that Sandy gave me, but I did not. We picked up our bags and left the classroom.

Soon, we were back to our dormitories. We parted ways at the stairs and Jenny went back to her room. I changed my top to a t-shirt and wore a black skirt. I lay on my bed and removed my panties. Then I took the tube of cream and applied it on my groin as I hope the rashes will recover soon. For the next few hours, I just lay there and staring at the ceiling. Breeze from the window blew indirectly at my body.

I fall in a deep sleep soon after. Sarah came back and nudged me to wake up.

"Seems like someone is able to sleep without panties now," She said.

"Sorry Sarah. I didn't mean to. I had rashes and I applied this cream. I didn't want to dirty the panties, so I didn't wear any. And furthermore, airing it will enable it to recover faster." I didn't realize that my skirt had folded up and my penis is on public display again, but it didn't bother to adjust it as Sarah is my closest confident.

"It's okay. I used to have rashes too, after menses as I had to wear the pad. I understand. I guess you're not ready for ice skating today."

"By the way, Sarah, I was caught. Now, my class knows I'm a guy as my teacher forced me to take off my skirt and panties in front of the class. Not only that, the dean knows as well."

Sarah was shocked to hear that.

"What should I do now? I don't want to go back to class tomorrow. There's a girl who even said my dick was too small to big a guy and there is still one penis, so I can't be a girl. I really hate my school! I hate my class! I hate Mrs. Judy!" I got so agitated that I burst into tears.

"I can hear you from here." A very similar voice came behind the door. The door opened and Mrs. Judy was standing behind the door. "You must be Sarah."

"Yes, I am." Sarah replied.

"Looks like you know about his little secret." Mrs. Judy said as she stared at my limped penis. "Actually, I'm here to inform Victoria that he is now transferred to another boarding school as they have attire for guys. It is approximately ten miles from here and we will be sending him there first thing tomorrow in the morning. You can't object to this decision that the dean had made."

She left the room without closing the door. Sarah went to the door and close it shut. She held my hand and put her body close enough to hug me. "Victoria, I don't want you to go." She started crying as well.

We both cried together for like five minutes. Her arms and legs wrapped around me like an octopus. My penis was poking up her panties, I could feel her pad and I'm not sure if her vagina can feel my penis with that pad.

"Let's wash up and go for dinner together before the cafeteria closes." Sarah proposed. I quickly wear a pair of pink panties with a Clefairy character right in front. It belonged to Sarah but I just wear it anyway.

Both of us went to the cafeteria together and a group of five girls were stopped us as we were queuing for food.

"Hey, look at that sissy." One of them jeered and the rest followed with their laughter. "Sissy, Victoria!" Another said, "How is it like to wear a skirt? Don't you like your pants and boxers?"

"Go away." Sarah shouted.

"Someone has a mummy to protect her."

"Yeah, what panties is he wearing now? I bet she is wearing pink panties." One of them actually lifted up the hem of my skirt. Almost all the girls including the old lady serving food stopped what they were doing and looked at our direction.

"I was right! It is pink! And with a pink cartoon character too. Cathy, remember the five dollars you owe me!" One of them exclaimed.

"Let's go before any teacher arrived." They left quickly, still giggling and laughing.

I sat down on the floor. This is getting too much for me. Sarah helped me up and made me sat on a chair. She helped me get some food to go and we went back to our room for our dinner.

"I can't bear to leave you, but you need to go. You saw how rowdy and ill-disciplined these girls could be. You can bring the clothes that you like, including the bras and panties. I doubt they'll check. Let's eat our last dinner and don't forget about me. K?"

"Alright. I think I'm going to get freed from here and it would be a good thing since my identity is exposed." I said as I started eating my pasta.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Sarah."

As soon as we had our dinner, we went to a shower together. We shared a cubicle just like I did with Jenny this morning. We wrapped ourselves with towels after the shower and head back to the room.

Sarah gave me a pink slip and she wore a yellow one. She took a panties wears it with a pad. I didn't wear any panties or bra.

I packed my bag while Sarah was doing her homework. It became a very awkward moment for both of us. We did not utter any words after shower.

"I'm done packing Sarah."

"Great, I'm done with my homework. Will you sleep on my bed tonight, like last night?" Sarah asked.

"Well, if you don't mind I'm not wearing any panties and I might pee on your bed." I joked.

"That's true. Considering you did peed last night." She laughed.

"Hey, I wanted to go to the washroom, but you were hugging me so tight. And I didn't want to wake you up." I quickly retorted.

"Well, you have to wear panties and a pad tonight. This will be the last time that you'll wear panties and pad to sleep anyway. You can't wear them when your roommate is a guy."

"I really wish you'll continue to be my roommate so I get to wear your panties."

"Me too, you're so cute. Take off your slip first and lie on my bed."

I did as she requested while Sarah went to her drawer and picked up the pink stringed panties. She placed a pad over it and walked to her bed. She powdered me a little with her talcum powder. I lifted up my butt so she can slide it under me. Sarah tied the knots at the side to finish the job.

Sarah sat on her bed and made me rest my head on her thigh. She put her slip over my head and I could see her breast under her yellow slip.

"Suck my breast." She held my head nearer to her breast and intuitively, I started to suckle her breast like how an infant suckle their mothers. Her other hand was playing with my nipple, caressing every inch of my front torso. She moved her hand down and kneaded my small penis. There isn't any milk coming out from her as obvious, so I started biting and playing it with my tongue. She began to moan as I bite her nipple lightly.

"Off the lights," She said.

I went to off the lights wearing the pink panties. She had already removed her slip.

I glanced at her naked body one last time before I off the lights.

"Take me." She said. She removed her panties and untied the knot.

I groped her breast and insert my two inches shaft into her vagina. Within seconds, I unloaded all I have into her.

I was tired as I lay on her breast continue to bite her nipple. That night, we stayed like that. She hugged my head to sleep while I continue to bite her nipple and falls off to deep sleep.


The next morning, she woke me up with a smile. Our bed is stained of patches of blood. Some are due to her period, the rest are because she was a virgin.

"Mrs. Judy will be here anytime soon. What are you going to wear, Skirts or jeans?" Sarah teased me.

"Jeans, with panties," I laughed.

She picked a pair of yellow panties with a cartoon of Pikachu in front where the crotch is and passed it to me. Since you're going to a new place, a bra would be too obvious. A pair of pink panties would be too cruel for the boys over there. I guess yellow would be alright. No one would be able to notice the Pikachu anyway. Here, take my skinny jean and my t-shirt. They're more feminine." She handed me a red shirt and a blue skinny jeans.

Then she put a few panties and bras into a paper bag and passed it to me as well. "You can have this bag of panties and bras. Keep it safely. Don't forget to miss me. I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too, Sarah," I said.

I wore the panties and then the jeans. It look undeniably feminine on me, showing out the curves any girls would dream to have. Not only that, after I put the shirt on, the shirt fit me very tightly and it was so small that it barely covered my belly button.

"Go off now. I think they're already waiting for you." Sarah gave me a hug before I left the room.

Mrs. Judy and Mrs. Rose were already at the ground level waiting for me. She fetched me to another boarding school that's not too far away from here on a cab. Mrs. Rose had already taken care of the administrative processes and all I need to do is to blend into the school and be one of the many students in this school.

I did not wear any panties after I removed the yellow panties in the new school. However, due to the size of my penis, I was often a target for bullies, but it wasn't as bad as the girls I met in Woodvale's cafeteria. I had a considerable enjoyable life after high school as I progressed to college. Right after college, I had a stable job as an accountant. Few years after graduation, I married Sarah and had two kids.

Sometimes I thought to myself if I was a boy in girls' clothes or a girl in boys' skin during high school. Nevertheless, with Sarah as my wife, we can always go back to those days, where I get to wear panties and bra. Both of us would just reminisce those few days in high school when we first met.

~ The End ~

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AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Good but it could have been better

I like the writing style and the story but the ending is a cop out and feels forced

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

I can't believe it took u 9 chapters and that's all we get waste of time

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

great story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Continue writing please

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

I loved the whole series it made me wonder if I would have been able to make it threw the school. Good why was I born a man.

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