Identity Crisis


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As Fiona looked at her reflection in the mirror, applying her minimal makeup, she noticed her flushed cheeks, and found that her skin was hot to the touch. She knew it wasn't from the shower, since she felt the slight chill in the room, but she still felt heated. Her pulse was racing, her chest heaving with her labored breaths. She even felt a slight dampness in her panties, and her clit was throbbing in time with her thundering heartbeat. The thought of Rianne's lush body in just her lingerie was arousing Fiona beyond anything she'd ever felt before.

Then her imagination started running away from her, picturing the other girl pressed tightly against her, kissing her passionately, those soft hands roaming all over her body, possessing her, claiming her. The blonde could see her gorgeous friend hovering above her, their faces inches apart, her luscious lips parted in a winsome smile, her shimmering ebony hair falling around them like a silk curtain. It was so clear, those eyes, the color of rainclouds on a sunny day, gazing lovingly into her own, feeling the other girl's affection envelop her and wrap her up like a warm blanket.

"Shit!" the blonde gasped, when she saw the slowly spreading wet spot on the front of her jeans. She'd gotten lost in her fantasy and hadn't noticed how aroused she was getting. Fiona shuddered to think what her panties must look like, if it was soaking through to her pants.

She rushed into her room, and picked out another pair of panties-also pink, so she wouldn't have to change her bra too-and another pair of jeans. The blonde then went back into the bathroom and stripped off her pants and her soaked panties, almost having to peel the latter from her flushed skin. She reached beneath the sink and pulled out a package of baby wipes. Fiona quickly ran two or three over her leaking sex, trying desperately not to stimulate herself further.

She then got dressed as quickly as she could, pulling on socks and sneakers almost as an afterthought, and dashed downstairs, snatching her purse, phone, and car keys from the countertop on her way out the door.

Before she knew it, a trembling Fiona was ringing the doorbell at Rianne's modest, one story flat with no small degree of anxiety. She was fidgeting on the spot, wringing her hands nervously, and when she heard footsteps approaching the door, her heart started jackhammering so fast that Fiona was afraid she might faint.

When Rianne finally opened the door, the sight of her standing there, clad in a simple black tank top and tiny matching pajama shorts, the blonde felt that unconscious smile on her lips and just barely suppressed a lovestruck sigh. Even in such unassuming clothes, with no makeup, not even wearing shoes, the girl shone like a full moon on a cloudless night. The smile she gave when her grey eyes met Fiona's violet ones lit up her entire face, and warmed the blonde all the way down to the depths of her soul.

"Hey, Fi," she said affectionately, reaching for the blonde's hand and tugging her gently but insistently into the house, closing the door behind her. "Wow, you're tense," the dark-haired girl observed, clasping Fiona's hand with both of hers and scanning her face searchingly. "Are you sure you're okay? Come on, let's go to my room so we can talk."

Fiona's nerves immediately increased by a factor of ten at the idea of being alone with her lovely friend, especially with her half naked like she was. Rianne pulled the blonde after her towards her bedroom at the back of the house, and Fiona couldn't stop her eyes from drifting down to the girl's pert backside, swaying so enticingly in her tight shorts. To her horror, she found her cleft moistening again, and gritted her teeth against her rising arousal. Thankfully the hallway was too dark for Rianne to see her flushed cheeks and heaving chest, but it would soon be painfully obvious once they were in the bedroom and all of the brunette's considerable focus was on her. She just hoped this didn't blow up in her face; losing Rianne would be more than she could bear.

Rianne's bedroom was, like her, simple but inspired. A queen sized bed stood in the back corner, covered by a quilted bedspread almost the same shade of violet as Fiona's eyes and two absurdly soft pillows, with pillowcases to match the bedspread. There was a black computer desk opposite the bed, where Rianne's impressive desktop machine sat idling, a photorealistic field of stars swirling around on the twenty-four inch monitor.

A beautiful mahogany dresser sat to the left of the door, near a closed closet door decorated with a framed print of Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man. An ornate oval mirror was mounted on the wall above the dresser, flanked by several framed collages of photographs of the four of them.

Rianne tugged Fiona after her into the room, closed and locked the door behind them, then gently shoved the blonde into her rolling computer chair. She pulled the chair across the floor until it was a foot or so from the bed, then sat herself on the edge of the bed facing Fiona and took her hands. She raised an eyebrow at the flush in the blonde's cheeks, and her involuntary flinch when their hands touched, but didn't comment.

"Okay, now tell me what happened this morning, before we met in the library. Please."

Fiona sighed and looked fixedly at the floor, then haltingly told her everything, from the way her skin crawled when Paul looked at her body, to the palpable sense of menace she'd felt from him when she turned him down. When she reached the part where he'd insulted her, Rianne squeezed her hands so hard that the blonde yelped softly in pain. The brunette didn't seem to notice. Her smile was gone, those soft, affectionate eyes as hard as granite.

"He said what?" she growled, her voice dangerously quiet. The look in her eyes was frightening, almost murderous. Fiona had never, in their ten years of friendship, seen her so angry.

"Look, it's okay, Ree, really," Fiona assured her in a conciliatory tone. "I took care of it, told him off in front of everyone."

"No, it's not okay," Rianne snarled, releasing one of Fiona's hands to clench her fist in fury. "You're my best friend, and the sweetest girl in the world. No one talks to you like that, especially not some limp-dicked reprobate like Paul Stevens. I'm going to cut his balls off."

"Please, Ree, just drop it, okay?" Fiona pleaded, taking her friend's hand again and pulling her chair closer, bringing both of Rianne's hands into her lap. "The guy has the IQ of peat moss. He's not worth getting this upset over."

Now it was Rianne refusing to meet her friend's gaze, and Fiona felt her heart sieze in her chest when she saw the other girl's shoulders shaking and heard her quiet sobbing. She leaped over to the bed beside the other girl and took her into her arms.

"Rianne, what's the matter?"

"I'm sorry, Fi, I just...I can't stand the idea of someone treating you like that," Rianne sniffled, as she buried her face in Fiona's neck. Fiona cursed herself for the excitement that coursed through her body at having her gorgeous friend so close, and the tingling skin on her neck where the brunette's gentle breath caressed her. "I just care about you so much, and I get so angry when anyone hurts you. You have such a beautiful soul, and you deserve to be happy, always."

Fiona's heart swelled in her chest and she squeezed the other girl closer, placing a gentle kiss on her wet cheek. "I am happy," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "There are always going to be assholes in the world, and I accept that. But I have you, and Daisy and Lisa, and that's all I need. You make me happy, Ree."

Rianne didn't reply, but her arms tightened around Fiona's waist and she pressed closer, almost purring in the blonde's ear as Fiona began to stroke her silken hair. The heat that had been simmering in Fiona's belly all day came to a boil as she felt the brunette's satiny lips press lightly against the sensitive skin of her throat. A light whimper managed to escape her lips, and she felt Rianne sigh in satisfaction.

"Ree," Fiona whispered, the trembling in her voice betraying her growing arousal. Their bodies were pressed so tightly together that she could feel Rianne's heavy breathing, her speeding pulse, and every place their skin touched felt like it was on fire.

"Shhh," Rianne responded, causing Fiona to whimper again, louder this time, as the other girl's lips grazed her earlobe. The blonde then let out a high pitched, shaky sigh as her friend's tongue lightly caressed her ear, then traveled slowly, sensually down the ivory column of her neck, where she placed a gentle bite directly on Fiona's pulse point.

"Oh God," Fiona moaned deeply, feeling her body go limp at the overwhelming sensations suddenly rampaging through her. She sank backwards onto the bed, Rianne shifting with her until Fiona was flat on her back with the brunette straddling her, still peppering her neck, jaw, and earlobes with hot, wet kisses.

Fiona's body went rigid with anticipation as the other girl's kisses finally migrated from the line of her jaw, up across her cheek, slowly but surely moving toward her waiting lips. She wanted to speak, to beg Rianne to go faster, but the girl was a master of building the suspense, and Fiona didn't want to do anything to possibly spoil the most perfect moment she'd ever experienced in her life.

Rianne shifted again, lowering her body until she was lying on top of her friend, their legs intertwined, their breath mingling as their glistening lips drew ever closer. But Rianne paused, prompting an urgent whimper from the heavenly blonde beneath her, and reached up to tenderly caress Fiona's burning cheek. A tear appeared in her eye then, and her breath hitched in her chest as she struggled to speak.

"God, I love you, Fiona," she choked, gazing at the other girl in wonder, as if she couldn't quite believe she was there. "You're beautiful, and brilliant, and just...just perfect."

Fiona smiled lovingly and gently gripped the brunette's gorgeous face between her hands, using her thumbs to stroke the tears from her cheeks. "I love you too, Rianne. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, baby. My life is so much better because you're in it and I-I love you more than life itself."

The smile that lit the other girl's face was, without question, the most beautiful thing Fiona had ever seen. Rianne took one of Fiona's hands and pressed it to her lips, staring intently into the blonde's eyes the entire time. Then, unable to resist anymore, Fiona used her other hand to grasp the back of the brunette's neck and pull her mouth down to her own.

The kiss was so far beyond anything Fiona could have imagined. The feel of Rianne's lips and tongue dancing with her own was indescribable, a hurricane of heat and sensation that pushed everything else out of her mind but the girl in her arms. They kissed passionately and lovingly, Fiona's hands pressing firmly in the small of her partner's back, pulling her closer, even as Rianne pressed her heaving body as tightly against the blonde's as she possibly could.

Fiona cried out into Rianne's mouth as the brunette's leg pushed insistently against her aching sex through the double layer of fabric, and arched her hips and back upward, lifting them both off the bed with the force of it. Then Rianne gasped as Fiona's scorching hands roamed up her back, beneath her top, setting her skin aflame with every touch, and her denim-clad thigh rubbed against Rianne's own dripping mound through the thin fabric of her shorts.

But then, to Fiona's immediate dismay, Rianne pulled back and climbed off her friend, but reassured the blonde with a fond smile that she wasn't having second thoughts. She leaned down and unfastened the button of the other girl's jeans with deft but shaking fingers, and pulled them down and off her smooth, slender thighs. Then Rianne gasped again as the divine aroma of Fiona's sopping pussy reached her nostrils, and she saw the blonde's pink panties, so wet that they were almost translucent. Fiona quickly yanked her top off as well, then it joined her jeans on the floor.

For a moment Rianne could do nothing but stand there and admire the vision lying before her. With her blonde hair, luminous, violet eyes, swollen lips, and lithe, smooth body clad in only a skimpy set of pink lingerie, her panties soaked through, Fiona looked almost unbelievably appealing. She was raw sex given form, Aphrodite in glorious repose, so beautiful it was like looking at the face of God.

But Fiona was getting impatient, so she sat up quickly and yanked the other girl closer by her hips, shoving her satin tank top up far enough so she could lay open-mouthed kisses on the brunette's bare belly. This coaxed a giggle out of Rianne, as the blonde gently nipped at the tender skin below her belly button while her hands traveled upward underneath the top to cup her firm breasts.

Rianne's giggles became moans as Fiona's delicate fingers danced across the sensitive flesh of her breasts, purposely avoiding her throbbing, erect nipples. She whined in frustration, trying to manuever her body to get the blonde's hands where she wanted them, but Fiona was too quick for her. She pulled back, and in one quick motion pulled Rianne's top over her breasts and off, tossing it aside.

The blonde stood up, slowly dragging her tongue up the other girl's bare midriff, up her belly, through the valley between her breasts, then past her collarbone and up her neck, to finally meet up with her waiting lips again. Her mouth was filled with the heavenly sweetness of the other girl's breath, and the slightly tart vanilla taste of her skin.

They kissed deeply, bodies pressed so tightly together that neither girl could tell where one ended and the other began. Fiona's hands made their way downward, groping and squeezing her lover's amazing ass, while Rianne's tangled themselves into Fiona's golden tresses, alternating between tugging and caressing.

All at once Rianne took control again, spinning them around and shoving the other girl back down onto the bed. She smirked at the look of irritation that flickered across the blonde's beautiful face, then pushed her shorts down over her hips to puddle on the floor, leaving her completely naked before her new lover for the first time.

The frank admiration in the blonde's eyes warmed every part of Rianne, and her confidence grew as the atmosphere between them practically hummed with intensity. "Panties off," the brunette ordered, in a husky voice that made Fiona shiver. "Bra too."

The blonde rushed to comply, but as she went to toss her soaked panties onto the pile of her other discarded clothes, Rianne caught her hand. She took the skimpy garment from Fiona's limp grasp, brought it to her face, and inhaled deeply, filling her senses with her lover's most intimate scent. Her eyes rolled back and she let out a moan of pure lust, that aroma waking something deeply sexual inside of her.

Fiona watched raptly, her now naked body thrumming like a plucked string, as she saw the transformation overtake the normally reserved Rianne. When those grey eyes finally opened, there was a profound, primal hunger burning inside them, and Fiona felt an instant of sweet, intoxicating fear before the brunette pounced on her, pinning her to the bed.

The blonde yelped in surprise as her partner covered her like a sheet, but it was quickly cut off when Rianne crushed her lips to Fiona's, kissing her so deeply it was almost like she was trying to devour her. When the grey-eyed beauty finally tore her lips away to attack her lover's neck and ears, Fiona was moaning almost continuously, awash in a roiling maelstrom of sensation. The feel of Rianne's naked body against hers, being taken, desired, controlled, aroused her beyond all reason or explanation.

"You're mine," Rianne snarled in her lover's ear, marking the blonde's neck with her teeth, dragging another high, keening moan from somewhere deep in Fiona's throat. She then drew back, her burning eyes drilling directly into Fiona's wide, violet orbs, their faces only centimeters apart. "Say it," she commanded, punctuating her words with a hard, slow grind, smirking at the gush of fluid she felt from the blonde's soaked sex.

"Oh God, Rianne, I'm yours," she whimpered, submitting herself fully to the other girl, offering every part of her being. "I'm yours forever!"

"Good girl," Rianne praised her, rewarding her with another intense kiss, while she probed one finger into her tight, virgin pussy. Fiona was beyond ready for her. Her clit stood proud and erect, begging for attention, and the flow of fluid from her shaved cleft had now become a flood. "My girl."

Fiona let out another high, shaky cry, aroused beyond words now, and gripped Rianne's wrist tightly, trying to urge her to go faster, deeper.

"Easy, baby girl," Rianne cautioned her, dropping another kiss on her panting mouth. "This is your first time, and it's gonna hurt."

Fiona gripped her neck firmly and pulled her in for yet another kiss. When they finally broke apart, she pulled her lover's ear to her swollen lips. "Please," she whispered, too turned on to articulate any more than that.

Rianne nodded, mostly to herself, then pushed forward, feeling the girl's hymen resist at first, then give way to the relentless pressure. Fiona gasped at the sharp, sudden pain, but saw nothing but love and understanding in her lover's eyes, and pain soon gave way to pleasure. Unbelievable, unimaginable pleasure, the likes of which she never thought could actually exist, as Rianne began to pump her finger in and out of her welcoming channel.

Fiona seemed to stop breathing, as the ecstasy rolled over her in ever-increasing waves, her eyes as wide as saucers. Then she expelled her held breath in a shivery moan, so loud that Rianne was forced to clamp her mouth over the blonde's so her parents wouldn't hear. Fiona responded to the kiss at once with a frenzy of desire that surprised even the brunette, and she retaliated by adding one more finger to her rhythmic thrusting, and angling her hand so her palm stimulated the blonde's clit as well.

Fiona's entire body seized as if she were being electrocuted, and her hips began snapping in time to her lover's thrusting fingers. She felt something building inside her, deep down in the pit of her belly, growing bigger and bigger, something terrifying and beautiful all at the same time. Rianne's fingers were plunging so deep now, it felt as if they were punching right through to the core of her being, burning her to embers from the inside out.

Then she felt it break loose, the dam holding all that sensation inside her belly burst all at once, and her entire body exploded with an unstoppable tsunami of otherworldly ecstasy. Her body arched like a drawn bow, and she bit down on her own fingers to keep from shrieking like a banshee. She screamed into her hand and thrashed like a woman possessed, as what felt like every ounce of pleasure in her body rushed out through her puffy and distended pussy.

It seemed to go on for hours, each pulse of wild, mind-blowing rapture successively weaker than the last, until finally she lay panting on the bed, so unbelievably drained that it was difficult to even breathe. Every muscle in her body felt like overstretched rubber, and she found that she was wearing a vacant, goofy smile as Rianne lay beside her, gazing fondly into her eyes, absently stroking Fiona's sweaty, tousled hair.

"You ok?" the stunning brunette asked her, seemingly not put out by the fact that she hadn't climaxed yet.

Fiona laughed weakly. "Ask me again when I can move. God, that was so-"