Impurity Ch. 03

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Dave finally has sex with Amy
7.9k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 01/05/2010
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I got much better feedback for chapter 2 than I did for chapter 1, hopefully people will enjoy this even more, since it contains the first 'real' sex scene so far.

Once again, thanks to Zebra for the edit, and I'd really appreciate some feedback.


Dave closed the door behind him. He had just got back from dropping Amy home, and Dawn was already waiting for him in the kitchen, arms crossed and with a giant smirk on her face.

"Hello Dave," she said, her idiotic grin still plastered across her face. Dave sat down on the seat next to her and stared back at her defiantly.

"Hello Dawn."

"So Amy seems nice then," Dawn said, staring up at him. "Quite pretty..."

"Yeah, so?"

Dawn held her hands up innocently.

"I'm just saying she's pretty stunning, especially for an ugly git like you."

Dave turned his face into a mock-angry mask.

"Who are you calling ugly, sis?" he rebuked, "You're starting to get a little podgy, I think you should start hitting the gym a bit more."

Dawn snorted.

"Me? You're getting pretty good at throwing your weight around!"

"Yeah, but mine's muscle weight!"

Dawn began to giggle, and eventually was roaring with laughter.

"All right handsome," she gasped between breaths, "You win!"

Dave grinned, feeling delighted at the small victory and made his way upstairs. As he sat down it occurred to him that Dawn had probably been watching through the hole; he decided to go and talk to her about it once again.

Dawn was already in her room when he knocked on the door; he heard a flurry of movement and the door swung open. Dawn was looking a little flushed. Dave grimaced with embarrassment.

"Are you busy?" he asked, "I could come back later if you'd like."

"No, no!" Dawn said, stepping aside to allow Dave entrance, "I'm not doing anything special."

Dave somehow didn't believe his twin sister as a distinct smell pervaded the air in her room.

"I came to ask you about that hole in the wall," Dave said, deciding to cut straight to his point.

"What about it bro?" Dawn asked, biting her lower lip and staring up at him innocently.

Dave was not swayed.

"Don't give me that look," he said, "You may fool mum and dad, but I'm not that easy."

Dawn continued to stare up at him, trying her hardest to look as innocent as humanly possible.

"What about the hole?"

Dave gritted his teeth.

"What did I just say?" he said angrily, "Have you been spying on me through the hole?"

"Only a little."

Dawn continued to chew her lip.

"Did you watch me and Amy through the hole just now?"

Dawn shook her head fiercely, but the expression on her face told Dave everything he needed to know.

"You bitch!" he cried.

"Me?" Dawn exclaimed, "You were watching me and Jo through the hole as well!"

Dave had no idea how to reply to this, and struggled to find words for a rebuttal, stammering and stuttering. Dawn's face lit in triumph as she rounded on him.

"That's right!" she said, her voice beginning to rise in volume. "I saw you watching me with Jo! So don't go throwing around wild accusations when you're a filthy pervert!"

Dave's anger once again rose like bile.

"You were the one who was putting on a show on purpose, you're a slut!" he cried, feeling regret the second the words left his lips. Dawn's face fell and she began to turn away. Dave quickly put his arm around her shoulder and murmured to her.

"I'm sorry Dawn, I didn't mean that."

Dawn tried to prise his arm from around her shoulder; Dave forced her to face him.

"The whole thing was my fault, I found out about the hole first; I should have boarded it up straight away and I guess I'm just messed up for watching you and Jo." Dave hung his head and walked out of the room, lying down on his bed before falling into a deep sleep.


Dave's alarm wailed loudly in the morning. He groaned and hit the snooze button, he was glad to notice that he didn't feel sticky that morning. Rolling over he saw it was 7.15 and groaned once more before climbing out of bed. Outside it was raining torrentially, lightning splitting the sky in jagged lines. He grabbed a towel and jumped into the shower, quickly washing himself before climbing out and towelling off. As he stepped out in his towel he nudged into Dawn who was waiting outside in her towel.

"Morning," he said. Dawn mumbled something in reply and closed the bathroom door. Dave shrugged and made his way down the stairs and into the kitchen. As he poured his cereal he noticed that his mum's car was already gone; he looked around the kitchen and saw a note sitting on the table. Dave picked up the letter and noticed his mother's handwriting.

Hi Dave and Dawn.

I was called away on some urgent business, so I'll be away until next Monday; there's plenty of food for the week and Dad will be back on Friday. You can invite some friends round if you like, but no parties!

Dave, you have to give Dawn a lift into school; I'll phone you to check up in a couple of days. Have a nice week.


Dave tossed the letter back on the table for Dawn to read and went back to his cereal, grabbing a spoon out of the drawer. Dawn came down after a couple of minutes, her hair still damp from the shower, and picked the letter up off the table.

"Hi Dawn," Dave said in greeting.

"Hi Dave," she replied, "Sleep well?"

Dave nodded in reply.

"So we've got a free house all week then," Dawn said. Her face began to split into a grin."Excellent!"

Dave returned her smile.

"So are you ready to leave then?" he asked.

Dawn glanced up from the letter.

"Sure, just let me grab my bag."

She ran upstairs and came back down with her school bag. Dave grabbed his keys off the side and followed Dawn out of the front door, grabbing his bag and locking the door behind him. Dawn quickly clambered into the passenger seat of the car and out of the rain; they started the drive towards school.

Dave started off slowly; the rain was so heavy he could barely see 5 yards ahead of the car. As he got closer to the school he noticed Mike battling his way towards school, his hair sodden and leaning into the raging wind which whipped fat drops of rain into his face. Dave pressed his horn and pulled over next to him, rolling down the window.

"Get in Mike!" he yelled at his friend out the window.

Mike whipped his head around and Dave saw him let out a sigh of relief; he quickly got into the car, yanking open the back door and slamming it shut.

"Thanks Dave," he said, clearly very grateful for the dry, warm car. Dave turned around in his seat to look at his sodden friend.

"Why are you walking today?" he asked Mike, "Don't you have a lift?"

Mike peeled off his wet coat and leaned back.

"Nope, Mum's gone away and I don't have any other way of getting to school."

Dave shook his head.

"Why didn't you phone me you bloody idiot? It's tipping it down!"

Mike grinned sheepishly; Dave grunted and started to drive to school again. Eventually Dave pulled into school and parked near the entrance to the sixth form block. Dave, Mike and Dawn climbed out of the car and sprinted in the rain to the common room as fast as they could.

The three of them arrived at the common room and breathed a sigh of relief; Dawn gave her brother a hug and went to talk to her friends. Dave and Mike found some seats and sat down to talk. As Dave leant back everything went black as a pair of hands wrapped around hisface and covered his eyes.

"Guess who?" a voice whispered softly in his ear.

Dave grabbed the hands off of his face and turned around; Amy was standing behind him grinning.

"Hey handsome," she said, giving him a wet kiss on the cheek and whispering in his ear, "I had a great time yesterday."

Dave gave her a hug and returned her kiss in kind. Amy turned away and walked back to her friends.

Dave turned around to see Mike staring at him slack-jawed.

"What?" he said.

Mike just shook his head, dumbstruck.

"You sly bastard!" he said, punching Dave on the arm. Dave promptly punched him back.

"We've only been on two dates," he said, grinning like a fool. Mike's smile grew impossibly wide and he continued to shake his head. The bell rang out and Dave got up to go to his first lesson.


Dave leant back in his chair, glad to have a free period on a Monday morning. Maths had been difficult and he had to go over it to learn it properly. As he began to pull books out of his bag Amy sat down in the chair next to him.

"Hey stud, how's it going?" Amy asked. Dave turned around in his chair to face Amy; she grinned at him.

"Hi Amy, how're you doing?" he asked her. She stretched back in her seat and reached towards the ceiling with her arms languorously stretching, pulling her shirt up to reveal her smooth stomach.

"I'm super fine, thanks for asking," she said, dropping her arms back down and placing one hand firmly on Dave's leg. "Your friend looked a little jealous earlier."

Mike put his hand on top of hers.

"Mike? Why wouldn't he be jealous?" he said, squeezing her hand, "You're gorgeous."

Amy's eyes softened; she gave Dave a peck on the cheek and glanced out of the window.

"They're saying that if it doesn't stop raining sometime soon the school might flood," she said casually, "What'll we do to occupy ourselves then?"

Dave swallowed dryly.

"My parents are both away until Friday, so you're welcome to come around my house."

Amy leant her head on his shoulder, and he shifted a little in his seat.

"I'd like that."


Dave and his sister got out of the car and opened the front door. It had rained on and off all day, and currently none was falling, but the darkly bruised clouds in the distance told Dave that they could expect another thunderstorm.

Dawn gave him a quick hug. "Thanks for giving me a lift." She ran up the stairs to her room and closed the door.

Dave sighed and dropped his keys on the side, making his way up the stairs to his room. He fished his books out of his bag and began to do some biology work. As he was working through some notes he was interrupted by a flash of light that lit up his room, followed closely by a booming thunderclap. Suddenly the wind howled and rain lashed against his window.

Dave sat at his window and watched the storm. Fat drops of water fell fast and violently, meeting the ground violently and forming rivulets that ran down the side of the road. Every so often and with increasing frequency the sky was split in two by a jagged bolt of lightning, forking through the air for an instant before vanishing. Each bolt was followed by a booming and explosive thunderclap. As the lightning struck with more frequency, the time between the strike and the thunderclap also decreased.

Dawn shuffled into his room; she sat down on the bed next to Dave and watched out the window. Dave felt her shudder beside him.

"What's wrong?" he asked, concerned for his sister.

She placed an arm around his shoulder.

"I don't like the storm very much, can I stay with you?" she asked, staring up at him. Dave immediately felt sorry for his sister.

"Sure you can," he said, putting his arm around her shoulder as well. "Do you want to watch a film?" Dawn threw her other arm around her brother and squeezed him in a hug.

"Only if I can pick it."

Dave groaned, he knew his sister would pick something terrible. She walked over to his shelf and browsed through his film collection, finally settling on Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. She put it in the DVD player and sat back down on the bed, pulling up the duvet and climbing underneath.

"Trust you to pick this!" Dave said, lying back. He sat and watched the film with his sister, starting to become more and more bored. By the time the film was over he felt relieved. Dawn sat up.

"Can we watch another film?" she asked; Dave shook his head.

"We've got to make some dinner first," he said. The two of them got up and went downstairs to the kitchen; Dave put some leftover Chinese food in the oven and put on some noodles to boil. The two of them sat down and ate their simple food.

"Wow Dave! I never realised you had such good catering skills!" Dawn teased, "You should consider dropping out of school to do this."

Dave forced out a laugh.

"I didn't see you offering to cook," he said.

The two finished and washed up together. Dawn followed Dave up the stairs and when they were in his room she picked another film to put on. It was a long film, but Dave didn't mind this one. Around halfway through he glanced at his watch.

"It's getting a little late Dawn," he said "I might go to sleep soon."

His words were followed by a peal of thunder.

Dawn shivered again. "Can I sleep in here with you?" she asked, rolling over to look at him. Dave thought about it for a moment.

"I suppose so," he said, "Do you want to go get changed?"

Dawn shook her head.

"Its fine, I just sleep in my underwear."

Having said this she ripped her shirt above her head and kicked off her jeans. Dave shifted uncomfortably. He was thinking of telling her to put some clothes on but then thought, 'if she's comfortable with it then why shouldn't I be?' Dave shrugged and began to peel off his clothes.

The twins sat back and watched the rest of the film. When the credits began to come on Dave turned off the TV and the light.

"Night Dawn," he said; she mumbled something in return and rolled over onto her side, facing Dave. He turned over to face away from her and tried to fall asleep. In her sleep Dawn moved closer to him and draped her leg over his waist, throwing her arm across his chest. Dave was painfully aware of the way her breasts pressed into his back. He tried to move out of her embrace, but she simply moaned and pulled him tighter into it.

In spite of himself Dave began to feel an erection growing, which was only exacerbated by the sensation of his sister's breath on his neck. He tried to ignore it and after several hours he finally managed to fall asleep.


Dave's alarm blared out again. He groaned and shut it off; he was once again feeling very sticky. He found himself spooning with his sister when he woke up and tried to pull out his arm from underneath her without waking her up.

He showered off and brushed his teeth, which got rid of the sticky sensation. Dawn was already waiting for the shower when he got out.

"Good morning," she said brightly.

"Morning," Dave replied not-so-brightly. "Can you try and be ready to leave for 8?"

Dawn assured him that she would and he made his way to the kitchen to make breakfast. His cereal tasted minty due to the toothpaste and he grimaced as he ate it.

Dawn came down exactly on time and they both got in the car. Outside it was still raining, but not as heavily as it had been. Dave checked his phone and saw a text from Mike, wanting a lift. He sighed and made his way over to Mike's house, honking the horn when he arrived.

Mike quickly came outside and climbed into the car.

"Thanks Dave," he said.

They made their way to school and Dave tried to turn into the road when his Maths teacher waved him down.

"Hi Dave, hello Mike," he said, "Half the school's flooded, so it'll be closed for a few days while we clear it out."

"Thanks Mr. Ericson," Dave said, "Have a good week then."

Dave turned the car around and started driving home, dropping Mike back first. Shortly after they started driving from Mike's house Dave's phone began to ring; he threw it to Dawn.

"Could you answer that?" he asked; Dawn rolled her eyes and flipped his phone open.

"Hello?" she said.



"I'll tell him that, we'll be there in a couple of minutes." Dawn grinned at Dave.

"That was Amy," she said "She wants you to go and pick her up; she also said that she'd packed an overnight bag."

Dave grinned at his sister sheepishly and changed his direction, driving towards Amy's house. When he arrived at her house the door flew open and Amy was down the drive before he could even open the door. She clambered in and Dave gave Trish a quick wave before driving off.

Amy leaned forwards and gave Dave a kiss, rubbing his cheek before turning her attention to Dawn.

"Hi Dawn!" she said, "How's it going?"

Dawn turned around to face Amy.

"Pretty good thanks Amy," she replied, "It's always nice to see you."

Amy and Dawn chatted idly for the rest of the car journey. When they arrived back at Dave's house Amy grabbed her bag and climbed out of the car, following Dave down the path. Dave put his key in the lock and let the two girls in.

"So what do you want to do?" he asked Amy.

"I'm going to go watch some TV," Dawn said, "You guys are welcome to join me."

Dave looked at Amy and she nodded.

"We'd love to," she said. Dawn walked into the front room and turned on the TV, flopping onto the sofa. Dave lay down on the opposite sofa. Amy looked at the seat next to Dawn and decided to sit in Dave's lap instead. Dawn began to flick through channels before settling on one that was showing a sitcom.

Dave linked his arm around Amy's waist and began to watch the TV; however Amy seemed too restless to concentrate on the television. She snaked her hand around her side and placed it on Dave's upper leg. Dawn seemed oblivious to the proceedings, so Amy began to move her hand up and down Dave's leg, constantly drawing nearer to his crotch.

Dave felt Amy's administrations and placed his hand on top of Amy's, looking at her and shaking his head. This seemed only to spur her on, as she moved her hand further up and tried to undo Dave's flies without alerting Dawn.

He shifted in his seat and pushed Amy's hand away, but she refused to stop, instead placing her hand through the newly created opening to his jeans. Dave yanked her hand out andheld it in place. On the other sofa Dawn stretched and got up.

"I'm going to get some tea," she said, "Would anyone like anything?"

"I'm fine thanks," Dave replied.

"Me too," Amy added. The second Dawn had left the doorway Amy immediately jumped up and span round. She quickly began to unbuckle Dave's belt. He put his hand on top of hers.

"Can we please not do this right now?" he asked, not wanting to alert his sister. Amy pouted at him, but finally nodded.

"You're no fun," she said lying back down.

"No," Dave replied, "You're just insatiable."

Dawn returned and they watched TV for another 2 hours or so before Dave got bored and stood up.

"Do you want to go out for some lunch?" he asked.

Dawn looked up at him questioningly.

"Who?" she asked.

Dave thought about it for a moment.

"Both of you," he said. Amy jumped up.

"I'd love to," she said, giving Dave a quick hug. Dawn stood up as well.

"Me too," she chipped in.

Dave went and grabbed his keys; Amy followed him into the kitchen.

"What should I do with my bag?" she asked Dave.

"You can leave it here if you want," Dave replied, trying to find his wallet.

"Should I leave it in your room?" she asked; Dave glanced up at her.

"That depends on where you're sleeping," he told her, "What did you tell your mum?"

Amy started climbing the stairs.

"That I was sleeping at my boyfriend's house."

Dave saw her throw her bag on his bed and run back down the stairs. Dawn walked into the kitchen.

"Ready?" she asked.

Dave nodded.

"Let's go," he said.


Dave offered the two girls their seats before he sat down; they sat at a circular table, with the two girls facing him. They ordered their food and relaxed back in their seats.

"Sorry I didn't take you anywhere fancy," he said apologetically, "I've just about gone overdrawn, and my savings are just for the car."

Amy grabbed his hand underneath the table and gave him a quizzical look.

"Why would that be a problem?" she asked him, giggling when he began to blush.