I'm a Sucker for You Ch. 04

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Ethan is forced out of the closet, and it's explosive.
10.3k words

Part 4 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/23/2024
Created 06/12/2024
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Carter and Ethan spent what time they could together while he was still in town, which meant Ethan talked Jeremy and Jimmy into going with him to the game they had in town. This time they had to pay for their tickets, but it wasn't like any of them were hurting for money.

Jimmy, of course, knew how to find and point out the people in the audience that Carter needed to impress to get a chance at the major leagues. And much to Ethan's relief, Jimmy did not show up with a sign for him to hold this time, though Jeremy did bring him a prototype of a few bracelets that were meant to be tested out for the Pride line. One was a rainbow in leather woven together, one was the bisexual pride flag colors made of a stretchy silicon material, and one was the gay male flag colors woven in plastic. With a laugh, Ethan took the bracelets from him and put them on his right wrist.

"If you think you're getting me into head to toe rainbow, though, you're sorely mistaken," Ethan told Jeremy.

Jeremy chuckled. "We'll see about that."

"Jimmy, please reel your husband in," Ethan grumbled.

"You've known him longer than I have; you tell me if that's possible," Jimmy said.

"Fuck," Ethan groaned as he turned away from them to watch the game while Jeremy grinned at his husband.

The next time Carter sank a basket, Ethan made sure that when they cheered he lifted up the hand that had the bracelets on it, so Carter could see him wearing them. He must have seen them, too, because he winked at Ethan the next time he passed by their seats. Ethan grinned at him before briefly glancing over at the seats of the people who could eventually decide things for Carter's career and chewing on his lip.

"You worry too much," Jeremy told his friend.

"I didn't use to," Ethan replied with a huff. "I believe that used to be my line for you, and yet..."

"He may not worry enough," Jimmy pointed out. "The NBA is one of the most homophobic professional organizations in sports. There are very few out-and-proud players and they all still keep things on the downlow."

"And here I thought the NFL would be the worst, considering the problems with racism in the sport at the top," Jeremy said.

"Look, I got into the job I wanted," Ethan said quietly to them. "I wanted to work in the ER. I thought it was challenging and fun, and it would be fulfilling, and it is. I don't want to be the reason he doesn't get to realize his own dream."

"That's not on you, Ethan," Jeremy commented. "You can't put the blame on your own shoulders for the prejudice of others. I'd thought you had learned that lesson thanks to your parents. You two should do what makes you happy, and let the rest of the chips fall where they may. Even if it affects his career, sometimes we can take a bad situation and make it into a good one. I did it, and Carter could too."

Jimmy spoke up again, "It's true that it isn't on Ethan, but it's also not on Ethan to out Carter without his permission. I feel like a healthy concern over what he wants is good for the relationship. Just don't let him keep you in Limbo forever, ok?"

"I don't think he would," Ethan replied and looked back at the game. This time, Carter's team was doing far better, and he was sure his coach felt that coming down harder on their training had a lot to do with it.

The rest of the game went well for the Charge, and with some restraint, Ethan didn't make a huge deal out of cheering, though he did share a smile with Carter as the game came to an end and he had to go off with his team again.

He texted Ethan as soon as he got back to his phone in the locker room: "Hey, you okay? You seemed unusually reserved during the game."

"Just watching the people that could decide your career for you," Ethan sent back.

"Ooh they were there?!?! I'm glad you didn't tell me, I might have screwed up a play or something with my nerves," Carter responded, "Shower time, then we're heading back towards Ohio. Feel like meeting me on the way to the bus?"

"Yes, just tell me where," Ethan immediately replied.

Carter's response was just as fast: "The same door you waited at before, I'll text before I come out so y'all don't have to stand in the cold."

Despite the fact that he was going to text, Ethan hurried his two friends so they could be there when he got out. He didn't even really care about the cold. He was more focused on the fact that Carter was leaving the state again, and trying to reel in his feelings about that fact.

Carter took less than half the time to shower here than he did at Ethan's house. "Okay, heading out," he sent, "This shower had crap pressure and the water was just tepid. Made me wish I could use your shower one more time."

"You'll get to use it again, hopefully soon," Ethan replied, though his initial thought was to respond with that he could use it for the rest of his life, but he didn't. Jeremy was already chuckling to himself and giving a look at his husband as to how hooked Ethan was.

"Hate to say it, but I kinda hope we don't play in the Championship this year so the season ends early, but I'm sure if we aren't in the championship game Coach will run us to death until the season is over," Carter sent back.

"That's what coaches do. They kick your ass either way," Ethan replied, thinking of playing baseball back in high school, as well as remembering how the college coaches were for his friends.

Ethan was looking at his phone, wondering if Carter would respond again before coming outside, when he felt strong arms slither around his chest from behind and a familiar warm presence sidle up behind him. He felt Carter's hot breath on his ear, "Is this spot taken?"

"It is now that you're here," Ethan replied back to him.

"Hmm, what about your boyfriend?" Carter joked.

Ethan leaned his head back onto Carter's shoulder so he could look up at him, a smirk on his lips. "He says I'm the possessive one, but you might want to hurry before he gets here."

"In that case, maybe we should take this inside. I know a bench I could bend you over..." Carter said suggestively.

"Mmmm, don't threaten me with a good time when you have to leave soon," Ethan murmured to him.

Carter pouted. "Trust me, I'd rather not. But when the NBA scouts start watching someone, they're committed to seeing them in a certain number of games before making an offer."

"I know," Ethan replied quietly. "And it's important that they see you, and at your best. And I'll be waiting once the season is over."

"I talked with Coach, he said to keep my head down while the scouts are watching and make waves if I want to once I sign a contract. Considering that a rookie contract is a minimum of 7 figures..." Carter said. "I also talked him into giving me some time before honking the horn on the bus. So come give me a kiss, lover-boy!"

"You don't have to tell me twice," Ethan said and turned around in Carter's arms so they could kiss. It wasn't rushed or as heated as some of their kisses before had been; it was very decidedly a goodbye for now kiss, both knowing it might be a little bit before they saw each other again. They each savored it, and ignored the whoops and cheers from Ethan's friends. They only broke apart when both of them needed to take a breath.

They could see Carter getting a look from his coach, saying it was time to get going.

"Next time you're here, I'll actually let you meet these two assholes rather than just seeing them," Ethan chuckled, and then kissed Carter one more time, briefly and sweetly. "I'll see you soon."

Carter nodded and ran off to the bus. As it pulled away, Jimmy squinted into the bushes to the right of the building and took a step in that direction. As he started to move, the bush shook violently and a photographer stood up and ran off.

"Well, so much for being under the radar," Jeremy said as they watched the photographer run. "Fucking vipers."

"I guess we know what my conversation at the end of the month will be like with my parents then," Ethan replied quietly.

Before Ethan headed home, he sent a text to Carter warning him about what they had seen, that way he could talk to his coach and friends on the team as to how to deal with it. The paparazzi could have been from either side of their relationship. It might have been better for Carter's career if they were following Ethan, because it wouldn't necessarily immediately make it to the sports pages, but it also might be more hidden from Ethan's parents if it ended up in sports rather than the papers they normally checked.

And despite his parents, Ethan hoped it was the former.

Carter responded later that night, "Been hashing things out with Coach. Told him I want to keep things quiet for your sake if things come out in the Sports pages but we won't issue any denials. My sexuality is a known entity and it's not like I've been slutting it up."

It didn't take long for a story to run in the sports page. It was only a few days later, at work, that Lily came up to Ethan to show him the photos they had gotten. Ethan frowned as he looked at the photos. Whoever the photographer was got good photos of them. They ran one of them kissing, and one of Ethan's face that showed who he was.

"Is this a congratulations thing or an I'm so sorry thing?" Lily asked him.

"Both," Ethan replied. "The relationship is good, but the vultures known as the press are assholes."

"They haven't named you yet," Lily told him. "I read through it and so far you are being talked about as an unknown fan."

Ethan winced at that, because it wasn't even true. He was a fan of Carter now, but only because they were together. He knew it was only a matter of time before they figured out who he was, but he wasn't going to worry about it too much. He sent the article to Carter once he was on his lunch break, but he decided already he wasn't going to dwell. Jeremy was right that he didn't have too much control over this, and worrying to death wasn't going to fix anything.

Carter reported that the scouts watched the game they went to in Philadelphia and seemed to be talking a lot amongst the three of them. Carter wasn't sure if that was good or bad, but he still played his heart out. Ethan still watched every single game he could manage to find to stream.

It took the papers all of a week to announce who Ethan was. It took longer than Ethan had been expecting, but he assumed they were making sure before they said anything. The press hated having to print retractions. He started getting contacted to make a statement with this paper or that, but most of the time, Ethan didn't give them anything. He didn't deny it, but he didn't tell them that it was him either.

Despite all of the press, which were showing up more often to Carter's games now, Carter was playing some of his best games, and Ethan could tell when he watched. The season for the G League was coming to a close when Ethan got a text from his mother to remind him about dinner. She didn't mention anything about the papers at all, but his mom rarely brought that kind of thing up in writing, which was smart of her. She was definitely a congressman's wife.

The night of the dinner, Carter was going to be with his team dealing with some of the end of season fun, which could also mean speaking to some of the scouts. Ethan dressed in one of his suits, though he left his jacket off. It was a dark gray suit with light gray shirt that he finished up with a deep blue vest and blue tie.

He sent a selfie off to Carter, with the comment: "Off to the gates of Hell I go."

"May the odds be ever in your favor," Carter sent back, "I'm only a text (and about 500 miles) away. Hey! That reminds me of a song!"

"Don't walk 500 miles for me, you need your feet for your career," Ethan joked back with him, trying to relieve some of the anxiety he was feeling.

"I just hate that you're going into the lion's den alone. Be careful, please?" Carter said, "You're important to me."

"I will be careful. I am incredibly good at aikido, remember," Ethan replied.

"Even Bruce Lee's son didn't see it coming, sir. I worry about you going there. Have you considered talking to a therapist about what we talked about last month?" Carter said, worry dripping from his words and emojis.

"I haven't, no," Ethan admitted. "Jeremy sees a therapist, but it's never been a consideration for me, personally. I didn't think I had much to talk about with them before, honestly. I'll consider it now though. Worst case scenario, my dad smacks me and then tells me to get out. I can handle that."

"I'm not sure I can," Carter sent. "Be careful there in Suburbia."

"You just try and enjoy the night with your team," Ethan replied. "I'll be careful."

With that, Ethan put on a light jacket and went out to his car. The maid for the Morrows, Ines, took his coat when he came in the door and hung it up while Ethan made his way into the dining room. Everything about his parent's house was big and extravagant.

The table was big enough to hold an entire dinner party of twenty people, but the settings had been placed down at the end of the table. Right behind where Ethan's seat was sat a large hutch made of beautiful mahogany wood and tempered glass. It held all of their good china and teapots that his mom loved to collect, while at the other end was the long butler made of the same mahogany. It was where he found his father making drinks.

Peter Morrow didn't say anything to his son. He just nodded his head and handed Ethan a glass of red wine before taking his own glass over to his seat. Ethan followed him silently and only really smiled when his mother had come into the room. Abigail was unusually quiet tonight, though she did come over and hug Ethan before asking if he was eating enough.

There was far less conversation that night, as they ate the courses that Ines brought out to them from the cook. Ethan was trying to make up his mind as to how to bring up the topic, and the silence was beginning to drive him crazy by the time dessert arrived. Ethan had just put his fork down when his dad brought out a paper and put it on the table between all of them. The main photo was one of Carter and him kissing.

Ethan swallowed, and this time it wasn't because of food. He let out a breath and looked at his father. "So it did catch your attention."

"Were you going to tell us about this, or was it always expected we would just find out you were dallying with some basketball player through the papers?" Peter asked his son.

Ethan sighed. "I was going to tell you, but the press is quicker about things than I am. Honestly, if it were up to me, you would have been told about it when we hit around the six month mark, but here we are."

"So, what, you decided you were bored of all of the women you've paraded around, and now you want to get your rocks off with a man before you settle down?" Peter asked.

Ethan shook his head in annoyance. "No, dad. I was honestly perfectly okay with my normal ways, but then I met Carter. I'm not just having sex with a man to experiment."

Abigail tilted her head to look at her son with furrowed eyebrows. "Meaning what?"

"We're in a relationship," Ethan said after a deep breath. "A real relationship. He's my boyfriend, and if things go the way I want them to, we'll eventually move in together and talk about whether we want to go in the direction of marriage and kids."

"Like hell you will!" Peter yelled, slamming his hand down on the table, which made Ethan flinch. "There is no way my son is going to get married to some poor ghetto ni--"

"Don't you fucking dare!" Ethan shouted as he stood up, cutting his father off. "I have never let you use that language about Wayne, and I sure as hell won't let you use it about Carter! He's easily one of the most intelligent and kind people I know, and you do not get to talk down about him in my presence, ever!"

"How dare you speak to me like that," Peter said as he got up, throwing his napkin down on the table. "I am your father and you will show me some respect in my own home!"

"Respect is earned, and if you won't show Carter any, then I sure as hell am not going to bestow it on you," Ethan ground out between clenched teeth. "You know, I've finally figured out what you hate so much about Wayne and Jimmy, and thus now Carter. They all come from very poor and humble beginnings, and they clawed their way to the top without any help from anyone. They're people you want to be able to look down on but they've made good names for themselves, on their own merits, and that pisses you off. You didn't even do that, because you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth, the same way I was."

"I am the one who built my name and career for myself, and you would do damned well to remember that!" Peter yelled.

"Only because grandpa paid for the best schools and used his connections for your career, and unlike the three of them, you won't be remembered benevolently," Ethan growled. "Your memory exists in the cruel ways you have treated your own staff and the equally cruel bills you have tried to push through congress. Whereas those three will be remembered as pillars of their communities, who helped to push for equality and community, and you could never live up to that! I can't even live up to that! Carter is a better man than you will ever be, even better than I ever will be, and that kills you!"

Ethan was shaking from anger and adrenaline, and he had been waiting for his father to move forward to slap him across the face. He was ready for that, and planned not to let the hit land. For that reason, though, Ethan was completely unprepared for what actually happened then. His father had picked up his dessert plate and used all of his strength to throw it at Ethan's head. Ethan staggered back in shock as the plate shattered against his face, slicing open the skin right below his right eye and making his glasses fall.

When Ethan finally managed to steady himself and look down at the broken plate, he could just barely make out the shape of his glasses and it didn't look good. He picked them up and saw that the glass was shattered and the entire right side of the glasses had come apart from the impact of the plate. Ethan lifted a hand up to his eye and pulled his hand away to see the blood coming from the cut. He could still see shapes and mostly what things were but it was very blurry. The plate had also cut into his eyebrow, and he could feel and see blood running down into his eye.

Carter's word immediately came to his mind but he pushed that away and looked over at his father in shock as the man made his way closer to his son.

"I am through with your insolence," Peter said through clenched teeth. "I am also through with you seeing this ghetto trash. This is what is going to happen now. You will break things off with that gangster, and your mother and I will be choosing a nice, acceptable woman from society that you will marry. You will settle down with her, have children, and do as you are supposed to. Do I make myself clear?"

"This isn't the 1800s," Ethan argued. "You can't just force me to marry whoever you want me to. I can just walk out this door and continue with whatever I want to do, and you can't do a damn thing!"

"It's either this or you are no longer part of this family!" Peter screamed.

"I would rather not be then," Ethan cried. "I would rather die alone than have a miserable marriage like you and mother have! You would think that in over thirty years you would have figured out some way to please the woman!"

The punch that his father threw, which hit Ethan on the left side of his lip and jaw, was also a surprise. It was a move he had never used before on him, and Ethan could feel his father's ring that he always wore, one for his fraternity, ripping into the skin on his lower lip. Pain exploded through his jaw as he fell backwards and hit the beautiful hutch hard. Ethan heard glass shattering all around him and his legs gave out, making him fall hard on his right side. Plates and teapots fell from the hutch as it shook from the impact, and the china broke all around and on top of him. He could feel glass and china digging into his skin painfully, including in his right arm and hand now.