"I'll see You in the morning." Ch. 02

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It's not what you transmit, it's how it’s received.
18.6k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/22/2024
Created 08/25/2023
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Another take on my 'I'll see you in the morning'. Same people. Different story but with a lot of similarities but from a different perspective. And it has a different outcome.

When I'm writing my LW stories. If I like the main characters, you get RAAC if not, it's a BTB.

It won't take long to work out what this one is.

Sorry, it is a bit long. I got carried away.

The Red Hart

The evening started well, we as a group of friends had arranged to meet in the Red Hart. Linda had told us they were going out to celebrate Jim's promotion and they were going to spend a night in town at the Red Hart. Our best local hotel, 4 poster beds and everything, you know with no children around. I remembered what Denise and I had got up to in those beds. I knew about Jim's promotion. Dee and David had suggested to all of us that we go and help them celebrate. I wasn't that keen myself, but I could do with a good night out. Dee as usual organised everything, she told us she wouldn't tell Linda until the last minute, a kind of fait accompli. The six of us, Dee and her husband David, Edward and Jane and me, Stephen with my wife Denise. We had been hanging around together for years. All the men played golf and the girls did whatever girls do when they get together, shopping and chatting that sort of thing. As with all groups of friends there can be minor annoyances, and one was Dee trying to organise everything, in most cases it worked. Dee and Linda had been friends since school. But for this get together I wasn't so keen to go, just let Jim and Linda have their night. But not wanting to be left out and to be seen as curmudgeonly, I agreed.

I saw them walk in, we had their drinks ready on the table. Linda looked stunning, and I really shouldn't say that. Jim was a good looking bloke, they made a handsome couple. Jim was heading across the other side of the dance floor when Linda dragged him our way, he stopped, and I saw them get their heads together and they carried on walking towards us. Jim may have smiled but his heart wasn't in it.

Jim put a brave face on it, he danced with Linda a couple of times, but he refused Dee when she asked him to dance. David wasn't a very good dancer. I heard him say he's only dancing with Linda tonight and they wouldn't be much longer down here. At that he smiled, and Linda smiled shyly back at him. It didn't take a rocket scientist to work out what they were thinking about. That big 4-poster bed. They had been there about an hour when Jim stood up and held his hand out to Linda, she took it.

I noticed somebody come through the crowd. It was our local football hero. I'm not much of a sportsman, I don't follow football. I play golf badly, I enjoy the walk. But I did recognise this man, it was said he was going to take us into the Premier League next season, his name was Marcus Vale.

I heard him say, and he wasn't quiet about it. "The most beautiful woman in the whole town is leaving so soon. Can I have one dance?"

Linda looked at Jim and said. "Just the one sweetheart please, it's Marcus Vale."    

Jim said something but I couldn't hear what it was. Vale led Linda onto the dance floor. Jim was seriously not happy as he sat down. I asked if he wanted a beer, he probably didn't but I wanted to break into his sadness. He told me he wouldn't have time, it was only one dance. Then Dee as usual stuck her nose in as she does. She slid in next to Jim. "Oh, come on don't be grumpy, it's only one dance and anyway it's Marcus Vale."  

I looked round at our friends, they were grinning, this wasn't right, something did not sit right.

This was Jim and Linda's night.

All of a sudden Jim noticed they were on their second dance and this was a slow one. Jim got up and went to leave the booth. Dee stopped him. "Don't go, I'll talk to her." Before he could say anything she turned and walked across to where Linda was dancing with Vale. I saw them talk together, Dee stroked Linda's arm and came back to us. "Just one more." Dee said to Jim. But it wasn't, when they continued with the next slow dance Jim pushed himself out and strode across to Linda and Vale. He didn't reach it, two blokes got between him and the couple. I don't know what happened when Jim came back, he had a thunderous look on his face. The two goons followed him till he got almost to the table. David, Edward and Jane started on how lucky he was, he might get tickets for the next game if Linda played her cards right. Jim sat down but was getting seriously annoyed. He stood up when Linda and Vale turned up, he had his arm around her waist, he was smirking.

She looked at Jim and said. "Just one night sweetheart, and then I'll be back with you for the rest of your life." She turned and walked away with Vale, as she left, she looked back over her shoulder, smiled and said. "I'll see you in the morning. It's just one night. I love you."  

I was astounded. She had just ruined her marriage. I had known Jim for a long time, before Linda did. He would not stand for that. I don't know how for one second she thought she would get away with it. She must have had her head turned, probably by Dee.

Dee got in front of him. "It's one night, just let her have one night and she'll be back, she'll make it up to you. It's Marcus Vale."

David and Edward slid out of the booth and stood beside her. David put his hand up onto Jim's shoulder. Edward just stood in the way. "Come on mate, it's just one night." David said. That seemed to make Jim angrier.

He looked at David and said. "So, it would be OK if Dee went off with him and they spent the night shagging, you would accept that?"

"She wouldn't do that, she's not a sl..." He realised what he was about to say. He looked at Dee. "You wouldn't do that would you?" The silence and the look on her face spoke volumes. She would have. Then he realised just what he had said and he had basically called Linda and his wife sluts.

By now David had hold of Jim by the elbow and Edward was standing behind Jim. That did not stop him, he wrenched his arm out of David's grip then spun round knocking Edward on to the floor.

He stormed across the dance floor towards the exit. He got almost there when Vale's two goon mates turned up again. Jim didn't stand a chance. The shorter one of the two just stood close to Jim and Jim went down holding his ribs. I suspect he was punched.

The two goons just stood above him, they said something to him. The taller one of the two helped him up, turned him round and pushed him back towards our table.

He staggered across towards us. I noticed by now Denise had her phone out she had been recording it. Jim was playing with his hands. When he got to our table he looked at us and said, "You bastards, you are no longer my friends and give this to the cheating slut." He threw his wedding ring into the middle of the table, it just spun there for a couple of seconds, we all looked at it. Jim turned and headed towards the exit again this time as if nothing was going to stop him, I had no idea what he was going to do. The two goons saw him coming and stood in his way, this was completely unfair.

"Get out of my way." I said. "I'm going to give him a hand, he doesn't deserve this." I felt Denise's hand on my arm. She was pulling me back as I tried to stand up. I turned and glared at her, what did she know, was she party to this? She let go, she was still recording.

"Leave it be, there is nothing you can do." Said Edward. I tried to slide out the booth they wouldn't let me. David was sitting next to me pushing on my shoulder. I was not having this at all. People were sensing the commotion and were looking towards Jim as he hurried towards the two goons. He would need a hand.

I just tried to stand up, but the table was in the way. I grasped it underneath and tipped it over, complete with drinks and glasses, they went everywhere and I saw Jim's wedding ring spin off into the distance. All the sound stopped, even the band, the silence was deafening. Everyone was looking at me as I walked across the upturned table to help Jim. Jim had used my distraction to get past the two goons although one managed to stick his foot out and trip him up. He got up and carried on out of the ballroom. I caught him up just as he got to the hotel entrance. He had his phone out and started dialling. I assumed he was phoning Linda. It went straight to answer phone. I looked at him and said, "Come on mate, we've got to follow them."

He looked at me and said, "It's too fucking late for that, I'm going home to pack. She can do whatever she wants. We are done!"

"No mate, please as a favour to me help me stop my little sister ruining her life any further."

Because, yes, Linda was my little sister and if she went through with this, her marriage was already over, but her life would get worse, it would shatter completely. Mum and Dad would not stand for it. She worked in the family Kitchen and Bathroom selling and installation business. She would be out.

"Why the fuck should I?"

"As a favour to me and for Sean and Carrie."

He looked at me, scowled and said. "Git, using my kids against me, come on then, we are wasting time." We ran towards my car, I could just see the tail lights of Vale's Lamborghini. It had distinctive tail lights. My Ford Focus would keep up with the Lamborghini unless he pushed it. I had driven there taking Edward and Jane. Edward doesn't like taking his Overfinch Landrover out in the rain. We had planned to get a taxi home, all four of us. I was probably over the limit for driving. I would risk it for my little sister. It was not the first time I had stepped over the line for her, but if she went ahead with this it would be the last.

I helped her with her homework. I fixed her bicycle for her. That's what big brothers do for the little sisters they love. But I remember the time when she wanted to date Kevin Fanshawe. Dad warned her against it, strongly, but she was eighteen, it was her choice.

Dad told her he wasn't a nice person, and there were lots of bad stories going around about him. Fanshawe had that bad boy image that some girls get attracted to.

That Saturday I got a phone call asking me to pick her up. She was in tears. She had gone out with Fanshawe. And because she didn't put out, he dumped her Thirty miles away. I went and fetched her. She cried all the way home. Her dress was a mess. She asked me not to tell Dad. I didn't, but me and my mates did have words of Mr Fanshawe and he never bothered her again.

Linda tended to listen to Dad's advice after that.

I had known Jim for a long time. We went to school together. We were in different streams but met in the woodwork club. He got an apprenticeship as a carpenter. A couple of years after he finished his apprenticeship he came and worked for my Mum and Dad's business, Beaumont Kitchens and Bathrooms as a fitter.

That was where he met Linda. They hit it off straight away. He bought her out of her shell; she had been a bit withdrawn after the Fanshawe event, even though it was a few years ago. I know she wasn't his first nor was he her first, I believe. They married two years later.

I watched them over the years. My little sister grew into a complete woman. They loved each other, it showed in everything they did. They had two lovely children Sean who was ten and Carrie nine.

Old Ted, our chief fitter, was retiring, and Jim was his replacement. That would be more of a troubleshooting job. Whilst doing his own small fitting jobs he would be called in to sort out problems and spend more time in the showroom. Dad let me know that they were grooming him to be second in command of the business when I took over Dad and Mum retired. He would be a safe pair of hands. He understood the business.

This was so out of character for Linda, not like her at all. I knew Jim well enough. He would not stand for this. This was the end of their marriage.

Jim and I got to the car, I started off as soon as I got the engine started, I concentrated on the disappearing tail lights. I had not even put my seat belt on. I realised that when Jim reached across me and put it on, it was a bit fiddly with arms and belts everywhere, but we managed. Then he put his on. That got rid of that bloody annoying buzzing sound.

As I raced after the Lamborghini I said to Jim. "Phone the incident line for the Journal, tell them there is a n incident at Marcus Vale's place." The Journal was our local newspaper.

I heard him talk to someone. He told them it could get violent. They did not ask where Vale's place was. They probably knew. We did not, but we knew where all the celebrities and posh people lived in our city, and we were heading that way.

Vale was sticking to the speed limits and was indicating properly, probably did not want to get pulled over. He was easy to follow once I caught up with him.

I had horrible thoughts as to what might be happening in that car. Then I realised the central console was probably too large for that.

I told Jim to get his mobile phone out, put it on record and put the phone in his top pocket facing outwards. He did not say anything, he just did it. I noticed after he did that he was holding his ribs, that punch must have hurt.

The Gate

As I followed Vale I had to drive carefully, I did not want to get pulled over either. I changed the lights around, using side lights and fog lights, so I looked different in his mirror when we turned corners, if he was bothering to check.

I expected he would have a set of electric gates and as he drove through, I would follow and my plan, such as it was, Jim and I would confront her. I was hoping seeing Jim would bring her to her senses, but I had no idea. We might get done for trespass, but bugger it, all we would get is a fine. It would be worth it.

I saw he was slowing down and indicating left. There was a wall to our nearside, with a 10 foot verge with white painted rocks every ten yards or so. I saw a set of lights come 'on' at the top of the wall and then I saw the gates, they were starting to open. I have no idea what came over me, it may have been the four pints of Abbots Reserve that I had drunk. I floored the accelerator and shot over the verge and got between the gate and Vale's Lamborghini. I didn't completely block the drive.

I think before we had stopped Jim was out of the car and gone. I twisted the action camera I used as a dash cam as far around as I could and then tried to get out of the car. It was difficult as I couldn't open the door fully because Vale's Lamborghini was in the way. I managed it but fell over in the mud.

Bugger, my best suit would need dry cleaning now with all the mud on it. Linda can pay for that.

As I stood up, I gathered myself. Vale was shouting at Jim and poking him on the shoulder. Jim was just standing there taking it, not saying a word. That was when I saw how big Vale was to Jim. Vale was angry, he was red in the face and spit coming out of his mouth as he shouted, it showed up well in his gate lights.

Linda was out of the passenger side of Vale's car shouting. "Jim, don't. Stop it please."

Stop what I wondered to myself?

He wasn't doing anything.

Then I saw the haymaker coming from Vale, Jim must have seen it coming as well, he swayed away but it still caught him a blow on the side of the face. He will have a shiner tomorrow. It was enough to put him down.

I saw Vale shuffle his feet. He was going to kick him whilst he was down. Bastard, not on my watch. I got up on the bonnets of the two cars and launched myself at Vale, just like you see in the movies. But I was too late. Vale's vaunted left foot contacted Jim, but he had managed to roll away, so it caught him on the thigh. He carried on rolling. I wonder if we can get half price for one of the two suits in the dry cleaners.

I landed on Vale and he fell over with me on top of him. I heard him scream then I rolled off and stood up.

Linda was on our side of that car now, she was crying and looking around at the two men on the floor. Who would she go to? If it was anyone but Jim, she was toast, burnt toast.

Vale was screaming like a stuck pig and holding his shoulder, as he moved I saw the white painted rock he landed on when I crashed into him.

She rushed to Jim, who still had not said anything. That was so like him.

Out of the gloom I saw a young woman approaching with her phone held up. There was a big label on her right chest that said 'Press' I assumed she was from the Journal. "Someone had better phone an ambulance for Mr Vale." She said calmly.

I got my phone out and dialled 999. I had to ask the press person the address as I had no idea where we were.

Whilst we waited Press girl told me her name was Susan Black and she was from the Journal. She asked me what had happened. I gave her a short version. She asked if she could contact me later for an interview. I said it was okay and gave her my number. I also asked for a copy of her recording because the shit was going to hit the fan with this. She seemed to think for a short while and agreed she would. She walked over to Jim. He was standing now holding his face and ribs leaning against my car.

I had seen Linda try to get close to him, he pushed her away and turned his back on her. She was standing there crying.

The journalist did not get much from Jim, but I saw him accept her card, she was typing into her phone. I assume she took his phone number.

The paramedics turned up in about fifteen minutes, they took a crying Vale away. One of the paramedics looked at Jim and suggested he go to the hospital to get checked out, especially the ribs. He just grunted. I do not think his pain was physical.

I was surprised the Police had not turned up. No one here had called them, and Vale was in no state. I was sure someone would have phoned the police with all the cars driving past and the back end of Vale's Lamborghini hanging over the road. Still not my problem. I managed to extract my car from the verge and told Jim and Linda to get in. They did. Jim in the front and Linda still crying in the back. She kept on trying to touch Jim, but he shrugged her off every time.

I managed to phone Denise, she told me that all hell broke loose in the ballroom just after we left. She got a taxi home just after it all started. She asked me what was happening. I told her I was bringing Jim and Linda to our place. She had better get the tea on.

We pulled up at a set of traffic lights just after we got into the centre of town. Jim still hadn't said a word. He looked at me and said, "You asked for my help, I gave it to you. I'm out of here." As he said that he unclipped his seat belt, opened the door, got out and walked away. I was getting a lot of aggro from the cars behind me as the lights were now green. It might be best to let him calm down.

Linda just screamed. "JIM!"

By then he had disappeared into a side street. I will track him on his phone later.

I got home, Denise was waiting for me and she helped Linda indoors and quietly asked me where Jim was? I told her he got out of the car and walked away but I would track him. Linda just sat on our sofa crying, saying. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

I did wonder what she was sorry for?

Denise got a cup of tea into Linda's hand and made her drink it. Tea was not going to fix this mess, but it might help. Linda seemed to calm down a little. I tracked Jim, he was at the hotel. That would not go down well. Now I had a dilemma, do I go and help Jim in case he got into trouble or do I stay with my little sister.

I asked Denise, she suggested that Jim might need a hand with all the hullabaloo that had gone on in the ballroom after we had left. The police turned up, and a couple of fights had broken out. David and Dee had been involved.